Welcome to Necropolis

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Welcome to Necropolis Page 12

by Bryan Killian

  “That’s not good, is it?” Jess asked.

  “No. I told you I want nothing to do with a bunch of folks held up in a park, waiting for the government to come because they’re not coming and I’m leaving.” Ty said, moving toward his Jeep. Sugar was by his side wagging her tail at the prospect of going for a ride.

  “Shit. Mind if we tag along for a while?” Jess asked, while gunshots rang out in the distance.

  “I’ll lead. You guys cover my backside and we’ll take the most direct route. There are several ways to get there so if we find one way blocked we’ll double back and take another. If you run into problems, flash your lights.” Ty felt good that Jess and Tom were joining him.

  “Dude. We’re in the 21st century, I have these.”

  Ty examined the small two-way radios with a four-mile range.

  “Test, test.” Jess said into the radio.

  “Got you loud and clear. You’re like a cub scout, you know that don’t you?” Ty said clipping the radio to his belt.

  Tom stood by, shaking his head. The darkness was growing and Tom was eager to get going. Sugar growled from the front of Ty’s Jeep.

  “We really need to get out of here.” Ty started his Jeep. Jess and Tom walked quickly across the parking lot and tossed their bags into the truck. Jess jumped in behind the wheel while Tom waited impatiently for passenger side door to unlock. Finally, it opened. Jess started the old Chevy and The Clash spilled out of the speakers. Jess turned it down.

  “What the hell was that?” Tom asked.

  “Before your time kid. Now keep a sharp eye. Don’t shoot unless absolutely necessary.” Jess said, placing the truck in drive.

  Sugar continued to growl as Ty drove the Jeep close to the exit gate. The gate didn’t open. The electricity was out on Ty’s block forcing him to open the gate manually.

  “Fuck.” Ty said aloud as he hopped out of the Jeep. Jess and Tom watched from behind.

  “Cover him.” Jess said pointing to Ty.

  Sugar continued to growl. The gate stood five feet high and had pointed bars lining the top. Ty moved to the corner of the gate and pulled the manual release lever. He pulled the gate along its track. Outside the gate stood several zombies. Tom fired dropping two immediately. Ty crouched down realizing he had left his .357 in the Jeep. He looked over at Tom as he fired two more shots. He waved for Ty to return to his Jeep. Outside the gate, several more zombies approached. Within the undead crowd, some began to run towards the action.

  Ty gunned the Jeep forward striking two zombies driving them to the ground. He turned left to see many undead milling about the street. To his right, a running zombie closed the distance. Jess drove out of the lot and stopped directly behind Ty. Tom rolled down his window taking aim.

  “Wait Tom, save your shots.” Jess said as Ty gunned his Jeep forward weaving his way through the growing crowd of the undead.

  Jess stayed on Ty’s ass. They kept a good pace, traveling between 25 and 30 MPH. Their headlights revealed more zombies at each passing street. Some ran after the vehicles while others walked slowly. Tom stared out the rolled up window wondering why this was happening. He watched the zombies on the side streets and began looking for people he knew. He didn’t see any. Parts of the city still had power and traffic signal functioned. Ty instinctively slowed for each red light then proceeded. They were three miles from the Bixter Building when the night sky lit up brilliantly.


  “Sounds like the natives are getting restless.” Sammy said, standing in the backyard of his parent’s house with Rick.

  Gunfire continued across the city. The Convention Center is putting on a hell of a show for the locals, Sammy thought. Along with fires burning out of control, the gunplay added a new effect and Sammy couldn’t be more pleased.

  “Look around, my friend. When this is over, we will be kings.” Rick shook his head and walked back into the house. The electricity was still on and Rick was going to take full advantage of it by taking a hot shower. It was obvious Sammy’s parents weren’t coming home any time soon. Rick knew Sammy couldn’t care less if he ever saw his parents again. Rick, on the other hand missed his parents. They had passed away a few years prior but he still missed them. He was however; comforted in the fact they didn’t have to see the end of the world. He walked down the hall towards the bathroom.

  “Where are you going?” the question rang out from the other end of the hall.

  “To take a shower.” Rick snapped back.

  “Make it quick. I want to go back out tonight.” Sammy said.

  Rick started the shower waiting for the water to warm up. He stepped in and began to wash the grime off of his body. Standing 6’3 and weighing 215, Rick was in great shape. Dirty water from his thick brown hair washed down his abs. He reached down and began to wash his scrotum and penis. Thoughts of the girl being held captive washed over his mind. He was instantly hard and he began to masturbate. He leaned against the shower wall and fantasized about the dark haired girl with the nose ring. He thought of her small frame and perky breasts. Her tight black jeans and…

  Outside the bathroom window, Rick could hear them. The moaning came from the alleyway. He rinsed off quickly and grabbed a towel and dried off.

  “They’re in the alley.” Rick hollered down the hall to Sammy.


  “Fuck, are you deaf? They’re in the alley. I can hear them.” Rick was pulling on his dirty jeans and Redding Rattlers T-shirt.

  The two men walked out to the back patio, looking at the fence separating the alley from the yard. They could hear movement in the alley. Some moaned while others pushed slightly against the fence. The gate leading to the alley was well built and locked. Sammy’s father had re-built the fence just last summer and the gate had a sturdy lock on it. He had done this to keep kids out of the yard and away from the small pool. Homeowners insurance had required it so his father, being responsible, complied.

  “I don’t think they’ll get in here any time soon. Nothing to worry about.” Sammy said as he watched shadows cross between the slats in the fence.

  Gunfire continued to ring out from the direction of the Convention Center. Sammy walked to the other side of the yard and looked in the direction of the Center. The sky lit up followed by a boom.

  “What the fuck was that?” Rick said running to Sammy was standing.

  “I have no idea but I bet it hurt.”

  “We need to get out of the city.”

  “No way. This will soon be ours if we play our cards right. Hell, the power is out in half the city and the banks are ripe for the taking.”

  “Are you fucking crazy? First you want to take women and make them our slaves and now you want to rob banks. We need to survive this, not become outlaws.” Rick was getting tired of Sammy’s rhetoric.

  Sammy turned and grabbed Rick by the collar of his worn shirt. “We had a plan. You’re either with me or your not.”

  “You know I’m with you, I just think we should get out of town why’ll the getting is good.”

  “What don’t you understand? This is our chance to take charge of this city and set ourselves up for the rest of our lives. We have to work this city to its core.” Sammy looked as though insanity had settled in and taken root. His eyes were buggy, twitchy and the veins in his forehead pounded with every beat of his heart. Rick pulled back from Sammy’s grasp and walked back to the house. Sammy remained in the yard and looked at the nighttime sky.

  The gunfire dwindled. On the other side of the fence, zombies continued to mill about. Several more had rambled into the alley drawn by the sound of Rick and Sammy’s argument. They began to claw at the fence. Sammy paid them no attention and walked back into the house to finish the argument once and for all.

  Rick was kneeling by the couch. Katie sat looking at her captor. Her hands were still cuffed and her feet were bound with duct tape. She looked pissed and Rick couldn’t blame her.

  “Do you want anything?” Rick ask

  “Why don’t you and your boyfriend let me go? You do that and I won’t be forced to kill both you. Now let me out of here.” Katie was now screaming. The patio door remained open as Sammy made his way to the living room.

  “What the fuck is going on in here?” Sammy stared at Rick waiting for an answer.

  “I was telling your boyfriend to let me go.” Katie said loudly.

  ”Oh that’s it. I’m getting the Taser you bitch.” Sammy stormed off.

  “Goddamn it. See what you’ve done. I told you I would help you but you need to give me some time.” Rick stood up and chased after Sammy to the garage.

  Outside the house, more gathered in the alley. The fence stood sturdy, the gate however; began to give under the weight of several zombies. The hinges on the gate slowly pulled away from the post. The gate fell to the soft grass below. The undead poured into the backyard and walked to the house. The patio door was wide open. Inside, Sammy and Rick argued in the garage while Katie sat bound on the couch. She struggled with the handcuffs briefly but gave up. Her wrists were hurting greatly. She heard a loud fart.

  “You shits are disgusting, you know that.” Katie said aloud trying to insight another argument. Nothing. She couldn’t see around the corner and couldn’t tell who had let the fart that now filled the room.

  “Whoever left that smells like they’re dying.” Katie scooted forward on the couch in an attempt to look around the corner. She caught just a glimpse of the zombie’s face. A female, probably mid-thirties, missing her bottom lip. Katie sat back quickly her mind racing. Shit. She had to rely on the rednecks to save her disturbing her immensely.

  “Yo, rednecks, we have company! Get out here and cut me free!” Katie yelled out attracting the zombie’s attention.

  “What’s she yelling about now?” Sammy said stepping out of the garage. Standing a few feet from him were two zombies. One bloated and purplish making it hard to determine the sex while the other was clearly a male missing his penis as well as a large chunk of his right thigh. He spotted Sammy and growled.

  “Fuck. They’re in the house.” Sammy slammed the door and turned for the truck.

  “We can’t leave the girl.” Rick said grabbing the Taser from atop the washing machine.

  “Do what you want. I’m out of here.” Sammy made his way to the front of his truck.

  “Not without your keys.” Sammy stopped and remembered. His keys sat on the counter near where he saw the two zombies standing.

  “All right, you win. We’ll get the girl and my keys.” Sammy made his way back to the rear of the truck that was backed into the garage. Rick was already in the house.

  Rick had pulled the door open and planted a hammer straight into the male zombies head. He turned and kicked the bloated zombie in the stomach driving it back into the dinning room. The kick expelled gasses that gagged Rick. He made a mental note to not kick any bloated zombies again. He rounded the corner and saw a female zombie trying to bite Katie’s leg. Katie held the zombie at bay with her bound feet pressed firmly against the zombie’s ample bosom. Katie’s knees were pressed into her chest and she was beginning to lose the battle. The zombie grabbed at her but couldn’t get a grip on the tight jeans.

  Rick moved quickly to her aid and slammed his fist into the side of the zombie’s head driving it to the floor. He quickly retrieved his pocketknife and cut the tape around Katie’s ankles. She watched him closely as he removed the tape and grabbed a key from his pocket.

  “Hold out your hands.” Rick told her. She could see the handcuff key in his hand. She quickly held out her hand.

  “We’re leaving.” Rick grabbed her by the hand and led her to the dinning room. Three more zombies were now in the house.

  “Get down.” Sammy yelled. Rick dragged Katie to the floor and covered her knowing Sammy had a shotgun. Both barrels of the double-barreled shotgun fired sending buckshot ripping through the dead flesh of the zombies. All three were driven out of the patio door.

  “Let’s go.” Sammy moved for the garage. Rick stood and helped Katie to her feet.

  “I know you want out of here but those things are everywhere. I’ll keep you safe from them as well as Sammy.” Katie didn’t answer. Her hand was held tightly by Rick’s large strong hand. She felt safe.

  Sammy opened the tailgate and pointed for Katie to get in. Rick shook his head and led her by Sammy to the crew cab and opened the back door for her. Sammy shook his head and walked to the driver’s side door. The garage door opened. The headlights from the Ford pierced the darkness and fell on several more zombies moving around the house. Sammy accelerated striking a couple on the way out. As they traveled away from Sammy’s neighborhood and onto the main streets Katie looked around at the rifles, pistols, and ammunition scattered on the back seat.

  “What the fuck dude. She belongs in the back.” Sammy was pissed.

  “I told you. I’m not going to be any part of this. If you want to rescue people, I’m all for it, but I won’t keep anybody captive.” Rick looked into the back seat for approval from Katie. His eyes widened as she held up a loaded .38 and stuck it to the back of Sammy’s head.

  “Pull the truck over. Any sudden movements and I’ll blow your fucking head off.

  “You bitch. You think you can use one of my guns. You’re…”

  Katie pulled the hammer back, rotating the cylinder. The pistol was ready to fire. Sammy began to slow the truck.

  “You know, if we survive this little apocalypse, I will find you. And when…”

  “Will you shut up? You sound like a bad B-movie actor. I just want out of here. And I’m taking a couple of these guns with me. You move, I shoot.” Katie held the gun tight against Sammy’s head. Rick looked astonished.

  The truck came to rest along a curb. The street was empty.

  “I can’t say it’s been a pleasure, but adios, fucks.” Katie scooted to the passenger side door and opened it slowly. She slipped out into the street with two pistols and what appeared to be a shotgun with a folding stock. She didn’t know what it was but it had shells strapped to the outside of the stock.

  “Fuck this, that bitch is dead.” Sammy threw his door open and jumped down. He stopped momentarily. Somewhere in the distance he could hear vehicles moving towards his location.

  Katie moved well away from the Ford then heard vehicles traveling towards her. She stooped near a small storefront and waited. She could still see the Ford and Sammy standing in the street. Deep down she wished Rick, if that was his name, was with her. He seemed strong and a little more levelheaded. Oh well she thought, I’ve made it this far, lets see how far I can actually get. The vehicles grew closer.

  “Rick. Get out here and help me.” Sammy said. Rick was still sitting in the cab with the passenger door open. He watched the direction Katie fled in.

  “Why? What do you want to do?” Rick asked hopping down.

  “A little recon. Lets see if it’s the military or just some locals we can take down.” It was clear now Sammy had completely lost his mind. Rick thought back to all the crazy ideas Sammy had had over their past and realized he was always a little insane. It just took society falling apart to really help his insanity flourish. Rick now knew what had to be done.


  They walked through the perimeter, moving slowly towards the crowd. Some began to sprint to the wall of warm flesh. Gates stood atop the steps attempting to restore peace amongst the citizens. His dream of leading the people to safety was fast dissolving. The first screams were drowned out by the shouts. Three members of the camp were drug to the ground by hungry zombies. A man, formerly a sales clerk for an electronics store, was the first to be eaten when several zombies swarmed him. The zombie’s teeth ripped his throat open silencing his screams. His innards were torn from their cavity. The feast began.

  It wasn’t until the first shots rang out from a roaming sentry that the crowd realized what was happening. Pandemonium spread as campers who decided to remain outside th
e Convention Center’s walls ran in different directions. Gates surveyed the chaos then turned to his young officers ordering them to retreat into the Center and prepare a strong hold. The camps residents who had been allowed to move into the Center moved as far away from the main entrance as possible. Most of the residents were women and children. A makeshift medical unit had been established along with administrative offices. Gates envisioned his refugee camp operating like a military camp. He needed the strongest with him grabbing a sentry running by.

  “Get as many of the people as you can and bring them inside. We will be closing the doors in five minutes. If you’re outside when the doors close…well I don’t need to go on. The doors will not reopen until the infected have moved on.” The sentry saluted.

  The camps residents did what they could to survive the attack. Their lack of training hindered their ability to defend themselves properly. Some knew that the head had to be destroyed but that was easier said than done. Citizens that weren’t completely devoured eventually rose up and joined their undead brothers and sisters. Several camp members were gunned down by over zealous triggermen. There was absolutely no order and no cooperation between the camps members. The melee lasted several minutes.

  Sentries moved swiftly gathering people for refuge inside the Center. Their firearms training proved invaluable as they destroyed zombies with ease. It was the increasing numbers that alarmed Stanley Yonkey, a former Marine who had been dishonorably discharged. He kept that little tidbit to himself. What difference would it make now if people knew he was gay and that he had a small problem with pot? Stanley had reloaded his .45 twice and was down to one clip. He grabbed two more people and ordered them to the Center. Three more quick shots and he retreated. The shock wave from an explosion blew Stanley back into the main entryway.

  A small stash of dynamite was struck by an errant gunshot and exploded. The shock wave flattened the battlefield. Several zombies along with a few citizens were blown apart. People sat in shock looking at the carnage. Zombies, some missing limbs moved towards their prey. They clawed through the battlefield searching for the living.


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