The Beginning

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The Beginning Page 3

by Alice I Lunsford

  Chapter Three

  Peyton Industries, Site 1: Ortega Mountains

  Alex Peyton

  Retrieval had returned with 7B shortly after I had delivered Destiny and the children to her sister. When the alert came in, I excused myself from their conversation, which I expected was about to get pretty heated when Destiny asked Mitch to watch the kids and went into his office for her and Andrea to have a “chat”.

  I couldn't help but smile imagining Destiny scolding her sister in Mitch's office. Andrea wasn't a pushover, but I had the feeling Destiny was the more firey of the two and wouldn't let her leave out any details on the current situation.

  The elevator reached Containment’s level and I quickly reigned in my distracted thoughts and hurried down to 7B's room. By now they should have him secured within it again.

  As I approached, I saw several men in the dark green and gold uniforms that marked them as part of Retrieval. Time to get down to the business of cleanup, which hopefully would be minimal.

  “Gentlemen, can you give me a status update?”

  “Sir, 7B is secure and we've completed Alpha Protocol. March AFB sent over some men to help secure the area and initiated a no-fly zone to keep the air clear. Traffic from the 91 is being re-routed, and we leaked a story that there's been a major accident on the 15 that involves a hazardous chemical clean up, so the local radio stations have been running stories on it.”

  “Good work. That should buy us a few hours. What about the residents? Any signs of contact?”

  “None so far, sir.”

  I nod in reply and absently stare through the window into 7B's room while I mull over possible scenarios. If 7B came in contact with anyone in town they'd start showing symptoms within four hours. Unfortunately, the symptoms were identical to the stomach flu and only a blood test would really give any answers. I considered setting up testing sites, but I knew with the roads all shut down we'd already have a bunch of panicked or pissed off residents, so testing sites weren't an option. Plus, we'd have to explain why, and we were limited on what we could say thanks to several clauses in the contract for this project.

  I sighed in frustration and promised myself this would be the last government contract I ever took. Though they were lucrative, they were a total pain in the ass, mainly because the only thing I had any control over was the 'clean up' when shit went it did today. I remembered the men from Retrieval were still waiting for more questions or orders from me, so I opted to worry about scenarios later after I dealt with them.

  “Okay, you've done an excellent job. We'll monitor radio and T.V. broadcasts to see if anything comes up. For now, I want at least six guards on this door, four patrolling the halls, and six more stationed at the elevators at all times. I want all men to report in every 15 minutes to security. No one is allowed on this level unless they have B6 or higher clearance, or I have directly authorized them to be here. That means that no one with lower than B6 clearance can even ACCOMPANY someone to this floor unless I've cleared them. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, sir.” The men replied in unison before taking their positions while one radioed my instructions in.

  “Useless.” A deep voice crackled over the intercom to 7B’s cell.

  “That’s funny, coming from the one locked up.” I reply trying to restrain my annoyance.

  “Indeed. But maybe I’m right where I want to be…for now.” 7B replied coldly and with a hint of smugness.

  “Sure, everyone’s goal in life is to be locked up in a room.” I reply sarcastically as I glare at the intercom. I still couldn’t understand why Blackburn wanted to talk to this psycho. Maybe he liked crazy? Or to be annoyed?

  7B’s laugh echoed in the hallway and sent a chill down my spine. I hated being near the creepy fucker’s room when he was quiet and being here when he was chatty was literally hell. You never knew what he was going to say, but you could guarantee it would be something crazy or creepy, and I wasn’t in the mood for either one today.

  “I had different goals once, simpler ones…” 7B’s voice trails off and he stays silent long enough that I expect he’s done and turn to head back towards the elevators when he speaks again. “Change is coming, you can smell it, can’t you?” 7B laughs as I keep walking down the hall. “Oh, and Peyton, thank you.”

  The thank you has my stride faltering as I hesitate and consider asking him what he’s talking about. I’m halfway turned in the hall before I decide he’s just fucking with me and I continue heading towards the elevators.

  I can’t shake the thought that he might be seriously thanking me for something, and I struggle with trying to figure out what he could possibly be thanking me for as the elevator doors close and it begins its slow ascent.


  15 Freeway, 5 miles South of Las Vegas

  The dark blue sedan sped along the fast lane of the 15 North. Sweat dripped down the face of the driver, though the AC was at full blast and the interior felt as cold as a fridge. The driver shuddered, restraining another cough while they gripped the steering wheel tightly. Vegas was near, and the driving need to get there burned deep within them.

  They couldn’t understand it, just hours ago they were on their way to work from their home in Lake Elsinore, then the next thing they knew they were speeding towards Vegas and stopping at every gas station along the way. Something drove them to stop and use cash to purchase things they didn’t even need. Cash that they had rubbed nervously in their sweaty palms before handing it over to the cashier. Cash that they never carried on any other day, yet today they had overstuffed their wallet and couldn’t even remember stopping at an ATM.

  The driver shuddered again, but this time the cough ripped out of them and a chunky red splatter landed on the back of their hands and steering wheel. Unconsciously they rubbed their hands together, smoothing the splatter over their hands like a lotion.

  It wasn’t long before they were shaking hands and handing over money and their keys to the valet that approached them at MGM Grand. With a quick smile, the valet handed over their ticket and hopped behind the wheel. No one noticed the driver shudder again before turning and walking through the doors of the hotel.


  Seattle-Tacoma International Airport

  4 Hours Later

  Flight 195 from Las Vegas was inbound to land at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. The pilot had turned the fasten seat-belt light on and flight attendants had checked the passengers. All was secure as the pilot lined up with the tarmac and landed the plane. Not long after landing the plane finished taxiing to a gate and the fasten seat-belt light went off.

  The quiet hum of movement and muffled voices filled the plane as passengers began gathering their belongs to de-board. No one noticed a passenger slumped against the window in G-36. Sweat beaded on their forehead as their breathing quickened to short panting gasps while they stared blankly out the window, the seat next to them, F-36, sat empty for most of the flight, the passenger asking to be moved to an empty seat when the coughing started.

  It wasn't until all the other passengers were off the plane that a flight attendant heard coughing and came over to investigate. The plane was eerily quiet as she threw back the curtain between economy and business class. The passenger was halfway down, and the coughing had stopped.

  “Sir, we've landed. It's time to de-board the plane.” She called out, staring at the man slumped against the window. She noticed a quick movement, almost like a twitch, that lasted only a moment before he settled into stillness again.

  “Sir? Are you alright?” She asked as she started down the aisle.

  The flight attendant glanced around as she approached. The rest of the seats were empty, and she could hear the sounds of the pilot and co-pilot talking in the cockpit as they finished their final flight checklist before de-boarding.

  “Sir? You really do need to disembark the plane now.” The flight attendant was standing at F-36 as she spoke, a hint of irritation now in her tone
as she glanced back towards the front of the plane. A deep guttural growl was the only warning she had before the passenger was on her, biting and tearing at her. The only sound to escape her was a weak gurgling sound as blood filled her throat and her eyes, still staring towards the front of the plane, slowly slid closed as her heart beat one final time and stopped.

  The passenger stood up slowly, blood dripping from his face and the body below him no longer of his concern. Voices ahead were calling to him, and the scent of warm, fresh blood fueled his hunger.

  Soon, the screams of the pilot and co-pilot echoed briefly in the empty plane before they too fell silent.

  Miles away, in the depths of Site 1, 7B opened his eyes and smiled. Now it had really begun.

  Chapter Four

  Peyton Industries, Site 1: Ortega Mountains

  Destiny Williams

  A chill rippled through me as I stumbled down the faintly lit hallway. The silence was overwhelming, and my pounding heart and shallow breathing seem to echo through the hallway before me. The faint light barely illuminated the hall and left more shadow than light. Each patch of darkness felt alive, as if it was moving, breathing.

  “Destiny.” The deep voice echoing in the halls seems to come from everywhere at once and vibrate in my core. The voice felt familiar, but I couldn’t place it.

  “Who is there? Where are you?” I call out as panic gripped me. The halls all looked the same and I had no idea where I was.

  “Close.” The voice replies.

  I turn a corner and I’m met with a long hall and more doors, with even less lighting than the first. I try the nearest door. Locked. Moving down the hall I continue to try doors, each one locked like the first.

  “Please, where am I? Do I know you?” I can’t help the tremble in my voice. I’ve never felt such fear or isolation before.


  “Soon? What soon? Please, just tell me where I am and how to get out of here!” I’m almost to the end of the hall now, but the temperature seems to drop to freezing, and I wrap my arms around myself and try to rub some warmth into my flesh. Is there no heater in this place?

  “Destiny…I’m coming.”

  Terror fills me as I see a dark form turn the corner ahead and take a step towards me. No, no, no! I turn and try running back the way I had come but my limbs feel heavy, as if the cold has sapped the will from them.

  Glancing back, I see the dark form approach slowly. They are only a few feet away from me now, and I can’t move. I can’t turn away. I feel frozen with terror.

  “Destiny…I’m coming soon.”

  They reach for me and I close my eyes and scream…

  My eyes snap open and I’m on a cold, hard floor. The room is dark save for the faint glow around the door to my left.

  God, where am I?

  My brain is still groggy but the terror from my dream still clings to me as I sit up and look around. It’s hard to shake the dream from my thoughts, especially since I can remember it with perfect clarity as if I lived it, yet I know I haven’t.

  What the hell is going on with me?

  I finally push the dream from my thoughts enough to recognize where I am, in one of the rooms in the hall leading up to the security area where Mitch works. At Peyton Industries. The bed I’d been sleeping in was to my right, so I pull myself back up and onto the edge of the mattress.

  I check the time on my phone. 2 AM. Of course. I had fallen into an exhausted sleep around 8 PM last night after tucking Chris in. Oh God, Chris.

  I jump up and rush across the room to check the other bed and find him fast asleep. The relief that poured through me was immense. Far more than normal, so I knew the dream had really messed me up. I had never had a dream like that before, but I guessed it was a result of the stress of the day and all the info that Andrea had given me on 7B and what would happen to anyone that came into contact with him.

  As Andrea’s story unfolded, I had felt a mix of terror and rage. Terror was an emotion Andrea had expected, but the rage I unleashed on my sister had been not been expected. I had barely realized it was there until I started screaming at her. It had taken her some time to calm me down, but I still felt a small prick of betrayal. She had known what was going on here, the possible risks, and had never warned me. The logical part of me understood why she couldn’t tell me, but the rest of me still felt betrayed. Terrified and betrayed. This project put my son in danger, put the world and all the rest of the children in danger.

  What finally calmed me down was when Andrea had explained that no one knew what had been going on, what Blackburn had been doing down there, until two months ago when Alex had finally demanded the client provide him and several of his upper management staff members more details on the project or he’d pull the plug and send them packing. Once he knew about 7B and what was going on he’d had no choice but to keep the project here, so he could be sure 7B would never come in direct contact with anyone.

  When Andrea told me that Alex had spent the last two months learning everything about the project and spending time down there talking to 7B and the other subjects, trying to see if they really were volunteers, I had felt my attraction to him growing. I could already see that he was strong and compassionate.

  I realized my mouth felt drier than a desert, so I push myself up and take a minute to check on Chris before looking for something to drink. There was a fridge in the small kitchen, but I hadn’t stocked anything it before crashing last night. I was searching through the cupboards for a cup when my stomach growled loudly, reminding me that I hadn’t eaten since lunchtime.

  Now I’m famished, and I know water won’t help in that department, so I decide to head over to the security center and see if anyone can tell me where I can grab a snack. The food I had grabbed from Andrea’s and Mitch’s was in their room, being their food after all, so I had nothing at hand to shut my stomach up with.

  I quickly made myself public presentable and grabbed my phone before heading out of the room and down the hall. The lighting in the hall was dimmer than I remember from earlier in the day, but it was still bright enough to see clearly down to both ends. I expect it’s a nighttime setting and make my way down the hall without any further thought on it.

  Security was packed with people, far more than had been there earlier in the day when I had talked to Andrea. The tension was high in the room and everyone was talking which creates a drone that I only catch the occasional snippet from.

  “How bad is it?” One woman to my left asks, her voice cracking.

  “I don’t know yet, but there are reports coming in from at least six major cities.” A man I can’t see replies, his voice filled with fear.

  “Fuck, this is terrible.”

  “ONE is terrible, six is a catastrophe!” A third voice chimes in before their voices are drowned out by the other conversations in the room.

  Somehow, I convince myself not to dwell on that conversation too much, but I’m already certain the worst was happening. It’s almost enough to still my hunger, but my stomach protests with a loud grumble. I give in and glance around, finally spotting Mitch near some computers to my right. Thank god, because I was not ready to walk up to a stranger in this tension-filled room and try to ask a mundane question like where to get some grub. No thank you, sir!

  Mitch doesn’t notice me approaching until I’m close enough to reach out and tap him on the shoulder. He’s normally very observant, that’s why security is his forte, so his lack of spatial awareness has me tenser than the conversation I just overheard.

  “Oh, hey Destiny. Why are you up at this hour?” Mitch’s voice was neutral, but the tension in his face was clear. I stomp down the urge to pry, which was difficult, before answering.

  “Nothing major, just woke up and realized I hadn’t eaten since lunchtime. I don’t want to interrupt, but could you let me know where to grab something to eat?” Mitch does NOT need to know about my nightmare. He looks like he’s got enough on his plate alrea

  “Um, yeah. There’s a cafeteria two levels up with some vending machines.” The disappointment must have been clearly written on my face, because Mitch quickly adds, “You have the same clearance as Andrea and me, so if you scan at the door to the far left that’ll take you into the kitchen where you can make something more substantial than chips.”

  “Awesome, thanks, Mitch.” I say, giving him a quick hug before heading to the elevators, glad that I’d be eating something that, hopefully, wasn’t junk.

  The elevator doors opened onto a lobby with vending machines to the left and right, and I spot the door Mitch mentioned. I dash over and I’m already scanning at the door before my brain registers the smell of food cooking. GOOD food cooking.

  My mouth starts watering as I step into the kitchen. The smell was heaven, and I realize I’m very willing to beg the chef for some of whatever they are cooking. Especially when my stomach grumbles again. Yep, I was definitely going to kick my pride aside and get down on my knees if that meant I could eat what I was smelling.

  “Hello! Sorry to interrupt you, Mitch directed me up here,” I call out cautiously as I walk further into the kitchen. With the tension below, I could imagine that anyone up here might react with a pointy object first when being surprised, so announcing my presence seemed the prudent thing to do.

  “No problem, come on back.” Comes the muffled reply off to my left.

  The kitchen has a disgusting amount of shelving in it, and each set of shelves was loaded with canned and boxed food, plates, cups, and all sorts of kitchen goodies. It's almost like walking through a grocery store, and from the look of it, someone was expecting to feed masses of people for an extended time.


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