Bolt From the Blue

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Bolt From the Blue Page 25

by Tania Sparks

  He rumbles, “You know I don’t get into bed unless I’m naked.”

  I start to remove my clothes too, “Well, if you’re naked, then I should be naked too.”

  Nikki’s eyes turn molten as we both slowly remove our clothing. Once we’re both completely naked he snuggles onto the bed next to me, both of us resting our backs against the headrest, our legs folded in front of us. His hot skin burns next to mine and I’m finding it difficult to take my eyes off of him.

  He pulls the tray of food over so it’s in front of us. There’s an amazing selection of delicious treats, little miniature sandwiches, tiny meatballs in tomato sauce with toothpicks, cheese, sliced fruit, and some chocolate brownies.

  “This looks amazing, where did you get it?”

  “Just a deli down the road. But what looks amazing is you, here in my bed, naked.” His eyes trace over my body seductively.

  “Eat your lunch rock star.” I chuckle.

  Nikki picks up a piece of melon and pops it into his mouth. His eyes still don’t leave my body. We continue to eat, between each mouthful Nikki’s hands softly stroke along my leg, up my arm or over my hips. He pauses slightly on one of the bruises on my collarbone and growls quietly.

  “It’ll heal,” I whisper quietly.

  He whispers back, “Yeah, I know.”

  He picks up the tray and removes it, putting it on the bedside table.

  “Hey!” I protest, “I haven’t finished my lunch yet.”

  “You can eat later darlin’. Right now I have other things in mind.”

  He straddles over my legs and softly places his hands behind my back. “Lie down.”

  I shuffle lower as he softly guides me to lie down. His fingers tickle softly over my shoulders and down my arms and back up again. My skin tingles from his touch.

  He mumbles, “You’re so fuckin’ beautiful. I could stay here all day just touching and looking at you.”

  His touch becomes a little firmer as his palms slide up over my hips. He moves up to cup my breasts. His thumbs rub over my nipples which instantly turn to hard pebbles. His hands then run over my ribs and down over my hips. He scoots backwards a bit and pushing my legs apart, he settles so he’s kneeling between my knees. His hands stroke long sensual lines down my legs then back up again.

  His fingers brush lightly over my pussy and a quiver of desire jolts through my body. His fingers stroke and softly caress through my folds then one finger circles my entrance, teasing at first but then sliding inside. Goose bumps prickle across my skin and I groan in pleasure.

  Nikki repositions himself so he’s lying beside me. We spend a delicious amount of time exploring, touching and tasting each other. My body is humming. He’s treating me so gently, so softly. It feels so nice, but I need more.

  I grasp my hand around his erection and squeeze firmly as I stroke my palm along his length. He groans in appreciation. His hand moves to my pussy and we both pleasure each other with strong strokes and firm touches. Our speed and intensity starts to increase. Nikki mumbles, “I’m scared of hurtin’ you darlin’. You’re still so bruised, I’m afraid that if I lie on top of you, I might cause you pain.”

  I grin cheekily. He’s probably right, I’m still quite sore. I whisper seductively, “You won’t hurt me, but just in case, I’ll stay on top. Let me ride you.”

  I sit up and push him down so he’s lying on his back. I straddle my legs over him so I’m sitting over the top of his upper thighs. I take his cock into my hand and continue to caress him. His eyes close and his hands grip firmly onto the sheets beside him as he arches his back. He groans, “Oh fuck, that feels really, really good.” I continue until I can see that he’s almost ready to detonate, his cock is pulsating in my hand and pre-cum is moistening my fingers.

  I adjust my position so I’m hovering over the top of him. His hard and ready cock is only inches away from my pussy. I look into his eyes and lust is burning as he silently pleads for me to give him what he wants. I hold his cock at my entrance and slowly push my way down his length.

  “Oh god,” I cry.

  Nikki’s hands move to my hips as he guides me even further down. He’s so deep, so hard and it feels so incredible. We start to move. Tiny jolts of electricity tingle through me. I can feel my orgasm building. Nikki’s hands move to my tits and he holds them firmly as he squeezes and caresses them. His hands slide to my hips and his fingers dig into my flesh. My eyes are hooded and I can barely focus. The room starts to spin as the sensations inside me spread across my whole body. I start to convulse as a mind-blowing orgasm jolts through me. Nikki’s very quick to follow as he explodes inside me. We continue to move and thrust, our orgasms going on and on. We’re both panting to catch our breath. When the pulsating stops, I collapse onto his chest and we both lie there with contented smiles on our faces.


  We spend the next three days mainly holed up in Nikki’s apartment. All as we do is sleep, eat and make wild, passionate love. It’s just perfect.

  This morning I’m at the apartment by myself. The Oblivion guys have all been called back in to do a few more recordings at the studio. They had thought that they had finished, but apparently after reviewing the final mix, the producer decided that they needed to re-do one or two pieces to get things perfect.

  Nikki’s been away for couple of hours and I’m sitting here, tucked up on the sofa with a blanket getting bored out of my mind. Unfortunately when I have nothing to do my mind starts to drift. Nikki will be leaving for Europe in a couple of days. With everything that’s gone on, I never did get a chance to speak to Caleb about me increasing his shareholding in the club in return for all his hard work. I also really need to speak to him about if he would be okay if I’m away a bit more frequently so I can meet up with Nikki on the tour in Europe. I pick up the phone and give Caleb a call.

  He picks up on the first ring, “Hey, nice to hear from you. How’ve ya been doing? Feeling better?”

  “I’m good thanks. I’ve been resting at Nikki’s place. Look, I wanted to have a chat to you about a few things, you free to come over?”

  “Yeah, no problem baby girl. I can be there in about half an hour. But I can only stay for no more than an hour. I have a business meeting downtown later.”

  “That would be perfect.”

  I give Caleb the address details and we say our goodbyes.

  In almost exactly half an hour Nikki’s doorbell rings. I get up from the sofa and open the door. Caleb’s brought coffees. We give each other a friendly hug and walk back through to the kitchen and sit down at the kitchen counter.

  Caleb glances around, “Nice place,” he comments. He twists his stool towards me and asks, “So, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?”

  I answer hesitantly, “Well you know Nikki’s going away on tour to Europe in a couple of days…”


  “Well, he’ll be gone for six months.”

  Caleb squints at me cautiously, “Yeah.”

  “Well, I know you always put a lot of hours into the club and believe me, I really appreciate everything you do. But, well, the thing is that with Nikki going away, I think I’ll want to spend a bit of time travelling with him. But I feel guilty about not being around as much as I should for the club.”

  Caleb just shrugs his shoulders and asks, “How much do you think you’ll be away?”

  “I’m not sure, but I was thinking that I’d like to increase your shareholding, to take into consideration the extra hours and responsibility that will undoubtedly fall on your shoulders.”

  Caleb cringes a bit, “Trix, you know I’d do anything for you right?”

  “Yeah,” I reply cautiously.

  “And I’d love to help you out more at the club. But I sorta have a new project coming up. A restaurant is opening up downtown that I’m a fifty percent shareholder in with the chef. He’s an amazing guy, won all sorts of awards and has lots of overseas experience. It was a business opportunity I couldn’t mis
s. I don’t know if I’ll have the time to commit to more hours at the club. I’d thought that maybe with Nikki going away on tour, you’d be spending a bit more time here and wouldn’t need me quite so much.”

  “Oh,” I reply.

  Caleb bites his lip, “Sorry baby girl. If I’d known your plans, I might have been able to make other arrangements, but I’m committed now, the restaurant’s grand opening is next Saturday.”

  “No, that’s okay. I should have spoken to you about it sooner. I don’t expect you to run your life around my whims and fancies and I know you have numerous other business commitments. I’ll sort something out.”

  Caleb looks at me apologetically, “Sorry baby girl. I can keep doing the same hours that I’ve been doing, but I won’t have the time to take on any additional responsibilities. Maybe we can get one of the shift managers to step up and take on more responsibility? Jake’s good and I know he’s pretty keen to advance his career, he may be an option worth looking at.”

  “Okay. I’ll have a think about it. Thanks Caleb.”

  We somberly finish our coffees then Caleb heads off to his business meeting.

  I spend the rest of the afternoon considering my options. I don’t think Jake’s quite ready to take on that sort of responsibility at the club. I now realize it was really selfish of me to think that Caleb would be available whenever I needed him. Caleb’s had a lot more to do with Jake than I have and he seems to trust him, but I’m just not sure. I would normally put a lot more training into a staff member before leaving them with that sort of responsibility.

  My mind is going back and forth. I sit for hours just going over and over the options.

  I don’t really have anyone that can help me out with the club as much as I need. Should I stay and look after the club properly? I could always visit Nikki in Europe two or three times over the six months. But is that going to be enough?

  Or should we just call it quits on this whole relationship thing? It would give him the freedom to do what he wants when he’s on tour. I know the lifestyle he’s used to. We could always hook up again when he gets back. Is it even fair of me to expect him to be faithful when we’ll be apart so much?

  I know for sure, either way, I’ll miss him incredibly. I can’t imagine being apart for so long. My heart aches already.

  After lots and lots of consideration and although it fills me with dread I know what I have to do.

  Chapter 23

  It’s early evening when Nikki finally arrives home. Nikki and the guys have finally wrapped everything up at the studio. Nikki tells me that they’re all really happy with the results and the album will now go to editing to be fine-tuned. They may have to re-record one or two bits again later, but they can do that in a studio on the road. The album will be released about a month after they get back from Europe and then they’ll start touring the US again. Their schedule really is relentless.

  Everyone’s decided that a nice quiet evening at home is just what the Oblivion guys need before the chaos of the tour kicks off. So tonight it’s just me and Nikki. We decide to stay in, get Chinese delivered and watch a movie on TV. I need to have a talk to him alone and my stomach is twisting in knots at the prospect.

  Dinner is delivered, we set it out on the coffee table and sit down on the sofa to eat. Neither of us are talking much, the looming tour and our pending separation is resting heavy on our minds. At the moment Nikki seems reasonably happy and content but there is definitely an underlying unease.

  Half way through the meal Nikki mumbles sadly, “So we gonna talk about me going away?”

  I sigh heavily, “Yeah, I think we need to have a talk.”

  “So how often do you think you’ll be able to come and see me?” Nikki asks expectantly.

  Hell, this is going to be tough. I put my chopsticks down and place the takeout carton on the coffee table. I reach over and take his from him and place them on the table too. I turn sideways with my legs crossed in front of me and he does the same so we’re facing each other. I need to see his eyes to tell him what I need to tell him. He holds onto my hands, his eyes are warm and hopeful.

  “I don’t know. It wouldn’t be as near as often as I would like…and anyway I’ve been thinking.”

  Nikki frowns and squints his eyes suspiciously. I think he can sense where this conversation is going and I can see his mood quickly turning from happy to concerned.

  A single tear runs down my cheek. Nikki instantly sees it and lifts his hand to wipe it away with his thumb. I mutter, “I think we should…it would be best if we just finished…”

  He lets go of my hands and jumps up, towering over me, “No.” he yells loudly. “No Trixie you’re not doing this. That’s fuckin’ ridiculous.”

  I jump up too. We’re now standing face to face, only inches separating us. I desperately continue my explanation, “Six months is a really long time. You’ve only known me for a couple of weeks.”

  He looks annoyed as he starts to pace around the room tugging at his hair in frustration, “Tthe amount of time we’ve known each other is irrelevant. This feels right. It feels real. Do you not feel the same way?”

  “Of course I do, but I know what you guys normally get up to when you’re out on tour. I know the lifestyle you live. I’m not stupid or oblivious to what ‘being on tour’ involves. There will definitely be parties and drinking. There will be girls, probably lots and lots of girls who will throw themselves at you constantly. I don’t expect you to sit around like some little angel while the other guys are all cavorting and making the most of what’s on offer.”

  Nikki is turning red with anger. His pacing has quickened and his arms are flailing around wildly. He yells out furiously, “Fuck Trix. You don’t get it do you? That may be the life I used to live, but what I have now with you, that’s like a gazillion times better. I’ve never felt like this before. I don’t want some skanky groupie or boozed up fan-girl. I want you!”

  “Nikki, I’ve seen for myself what it’s like. I don’t want you to feel like you’re tied to me. I want you to be able to do whatever you want without feeling guilty or like you’re cheating on me. Maybe we can hook up again when you get back. With you being away, it’s just not fair on you. I can’t be there for you. I have too many commitments here in LA. We’ll be miles apart. Life has to go on.”

  Nikki stops his pacing, faces me and crosses his arms angrily across his chest, “Is that what you want? Is this about you? Is this because you want to have your freedom while I’m gone?”

  I stride up to him, that attitude pisses me off. I know perfectly well that he’s ruined me as far as other guys go. The moment I met him my fuck-around lifestyle was definitely over. I don’t want any of that now, not even in the slightest. All I want is him. No matter what freedoms I give him while he’s away, I already know that it’s going to be me that’s sitting at home alone, missing him, waiting for him, going fucking crazy imagining what he’s getting up to while he’s on tour. It makes me so damned angry that he thinks I would be doing this for myself rather than for him. At the top of my voice I furiously spit out, “No that’s not it at all. I don’t want anyone else you stupid fucking idiot.”

  “Well I don’t fucking want anyone else either!” He growls loudly.

  We stand there staring at each other, both of us with our arms folded angrily across our chests in a stand-off of wills. After a while I try to break the awkward silence by continuing my justification, “But if we end this now, you can have that choice. If you change your mind about us while you’re on tour, if an opportunity presents itself…” I air quote the word ‘opportunity’. “then you don’t have to feel guilty. I’m making it easy for you.”

  “Easy! You think leaving you and not seeing you would be easy for me? Besides, you don’t get to make that decision for me Trixie. That’s not what I want. Look darlin’, believe me I’ll do whatever I want, but I’ve already made my decision. You are what I want. In fact you are everything I want.”

ars start to flow freely down my cheeks and I come to the realization that he feels the same way about me as I do about him.

  Nikki walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist. I secure my arms around his neck. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his hips. He leans back slightly, his eyes burning as they focus resolutely on mine.

  He says warmly, “Don’t you realize that I’ve fallen for you? I’m totally and completely fuckin’ in love with you Trixie.”

  I stare at him and hesitantly ask, “You love me?”

  “Head over fuckin’ heels darlin’.”

  “I love you too!” I whisper excitedly.

  “I know,” he chuckles.

  He squeezes by ass and kisses me softly on my nose, “Now, no more stupid talk. Let’s figure out how we’re gonna make this work because there’s no fuckin’ way you’re getting rid of me that easily. You’ve got me for as long as you want me darlin’.”

  “And you’ve got me for as long as you want me,” I reply.

  “How does forever sound?” he asks.

  “Darned perfect,” I giggle.

  His lips crash to mine and we kiss passionately. My legs are still wrapped around him as he walks me through to his bedroom.

  I now feel confident that we’re going to make it work. Whatever happens, whatever choices we make, however we figure out some way so I can travel with him, we’re going to do it together. Side by side, hand in hand. I’ve finally found my forever and nothing else matters.


  Nikki’s lips clasp around my nipple as I groan in pure pleasure. Electricity ripples through my body as his fingers slide into my pussy and he strokes me to near orgasm. I’m wet and extremely turned on. We’re locked inside a small bathroom cubicle, thirty thousand feet in the air, travelling in a private jet which is scheduled to land in Frankfurt in a few hours. My dress, panties and bra have been recklessly discarded to the floor and I’m completely naked.


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