The Council of Bone

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The Council of Bone Page 14

by Tyler Earp

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  It was the same dance and song over the days following. They would wake up in the morning, pack everything after a light meal, walk for ages and then train until it was time to eat.

  Training would start with sparring or practicing the poses, and then afterward Rafe had Charley practice repressing his Path to build control. Charley felt his powers growing as the days passed. He would touch someone and feel their emotions, though it was often fuzzy.

  Charley noticed that Abe seemed to grow more serious as he started his training to honing his Amplification. In fact, it was like seeing a whole new Abe. He mastered much of the lower-level training, and could be seen flitting across the camp.

  Charley saw that Nina, on the other hand, was having trouble even doing the simplest of the tasks that the book detailed. Rafe consoled her. “It's fine. Many Children do not have conscious control as quickly as Charley and Riley, or even Abe.”

  As usual, Rafe stopped them in the early evening, the fifth day out of the Academy. But then he pulled Hans and Jaelyn over to the side to talk to them with a quiet intensity. Charley watched them nod back in response.

  Charley felt something was different as Rafe walked over to them. He leaned down over one of the stakes and he murmured out the side of his mouth, “Listen, you four, there isn't much time. We're being followed. They've been tailing us for nearly three days and will be here in minutes. I want all of you to finish the tent, and get in it. When you do, get your swords out and stand back to back at the center.

  “Hans and Jaelyn are going to hide in the foliage while I confront them. I doubt they will attack a single man. If it gets physical, we will do our best to protect you, but a few might get past us.”

  With that, Rafe straightened up and went to the center of the clearing and set himself in a relaxed position with arms crossed. The four of them hastily put the tent up and entered.

  Charley saw that Abe was wired, nearly jumping out of his skin as Riley drew his much larger sword. Abe chuckled, his eyes darting around. Nina put a hand on his arm. “Chill out. We're gonna be okay. I mean, we have Rafe out there.”

  Rafe to save the day– Yay. Come on, Charley. Didn't you say you would find a way to protect them all? How are you going to do that hiding in a tent? Charley had the sudden urge to leave the tent and join Rafe. He steeled his mind and turned to the others.

  “I'm going out there.”

  Nina grabbed him, her eyes widening. “But Rafe said to wait in here.”

  Charley shook his head. “I'm tired of getting saved and not being able to help. I'm tired of Rafe or Riley doing all the heavy-lifting.”

  “But what about the Salans the other day? That was all you.”

  “No. Rafe could have beaten them easily. You know how good he is.” Charley sighed. “I need to do this.”

  Nina turned to Riley. “Aren't you going to say anything?”

  Riley shook his head. “Charley's right. He has to face danger eventually. It might as well be now when Rafe can help.”

  The entire time, Abe had been bouncing up and down on his toes. He pumped his fist “Alright, I'm coming with you!”

  Before either of them could change their minds, or before Nina could anyway, they ran from the tent and came to a stop on either side of Rafe. He looked at them, confusion in his eyes.

  He saw their resolution and nodded. “If you must, but stay behind me. And sheath your weapons. We don't want to frighten them too bad,” he said with a smirk.

  He didn't know how to feel either. On one hand, he wanted to protect himself and his friends. But on the other hand, he didn't want to have to hurt anyone. Especially because he knew that if he did, it wouldn't be like a comic, he would actually be hurting a living, breathing person.

  The hoof beats broke through his thoughts. He looked down the trail and saw at least two dozen horses and their riders.

  As they neared, a tall blonde man dismounted. He came forward and gestured toward them. “Hail, travelers. May I share your fire for a few moments?”

  Rafe acquiesced by motioning for the man to join them. “Why do you travel in such a large group?” Rafe asked.

  “I'm searching for a certain party making for Morness. I would know one of the group from a brief meeting in a tavern about two weeks past.”

  Rafe grinned wolfishly. “I would need a name, my lord.” “Her name was Jaelyn. A fair Sidhe maiden. Possibly of noble heritage.”

  There was rustling off to the side of the clearing and Jaelyn walked out from the brush. She approached Rafe and the man, dragging her feet. “Is that you, Vard?”

  Charley watched Vard lock eyes with her. She seemed to freeze to the spot, a deeper tension filling the glade they were standing in.

  “Why are you following us, Vard?” Jaelyn managed to ask.

  “I was sent to help you.”

  Charley's heart sunk as soon as he realized that his grand gesture had been a flop. A lot of good that did me.


  Villainous Intent

  “We are judged by who we choose to be? Well, I guess it isn't going to to go too well for me.”

  - Maxima

  In the trees, far from the tunnels and caverns of her youth, Maxima always felt uncomfortable and exposed. Even with her magic, which could make her invisible to even the most observant mage, she still had the feeling that someone was watching her.

  She raked a deep line into the tree as she watched the large group of mercenaries join the much smaller band. Several times, throughout the evening, Maxima saw the boy, his sandy blonde hair a stark contrast to the predominately brown and black haired group.

  The other boy she made note of was the taller, more muscular boy. His aura was also deeply powerful. She could already tell that he was someone not to be reckoned with.

  The other two children, though, were much less powerful. She knew she had to choose one of those two to take. That was the plan she had settled on.

  She made her decision. The girl. Nothing gets the boys running like a girl in trouble, she thought to herself, a reptilian sneer crossing her face. A little cliché, but effective.

  Now just to take her.

  Even though she had her shroud of magic, the instant she moved it would be broken. And she knew no invisibility sorcery that would allow her to draw close unseen.

  Her power came through years of prayer and mental training in the honor of her dark god. Of course, she had seen through the deception and had found that she was just drawing her powers from Hiberon.

  Guess I'll just have to do this the hard way, after all. She began dragging her claws across the tree at an angle to sharpen them.

  Waiting until it was complete darkness, she slinked into the camp. At one point, she could have sworn one of the guards looked right at her. She stilled her breathing, crouching behind a two-foot shrub for what seemed an hour before the man moved on. She continued on her way to the tent she knew the four children were in.

  She could hear light murmuring from inside. Calling her magic, she shrouded herself once more. It almost turned out to be a mistake, as she heard a loud thump from within the tent.

  Even though she was separated by the fabric she heard a small male voice say, “Sorry. I could have swore I felt something. Was that you, Riley?”

  “No. I felt it too, though.” A deeper voice replied.

  “It was probably just one of the mercenaries. What are the odds that none of them can do magic? Can we please just get some sleep?” The girl asked.

  That seemed to end the conversation, as they all fell silent. Soon, their breathing deepened and she knew they had fallen asleep. She glanced around for any guards. Seeing none, she turned back to the tent and with extreme control she cut a hole large enough for her to walk through.

  Her reptilian eyes adjusted to the dim light and she saw everything in hues of green and blue. She spotted the girl laying on the far side of the tent and cursed herself. Of all the places I could have chosen to enter.

  On clawed feet, she tiptoed across the room, almost kicking one of the boys as she went. She paused, making sure her near miss hadn't spooked one of them awake, before continuing. She drew a small bag from a pocket and sprinkled a dust across her lips. It quickly dissolved.

  Now comes the fun part. Maxima scooped her up. The girl murmured in her sleep for a moment but made no further sound. Moving much quicker than when she had entered, she walked to the hole. She stopped long enough to seal the hole and then vanished into the night with her new captive in tow.

  And now the game begins.

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