Peace River (Rockland Ranch Series)

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Peace River (Rockland Ranch Series) Page 21

by Jaclyn Hawkes

  “Is, hon, I don’t have anything to tell. Honest.”

  Still confused, she asked, “Do you think I sought him out? Is that it?”

  He turned in his chair to look at her. “No, of course not. Why would I think something like that?”

  She rubbed her forehead. “I don’t know. It’s just the only reason I can think of for you to be angry with me right now.” She knew she sounded close to tears and she was.

  Softly, he asked, “Why do you think I’m angry with you?”

  “Aren’t you?” Her question was gently put and she added, “You seem like you are. I feel like you wish I hadn’t done this.”

  He leaned forward. “Done this? Isabel, you didn’t do this. Honey . . .” He pulled his chair closer to her bed and took her hand in his again. His voice was eminently gentle. “Isabel… The last thing I would be at you right now is mad. I’m sad that you’re hurt. I’m afraid it’s more than physical hurt. I’m unable to forgive him—yet. I’m unsure of what to do about this. But mostly, I’m just so, so very sorry that I didn’t protect you. Oh, honey, I’m not mad at you. I’m just bitterly disappointed in myself for letting you down. You didn’t do this.”

  He looked down at their hands. “The doctors didn’t think he raped you . . .” He closed his eyes and shook his head before continuing, “But I’m sure that’s what he had in mind, and I’m sure you understood that at the time. He’s done it before.”

  Slade sighed and looked at her and asked huskily, “How do I apologize for not preventing that? How can I ever take back broken bones, or a brain concussion and a black eye from a beautiful, sweet daughter of God? I was supposed to be protecting you. And I blew it. All for a stupid rodeo. I’m not mad at you. I just don’t know how to fix this. I’m so sorry. This certainly wasn’t your fault. It was mine. We shouldn’t have left you alone.” He met her blue eyes with his own sad emerald ones.

  She carefully shook her head. “This was not your fault, Slade. Or mine. The blame is his and his only.” She started to cry again and whispered, “I don’t know how to fix this either, Slade, but I’ll be okay if we’re trying to be strong together.” The tears came faster because if they couldn’t pull together, she’d be more hurt than ever.

  He sat on her bed again, leaned back against the raised head and gathered her back into his arms. “Go back to sleep, honey.” He smoothed her hair back from her face. “I’ll be here when you wake up and we’ll be strong together.”

  Snuggling against him, she closed her eyes. His solid chest was unbelievably comforting. He was wrong. He knew exactly how to fix this.

  They released her the next day and Slade took her and Naomi to a nearby hotel. She really did have a black eye. She couldn’t even remember getting it in the ordeal. Her head felt better and her ribs were healing.

  When the police finally came to take a report from her she was adamant full charges be filed. The police were surprised she was so sure about it and Slade wasn’t thrilled about her having to testify against Wilde face to face, but they both understood when she explained that she had to do this so Leland Wilde could never hurt another woman this way again.

  Because she was from out of town the local law enforcement was going to try to speed everything up. They asked if she could actually stay in town for the proceedings. She finally persuaded Slade to catch a flight to meet up with Rossen and Sean so he didn’t miss any more rodeos. He only agreed to go if he hired a local security service to stay with her. When they arrived, she thanked Naomi and sent her home as well.

  It actually worked out okay even though sometimes Isabel still felt completely lousy from the slowly healing brain concussion. One of Isabel’s bodyguards was a tough but dynamic young woman named Megan who was working her way through the local police academy. The other was a former marine, now PI, named Beverly. Isabel felt strangely protected and befriended at the same time. When she felt up to it, they shopped and she bought them all some beautiful new clothes while she was hanging out. In the wee hours of the morning when the nightmares would hit, they would order pizza and sit with her and talk. Slade called at least once everyday and they had long conversations. He eventually flew back to be with her for the trial where Wilde was convicted.


  Unbeknownst to any of them, the wait for the trial was actually a blessing in disguise. The strangers spotted at the ranches had been working with Judd, but they'd never caught sight of either Carrie, Slade, or Rossen so they'd given up looking in Wyoming. By using information he found on-line from the different rodeos, Judd himself had finally caught up to Slade, but after watching him for several days without catching a glimpse of Carrie, Judd decided he had the wrong cowboy again and went back home to California to restart at square one. He lost more than a month before he realized from more checking that Slade had, in fact, been the cowboy with Carrie.

  Chapter 13

  When the trial was finally over and they flew to meet up with Rossen and Sean, they were only three weeks out from the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas. Slade and Rossen had all but clinched a spot among the top fifteen in the world and though Slade was only ranked 16 in the all-around standings, things had turned out remarkably well.

  They were back in Texas for a round of four rodeos before their final trip of the year out west. After leaving Texas they'd have one more rodeo in California and then head for Las Vegas and their goal of the National Finals.

  They had just checked into a hotel in New Braunfels which was going to be their home base between three of the last rodeos, and Isabel was dressing for that night’s competition, when Slade knocked on her door. As she opened it, she was amazed to admit not just Slade, but Dante and another man and woman she had never met, as well.

  She squealed when she saw Dante and ran into his arms for just a moment. All four of them had relatively serious faces so she cut her greetings short and went to Slade and took his hand, waiting to hear his explanation. She was again amazed when he said, “Isabel, I’d like to introduce you to Special Agent Douglas Gray and Special Agent Natasha Keary of the United State’s Federal Bureau of Investigation.” Isabel looked back at Slade wide-eyed and hesitantly shook their hands politely.

  Slade began an explanation. “It would seem that Judd is into even more questionable stuff than we thought.” He nodded at Dante. “Tell her what you told me.”

  “They finally caught Deek, Carrie. Actually, it sounds to me like he turned himself in, hoping the police would protect him from the others. He came forward with enough evidence to put a number of criminals behind bars. He also gave the police some info about Judd. He said Judd knows who you’re with and knows you're going to be at the National Finals Rodeo. Deek thinks Judd is mentally unstable and is after you now even more for revenge than money. He intends to nab you at the National Finals.”

  She broke in. “Revenge for what?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. Special Agent Gray took over. “Deek says Judd thinks you cheated him out of money from Hugh’s estate. And he blames you for all the trouble with Tony Delvechio, his bookie. Apparently, they've come to collect his gambling debts a couple of times, and when he didn’t have the money, they made him pay in other ways. He's slowly become involved in their operation. Whether by choice or coercion is anybody’s guess.

  “Deek says he and Judd know enough about their dealings to pose a threat to their organization, but he has also witnessed firsthand how they handled situations like that. Deek said he and Judd actually saw them execute some men and dispose of their bodies in the river.

  “Judd has disappeared. Deek thinks he’s trying to hide from Tony and the others, but he'll still come after you at the NFR. Apparently, Tony thinks so too and is planning to come after Judd when Judd comes after you. When Deek realized they planned to go after Judd, he figured his own number would come up pretty quick. That’s when he went to the police for protection. Some of the people involved, and what they're into, prompted the local boys to call us in. We’ve been trying to
nail Tony Delvechio forever. Thanks to Deek, we finally have enough evidence to put him away. Now we just need to find Judd and arrest him. That’s where we’re hoping you’ll come in.”

  At this point Slade interrupted, “Isabel, could I speak to you in private for a moment?” She followed him to the bedroom and he closed the door behind them.

  Taking both of her hands, he looked down at her and admitted, “What he hasn’t said yet, Isabel, is that they would like to use you as bait. My first reaction is to say absolutely no, but there are some things to consider. If they can catch Judd, they’ll put him away for life and we'll finally be free of him forever.

  “Secondly, whether or not you agree to help, Judd is stalking you. If you agree, we’ll have a slew of law enforcement and federal agents to help keep you safe.

  “And I guess thirdly, you’d be helping the good guys catch the bad guys. However, that being said, you're the one who will be in harm’s way, out in the open.” He wrapped her in an embrace. “It could be very dangerous. You’re the one who has to make this call.”

  He stepped back and took her by the shoulders, looking into her eyes. “You don’t have to do this. Don’t feel pressured to say yes. If you decide not to, just say the word. We’ll keep you hidden and won’t let you anywhere near the Nationals.”

  She gazed earnestly up into his face and asked, “Are you going to ride bulls?”

  He looked puzzled. “What?”

  “Are you going to ride bulls at the NFR?”

  He let go of her shoulders to run a hand through his hair, frustrated. “Isabel, what does that have to do with any of this?”

  She looked him square in the eye. “Slade, I need to know in order to make the most informed decision.”

  He was still puzzled. “How can my riding bulls or not, matter either way?”

  She folded her arms across her chest. “If you are, I have to be there. Are you or not?”

  His green eyes flashed. “Isabel. Don’t base a decision concerning your life on a bull ride!” Their eyes met and held. Finally, he looked away. “I don’t know.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He looked back at her. “It will all depend on what happens in the next two weeks. There’s a chance I won’t even qualify all-around or for the bulls. If not, then I won’t get on another bull in my life. If I do, I’ll need to ride.” He didn’t tell her he would need to ride one everyday until the end of the rodeo.

  She gave him a half smile. “You make it hard to decide if I want you to qualify or not.” Coming close, she wrapped her arms around his waist. “Would you pray with me?”

  He hugged her back, letting out a deep breath. “Excellent idea.”

  They knelt beside the bed with hands intertwined. He was just about to ask her who she wanted to say it, when she began, “Dear Father, we're so grateful for our blessings, especially for each other. We’re planning to help the FBI catch these criminals. Please help us to know if this is the right decision.” After closing her prayer, they stayed on their knees for a few moments.

  Finally, he helped her up, wishing he could tell what she was thinking, and followed her back into the other room.

  She calmly walked up to the agents and said, “I'll help you. What do you want me to do?”


  It seemed like the next three weeks flew by. Rossen and Slade were furiously competing in any rodeos, big or small, they could find to clinch their spots in the top fifteen while still trying to stay on top of plans the FBI shared with them. The FBI committed to helping protect her in exchange for her willingness to be the bait for their sting, and they began to put an elaborate operation together.

  The National Finals are held in an arena which holds over 16,000 fans and law enforcement had to walk a thin line between apprehending dangerous criminals and endangering that size of a crowd. They had determined to try to keep Isabel as close to the chutes as possible when she was in the arena, thinking there would be fewer people and more room for various personnel. They would have seats near the bottom of the arena and had arranged for a hidden gate from the stadium seats down into the stock area in case of an emergency. They had also made provisions for a safe room called a bolt hole, under the tunnel near the stock pens, to be set aside where she could be safely kept if something went seriously wrong.

  They were hoping to actually make arrests in the relative seclusion of the hotel but were making preparations for all contingencies. Isabel had assumed the FBI would insist she stay in certain areas or do things at certain times, but apparently they were okay with her being out in the open in order for her to be seen by Judd and the thugs they were after. When she thought about it, the idea that they wanted her seen was a little unnerving, but at the same time she knew they were taking steps to keep her safe.

  A whole block of rooms had been reserved in the hotel and her room had been wired for surveillance. The hallways and elevators already had security cameras, and the FBI had been patched into the hotel security system. They had a specially equipped van that would be wherever Isabel was for the duration of the ten day event. The security system of the arena was patched in to the FBI as well, and any other areas the FBI deemed necessary that didn't have existing security cameras had been retrofitted. Arrangements were also made to have agents in several venues from security to the food concessions. Also, Isabel and Slade would have earpieces so they would be aware of what was taking place, and so agents would always have a handle on what was happening with them.

  Isabel had been moved into the hotel more than a week early for her protection. She was thoroughly sick of room service and TV long before the rodeo even began. Special Agent Keary was rooming with her in a two-bedroom suite, and she had been around about half the time, so at least Isabel wasn’t alone. They went out occasionally, but the casinos held no appeal, and Isabel was hesitant to be seen. For the most part she stayed in and read or worked out in the hotel exercise room.

  Slade and Rossen called everyday, but the day they announced they had made the rankings and were for sure going to compete in the National Finals was bittersweet for Isabel. They both qualified to team rope and Slade had indeed qualified for all-around in bulldogging, saddle broncs, and bulls as well. She was glad they had achieved the goal they had worked so hard for, but that old fear of the bulls reared its ugly head.

  Two days before the official start of the rodeo, Slade, Rossen, and Sean pulled into Las Vegas. A set of portable stalls had been brought in by the FBI and put somewhat aside from the other competitors, so the area could more easily be secured as they cared for their horses.

  Isabel was surprised to find that, one by one, all the Rockland men showed up—a fact the agents weren’t very pleased with. She never went anywhere without a veritable entourage. Slade came to her room the morning before the rodeo was to begin with a bullet-proof vest and a tentative smile. He was so hesitant to even step into her room that she couldn’t help but laugh as she pulled him through the doorway.

  He didn’t know it, but she'd already talked to Special Agent Keary about getting one to wear, and she had arranged for vests for him and all the Rocklands to wear under their shirts as well. Without mentioning it to anyone, she'd also loaded her little pistol and kept it with her all the time. She had no idea what the gun laws were in Nevada, but she decided if she ever got desperate enough to use it, she'd worry about self-defense and not legalities. It was probably silly, but it did make her feel more secure.

  Even Dante reappeared early the next morning. He was wearing a set of official LA Lakers warm-ups, and his tales of the people he had met in the airport were hilarious. Even though she knew he was just trying to keep her spirits up, she enjoyed his quirky sense of humor. And he fit in perfectly with the Rocklands’ particular brand of practical jokes. She definitely felt loved and cared for with everyone around, but in truth, she didn’t know whether to feel safer because everyone had shown up, or more uptight that someone might be hurt because of her. At least Eli was safely b
ack at the Wind Dance Farms because he hadn’t felt that both he and Dante could be gone so long at the same time, And Naomi and Joey had stayed in Wyoming to watch over the ranch.

  After worrying for more than two weeks since she had decided to go through with this sting operation, she finally gave herself a lecture on faith and let it go. She’d felt this was the right decision when she and Slade had prayed, and she was going to trust that peaceful reassurance.

  Of course she would be careful. They all would, but God was over all and she decided to let Him do the worrying from here on out. After all, these were the rodeo championships of the world! Slade and Rossen were some of the finest on the planet, and she was going to do all she could to see that they enjoyed the journey, especially if they were thinking about quitting rodeoing fulltime after this. They probably wouldn't be back and she was going to make the most of the opportunity to be here at this time and place.

  Slade questioned her sudden change in attitude and when she explained, he considered it for a moment, then smiled his heart-stopping smile. “You’re absolutely right. I’d lost sight of why we do this, and it probably will be my last time here. I fully intend to go home, marry a beautiful girl, and live happily ever after. Let’s enjoy the ride!” He pulled her to him and hugging her tightly, kissed her like he hadn’t since the night they got engaged.

  Looking back, the crazy pace of the last couple of months had helped her and Slade keep their relationship on a happy and even keel. Being on the road and under the time and space constraints they’d had, even the time spent apart had helped them not to dwell on their frustrations but rather to look forward with anticipation to the future.


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