The Intimate Memoirs of an Edwardian Dandy, vol.II

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The Intimate Memoirs of an Edwardian Dandy, vol.II Page 2

by Rupert Mountjoy

  Arching her back, she raised herself on tiptoes, forcing more of his prick inside her as she grasped my own iron-hard rod in her right hand. 'I want more of this cock in me-all the way,' she groaned as his fat shaft slid out of her slippery pussey and flopped against her belly. Still holding my cock tightly in her fist, she turned her back to Frank and leaned over the bath, offering her chubby little bottom to him. He parted the peachlike bum cheeks and she turned round and said: 'Frank, don't go up my arse, there's a good boy. I'd be frightened that you'd rend me in two with that mighty tool of yours.'

  'Have no fear-I'll only ream out your cunney,' assured Frank as he shoved his truncheon in the inviting cleft between her buttocks and entered her cunt from behind. Nancy pushed her hips back as he plunged his prick all the way into her sopping slit. I watched her hips rotate in a sensuous circular motion as she enjoyed this grand doggie-style fucking. I saw Frank's cock slew in and out of her hot, juicy cunt and Nancy's hand shot up and down my own boner which triggered off my orgasm and my cock unleashed a fountain of sticky white jism that arced across the bath and splashed against the wall. The lewd girl came at the same time as Frank, who sent a gush of warm spunk deep into her cunney, and she came with a full-throated scream of pleasure as her love juices flowed down her thighs. 'How about letting me fuck you now?' I asked Nancy as, although my cock had lost some of its stiffness, my still enlarged shaft was still swinging heavily between my legs. 'I'd love to, Mister Rupert, but honestly I don't have the time. I'm late as it is and I've still got to clean up the bathroom,' she replied with what appeared to be genuine regret in her voice. Naturally, after we dressed ourselves we helped Nancy finish her work and I saw Frank slip a sovereign in her hand as she left the room. 'She didn't ask for anything,' he explained as the door closed behind her, 'but yesterday Nancy told me about how she is saving up for a new dress this Christmas and I thought I would help her out.' 'Very generous, I'm sure,' I commented, 'But actually I thought you were down with a bad cold and wouldn't be going to Doctor Blayers' party tonight.' 'I am suffering from a chill though I feel much better after that fuck with Nancy. But I don't think I'll risk going out in the night air, Rupert, if you don't mind. You don't need me to hold your hand there, do you? No, I'll stay in this evening and think of you enjoying yourselves with all those pretty girls.'

  Thank you, Frank, and certainly I don't need you to hold my hand-or anything else for that matter! But I'll certainly be thinking of you wrapped up in bed all on your own.' Frank flashed a wicked smile. 'Wrapped up, yes but not alone for too long, old boy, for after she's finished her chores, Nancy's promised to tuck me up for the night!' I rolled my eyes upwards-there had been no stopping Frank Folkestone ever since Diana and Cecily had first allowed him to cram his cock into their cunnies. 'Bye then, I'll see you tomorrow,' I said as I waved my farewell, thinking that at least Frank's absence might well provide an opportunity for Barry Jacobs to begin his rites of passage. The messenger returned just as I was about to take a shower to wash away the perspiration from what had just taken place in Frank's bathroom. As expected, Doctor Blayers was disappointed that Frank could not come to his gathering and wished him a speedy recovery, but was delighted that I had procured a substitute at the last minute as he believed in keeping even the numbers of young men and women at his soirees. I decided to take down this note to Barry as it would put him at ease, knowing that he would be genuinely welcomed at the reception. So slipping on a dressing gown, I popped downstairs to his room, and would you believe it, who should be with him when I opened the door which had been left slightly ajar but the voluptuous Nancy. They were entwined together naked on the bed, kissing mouth to mouth as Barry's hand was squeezing her full breasts and she pulled her hand up and down his twitching staff. 'Ahem, we meet again, Nancy,' I said and the shameless minx looked up and grinned saucily, saying: 'Oh fuck, I thought I hadn't closed the door properly. Be a love, Mister Rupert, and shut it firmly behind you.'

  I couldn't help laughing as I obeyed her request and I said: 'Do carry on, don't mind me.' 'Fine,' she said, her fist wrapped round Barry's prick as she moved her hand up and down in regular stroking motions. 'Is that nice, Barry? I'll rub your cock a little harder if you like.' 'Yes please, Nancy, rub a little harder and put your other hand on my balls, move your fingers further back, still further, ahhh, that's wonderful, truly wonderful.' She obliged him and rubbed his shaft at a faster pace until with a hoarse cry he spent, and great globs of frothy, creamy spunk shot out from the top of his purple helmet. 'You're a busy young lady,' I observed as Nancy twisted her body off the bed and bent down to slip on her knickers.

  'Yes, there are always a great number of first year students who appreciate my personal services,' she agreed, pulling on her chemise.

  'How did you know that I wouldn't have appreciated being asked if I wanted to try out these services?' I wondered. 'Oh, you're on tomorrow's list,' she replied blithely. 'I was going to leave Mister Barry till then but when I came in to empty his wastepaper basket he looked so forlorn I thought I'd see if I could cheer him up a bit, poor boy.' Barry gave a nervous laugh and added: 'Nancy came in just at the right time to boost my confidence for tonight's affair.'

  My eyebrows rose as I exclaimed: 'And I thought that I was the shy fellow. Now I can't even use the gambit of that weird mathematical puzzle you showed me earlier today to open a conversation!' But before Barry could utter a choice riposte, Nancy sat on the bed and, taking Barry's cock in her hand, said with a puzzled look on her face, 'Do you know, I've only just realised what it is that made Barry's prick look so different to any other tool I've ever handled. What's happened to your foreskin, love-did you have to have it surgically removed? I hope you never caught some kind of nasty disease.'

  'No, no, not at all. I've been circumcised, Nancy, and I must say I'm rather surprised that you've never seen a circumcised cock before.

  Let me explain-circumcision is the biblical covenant God made with Abraham and his descendents, and all Jewish boys have their foreskins removed eight days after birth by a religious official known as a mohel. Muslims too chop off the prepuce for the same religious reason.

  But quite a few Christian chaps at my school were also circumcised in infancy because a growing number of doctors believe the practice to be hygenic.' 'Yes, there were a few Roundheads in the sixth form at St Lionel's,' I agreed, 'but one poor chap had to undergo the operation when he was fifteen because his foreskin was too tight. It must be a jolly painful operation.' “For him, maybe,' chuckled Barry, 'but as I was only eight days old when the cut was made, I remember absolutely nothing about it.' Nancy eyed his circumcised shaft which was beginning to swell up again in her palm. 'Well, you learn something every day. I've never seen one of these shafts before and I must admit that it is not displeasing to the eye. I would imagine that it must feel nice to fuck or to be sucked or tossed off without any additional covering over your cock. 'What an awesome and responsible job for the mohel,' she added before licking her lips and jamming them over Barry's rubicund mushroom knob and sucking him up to a rock-hard stiffstander. It doesn't command any salary as he's expected to donate his fees to charity,' gasped Barry as Nancy's hand cupped his hairy ballsack whilst she continued to lick and lap his pulsating penis which had risen up majestically under her skilful sucking,*but as any mohel will tell you, the wages are poor but the tips are great!' I smiled my appreciation at this witticism but Nancy was far too involved in palpating his prick to have heard his jest. She somehow managed to take almost all of his rampant rod between her lips and bobbed her head up and down so that Barry fucked her mouth without even having to move a muscle! It took less than a minute for Barry's prick to begin to twitch uncontrollably and Nancy's mouth was soon filled with frothy white foam as she swallowed all the jism from his throbbing tool, gulping down every last milky drop of spunk as his shaft shrank back into submission. 'I'm always the best man but never the groom,' I complained as my own prick was now bulging up high against my belly. Nancy flic
ked open my robe and seeing my raging stiffstander she grinned: 'I'll come round one day soon and we'll see what we can do for Mr. John Thomas then.'

  There was no time for any further conversation so I went back upstairs to my room and dressed, consoled somewhat by Nancy's promise.

  By the time Barry and I were ready to go the evening air was rather chill, although a soft light still shone through the windows as we made the short journey across Broad Street to Doctor Blayers' rooms in Jesus College. But when we reached the gates a college servant informed us that the good doctor had booked a hall for his reception at a nearby tavern. At the same time two girls who had also been invited to the party arrived and we escorted them down to a small turning just off Cornmarket Street where the party was taking place.

  We introduced ourselves as we walked to the new venue and, as always happens in a foursome, we paired off almost immediately. I squired Beth Randall, a charming tall, blonde girl whilst Barry chatted to Esme Dyotte, an equally attractive young lady whose mop of slightly disordered brown hair and dashing hazel eyes spelled out a promise, I thought to myself, of possible further delight later in the evening if my friend played his cards correctly. Doctor Nicholas Blayers himself welcomed us at the door. He was a jolly, fine-looking man of about forty, edging towards plumpness, sallow complexioned and wearing gold-framed spectacles and a jolly smile. 'Good evening, good evening, how nice to see you!' he beamed as we came in. He had met Beth and Esme before when, at the headmistress' invitation, he had travelled down earlier in the year to lecture to the sixth form at Trippett's Academy. I introduced myself and Barry to him and as the girls turned away temporarily to converse with former schoolfriends who had also won places at Somerville College, Doctor Blayers told us: 'I do hope that you all have an enjoyable evening tonight. You would be surprised at the battles we have had to allow women even to study at the University let alone mix together. Why, many of my own colleagues say to me that the presence of women destroys the atmosphere of Oxford.

  Only yesterday a certain professor was moaning to me that soon the women will turn round and say: “If we win degrees it is illogical to withhold from us the privileges of the High Table.” I The elevated table in the college dining halls at which the principal professors, etc sit-Editor]. To which my reply, of course, is that it would be so much more pleasant to dine in the company of ladies-and this does shock such old dodderers as the gentleman who spoke in such a way to me.

  'I believe in the rules of nature and I would like to see young people grow up untrammelled by the burdens of sexual shame. Any tendency of celebration or joy regarding these matters is frowned upon by Society, yet the most elemental expression is itself the act of sexual congress upon which the very preservation of our species is dependent! It is for this reason that Nature made this union extremely pleasurable. We did not ask it; it is the gift of a beneficent Creator and it is thus quite absurd that we are ashamed of our natural inclinations. Do you not agree with me?'

  We murmured our assent as we took glasses of iced champagne from a tray preferred to us by a passing waiter and our host continued to ride his hobbyhorse: 'Let me stress that there must be some strict regulations by Society-for otherwise we would revert to the laws of the jungle. But in my opinion if two consenting young people wish to follow their natural inclinations, then I say jolly good luck to them- especially if they are responsible enough to take proper care not to bring unwanted children into this overcrowded world. 'Enjoy yourselves tonight,' he added as he turned away to welcome some other guests. 'Gosh, what on earth was that all about?' asked Beth, who only heard the latter part of Doctor Blayers' miniature lecture.

  'I believe that he wishes to propound a new morality,' I said, sipping a glass of champagne, to which she gravely nodded and said sweetly: 'Is that so? Personally, I thought he was just expounding upon the joys of fucking.' I almost choked on my drink as she gave me a saucy smile and murmured throatily: 'Do you like fucking, Rupert? I love it! There is nothing better in the whole wide world I am sure and you don't have to answer the question really because my cousin has already supplied me with your answer!' 'Your cousin?

  Who is that?' 'Why Diana Wigmore, of course! Yes, she wrote to me about you as soon as she knew that we would both be going up to Oxford together this year. Don't blush, Rupert, she only said nice things about you and your sturdy instrument, which since her tuition you now know how to play to good effect! As soon as you told me your name I thought to myself, it must be fate that has brought us together so quickly.' Whilst I digested this not unwelcome information, Beth asked: Tell me about Barry Jacobs-has he any experience in the art of love-making or like most boys of your years is he still virgo intacto?' 'Barry is still untested,' I admitted candidly, but I know he is not totally inexperienced and would give anything to enjoy the full delights of l'amour.' 'Well, he may well be in luck,' declared Beth, 'for my friend Esme is also possessed of a highly active libido, so let me inform her as to the situation and find out if she also wishes to besport herself tonight. In my opinion Esme will relish the idea of initiating Barry into manhood. Look how well they are getting on together. Oh yes, I am almost certain that your chum will be soon able to divest himself of his tiresome state of virginity. 'It would be rather fun to watch these rites of passage,' she added thoughtfully. 'Do you think your friend would mind forking out for rooms at a local hostelry? An acquaintance of mine in her second year here says that the owner of The Cat and Pigeons, one Mr. Thomas Waterbrick, can be trusted to be totally discreet upon payment of a gold sovereign.' 'Barry would gladly take every available room in Mr. Waterbrick's hotel in these circumstances,' I laughed. 'Super, that's settled then-I will have words with Esme and confirm that she will be happy to fall in with our plans.' As Beth had confidently forecast, Esme was more than pleased with our lewd ideas and as for Barry, when I told him how he was about to fuck his first girl, his eyes sparkled and of course he was more than glad to stump up the necessary cash for rooms at The Cat and Pigeons after the party. 'Can we go soon?' he asked eagerly. 'I say old boy, I can't wait to fuck Esme.' 'Steady on, Barry, it would be very rude if we left too early- anyhow, let's get our strength up and tuck into some of that delicious looking food on the buffet table whilst Beth telephones Mr. Water-brick to book our rooms,' I said, though in truth I was also champing at the bit and could hardly wait for the time when I could sweep the soft, willing body of Beth into my arms.

  However, the party was most enjoyable and we met some interesting new fellow students as we ate and drank the beautifully prepared refreshments provided. Doctor Blayers was somewhat of a connoisseur of wines and we imbibed perhaps a little too deeply for by the time it was possible to make our farewells, we were all-let us be charitable- quite merry. We hailed a hansom and very soon afterwards found ourselves together in a suite of rooms at The Cat and Pigeons. Beth and I were sitting on the sofa which we had turned round so that we, and Barry and Esme, who when I last actually saw them were sitting on the bed, could enjoy some measure of privacy. Beth and I cuddled up together and she began to arouse me by resting her hand on my penis. Our heads turned towards each other and inexorably our lips moved forwards to meet and we exchanged the most passionate of kisses.

  As we embraced she began to massage my prick gently and naturally it responded by swelling up and becoming harder and harder under her touch. Somehow the fact that Barry and Esme were behind us whilst Beth was fiddling with my fly buttons did not inhibit me in the slightest. In fact, to be honest their presence seemed to have the opposite effect and frankly it excited me to think that they might be watching as I took the initiative and unbuttoned Beth's blouse and slid my hand over her rounded bosoms. Now perhaps our exhibition had encouraged them because when she brought my stiff shaft out into the open I heard a gasp behind me and I surmised that Barry and Esme had begun their own sex play. I probed the inside of Beth's mouth with my tongue and slid down the straps of her chemise over her shoulders to expose her proud, jutting breasts. She closed her
fingers around my palpitating pillar and began to toss me off with regular stroking motions which sent tiny shivers of pleasure all over my body.

  Behind us I could hear that Barry and Esme were already one step ahead as I could distinctly hear the wet, squishy sounds of Esme's pussey being finger-fucked, and her moans of delight stimulated Beth who pulled her dress and petticoat up to her waist, exposing her frilly French knickers. She arched her back to assist me in removing them and she spread her legs as I let my palm smooth its way into her silky pubic thatch. My fingers easily found her moist crack and I slowly stroked the entire length of her slit before dipping my finger into her wet cunney, which sent her wild, and she twisted and turned as I moved first one and then two fingers in and out of her dripping cunt. I turned my head to watch Barry performing the same service for Esme and then Beth pulled down my trousers and drawers and in a flash her head was between my legs as, shaking a lock of blonde hair from her face, she took my shiny uncapped helmet into her mouth. She sucked slowly, tickling and working round the little 'eye' on top of the bulbous dome. Her magic tongue encircled my helmet, savouring its spongy texture and her teeth scraped the tender flesh so deliciously as she drew me in between those luscious lips. She lowered her head to take in more of my shaft and ran her tongue along the side of my throbbing tool which again sent almost unbearable waves of sheer ecstasy coursing through my entire frame. Every time she sensed I was on the verge of spending she would ease her wicked tonguing, thus prolonging our mutual enjoyment which was reaching new, unsealed heights of desire. 'You'll come too quickly if I don't stop for a while,' Beth whispered as she reached round and unfastened the hook of her dress, leaving me to unbutton the garment. She slid gracefully out of it and I drank in the awesome beauty of her glorious naked body.


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