Pressure Rising (Rhinestone Cowgirls Book 2)

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Pressure Rising (Rhinestone Cowgirls Book 2) Page 5

by Carver, Rhonda Lee

  The spark between her legs grew into a fireball—building every minute that she was near him. She was beginning to think Jewels was right—there was an undeniable attraction here and Pearl was too busy fighting it.

  Skin scorching from her internal war, she stepped away, needing space. On her way out of the living room, she mumbled, “I’ll make you a redneck bath. Anyone who uses a hose to shower off shouldn’t mind washing from a bowl.”

  In the kitchen, she poured him a large basin full of water, all while imagining him running a wet cloth over his sinewy muscles, along each hard curve and the length of his…

  “It’s over flowing.”

  She jumped at the sound of his voice and the bucket tilted, splashing water down the front of her. Turning off the faucet, she settled the container on the counter and gained her equilibrium. Would he be able to see straight through her and into her naughty thoughts? She guessed she was blushing three shades of red.

  Once some of the heat left her cheeks, she carried the water to the table and pushed it to the middle along with the toiletries she’d gathered from upstairs. “You can sit or stand.” Seeing his brows lift and a twinkle light his pale eyes, she followed his stare. Her shirt was wet and it was now see-through. The thin red bra didn’t hide her erect nipples.

  Gasping, she covered her chest with her hands. Not wanting him to see how frazzled she was, she pretended not to be humiliated. “Enjoy your bath. I’ll be waiting to take care of the bandage.” She swept past him and into the next room, inhaling deep, calming breaths. She’d seen the appreciation in his expression and she couldn’t deny the boost to her ego.

  Upstairs, she removed her wet garments, trying to ignore the hushed sounds of splashing water coming through the vents. The room was directly above the kitchen and the sound traveled, teasing her imagination. A deep, husky moan tickled her eardrums and other secret places.

  Pure torment.

  Then quiet. He was finished.

  Quickly dressing into dry clothes, she hurried downstairs.

  He was already in the living room. His hair was damp, his shirt was left open, and his belt buckle hung loose, dinging as he made his way to the sofa. Her nipples tightened into painful beads.

  He glanced at her, his unsmiling mouth still looked delectable. “So, you want to do this here?” His gaze locked with hers before crawling over her chest, waist, legs. She was stripped of any bit of clothing, as well as the wall of anger she erected years ago. His tongue swept across his bottom lip. Did he imagine he was licking her?

  She squeezed her hands together until her knuckles popped. Was he doing this to unsettle her? If so, he was doing a good job.

  Her hormones raced through her body, teasing her nerve endings and begging for a touch from one tall, sexy cowboy with twinkling eyes. She hadn’t realized before how much she liked cowboys.

  “Is that a yes?” he asked.

  She nodded, sending her hair along her cheek and she pushed it back behind her ear. Up until now, she thought she could handle seeing DJ without his jeans, but areas of her body were awakened, sensitive spots quivered. “I’ll turn my head while you pull your pants down.” She twisted on barefoot. Never in a million years did she think those words would come from her—especially toward DJ Walters.

  His deep chuckle pierced the air and pricked her nipples. She licked her lips as everything she’d ever held true about herself crumbled into little pieces at her feet. Years without sex hadn’t dampened the desire.

  “I’m about as decent as I can get with my jeans pulled down to my knees.” His thick voice lifted the hairs on her neck.

  She turned and found him lying face down on the couch. He’d left his blue and black striped boxers pulled up. She was grateful that he couldn’t see her face considering the stinging in her cheeks as she guessed they were as red as a strawberry.

  He looked up at her and one corner of his mouth tugged upward. She wondered if he ever fully smiled? Either way, the quirked smile tugged at the strings between her heart and the apex of her thighs. She rejected the need to clamp her knees together.

  “What are you waiting for, sweetheart? You wanted to do this, remember?” His words were completely erotic, and she wasn’t immune. Amusement lit his eyes.

  She took in a deep breath and willed her body to stop acting like a teenager. She was a grown woman with a job to do. There wasn’t a big deal about changing his bandage. She’d seen a man’s ass before—even his. But somehow not only seeing it, but touching it too made a helluva difference. Her fingers trembled.

  Get this over with.

  Crossing the room, she took a seat on the cushion next to his hip. She was met with a strong smell of spice soap and it teased her nostrils. Heat shot through her loins and she became lightheaded.

  “How about I manage this alone?” He shifted on the cushion.

  “I can do this, in my own time. It’s not like you have someplace to be,” she said firmly. Her body shuddered, matching the seesawing of her voice.

  He sighed and it vibrated the cushion. Not exactly the best thing for her sensitive core. After gathering the first aid kit, she dug out what she needed with her shaky fingers. The oxygen seemed depleted as she forced air through her nose. “I’m going to touch your waist and slip down the elastic band of your boxers.”

  DJ swung his gaze around again and met hers over his broad shoulder. “Are you seriously going to narrate this?”

  She gave her head a shake. “I’m nervous.” She couldn’t hide the obvious.

  “Don’t worry. I won’t bite. I might get a little turned on and this position might get uncomfortable, but that’s as far as I’ll let it go.”

  Her gasp snapped the air.

  “Take it as a compliment, darlin’.”

  She couldn’t tell if he was joking because his face was buried in the pillow.

  What was wrong with her? Why was she allowing him to mess with her mind?

  Lowering his boxers, the backs of her knuckles skimmed his warm, smooth skin still dewy from the bath. The flesh below his underwear was much paler compared to the rest. And the man had a rock hard bum, perfectly shaped. Of course he would, considering he was in the saddle a lot.

  Grabbing the end of the bandage she knew this wouldn’t be easy, so she counted to three inside of her head and gave it one fast tug.

  “Yeowl!” His butt tightened.

  “I did it as quickly as I could.” She stifled a laugh. The wound was red, but it was healing nicely. “Looks good.” Realizing what she’d said, she cleared her throat. “I’m talking about the stiches…the wound is nice…the area around it is nice too…I mean…no sign of infection.”

  She’d just slaughtered any chance of handling this like an uninterested, grown woman.


  DJ wanted to laugh at her stuttering, but hell if he could. If he spoke a word or made a move he’d probably divulge that his cock was thick and suffocated by the cushion.

  A throb took up residence in his balls. He wanted to adjust himself, but to do that, he’d have to shift and slide his jeans lower on his legs. He wouldn’t have minded, but poor Pearl might pass out. Her breathing was already labored…and he couldn’t deny he found it refreshing.

  He closed his eyes and a vision of her nipples, puffy and hard through her wet shirt, was etched on the back of his lids. She didn’t have big tits, but she had nice ones. They were firm and her nipples were large—he could suck on them all day.

  What she wore now didn’t assuage his aching cock one bit. He’d gotten a good look. The crème colored sundress molded her breasts, hugged her slender waist and, although it flared around her hips, he could still see that they were fuller and perfectly round—he could get a good grip with his fingers.

  He guessed he did notice her body every time he saw her…but not close up and personal like this. She didn’t have all of these curves back when she was a teenager. Hell, he was a scrawny boy back in the day.

  His cock grew longer and
he couldn’t prevent it. Thankfully, he could wedge the growth between the cushions for some relief. He opened his eyes. In his peripheral he could see her flushed cheeks and the plump set of her bottom lip as she concentrated on her task.

  He imagined a turtle could have accomplished the task quicker, but he wouldn’t complain. Her fingers on his skin did wonderful things to the areas of his body that were screaming for release.

  This was going to be one hell of a week if he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants and his attention off Pearl.

  Through the blank TV screen, he caught her reflection. She was nibbling on her bottom lip now. Sweat beaded his brow and heat crawled down his spine. She was into this and he reciprocated the feeling. He drank in her lovely features. The slight upturn of her nose, delicate cheekbones, and the curve of her jaw—she was beautiful. He wondered if the pale pink color of her lips matched the tone of her nipples. Since he’d seen them through the material of her clothes, he had gotten curious—or obsessed. It could go either way.

  Visions of her lying in his bed naked and her pussy soaking wet, made his heart thump against his ribcage.

  He’d thought about her all night. He should have known better than to give her his room, but oddly, when he’d thought about sticking her in one of his brothers’ rooms, he’d gotten all tense. Not quite jealousy, but something he didn’t want to examine closer.

  Her mouth opened slightly. Damn, he wanted to kiss her just to see if she tasted as good as she smelled.

  Being that he was a red-blooded man, and against his better judgment, he also wouldn’t mind doing naughtier things. With a mouth as pretty as hers, he could only guess how good it’d feel on all of those places of his body that ached for a pair of nice lips—but not just any mouth would do.

  His cock pulsed and he shifted, otherwise he’d have the impression of the zipper forever on the underside of his shaft.

  “Pearl.” Her name fell from his lips before he could stop it.

  Her head came up. “Did I hurt you?”

  Yes, in more ways than you can imagine.

  He cleared his throat. Talk always made a man’s dick flaccid—yes, he should talk. “Why were you named that?” If this didn’t ease the tension in his body, he was going to have to throw trepidation to the wind and toss her back on the couch, even if she slapped him into tomorrow. He had a feeling if he sampled those sweet lips he’d want more and more.

  She shrugged. “When Mom and Dad named the ranch Rhinestone, I guess they just thought it was fitting to name us girls after stones. Pearl is a bit old fashioned, but I’ve never had any problems with my name getting confused with someone else’s.” She cracked a grin. “Poor Emerald always hated her name. When she was in elementary school, a boy she had a crush on couldn’t pronounce her name. He called her mermaid and she thought it was the worst thing ever. That’s the reason why she goes by Em—makes it easier on the boys.” She leaned closer and he could see her reflection as she tried to find the best bandage to fit the wound, trying out several from the box.

  He liked watching her without her having a clue. “I hear your sister Jewels is getting married. Ever think about it yourself?”

  “Marriage? No. There is a natural procession of events that have to happen first, and I can’t be a bride without a groom.” She laughed. He liked how her face softened as she relaxed.

  “Sure, but I find it hard to believe you haven’t been swept off your boots yet.”

  A thick lock of hair fell to her cheek. Move the hair. He couldn’t see her. She brought her slender hand up and pushed the tendrils away. He wished he could see whether her cheeks were pink tinged. From what he’d seen so far, she blushed with the slightest provocation. Wonder how red she got when she was made love to?

  “Call me particular, my dad does, but I’m looking for someone special. I haven’t found him yet. Speaking of special, your friend Diana certainly is something.”

  “Wow, there wasn’t any sarcasm in that statement at all.” He glanced back at her.

  “How else would I put it? She’s the typical woman that most men are attracted to, nothing against her. She’s a beautiful woman with a huge…smile.”

  “No wonder you aren’t hitched, lady. You have pegged men all wrong.”

  “Oh, have I? Well, obviously Diana was more than a friend. We women know these sorts of things.” Her fingers moved across his skin as she secured the bandage. “All done.”

  He was a little disappointed. She wasted no time and moved to the chair. He stood up to fix his jeans realizing that talking did little to ease his hard on. Hell, that was a new one. While keeping his eyes on her, he shifted his hips enough that she couldn’t see his package.

  A part of him hoped she might want to examine him a little closer sometime in the near future.

  Fuck! He was slowly losing his ability to think clearly.

  He stared into her eyes, the same color as warm chocolate. “Yes, Diana has a set of big knockers, but that’s not what attracted me to her.” Seeing accusation in Pearl’s eyes, he rechecked his words. “Okay…yes, I did notice her chest, as well as other things, but Diana’s a good hearted woman. Just unfortunately she doesn’t make my head spin and my palms sweaty,” he admitted.

  “You mean to tell me you’re a man who wants more than a big chest and tight ass? I just pegged you as a cowboy who didn’t give much care how big a woman’s mind is.” She batted her eyes.

  “I’m not a caveman, darlin’.”

  “Of course not. Ever had that physical reaction before, sweaty palms and head rush?” One thin brow curved.

  Right now. But he couldn’t divulge that. “Once or twice.”

  She trapped her bottom lip between her teeth, then a smile curved that pretty mouth. “And you let her go? Foolish man.”

  “Can’t let go of something you never had. And that was years ago behind a barn.” He sat and stretched his legs, propping them on the edge of the table. There went those cheeks of hers turning a color that matched the pink on her fingernails. The temperature rose and he tugged at his shirt. “Anyway, you have nothing to be jealous of. Diana is pretty, but you’re stunning.” He caught the glow in her eye. “I’m sure you’ve heard that a time or two.”

  She laid her palms in her lap. “Not often.”

  He watched her mouth, the slight tremble targeted his groin, sending heat radiating through his stomach. She didn’t come to the ranch for a romp with a cowboy and, no matter how much he wished things were different, they still had an ocean of differences between them.

  Even if his cock urged him to sample a sweet, sexy Stone sister, his mind was guarded.

  “You should hear it often. You’d have more confidence when you’re not hiding behind a shotgun.”

  Her eyes warmed. “Dad taught us girls how to shoot about the same time we learned how to walk. I feel real comfortable holding my firearm and I’ve also learned gun safety.”

  He swallowed. “I think I have the proof that you failed the safety test.”

  “It was an ac—”

  “Yes, I know. It was an accident. But you were going to kill poor Pugly.”

  She blinked. “I really wouldn’t have shot him. I was angry and, looking back, I do see how silly it was. But Charmin is my prized horse and I had plans for the money I make off of her.”

  His chest tightened. “What are those plans?”

  “I’d like to expand my horse training and breeding business on the land at Rhinestone.” Pride made her eyes sparkle.

  “I have a confession. I’ve been saving for a long time to build a house and maybe multiply the R&R with a few more cabins and trails. I was told I might have to dig into that savings if that horse of yours foals a mule.”

  She shrugged. “So that’s why you agreed to this, having me here? Were you hoping you could convince me to not ask for compensation?” Some of the spark left her eye. “Or maybe you were hoping to seek revenge?”

  He rubbed his jaw. “Yeah, I guess I did have tho
se intentions, but I want you to know if Charmin has a mule I plan to make restitution. I’m not the only one with dreams. I see why you were as pissed as a horse with a bumblebee on its ass.”

  “I appreciate that, but I’d say we’re even.”

  He watched her fingers play with the hem of her skirt, rolling and unrolling the material. The action got him right in the gut. “Do I make you nervous?” How was it he’d been accused by every female he’d ever known that he didn’t communicate worth a crap, but with Pearl he told her things easily—things he had no business admitting.

  “A little.”

  “I think you make me a little nervous too.” Damn, this sharing thing was scaring him. Up until yesterday morning he couldn’t stand her being within ten feet, let alone living in his house. Yet, he was getting way too comfortable. The feelings of want couldn’t be ignored… not when the pressure was dangerously rising.

  “I do?” Pearl’s brows shot up.

  Smiling, he nodded. “I haven’t lived with a woman that wasn’t a relative, and even that was a very long time ago.” He could make light of the situation, but the knowledge of how attracted he was to her weighed heavily on him.

  “Understandable. And I’ve never lived with a man besides my father.”

  Her smile made his balls throb. Her face glowed. He was done for.

  Shifting, he hoped his jeans didn’t pop the zipper. At this rate, the lack of oxygen going to his brain was going to cause him a loss of intelligence.

  “I just want to say that I appreciate your dad hiring hands to help out here for the week. Otherwise, my brothers would have had to come back home.” If his brothers came back home, then Pearl could leave. Why didn’t that sit well in his gut?

  “It was the right thing to do.” She slid her fingers through her hair, something he noticed she did a lot. “Never know, maybe we can mend our issues.”

  “I think it’s possible.”

  She stood up. “I was wondering if you’d be okay for a few hours while I take care of some business?”


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