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Kellion Page 4

by Marian Tee

  I ran.


  For a long time, Kellion Argyros remained rooted to the spot, his eyes contemplative and unreadable at the same time as he watched Aria run away from him.

  A fast little runner, his Aria, and it surprised him. Kellion’s first impression of her had been someone dainty, someone as fragile as glass—

  A memory flashed before his eyes, of Aria trying to knee him in the groin.

  His lips twitched. The fuck she was fragile.

  And the fuck if he wasn’t turned on by it.

  After a moment of hesitation, Kellion took out his phone from his pocket.

  Bobby answered on the second ring. “Yes?”

  “I need you to tell me about a girl.”

  A girl? Bobby held the phone away from her ear so she could double-check if she was really talking to Afxisi’s VP. The display on her screen told her she was. “I don’t get it.” She really didn’t. He was Kellion Argyros. He could have any girl he wanted.

  “Not just any girl. I need you to tell me where I can find Aria.”

  She hung up.

  This time, Kellion did laugh. Somehow, it felt fitting that Bobby and Aria were friends.


  Dear Ashton,

  Someone called me a – are you ready for this – MONSTER.

  Yes, yes, a monster! You don’t think I am, do you?

  I’m still the prettiest sister in the world, right? Right?

  Love, Your Big Sis


  Before leaving for class, I peeked through my door’s peephole and saw…no one. The hallway was empty.


  The word sounded forced even to my own ears, but I told myself it was only because I was so used to being stalked. This was just another form of Stockholm syndrome, I told myself.

  So Kellion Argyros had been walking me to school every single day of the entire week. It wasn’t like I had wanted it. Actually, the biker had been the one to force his company on me, not the other way around.

  If he never showed up again—

  I faltered in my footsteps.

  Weird. My chest felt so tight. I glanced down at my blouse. Maybe it had started to shrink? Or maybe I had gotten even curvier?

  Rounding the corner to reach the stairs, I was about to take the first step down when I realized someone was blocking my way.

  “Good morning, terataki.”

  “Aaaaaaah!” Shock at seeing Kellion Argyros had me losing my balance, and his hard arms wrapped around me as I stumbled against his strong, powerful form.

  His body vibrated with laughter against me even as his hands spanned my waist. “You’re throwing yourself at me now?” he teased in a low whisper. “You missed me that much, eh?” Normally, Kellion spoke like any ordinary American guy but when he was with me, his Greek accent seemed to thicken, like he knew how I found it so secretly thrilling.

  Red-faced at his words, I pulled away. Pulling out my board from my jumper’s pocket, I wrote. Go away.

  But he only laughed and, covering my hand, he made me put my board back into my pocket. “You can just look at me, terataki, and I’ll know what you want to say.”

  Weeeeeeird. My chest always felt tight around him. Maybe this was a posthumous symptom of my trauma.

  Kellion was pulling my hand, and I knew by now there was no force on Earth that would make him let me go. He was supposed to be one of the most easygoing members of the Afxisi, so why was he so darn stubborn with me?

  We were still playing tug of war by the time we left my dorm. Everyone still stared at us, but because he – we – had been doing this for days, they were no longer shocked. Now, they were just…puzzled.

  What was Afxisi’s VP doing with a sick person like me?

  Honestly, I wish I knew the answer to that, too.

  Kellion was quiet as he dragged me to school. I would never admit it to anyone, but his silence was refreshing. He was one of the few people who really got me. Just because I couldn’t – didn’t – speak didn’t mean they had to fill the silence for me.

  “I can feel your pretty eyes on me.” Kellion didn’t look at me as he spoke, but I could see the way a grin was tugging at his beautiful thin lips as he did.

  Embarrassment flooded my cheeks with color, and I tried tugging away from him harder.

  Kellion looked at me with a shake of his head. “It was not a complaint. You do know that, don’t you?”

  Tingle, tingle. I hated the way he made my body feel so alive with just a few words. I felt so stupid around him. Those were all just lines, darn it. Why couldn’t I get my body to understand those were all just empty words to get me in his bed?

  When we reached my building, I forced us to a halt by digging my feet.

  Kellion stopped as well, reluctantly. “You don’t want me to go up with you?”

  My eyes bored through him.

  He gave me a hurt look. “You’re embarrassed of me?”

  I nodded profusely.

  Kellion laughed. “Too bad for you, I know you’re lying.” His grip loosened but before I could pull away, he brought my hand to his mouth and pressed a wet, warm kiss against my palm.


  He had done it again.

  He always, always, always managed to take me by surprise with that.

  Kellion released my hand, and I quickly rubbed my palm against the denim of my jumper, wanting to get rid of the feel of his touch. Over my head, I heard Kellion chuckle, the sound low and seductive.

  Tingle, tingle, tingle – so many of them it was impossible to count, but I told myself it was because he grossed me out and not for any other reason.

  “See you later?”

  I shook my head without looking up at him.

  “See you later or it’s not your hand I’ll kiss the next time.”

  I quickly looked up at him and nodded firmly. See you later.

  His lips twitched. “That’s my girl.”

  And then he was walking away, like a beautiful elusive dream that I could only have at certain times – but never forever.

  When I reached my class, most of the other girls were scowling at me while the guys were looking at me like I was a piece of curiosity. This time, I didn’t have to lie about feeling repulsed. I was disgusted, the looks in their eyes telling me clearly what they thought.

  Was the fact that I was sick – that I had Trauma – was that what made me so attractive, so exotic, in Kellion Argyros’ eyes?

  My fists clenched, but I managed not to look their way as I took my usual seat next to KC.

  She nudged my foot with hers, making me glance at her. Sorry, she mouthed.

  I took out my phone. While it was easier to write on my board, I used my phone when I didn’t want anyone reading what I had to say.

  Me: I’m used to it.

  And I was. There were just some psychos in the world that thought dating a sick person was hot. Once, I heard a guy say that it was because of the way we knew pain. It made our screams sound lovelier to their ears.

  Remembering the way the guy looked when he said that made me breathe hard. Around me, the world blurred, and there was no Kellion Argyros to brighten my surroundings.

  KC nudged me again with her foot. When I looked back at her, she lifted her notebook up, using it to cover her mouth as she said, “I know you’re not going to like me asking this but…” A grin flirted with her lips. “Are you really sure you don’t like him?”

  I shrugged.

  Her eyes widened. “Oh my God, you do!” The words came out in an awed whisper.

  I typed furiously on my phone. I DO NOT.

  KC only smiled. “Yes, you do, and…” She touched my hand gently. “Don’t you think it’s time?”

  Because KC was one of the few persons who knew what I had gone through, the words made me inhale sharply.

  Was it time?

  If it was time for me to live, did it also mean it was time for me to forget Ashton?

  I shook
my head at KC and touched my heart. The way her smile faded, I knew she got what I meant. She got it because she was the opposite of me. If there was someone I didn’t want to forget, she had someone she didn’t want to remember.

  KC gave me her phone and I saw she had typed something. Do you think he really likes you?

  I bit my lip as I took my phone, my fingers directionless over the keypad. Finally, I typed my answer. He’s Kellion Argyros. I doubt it.

  KC only nodded.

  A tiny part of me was sad that she did. Both of us knew it was likely the truth. That the biker only thought of me as a novelty, a challenge, someone to play with. It was a sensible conclusion, but even so it made my chest squeeze.


  Almost as tight as it did the first time I saw Ashton’s lip trembled while trying not to cry after being shouted at.

  I looked away from KC, not wanting her to see how I suddenly had to fight off tears. I miss you, kiddo. I really, really, really miss you.


  He was there again when classes ended. The biker. I preferred thinking of him that way because it made him less…real.

  He was waiting for me outside the building, leaning against his bike. I knew from Bobby that the bikers liked to call their rides their ‘beasts’, and, well, his beast was beautiful. It had a black body, accentuated by silvery highlights. The metallic color threw me off a bit. Somehow, it felt too…elegant for him. He struck me as the flamboyant type. Not in a shallow way, of course, but rather, in a way that told everyone to fuck off while he enjoyed life’s greatest thrills.

  Girls surrounded him, chatting him up. I tried to use it to escape his notice and creep away, but I hadn’t even turned around when I heard him speak.


  I stilled. Busted. Again. I touched my chest, which was squeezing again, but not painfully this time. Just the kind that made it hard to breathe, the kind that made me wonder if I was excited to see him.

  I grimaced at the thought. Yuck.

  Kellion was suddenly in front of me, a Greek god in a black leather jacket and jeans. A laugh escaped him when he caught sight of my grimace. The sound drew everyone’s attention towards us. The way everyone reacted to him made me grimace even more. It was like he truly no ordinary mortal, and every little thing he did was…groundbreaking.


  Kellion suddenly pinched my cheeks, stretching them to force me to smile. “Stop looking at me like I disgust you.” But he sounded far from insulted. If it wasn’t so ridiculous, I would have thought he sounded…pleased.

  Releasing my cheeks to hold my hand, he said, “Today’s a Friday.”

  His grip felt so familiar. That was bad.


  I cocked my head to the side. So what if it’s Friday?

  “You don’t have any classes tomorrow.” Kellion gestured to his bike. “Want to go somewhere?”

  I didn’t have to think. I just shook my head.

  His lips twitched. “Actually, forget I asked. I’m taking you with me anyway.”

  No! If I could have blurted it out, I would have. If I could have pulled away from him, I would have. But he was too strong. Too beautiful. Too…everything that reminded me of a hero, the kind that I needed because people like him were capable of saving people like Ashton.

  The girls who stood in our way looked like they were about to cry as Kellion walked past without looking at them even once. I hated it. Really, really hated this sneaky part of him, making me feel like I truly was the only girl who existed for him.

  When we reached his bike, he stopped and turned to me with narrowed eyes. “Stay there. If you move, remember what I told you this morning?”

  I did, and so I nodded quickly.

  “Good.” He swung one leg over his bike. His beast roared to life at his command and when Kellion was settled, he offered me his hand.

  Even knowing what could happen if I refused him, I hesitated.

  As if sensing my inner turmoil, Kellion said quietly, “Don’t be scared. It’s okay.”

  My breath caught at the words.

  Those words – weren’t those the ones he said the day he saved the Deaf person? The day he saved me?

  I took his hand, trembling, and my body shook harder as Kellion made me wrap my arms around his waist.

  He covered my hand for a moment. “Ready?”

  I nodded against his back.

  And then we were flying.


  Dear Ashton,

  I rode a bike for the first time in my life. Thankfully, I didn’t do it alone.

  I don’t think I care to repeat it though. And kiddo – I’m warning you. You must never ever grow up to be a biker, okay? Bikers are jerks.

  Love, Your Big Sis

  He brought me to Disneyland. A darn amusement park. Because the jerk wanted to make me speak. Scream. Anything to have him hear my voice.

  When the rollercoaster screamed to a stop, Kellion turned to me with a grin.

  If I could, I would have barfed on him, just to get my revenge.

  When we were back on the ground, Kellion asked cheerfully, “What do you want to ride next?”

  I raised my foot and stepped on him hard. That was my answer.

  He grunted in pain, but amusement twinkled in his green eyes. He looked around us, a thoughtful expression on his face.

  Fearing that he was looking for another death-defying ride to take me to, I tugged on his sleeve. When he glanced down at me, I wrote on my board and showed it to him. I’m hungry.

  It was a total lie, and the way Kellion smirked at me, he knew it, too. “I’ll feed you—”

  I started to sigh in relief.

  “—if you let me feed you.”

  I ended up scowling instead. No.

  Kellion rubbed his jaw. “Mmm…then what do you think we should ride—” A tug on his sleeve had him raising a brow at me.

  I showed him my board. FINE.

  He took my hand, and this time I didn’t bother pulling away. It was just a waste of my effort, and that was all it was. It had nothing to do with the way I felt secure in his hold, the way I felt hot all over every time we were connected like this.

  “How fake-hungry are you?”

  I wrinkled my nose. Ha-ha.

  “Hotdog or cotton candy?”

  I flicked two fingers out, indicating No. 2 as my choice.

  Behind me, I heard a girl gasp. “I think she’s deaf and mute.”

  “What a waste,” her companion muttered.

  When I saw Kellion’s face harden at the words, I automatically reached for his arm. Our eyes met, and I shook my head, scribbled on my board, and showed it to him. IT’S OK.

  “It’s not.”


  For a moment, he only gazed at me. Finally, he said, “You really don’t mind, do you?”

  I nodded.

  His grip on my hand tightened. “Strangely, that’s what I like about you the most.” His Greek accent had thickened, almost making his words indecipherable. “I like that you don’t care about what other people think.” His lips twisted. “Even me.”

  I couldn’t look at him after that, and he didn’t press the issue. We walked hand in hand towards the cotton candy stand. Around us, most of the other patrons were either young families or kids on a field trip. The few couples around were mostly tourists, and their words, made up of a dozen different languages, combined with classic Disney songs playing in the background, blended into a happy kind of cacophony by the time it reached my ears.

  With the biker holding my hand, the world had become painfully vivid again. I tried not to notice it. Tried to pretend the world was still blurry, but it was impossible.

  The sky was blue. The clouds were white. And, I thought painfully, everyone’s lips were a beautiful shade of red as they smiled genuinely happy smiles, smiles that showed they were alive.


  Hearing him say my name startled me, and b
y the way he looked at me, I knew he was wondering where my mind had gone to.

  “What flavor do you want?”

  I pointed to the bag of blue cotton candy. Bubblegum.

  Moments later, and Kellion had the bag in his hand and was carefully tearing off a strip of cotton candy to feed me. “Say ‘aah’.”

  I opened my mouth with a sound.

  He grinned. “You are the most unromantic girl I have ever known.” He popped the strip into my mouth. As I chewed, he added, “Probably more unromantic than Bobby.”

  I scribbled on my board. NO ONE IS AS EVIL AS BOBBY.

  He laughed. “So it’s true then? You all think she’s the evil redheaded queen.”


  He laughed harder. “I should tell Leandro that. I think he’ll love it.” When he saw my eyes widen in horror, he said reassuringly, “Don’t worry. I just want to make him jealous.”

  I cocked my head to the side. How come?

  “You don’t know?” He popped another strip into my mouth before answering. “He’s jealous of Angelina Jolie because Bobby hero-worships her.”

  My brows lifted up. Really?

  “Yeah. One time, Bobby had to choose between celebrating…mm…I think it was their 8th month together? She could either go out and have dinner with Leandro or attend a charity ball that had Angelina Jolie as the guest of honor. Guess which one she went to?”

  I almost, almost laughed.

  When I was sufficiently in control again, I turned to him and found the biker looking at me. He asked quietly, “Why don’t you want to talk?” When I showed no signs of answering, he said gently, “You do know that I can find out the truth, right?”

  I blinked at him. I hadn’t thought of that, but now that he mentioned it, I realized it was true. He was Kellion Argyros, after all.

  “But I don’t want to learn about you that way. I want you to be the one to tell me the truth, terataki.”


  I scribbled on my board again. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?

  His lips curved at the way I deliberately evaded answering. He said finally, “Terataki?”


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