Welcome to Necropolis

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Welcome to Necropolis Page 3

by Bryan Killian

What the hell are you talking about? This was a simple disturbance call and now you’re telling me the city is falling apart.” James’ mind was beginning to race. He had to get home.

  “James…James, are you still there?” The dispatcher asked when James didn’t answer right away.

  “Sorry Home, go ahead.”

  “James, most of the swing and day shift are in the field. We have lost communication with four units. Sgt. Rogers wants to set up a perimeter around the station. You need to get back here ASAP.”

  “What the fuck don’t you understand? I shot somebody!” James was now shaking from anger.

  “The nurse you shot, did it stay down?”

  James thought the question a little odd. “It? She stayed down after four rounds.”

  “James, make sure it stays down. We’ve received word they will get back up. That’s how the infection is spreading.”

  “I didn’t hear anything about this. Was an all-call put out?”

  “I don’t know what else to say. Rogers needs everybody back here now. Drop what you’re doing and roll.”

  James stood over the bodies of two former nurses, one he had to shoot four times. The final shot was a headshot putting her down for good. She sat slumped against the wall. Her hair was matted down with her own blood as well as that of her victim. The large wound on her shoulder remained open and blood trickled from it. The other nurse lay on the floor. Her neck was completely torn out and her face was peeled of all its flesh. Her windpipe was visible as a gaping hole in the base of the neck. Pieces of muscle and tissue were spread about on the floor next to her. The amount of blood around the nurse was tremendous. Her mouth stood open and her eyes sockets filled with blood.

  Ruth stood next to James and stared in horror. “I’ve seen soldiers, victims of land mines, mortar attacks and much worse but I can honestly say this is the worst thing I have ever seen.” Ruth said regaining her composure.

  James looked over at her, stunned by her resilience.

  “She tried to attack me. I had no choice.” James paused for a moment before relaying what his dispatcher had told him. “My dispatcher has advised me to return to the department. He told me the city has gone nuts. I told him I had to shoot her and he asked if she stayed down. You’re a nurse. What the hell is happening?”

  “I have no idea. I have never seen anything like this before.”

  Just then she sat up. Her head tilted unnaturally to one side. The gaping hole in her neck leaked blood and loose tissue down the front of her already stained scrubs. James stumbled backwards and fell in the hallway. Ruth found herself backing against the hallway wall. Again, she couldn’t believe her eyes. James scrambled to his feet. The body of the nurse struggled to get to its feet trying to gain simple motor skills. James aimed his service weapon and waited for the shot.

  “Get the fuck out of here and go home to your family. The world is ending tonight.” James said lowly to Ruth without turning around. He remained focused on the nurse. It finally gained its footing and remained still for a moment turned away from James.

  “Hey, I’m over here.” James said in his best Clint Eastwood voice.

  It turned in James’ direction. It waited. It didn’t have eyes but it could hear. The prey spoke, it pounced.

  James watched as the zombie found him. He twisted his right foot slightly to gain better stability then said, “Right here”. The zombie made a quick move to jump on him. James pulled the trigger discharging the hollow point round. The bullet found its mark and ventilated the zombie’s brain case spaying the room with brain matter and bits of skull. The zombie crumpled to the floor. James turned and looked for Ruth. She was standing a few feet down the hall.

  “You and your staff should go home.”

  “I can’t just abandon the residents.”

  “Your call, but you saw what’s going on here tonight. It’s all over the city. Go home before it’s too late.”

  Ruth stared James in the eye for a moment. She could feel the urgency in his eyes. The information he received from his dispatcher was indeed dire and Ruth knew he meant to leave Morning View as soon as possible. Conflicted by the decision before her, Ruth hung her head and thought of her family at home. She wanted more than anything to be with them at this moment and make the monsters go away. She thought of her neighborhood and couldn’t conceive of the idea that this could be happening there. Her neighborhood was safely tucked away from any main city arterials.

  James turned and began walking down the hall to the double doors in which he entered. Ruth caught up to him.

  “If I stay here to help my residents, will you come back to check on us?” The question caught James off guard. He stopped and faced her.

  “If you stay? I told you to go home.”

  “The facility can be secured. I don’t believe anybody else will expire tonight.”

  “Expire. This isn’t bad milk were talking about here. These are people attacking people and eating them.” James turned to walk away disgusted by what he was hearing.

  “Officer Dillion. Will you come back to check on us?” Ruth asked grabbing his arm.

  James stopped and looked at the floor for a brief moment. Turning to look Ruth in the eyes, “You’re a better person than me Ruth Davies. I promise. I’ll be back for you and your staff.” James reached down and removed a small .380 semi-automatic from his ankle holster.

  “Do you know how to use one of these?”

  Ruth grasped the gun in her right hand and pulled the slide back partially exposing the chambered round.

  “In Iraq, I was a medic, Geneva convention and all. Lucky for me I was raised around guns. I would prefer something bigger.”

  “It’s all I have at the moment.” James said handing her a spare clip. “I really need to get going. I’ll be back. I promise.” James turned and walked to the exit door stopping for a brief second to look into room 402. The body of Hal McAllister rested slumped over and lifeless on the floor. James stepped into the room, grabbed McAllister by the arm and dragged him to the exit. He kicked the door open, tossed McAllister down beside the walkway and proceeded to his cruiser. He turned to see Ruth pull the door shut and lock it.

  Ruth held the small firearm, checked the safety and walked towards Mr. Ramstein’s room. That’s where is started tonight, that’s where it will end.


  They stood outside the Mini-Mart having been drawn there by the commotion a short while earlier. The body of Thomas L. Smith continued to bang on the locked front door leaving bloody smears across the glass. His left hand, putrid and rotting lie on the Mini-mart floor just inside the door. The combined dead weight against the door would be more than sufficient to break it down, however the zombies hadn’t regained full motor skills and cooperation between them was minimal. Still they sensed something inside the small store and they would continue to bang and push on the front door and windows until they gained entry.


  Jonathan Smiley drove up to the front of the Mini-Mart intending on buying a few essentials for the next few days. The emergency broadcast had warned everybody to remain inside but Jonathan’s young wife at home couldn’t stand the taste of tap water and had a craving for microwaveable popcorn. Jonathan thought it best to purchase a couple of cases of bottled water from the local Mini-Mart and some added munchies just in case the emergency wasn’t over anytime soon. He had thought it might be a terrorist attack but thought better of it. Who in their right mind would attack Northern California?

  The sirens had ceased near his neighborhood some time earlier telling Jonathan the coast was clear. He had kissed his wife on the forehead and headed out for the Mini-Mart. Several of his neighbors sat on their front porches.

  “Where you headed, Jon?” Mrs. Vick asked from next door.

  “Down to the Mini-Mart. Gonna pick up some water and munchies.”

  “You be careful, now.”

  “No worries. You need anything?”

  “Pick me up some Coors
Light. I’ll give you money for it when you get back.”

  “No problem. I’ll be back in fifteen minutes.”

  Thomas L. Smith and his fellow zombies stood in the front of the store pushing against the glass, oblivious to the car pulling up behind them. Jonathan parked his car next to the beat up Ford Festiva with the Interpol sticker in the back window. He climbed out of his car and stood for a moment watching what appeared to be people milling about. Jonathan thought the store must be closed but the inside lights were on and it was a 24-hour convenient store.

  “Hey, are they closed?” Jonathan asked loudly remaining by his car.

  No answer.

  Jonathan walked from his car and stopped on the sidewalk just behind the body of Thomas L. Smith. The bloody smears on the glass door became visible to Jonathan.

  “Shit man, are you alright?” Jonathan said as he closed the distance between him and the zombie.


  Katie rushed around the back of the store wondering of what she should do. The phones were down and her cell phone wasn’t dialing out. She tried to text her friend, any friend but nothing would go through. She ran to the back entrance. A large roll up door where deliveries were made stood closed with the bottom latch firmly in place. Katie always had problems opening the latch and knew today wouldn’t be any different. The only other exit out the rear of the store was currently blocked by cases of soda and beer. Katie looked around the back of the store and found the well used machete, meant for the night crew to use when opening up the pallets delivered three nights a week. As she grabbed the machete she noticed car lights in the parking lot on the security monitor.

  Katie ran for the front of the store to warn the person in the car.

  “Stay away from them!” Katie yelled as she burst into the front of the store.

  Jonathan reached out and grabbed the shoulder of Thomas L. Smith. Just as he grasped the shoulder, he heard a muffled female voice yelling from within the store. He saw the girl running towards the front door. His attention snapped back to the man standing before him and he withdrew his hand quickly. He stepped back in disgust as the man turned rapidly and looked directly at him. Eww, you’re homeless. Thomas raised his arms and began to walk forward. His right hand opening and closing, while the oozing putrid stump where his left hand once was waved back and forth and poked at Jonathan. Jonathan continued to step back in an effort to elude Thomas. The girl from the store continued to yell but Jonathan couldn’t make out what she was yelling nor did he care at the moment. He took another step back and lost his footing at the edge of the sidewalk. Falling to the ground hard, Jonathan suddenly knew the emergency broadcast was correct he should have stayed home.

  Katie stopped at the front door. She had to crouch to see beyond the bloody smears. The man outside the store had just tripped and fell to the ground. Katie screamed for him to get up. It was too late. The other zombies closed the gap quickly. They overwhelmed him.

  Jonathan lay on the ground with the putrid smell of the dead invading his senses. The man from the front door had fallen on top of him. Jonathan reached out partially stopping his fall. He held him up for a brief moment. The grey eyes never blinking and the rotting black mouth wide open, Jonathan now knew he was in trouble. He shoved the man to the side and began to get up. He was hit with the weight of two grown adults driving him to the pavement. His face slammed into a small puddle of dirty water. He could taste the oil left behind by the multitude of parked vehicles from days gone by. He attempted to shift his weight to push the two bodies off. No Luck. Teeth sunk into his back as dead cold hands ripped at his face.

  Jonathan pushed up with all his might but the weight was too great. Flesh tore from his back and he began to scream. A rotting finger probed his mouth. He bit down severing the finger at the knuckle. He spit the fingertip out and tried again to shake the zombies from his back. Blood ran down his side and he could feel teeth sinking into his shoulder. Again Jonathan pushed up, this time succeeding in getting to his knees. He reached out to grab the fender of the Festiva next to him. A bite to the back of his leg sent a shock wave of pain throughout his whole body. The zombie formerly known as Thomas L. Smith bit down hard onto the hamstring muscle of Jonathan’s right leg rendering it useless. Jonathan rolled to one side grabbing at his leg. The remaining zombies piled on top of him like some schoolyard game. Their teeth ripped at his flesh. His screams soon were muffled as blood filled his lungs.

  Katie sat on the floor with the machete by her side. She stared out the door in shock as the four zombies devoured their kill. Jonathan’s car sat idling with the radio on. The voice over the radio began a new message for its listeners.


  Sugar began to growl. Her head shot up from the floor and her ears stood at the ready along with the rest of her body. Ty, startled by the sudden movement, almost fell from his patio chair.

  “What the hell Sugar?” Ty said as he reached down to check the status of his latest beer.

  Sugar paced back and forth on the patio looking down to the street below. Ty watched her for a moment yawning and rubbing his eyes. He had fallen asleep for a short time and could feel the effects of waking up suddenly from a nap. He took a sip of his beer and spit it out.

  “Damn Sugar, how long were we out?” Sugar stopped in one place and continued to growl loudly. Ty stood behind her and looked out into the night. The power throughout the city was still on and two of the fires from earlier had spread. A couple of sirens were audible in the distance. Ty stepped forward and looked down to the dimly lit street below. He could make out several figures standing in the low light.

  “What’s happening down there?” No answer. “Have the police been back here?” Again, no answer. “Fucking idiots.” Ty said loud enough for Sugar to hear as he turned and walked into the apartment.

  Ty retrieved a cold beer and stood in the kitchen for a moment enjoying it before deciding to turn the radio back on. The unique buzz of the emergency broadcast was sounding. Ty reached up to switch the station when a voice came on.

  “Anybody who can here this broadcast please listen carefully. This is the latest information available as of 1:30AM. State officials are calling the events of the past several hours, civil unrest. Riots have been reported in Sacramento and police officials in the state capital have been authorized to use lethal force. Chico, Red Bluff, Oroville, and Corning have all reported major disturbances. Fire department officials in several cities have reported structure and vehicle fires. Emergency services have been overwhelmed by the unrest. Again, emergency officials have asked that you remain inside and keep your doors locked.”

  Ty continued to listen to the disturbing message, realizing the situation was much more grave than he had first thought. He had pulled out his .357 as a lark but now felt he had made the right choice. He held the pistol up to the light and clicked open the cylinder looking at the six hollow point rounds. He spun the cylinder and snapped it closed. Sugar continued to growl outside. Ty reached down and opened up the cupboard underneath the sink. He pulled out the large flashlight he kept there and switched it on quickly checking the batteries. Ty walked back to the patio and stood next to Sugar. She continued to stare down to the street and growl. Ty leaned over the railing and switched the flashlight on.


  Officer James Dillion sped across the city to reach Cypress Avenue and a direct route back to the station. Everywhere he looked chaos prevailed. At times he slowed to maneuver around wrecked vehicles, debris, and people in the streets. Looters ran out of smashed storefronts with stolen merchandise ignoring the presence of the police cruiser. They knew the police had greater emergencies to respond to. Some streets James passed appeared abandoned but others he could see atrocities occurring. The dead were back to feed on the living. The living did not understand the situation.

  James slammed on the brakes just as he rounded a corner. His headlights clearly illuminated a group of zombies as they tore a family of three from a disabled vehicl
e. Without thinking James jumped from the cruiser with his shotgun. He ran up to the driver’s side of the disabled car and kicked a teenage zombie squarely in the back knocking it to the ground. The driver of the vehicle twitched on the ground with a large piece of his lower jaw torn from his face. Blood gurgled out of the wound as he stared at James. With little hesitation James leveled the shotgun over the roof of the car and vaporized the head of a female zombie. The zombie fell to the pavement. James turned and pulled the trigger again removing the head of another zombie stumbling towards him. Movement in the car caused James to step back.

  “Don’t shoot!” A female voice shouted.

  James stooped down to look in the car. A young female with her dark hair pulled back held a small child no older than five.

  “Ma’am, is there any one else in the vehicle?”

  “No, just me and my son.”

  “We haven’t much time. You need to come out so we can go.” James looked around and could see figures moving in the surrounding shadows. A strange moaning sound began to fill the air.

  “Ma’am, we have to go now.” He reached out his hand to assist the young lady and child from the car. Something grabbed his ankle. Startled, James jumped and broke the grasp. A zombie with a half missing jaw turned over and began to claw at the ground towards James.

  “Fuck this.” James pulled his 9MM from the holster and shot the zombie in the back of the head. The lady in the car screamed and tried to lock the door.

  “Ma’am, we have to go. It’s gone but more are coming. Now please, let’s go.” James pleaded with the lady who was in shock. The lady didn’t move. She sat holding her child in the back seat of the car. The child began to cry. James looked around quickly noticing the figures moving closer. Briefly he thought about leaving. He dismissed that thought. With the butt of the shotgun he smashed the driver’s side window, reached in and unlocked the door and grabbed the lady by the arm.


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