Bolt From the Blue

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Bolt From the Blue Page 10

by Tania Sparks

  Kitty slinks up to Nikki and sits on the armrest of his chair. “Nikki my darling brother….” She smiles sweetly at him.

  “Yeah Sis,” Nikki reluctantly replies.

  “I haven’t seen the guys for eons! Please, please, please let me come back to the city with you tonight, so I can catch up with them all.”

  “I suppose that would be fine,” Nikki replies warmly. “I’m sure they’d all love to catch up with you, but we’re leaving soon, so go and pack yourself an overnight bag.”

  Kitty screeches excitedly and rushes off to pack.

  After a little while Nikki, me and Kitty say our goodbyes to his folks and we head back to the city. It’s a little after nine o’clock.

  The drive isn’t too long and Nikki and Kitty continue to catch up with what’s going on in their lives. Kitty’s on term break at the moment and she’s been looking for some part time work to tide her through the holidays, but hasn’t managed to find anything yet.

  As we get closer to the hotel, Kitty touches up her hair and make-up. She looks a little nervous. I guess she hasn’t seen the guys for a while.

  Once we get back to the hotel we make our way up to the penthouse. It sounds like everyone else is back already and some loud music is playing on the stereo. As we walk inside Kitty shrieks, “Oh my god! Hi guys. I’ve missed y’all so much.”

  The music gets turned down and the guys all gather around to greet Kitty.

  Kitty moves around the group to say hi to them each individually.

  She walks up to Scott first, he comments, “Well look at you, all grown up. When did you get so beautiful? The last time we saw you I’m sure you were like ten.”

  Kitty scowls playfully and grins, “It’s been less than a year Scott, and I’m twenty-two now you know.”

  “Shit twenty-two,” he sighs as he gives her a friendly hug. Kitty kisses him on the cheek and steps over to Hansen.

  Hansen smiles at her, “Nice to see you again Kitty.” He ruffles her hair playfully, which she quickly straightens down then gives him a chaste kiss on his cheek.

  She moves towards Ash who gives her an friendly hug and then he introduces her to Eve.

  Even though Kitty and Eve have never met before, they give each other a warm hug.

  Kitty gets to Cody and I’m sure I see her straighten her back, push her tits out and lick her lips.

  Cody’s standing strong, his back is straight and his eyes are scorching. His hands are tapping restlessly on his thigh. He has a sexy smirk as he growls, “Holy shit Kitty, when did you get so fucking hot!” He rakes his eyes over her suggestively.

  Nikki slaps him hard on the back of his head, “That’s my sister dipshit!” he roars.

  Cody mumbles, “Yeah, hot as hell sister!”

  Nikki scowls at him angrily and tries to punch him in the stomach but Cody darts away effortlessly.

  Kitty steps up to Cody and wraps her arms around his neck and pulls her body in tight against him. “Hey Cody,” she purrs. She lingers a little longer on him than on the other guys. Cody whispers something in her ear, and she whispers something back. Cody’s eyes widen. Kitty winks at him and saunters away to the kitchen to grab herself a drink from the fridge.

  Well that was an interesting exchange!

  We all spend the rest of the evening drinking and talking. Ash and Eve retire early and me and Nikki are soon to follow. The rest of the mob stay up to work their way through the liquor cabinet.

  Chapter 10

  The next morning everyone splits up and goes their separate ways. Me and Nikki go to do some shopping and to stroll around the downtown area. It’s nice to be home again.

  After tiring ourselves walking, we find a nice café and sit down to have some lunch. By the time we’ve finished it’s mid-afternoon so we head back to the hotel. As we arrive there’s a thumping bass coming out of the penthouse suite. Someone’s obviously got back before us. As we walk inside the main living area looks empty. We turn the music down and wander into the kitchen. After a couple of minutes Cody comes strolling out of one of the bedrooms and joins us. He grabs a beer out of the fridge and sits down on one of the kitchen stools. “You guys have a nice morning?” he asks casually.

  Nikki replies, “Yeah, it’s always nice to come home. It’s still a big city, but it feels peaceful. It’s nice. How was your morning?” he asks.

  “Awesome!” Cody responds enthusiastically with a big smile on his face.

  “What d’ya get up to?” Nikki enquires casually.

  Cody shrugs his shoulders, “Not much, just hung around here.”

  “You didn’t go and visit your folks?”

  “Nah, they went on a fucking cruise, so they’re not around. It’s all good though.” He grins roguishly.

  We chat for a few more minutes and then Kitty comes sauntering out. I’m pretty sure she came out of the same bedroom that Cody just came out of, but I couldn’t be sure.

  Nikki smiles, “Oh hey Kitty. Did you enjoy your shopping this morning?”

  Kitty smiles back at him, then quickly glances at Cody, “Yeah, this morning was awesome. I had a really cool time. Can’t wait to do it again!” She winks at Cody who’s grinning stupidly.

  I’m one hundred percent sure that Kitty didn’t do any shopping today! The chemistry zapping back and forth between her and Cody is unmistakable. I look at Nikki to see how he’s reacting, but he seems to be completely oblivious. I’m sure if he cottoned on, he’d be beating the shit out of Cody by now.

  Me and Nikki grab a beer and make our way into the sitting area to relax for a while before we have to go visit my folks. Cody and Kitty follow, sitting conspicuously far away from each other. Just as we’re about to sit down I notice something shiny on the floor. Shit, it’s a condom wrapper. Kitty sees it at about the same time as I do, her face pales. I quickly kick it under the couch before Nikki sees it. I go to sit down and as I do I spot a pair of red lace panties that have been discarded carelessly. I quickly tuck them under a cushion. Kitty looks at me with worry written all over her face. I raise my eyebrows at her and she mouths, “Thank you.”

  Now I have no doubt at all about her and Cody hooking up. Holy hell, if Nikki finds out what’s going on between them he’s going to beat the crap out of Cody. I hope those two know what they’re doing!

  We spend the next couple of hours relaxing and watching some TV. The other guys make their way back, most of them only calling by to get cleaned up and changed before they head out again. I excuse myself to go and get ready to visit Mom and Dad. I use one of the spare rooms.

  When I’m all done I knock on Nikki’s door, “You ready rock star? Gees you’re taking longer to get ready than me!”

  Nikki comes sauntering out of his room. Holy hell, he looks hot! I fan myself as I peruse him unashamedly. He’s wearing pale blue jeans and a white shirt that’s rolled up at the sleeves showing off his tattoos. He’s wearing all his jewelry, leather wristbands, rings, gauges in his ears, lip ring and eyebrow ring. How has he managed to pull off the look of a bad-ass rocker and “half-way respectable” at the same time?

  He takes a step towards me and holds his arms out to his side and nervously asks, “This okay?”

  “Hell, it’s more than okay. You look so effing hot, I think I might just jump you now!”

  His face morphs into a wide grin. “Let’s get going then, otherwise you’ll get me all dirtied up.” I slap him on the shoulder and we walk towards the door hand in hand. As we leave Nikki yells out, “Hey Sticks, make sure you look after Kitty. Don’t let her go out by herself. If she wants to go out, make sure you accompany her. I don’t want her out in the city by herself. And no fucking off with groupies, you take care of her okay.”

  I look back and Cody and Kitty are grinning at each other, Cody replies, “No problem. I won’t let her out of my sight.”

  “Cheers bud.” Nikki yells as the door closes behind us.

  Hmm, I’m pretty sure Cody plans on taking good care of Kitty – all ni
ght long! Hell, Nikki’s going to flip when he finally figures it out. Which he will, those two aren’t the most discrete people in the world.

  Nikki and I take the elevator down to the hotel lobby. Daddy has sent one of his town cars to pick us up. We wait at the hotel entrance and a short time later a familiar car pulls up and the driver gets out. “Hey there Bill.” I chirp.

  “Well hello there Trixie-girl.” He chirps back.

  “Bill this is Nikki. Nikki this is Bill.”

  “Hey Bill,” Nikki says as he shakes his hand.

  Bill holds the door open for us and me and Nikki jump in. Bill closes the door behind us. The car pulls out onto the road. “Hey Bill, how’s Mama and Daddy today? What sort of moods are they in?”

  “They’re pretty happy today Trixie-girl. Your Mom spent the morning at her ladies tennis club and your Dad spent most of the day hauled up in his den. But he’s definitely looking forward to his little girl visiting.”

  I look over to Nikki and he looks a bit anxious as he nervously nibbles on his lip ring. I ask, “You okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. But it’s not every day I meet your folks, so I’m just a bit nervous. It sounds like you’re a bit of a Daddy’s girl. He’s not going to come out with a freaking shot gun or some shit is he?”

  I chuckle. “No, you don’t need to worry about Daddy. I’ve got him wrapped around my little finger. It’s probably Mama you should be concerned about, she’s the one that might be a challenge.”

  “Hell, I’m starting to think this might be a bit of a crap idea after all. I don’t want to make a bad impression. I know it was all fun, like, let’s freak your parents out by showing up with a dirty rocker. But what if you and me…well you know…what if I have to see them again?”

  “Nikki, don’t be silly. You’re great, they won’t hate you. They’re going to get a bit of a shock about the way you look, but I’ll be there to keep them in line, don’t worry about it. Anyway, you probably won’t ever have to see them again, so just chill.”

  Nikki goes a bit quiet and shrugs his shoulders, “Suppose.” he mumbles grumpily.

  Damn, I have a knack of upsetting him when it comes to where we stand as a couple. I grab hold of his hand and whisper in his ear, “Sorry babe, I didn’t mean it like that. Sometimes my mouth just gets the better of me and I don’t think.”

  He whispers back, “I know. You don’t need to explain it to me. I know we’re not serious, like serious, serious, but this just feels, well…shit…”

  I snuggle into him and give him a reassuring kiss. I’m such an ass! Nikki’s determined that we try this whole relationship thing and I agree with him. But I still manage to shoot off my mouth without thinking, letting my fear of relationships give the impression of things I don’t really mean.

  After a while we pull into my family’s driveway. It’s a long sweeping driveway that’s lined with trees. It leads all the way up to our large two story house that’s situated on a huge block of land.

  “Holy shit,” Nikki mumbles. “Are you fucking royalty or something? Who are your parents anyway?”

  I giggle at his reaction. I never even gave it a second thought what Nikki would think.

  “No, don’t be silly. My Daddy’s the District Attorney and Mom’s a partner in a big law firm in the city. She works in tax law or some other boring rubbish.”

  “Holy hell! I wish you’d have told me that before I agreed to this.”

  I pat him on the knee, “Don’t worry, Mama and Daddy are pretty approachable. It’ll be fine.”

  As we pull up to the house, Nikki’s fiddling nervously. We get out and make our way up to the front door. I ring the doorbell and the door quickly opens. Both Mama and Daddy are standing there smiling warmly.

  “Mama!” I give her a big hug.

  “Hey princess,” she chirps.

  “Daddy!” I squeal.

  Daddy squeezes me tight, “How’s my little girl?”

  “I’m good Daddy. I’d like you both to meet my boyfriend Nikki.” It sounds odd calling him my boyfriend, but my introduction makes Nikki smile as he squeezes my hand in acknowledgement.

  Daddy holds out his hand to Nikki. Being the professional businessman that Daddy is, it’s hard to judge what his reaction to Nikki is. He rumbles, “Nice to meet you son.”

  Nikki shakes Daddy’s hand firmly as he confidently says, “Nice to meet you too Sir.” He hands him a fancy box of cigars. “I hope you enjoy these Sir.” I look across to the box, they’re Daddy’s favorite and they’re not cheap! Where the hell was Nikki hiding those?

  I lean into Nikki and whisper, “How’d you know those are Daddy’s favorite?”

  He simply whispers back, “Eve.”

  Mama goes to shake Nikki’s hand too, she holds it out nervously, “Nikki is it?” she almost whispers. Nikki’s appearance is obviously having the desired effect. Yay, job done!

  “Yes Ma’am, I’m Nikki, it’s very nice to meet you.” Nikki picks up Mama’s hand and raises it to his lips, giving the back of her hand a quick kiss. Mama blushes but doesn’t remove her hand from his as she smiles shyly. I guess what I thought was shock is actually her recognizing how charismatic he is! After more than a few seconds, she realizes she’s lingered her hand in his a little too long and softly pulls her hand away, touching the spot with her other hand where Nikki had kissed.

  Nikki hands her a beautifully wrapped box of candy. “I bought these especially for you Ma’am. I hope you like them.” Mama thanks Nikki bashfully and then quickly ushers us all inside.

  Daddy snickers as I shake my head at Nikki’s obviously very successful attempt to charm my Mama and Daddy. Maybe he’s right, he does have a mesmerizing effect on all women, even if it is my Mama!

  On the way through the house Mama leans in and whispers in my ear, “You should have told us you were bringing a boy home Trixie. We have a visitor coming over for after dinner drinks, it would have been nice to have had a bit of warning.”

  I frown at her in confusion, who on earth has she invited over for after dinner drinks?

  We make our way into the kitchen dining area. Mama pours us all a glass of wine. After a few minutes of idol chatting she leans over to me and says, “Princess, why don’t you pop upstairs to your room. I’ve laid out some clothes for you in your bathroom that are a bit more suitable for your Daddy’s birthday dinner.”

  I stare at her incredulously as look down at my black skinny jeans and blue silk top. I thought I looked pretty decent, my top even matches the blue tips in my hair! “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” I snap.

  Mama smiles at me sweetly, “Nothing’s wrong with it princess, I just think a skirt might be a little more appropriate for a family dinner on such a special occasion.”

  Oh my god!

  Daddy leans into my side and whispers in my ear. “I think you look beautiful sweetheart, but just to appease her, do as she asks. It’ll make her happy and that way we won’t have to listen to her going on about it all night.”

  I know he’s right but I dread what she’s put out for me to wear. I stand up and stomp my foot childishly, “If I have to.” I say. I grab Nikki’s hand and start to drag him out of the room with me.

  My Mom shrieks, “Trixie, I’m sure you don’t need Nikki’s help to get changed!”

  I turn and grin. She’s not going to get it all her own way. If she wants me to go get changed into some lame-ass clothes, I’m going to take Nikki with me for moral support. I smile sweetly at her, “Mama, it’s not like he hasn’t seen me naked.”

  Mama gasps as I quickly drag Nikki up the stairs to my room.

  Nikki scolds me, “Trixie, was that really necessary? Now they’re going to know I’ve fucked their little girl. How am I going to look your Daddy in the eye with a straight face again!”

  “Don’t worry about it, they’ll get over it.”

  We get into my room and Nikki looks around curiously. I have old rock posters on my wall from when I was in high sch
ool. “Hmm,” Nikki ponders. “I’m not sure I like the idea of my girl lusting over other musicians.”

  I chuckle at him. “Excuse me for a minute or two. I’m just going to pop into my bathroom to get changed into the clothes that Mama has put out for me. I’ll be right back.”

  “You mean I don’t even get to watch you get undressed?” Nikki sulks pouting his lips dramatically.

  “No way, my Daddy’s downstairs. If I start undressing in front of you there’s no knowing how loud you’ll have me screaming!”

  Nikki laughs and continues to riffle around my room. I walk into the bathroom and close the door behind me.

  “Jesus Christ!” I yell.

  “Everything okay in there?” Nikki asks concerned.

  “Yeah. You just wait until you see this. These clothes are ridiculous. Promise me you won’t laugh!”

  “It can’t be that bad.”

  “You want to fucking bet!” I shriek.

  I slip off my strappy high heels, remove my jeans and take off my top. I wiggle myself into the clothes that Mama has laid out. It’s a cream linen pencil skirt that sits just above my knee, an apricot two-piece cardigan combo with cream pearls around the neckline and a pair of cream sandals. I look in the mirror and shake my head despondently. I pull my hair into a low pony tail and tuck the bottom underneath so that the blue is hardly visible, then I secure it with the cream silk scarf that Mama left. I take a deep breath and open the door a crack, peeking out through the tiny gap.


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