Bolt From the Blue

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Bolt From the Blue Page 8

by Tania Sparks

  I stare up at him. I have an overwhelming feeling of exhilaration. It feels amazing that this sexy rock star is so determined to make me his and I don’t feel nearly as hesitant about the whole relationship thing as I had done just a day or two ago. I feel happy and I feel ready. I smile warmly, my eyes never leaving his. I’m sure the same level of lust and possession is visible on my face as it is on his. I answer him simply, “I know.”

  He obviously expected more of an argument from me. He looks shocked for a second and raises his eyebrows encouraging me to explain further.

  “I know. It scares the shit out of me, but I’m ready to give this whole relationship thing a try. I love that you’ve come here to claim me and I’m going to claim you right back.”

  A satisfied smile covers his face and in a flash of black, he’s on me. My clothes are being literally torn from my body and somehow his clothes are quickly disappearing too. Within seconds we’re both naked and frantic to get more of each other. He hurriedly grabs a condom, rolls it on and quickly thrusts his cock harshly inside me. A rumble vibrates through him as he moans into my mouth, “Mine”. I respond by wrapping my legs tightly around him and proclaim my own declaration of possession, “And you’re Mine. No more groupies. Just me.”

  He growls back, “And no more dickheads in convertibles for you either.”

  We pound against each other fervently. My core pulsates in ecstasy and sweat starts to cover our bodies, making us slick and sticky. He rolls onto his back, taking me with him. I sit up so I’m impaled on his cock. His hands are on my hips, guiding and moving me to exactly where he needs me. I move up and down his entire length, rotating my hips to get additional friction. He sits up, his fingers dig so hard into my flesh that I’m sure he’s going to leave bruises. He thrusts even harder inside me, holding me down so he’s as deep as he can go, he mumbles into my neck, “So fuckin’ perfect.” He kisses and sucks a long line down my neck and when his lips get to my shoulder he bites down, hard. We both instantly detonate in orgasm, yelling profanities at the top of our voices.

  We collapse onto our backs, breathless but with big smiles on our faces. After a few minutes of silence Nikki eagerly asks, “So are we really going to try this whole relationship thing?”

  I reach across and grab his hand and squeeze it. “Yeah, I think we are.”

  “Holy shit!” he chuckles.

  After a few seconds of silence he says, “Trix…that means nobody else apart from each other. That means we’re exclusive. Nobody else is allowed to touch you. Just me.”

  I giggle at his continued possessiveness. “Yeah. Only you. And if some random groupie tries to touch you, I’ll rip her hair out.”

  Nikki laughs at me. “Well, thank fuck we’ve got that sorted. It was driving me bat-shit crazy thinking about you being with someone else. That reminds me, who was the dickhead in the flashy convertible?”

  “That was Caleb.”

  “And who the hell is Caleb?”

  “He’s a good friend. He has shares in the club and he helped me set it up. He often lends a hand at the club and he’s been looking after the place while I’ve been gone.”

  Nikki squeezes my hand and hesitantly asks, “Did you fuck him last night?”

  “No...” I reply hesitantly.

  Nikki must pick up on my apprehension because he asks, “But you have before…?”

  “Umm, yeah.”

  He mumbles, “Shit.”

  I can feel his pulse beat faster and his breathing is heavier as he cautiously asks, “Have you two been in a relationship?”

  “No, you know I don’t do relationships. Me and Caleb are just good friends and occasionally we’ve fucked. It’s nothing, just some fun.”

  Nikki stays silent for a few more minutes then he declares, “Mmmm. It sounds like he’s quite a big part of your life though, especially with the club and all. I’d like to meet him sometime.”

  I don’t answer. I think that would be a really bad idea. Not to mention that it would be as awkward as hell. Especially now that Caleb has divulged the fact that he would like more from me.

  Nikki holds his hand to his mouth and lets out a massive yawn.

  “You tired?” I ask.

  “Yeah, didn’t get much sleep last night. When I couldn’t get hold of you after our phone call, I jumped on a plane to come down here to see you. I got a bit of sleep on the flight, but not much. Then I was waiting here outside your apartment for a couple of hours for you to come home.”

  “You’ve been waiting outside for a couple of hours!” I screech.

  “Yeah, but it was worth it to see you. Unfortunately I was just sitting here seething wondering why you weren’t home and imagining you off with some fucker. Then when you pulled up in that convertible with that dickhead, I swear to God, I almost went over there and smashed both him and his yuppie car.”

  “If I had known you were here I would have come home earlier. My shift at the club didn’t end until four. Then me and Caleb went back to his place.”

  I hear Nikki growl.

  “We didn’t fuck, I promise. We just talked, then we got a few hours sleep before he brought me back home. So I’ve only had a tiny bit of sleep too.”

  He lets out a loud sigh. “You know when you called and heard those girls, it’s not what you think.”

  “It’s okay, you don’t need to explain. We’d agreed to see other people. It’s just that when I heard them with you it sort of hit home is all.”

  “They weren’t with me sweetheart. Both bunnies were with Cody. I’d been moping around all night wondering whether I should call you or not, but I knew you had a shift at the club and I didn’t want to wake you up if you were trying to get some shut-eye. Anyhow, they’d all been giving me a hard time and teasing me for being so pussy-whipped. When you phoned and they realized it was you on the phone, Cody’s chicks thought it was hilarious to pretend they were with me. When I realized what it sounded like, I tried to explain it to you, but you hung up and wouldn’t answer my calls.”

  “So you weren’t with those girls?” I ask incredulously.

  “No…believe it or not, I haven’t been with anyone else since that day I met you at the garden bar down the road from Ash’s place. You’ve sorta got in my head and no matter how much I try, I can’t get you out. No one else seems to spark my interest. It’s as annoying as shit.” He chuckles and rolls his eyes, hardly believing it himself.

  I sit up and stare at him disbelievingly. “Nikki! That’s like a couple of weeks ago. Are you telling me that you haven’t fucked anyone in that whole time?”

  He smiles at me shyly, “Only you…and my hand…rather frequently I might add. You’re not always around and I do have needs you know!” He chuckles, then his face turns serious, “What about you? How many guys have you hooked up with since we met back at the bar.” He cringes like he doesn’t really want to know the answer.

  I reply truthfully, “Well, there’s been you, a few times actually…” Nikki scowls at me. He thinks I’m avoiding his question. “And then there’s been Bob...”

  “Who the fuck is Bob?” Nikki screeches as he sits up and glares at me.

  I grin at him.

  “It’s not fuckin’ funny sweetheart. Who the fuck is this Bob guy? I’m gonna kick his ass.”

  I can’t tell if Nikki’s joking or serious. I chuckle at him and explain, “Well I keep Bob handy at all times when I feel the need to, well, you know…”

  Nikki scowls at me again. He’s definitely not happy.

  I decide I should clarify, “Bob’s my Battery Operated Boyfriend.”

  Nikki looks at me a bit confused.

  “Bob, B. O. B. My Battery Operated Boyfriend.”

  I explain further. “My vibrator Nikki!”

  He bursts out laughing. “Shit darlin’. You had me going there for a minute. I was ready to get out of this bed and go and kick Bob’s ass. So are you telling me that it’s just been me and Bob?”

  “Yep.” I chuc

  Nikki lies back down and coaxes me down to snuggle in his arms, he mumbles, “I sort of like the idea that it’s only been me and Bob that’s touched you. And it’s sort of hot that you lie in this bed and get yourself off. That’s going to give my imagination some good material for when I’m back on the road and feeling horny.”

  We both laugh softly and snuggle together. He gives me a kiss on my lips then says, “Okay, let’s get some sleep. Then I’d like to take you out. I think it would be good to just spend a bit of time together, doin’ normal stuff.”

  I chuckle, “You asking me on a date rock star?”

  He sits up and shuffles off the bed with a smirk on his face. He lowers himself to his knees beside the bed as he holds out his hand to me, “Yes, yes I am. Trixie, my beautiful girl. Would you do me the honor of goin’ on a date with me later today?” His eyes are shining with mischief, he’s biting his lip and playing with his lip ring as he grins cheekily. He’s such a charmer.

  I chuckle at him and reply in my most courtly voice, “That would be most wonderful thank you.” I pat the space on the bed beside me then demand, “Now get that sexy ass of yours back up here on this bed.”

  “Yes ma’am,” he replies giving me a salute as he gets back onto the bed. I snuggle into him.

  “When do you have to go back?” I ask.

  “There’s no show tonight, but I have to leave tomorrow morning to get back in time for sound check tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Good, so at least we get a day or so together.”

  “Yeah. All day and all night.”

  We quickly fall asleep, snuggled in each other’s arms.

  Chapter 8

  I’m only half awake as I doze a in state of semi-consciousness. I’d really like to go back to sleep but I feel extremely hot and my movement is restricted by the heated and heavy limbs that are entangled with mine. One of Nikki’s arms is under my neck and my head is resting on his shoulder. His other arm is wrapped securely around my waist, his leg is intertwined with mine and we’re both completely naked.

  He’s fast asleep so I try to wriggle my way out from under him but his grip tightens and he pulls me in even closer to him crushing my breasts against his muscled torso. His eyes are still closed. He hasn’t said a thing and I’m pretty sure he’s still asleep.

  I try to move again but his hold on me gets even tighter. He rumbles in a sleepy voice, “Go back to sleep.” He might think he can go back to sleep but I can feel his cock awaken as he becomes as hard as steel in a matter of seconds. If he won’t let go of me, I’ll at least wake him up so we can take full advantage of his growing erection.

  I manage to wrap my leg around his hip and I grind my sex against him. His eyes are still closed but a low groan rumbles from his chest. Suddenly I’m flicked around so my back is snuggled into his front. He barks sternly, “I said sleep! Keep still sweetheart.”

  He nuzzles his face into my hair and pulls me tight against him. Now I can feel his cock nudging at my ass. There’s no way I’m going back to sleep now. If he thinks that’s even possible then he’s lost his mind. My body’s demanding more so I squirm against him.

  He groans erotically, his warm hand glides down my hip as he strokes back and forth, serenely trying to coax me back to sleep with his comforting caress. But then his fingers slowly slide around to my stomach and down even further as be buries his fingers gently in my folds. He explores leisurely until he locates my clit. He adds some pressure as he strokes. I can feel sensations of pleasure radiate from my core so I start to move my hips in time with his movements. His fingers slide lower to my entrance. He feels how wet I am and he rumbles, “Holy hell you’re dripping already and I’ve hardly even touched you.”

  I don’t get a chance to respond because I feel him deftly slide on a condom and reposition himself behind me as he slowly pushes his cock inside my pussy. I squeeze around him and we both moan in pleasure. He glides back and forth at an agonizingly slow pace. I push back and start to rock my hips eagerly. He growls, “So much for sleeping, you’re a bad influence.”

  I growl back, “You don’t honestly expect me to sleep do you? Not much chance of that with you inside me.” I try to speed up our movement but he holds me firmly on my hips, limiting by ability to move.

  He moans, “Slow down, I’m kinda enjoying sleepy sex. It’s as hot as hell and damn your pussy feels good.”

  It does feel amazing as we glide together unhurriedly. I can feel a dull ache building as tingles start to tickle over my skin. Our breathing has quickened and although we’re trying to move slowly, our movements are gradually picking up speed and intensity.

  Both of our orgasms hit at the same time as warmth and pleasure radiates all over my body. I can feel Nikki coming too as he continues to glide slowly back and forth.

  As the sensations subside we lie entangled in each other, him still inside me, both of us totally relaxed and satiated. Nikki brushes the hair away from my neck and kisses me softly just below my ear as he chuckles, “I had no idea sleepy sex could be so fuckin’ awesome.”

  “That was pretty incredible wasn’t it.” I giggle.

  After a couple of minutes I wonder what the time is so I lean over him to look at the alarm clock. “It’s already midday. We need to get up or we’ll waste the whole day in bed.”

  “Mmm, I can’t think of anything better than spending the whole day in bed with you.” He groans.

  “Come on, you promised me a proper date, let’s go.” I wiggle out of his arms and get out of bed, making my way towards the bathroom.

  “Hmmm, I did promise you a date didn’t I?” He grins as he gets up and follows me to the bathroom.


  After we both get ready, we fix ourselves some coffee and toast and sit down at the kitchen counter to eat our late breakfast. Once we’ve finished I grab my car keys and handbag and we both head towards the door hand-in-hand. Nikki grins and says, “You won’t need your car keys. I think we’ll take my car today.”

  I shrug my shoulders, “Okay, I didn’t know your car was here. I didn’t see your Jeep parked out front.”

  “I didn’t bring my Jeep.” Nikki grins. “I got a friend to drop off one of my other cars earlier when you were getting ready.”

  “Oh, okay, I didn’t know you had another car.”

  “I have a few cars, it’s sort of an addiction of mine. What can I say, I like nice things.” He rakes his eyes over me and I don’t miss his innuendo.

  We walk down the stairs and parked in front of the building is a bright yellow Lamborghini. I look over to Nikki who’s grinning cheekily.

  I smile widely, I can’t help myself, it’s a pretty cool car. “Could you be any more rock star?”

  Nikki smirks and shrugs his shoulders. He holds the door open for me and I climb in. He walks around to the driver’s side and jumps in too.

  “Buckle up darlin’. I drive this thing like I fuck, hard and pedal to the metal.”

  I shake my head while I buckle myself in. I challenge, “Well if it’s anything like this morning’s sexcapades, it’ll be more like a Sunday drive with an ice-cream treat at the end of the trip.”

  “That was more than a fucking Sunday drive and ice-cream. That was a cruise along the coast in a hot-as-hell sports car followed by a fucking six scoop ice-cream sundae with chocolate sauce and a hundred cherries on top.”

  He snickers to himself then rumbles, “Hold on to your panties baby because if we’re comparing car trips to fucking, this ride’s gonna be more like me fucking you while you scream my name as I give you the biggest, hardest damned orgasm of your life.”

  I snicker, “Hey, bring it on. I can take anything you can give me.”

  He looks me over, his eyes burning with mischief. He chuckles, “I have no doubt about that.” He dramatically revs the engine a few times then he slams his foot on the accelerator and presses it down to the floor. I’m flung backwards into my seat as we dart out from the curbside and fly from zero to
sixty in a matter of seconds.

  Once I catch my breath I excitedly cheer, “Whoop, whoop.” I’m laughing loudly and enjoying the ride immensely while Nikki chuckles at my enthusiasm. After a few minutes, he slows down slightly so he can remove one of his hands from the steering wheel. He reaches over and places it possessively on my thigh. We drive to Santa Monica and he parks the car, giving a valet attendant a large tip to keep it safe.

  The day is sunny and the temperature is warm. We spend the next few hours wondering around the shops and along the beachfront hand-in-hand. It feels nice and it feels very comfortable, just a normal couple enjoying each other’s company.

  We walk past an ice-cream stall, “You feel like some ice-cream?” Nikki snickers.

  “Is it one of those six scoop ice-cream sundaes with chocolate sauce and a hundred cherries on top?” I cheekily ask.

  “Whatever you want. Your wish is my command. I’d give you the world if you asked for it.”

  “Gosh you’re such a smooth talker.” I giggle as I dig him in the ribs and he grins smugly.

  We wander across to the ice-cream stall and make our selection. We both choose two scoops of fudge chocolate chip in a waffle cone. We stroll across to the beach and sit down on the sand as we demolish our ice-creams.

  The conversation is easy and we chat about all sorts of things. We discuss everything from our families and childhood adventures to what we like to eat, what we enjoy doing in our spare time and even what our favorite season is (both of us love summer). I tell him about my time in college, how me and Eve moved to LA a few years back and all about my experiences setting up the club, all the issues we’ve had and how I have to be a bit of a hard-nosed bitch in an industry that’s difficult and competitive. Nikki listens attentively, taking everything in with rapt attention. He asks me a heap of questions and is genuinely interested.

  Nikki tells me about some of the escapades him and the Oblivion guys have had on tour. He tells me stories about the beginning of their careers when they were struggling musicians, sleeping in their van and playing at pubs and clubs. He also tells me all about what happened when they started to make it big and couldn’t believe they were lucky enough to be making a career doing what they love. I learn about what’s involved in putting on the big shows and how their large team of crew make it run smoothly. I hear all about their massive following of fans and how much they value and appreciate their support. He talks candidly about the struggle the whole band’s had with drugs and how they are now all drug-free and their determination to stay that way. He talks about his passion for their music and how he loves what he does and feels privileged to be able to make a decent living doing something he enjoys immensely with a group of guys he considers brothers.


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