Enticed: An Erotic Sacrifice

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Enticed: An Erotic Sacrifice Page 4

by Colette Gale

  “Zaren!” She didn’t know how she knew it was him, but she was certain. Stumbling off the bed, she staggered to the door.

  Unheeding of her nakedness—what had she to hide?—Jane flung open the door of the hut and found herself confronted by two large, dark-skinned men. Guards.

  They blocked the way with strong arms and long spears, and seemed to have no intention of allowing her to leave. Jane didn’t know what she would have done if Cold Eyes hadn’t walked up at that moment.

  “I demand to see Zaren,” she told him, standing straight and tall—very aware of the hot gazes from the spear-wielding men. “Take me to him now.”

  Cold Eyes swept her with a disinterested look and appeared ready to ignore her demand, but she would have none of it.

  “Take me to him or I will bring down my wrath on your people,” she pressed. “If I am angry, they will know whom to blame. And I can be very angry. And very unaccommodating.” She cut a dark, warning look at the guards, who’d stepped back in the wake of her furious words…but still ogled her jaunty breasts tipped with nipples that were still bright red from Dahla’s determined mouth.

  Jane had no power here but the villagers’ belief in her as a goddess, but she would use that advantage as long as she could. If Cold Eyes wasn’t so disliked and distrusted by his people, she would never have this leverage.

  “Of course, goddess,” said Cold Eyes when he felt the measured weight of the two guards’ attention pass from her to him and back.

  Even Jane recognized their uncertainty. They couldn’t understand their words—which was a benefit to her. They just knew she was angry, and that Cold Eyes had acquiesced to her.

  “You may see the man. He’s feverish and has yet to awaken, though he has been well tended to.” Then Cold Eyes’s thin lips curved into a flat smile. “And you might wish to rest before tonight. I suspect you shall be even busier than last evening.”

  Jane swallowed hard and her pip gave a sudden little pulse, as if to remind her how willing her body was to accept this role. “Where is he?” she demanded by way of response.

  “There, of course.” He gestured languidly with a large hand, pointing to the healer’s hut.

  Jane wasted no further time. She didn’t even grab anything with which to cover herself—what was the point?—and darted over to the hut. After that one animalistic cry, she’d heard no other sounds of pain or anguish.

  She flung the door of the hut open—she was a goddess, after all—sending a myriad of young female attendants scattering with startled squeaks. The elderly healing woman was nowhere in sight, but there was Zaren, sprawled on the same pallet on which she’d left him…yesterday? Late yesterday afternoon.

  He didn’t move or otherwise acknowledge the sound of her entrance, and Jane rushed over to him.

  He was hot to the touch, and her pulse spiked with fear. His skin had a fine sheen of perspiration glossing it, and his breathing was raspy and rough. Covered only by a scrap of cloth draped over his hips, the rest of his glorious, powerful body was naked. Jane felt a sharp pang of lust and some stronger, deep emotion as she knelt on the pallet beside him. He was so strong…surely he would fight through this.

  “Zaren,” she whispered, stroking his arm and smoothing the springy coils of hair from his face. Tears gathered at her eyes and a pang of fear shot through her. He had to recover. He must live.

  At her touch, he seemed to become more aware. He mumbled something that sounded like her name—rough and coarse, but definitely something like “Jaaaane”…and he reached out blindly.

  Her heart leapt with hope and she grasped his powerful hand. His fingers curled around hers as if she were a lifeline. He muttered something again, pulling her down next to him…next to his too-hot, too-damp body. His grip was surprisingly strong, and Jane allowed herself to be imprisoned: brought up tight to his torso, enveloped by him.

  She closed her eyes, exhausted, afraid—but home.

  And when his breathing at last settled into something more smooth and steady, she slept.


  Jane came awake suddenly to find Cold Eyes standing over her and Zaren.

  The healer’s hut was dark, lit only by a few meager coals in the corner. But even in the dim light, she saw the glint in the other man’s eyes as they swept over her…and Zaren.

  His gaze lingered heavily on the long, lean thigh Zaren had curled around Jane’s leg, his muscular hip and tight buttocks…then lifted to meet her eyes.

  “Come, goddess. Your subjects await.”

  Jane wondered what would happen if she refused…if she fought him back and clung to Zaren. But as she brushed against her lover’s skin and felt the burning temperature of his fever, she abandoned that thought.

  She’d do nothing to risk his health and safety. He must be left to heal, to fight through the fever and to regain his strength. He must…for she couldn’t consider what would happen to her if he did not.

  And so Jane pulled away from Zaren. It was difficult, for though deep in the semi-consciousness of fever, he held tight. It was as if he somehow knew it was she.

  Nevertheless, Jane stood and turned resolutely from the man she loved. As she did so, she noticed the aged healer, sitting in her chair in the corner. Without another glance at Cold Eyes, Jane went to the elderly woman.

  “You must make him well. Care for him. For if he doesn’t recover, you’ll feel my wrath—you and the entire village.” She spoke sharply and firmly, and although the healer surely couldn’t comprehend her words, she certainly must understand the meaning.

  “Come, goddess. I grow impatient,” Cold Eyes said. “There are preparations to be done.”

  Aren’t there always? Jane thought, suppressing a shiver. What activities would they subject her to this evening?

  The first one, she found—and couldn’t complain about—was a warm bath. Her aching muscles wept with pleasure (a wholly different type of pleasure than before) when she sank into the large tub of steaming, floral-scented water. She soaked for a while, and was just beginning to feel relaxed and optimistic when her attendants drew her up and out of the bath.

  She was draped in a single tanned hide that wrapped around her waist like a very short loincloth, leaving her breasts bare and her quim hardly covered. And then she was taken once more to the hut with the altar-bed.

  Inside Jane found the same arrangement as last evening, with a table filled with food and drink, and pungent fires burning with the heady incense that made her feel slow and murky almost immediately. And yet her heart began to pound in expectation, and her skin tingled with anticipation.

  When the two guards—the same ones who’d blocked her from leaving earlier this morning—directed Jane to her position between the bedposts, standing on the head of the bed, she wanted to resist.

  “Save your strength, goddess,” Cold Eyes warned, as if reading her mind. “Surely you’ll need it tonight, for Ulma and Deren are very eager to curry your favor. And your pleasure.”

  Jane swallowed hard, her belly fluttering at the thought, and a sharp spear of lust and apprehension shot straight to her pip. It pulsed in a naughty reminder that her body, at least, would be willing and able to bestow “favor” on the worshipful couple.

  Her wrists were tied loosely to the tops of the two bedposts, and her ankles spread and tied to the bases of the same. Standing there, she felt less like a goddess and more like a sacrifice herself, but Jane summoned her strength.

  No one was about to hurt her. They wanted only her pleasure.

  And she would accept that. For Zaren’s sake.

  The third couple was young and oddly similar to each other in appearance. Both were tall, and Ulma, the woman, had high, hardly noticeable breasts and boyish hips. Her partner, Deren, was slender and lanky. His attention strayed to Jane and remained on her even as they stood at the table of offerings, making their selections.

  Jane looked over as the hut door closed, leaving her alone with Ulma and Deren, and when she turned b
ack, they were approaching the altar-bed.

  As before, she was plied with food and drink. But no sooner had Deren tipped the cup to her mouth—spilling half of it down the front of her—than he tossed it away and said something sharply to Ulma.

  Then he moved off the bed and positioned himself behind Jane just as Ulma took her place in front. Deren was obviously standing on something, for when he pressed into Jane from the back, she felt the jut of his hard cock against the crack of her arse. She jolted at the unexpected prodding sensation and gave a little shiver as his hands came around from behind to cup her breasts.

  Pinching her nipples and fondling her from behind, Deren kissed and licked along her shoulder and neck, sending arousing prickles over her skin. He pushed his cock along the seam of her arse, sliding it up and down, and Jane felt herself grow full and wet.

  She curled her fingers into fists and tried to keep from moaning as her arousal grew, but by now Ulma had knelt in front of her. She spread Jane’s thighs, roughly forcing them apart in a generous vee. Using her thumbs, she pulled Jane’s quim lips so they were wide and open, allowing her little pearl to thud expectantly. Jane felt as if her pussy was about to explode; it was full and pulsing, free to swell and grow as Ulma bent forward.

  Jane gave a soft shriek as the woman’s tongue slipped inside her, sliding beneath the little sheath that hooded her pip. Her body shuddered with sensation and pleasure, and the tongue moved again, darting deep inside her wet opening. A streak of heat shot up, stabbing her in the belly, then thudded back down to her engorged lips. She pulsed and pounded and needed.

  “Oh…please,” she whispered, straining against her bond as Ulma licked her again. A bolt of sharp pleasure made her gasp and shudder again, and Jane shook from the effort of holding herself up by her bound arms as the intense, sharp rise of lust burned between her legs.

  Deren was moving faster now behind her, pressing his cock into her cleft, sighing and groaning against Jane’s ear. His fingers were rough as they massaged her breasts, and she swayed and shifted with every movement, sandwiched between a busy, sucking, licking mouth and the hard prod of cock.

  She couldn’t move away from the sensations and the couple surrounding her pummeled her from either side, forcing her to pant and beg for release. Suddenly, just before she reached her peak, Deren growled something sharp and hard and released her.

  The next thing Jane knew, he was on the bed, driving his cock into Ulma even as he looked up at her, watching with hot, dark eyes. Jane stood there, shaking and swollen, throbbing everywhere. The expression in his face told her he’d rather be fucking her than his mate.

  Perspiration trickled down her spine and she tried in vain to press her knees together to put pressure on her pip, to give herself some relief from the unsated, pulsing arousal. Instead, she could only feel how wet she was, how her juices slid down the inside of her thigh, and how big and ready her little pearl had become.


  Deren reached his orgasm with a loud shout and Ulma gasped and fell onto her face with his last hard thrust. The hut was silent, filled only by rasping, panting breaths and Jane’s own soft sobs of frustration.

  She closed her eyes, willing the sensations to ease, fighting with her body to relax and cease its insistent pounding. It was a long while before anyone moved, but at last, Deren shifted and rolled from his partner. Ulma gave a long, languorous sigh and, looking up at Jane with a feline smile, stretched and arched. Her small breasts shifted, her nipples large and red and surprisingly enticing with their tiny, delicate erections.

  Jane looked away as the couple left the altar-bed and went to replenish themselves from the table of food and drink. This meant they weren’t yet leaving, and therefore weren’t finished with her. She shivered and swallowed hard, then turned her thoughts to Zaren.

  She prayed his fever would break soon, and that they’d be able to leave. How they’d do that, she wasn’t completely certain—but Jane was resourceful. She’d find a way. And with Zaren’s amazing strength and abilities…

  Jane pushed away a thump of uncertainty. Even if—no, when…it must be when—he did come out of the fever, she didn’t know how soon he’d be recovered enough to help make their escape. If they had to go on foot, they would, but it would—

  Someone touched her from behind and Jane froze, trembling. Rough hands, dark and insistent, were fumbling with the ties at her wrists. They were freeing her?

  Jane quelled the surge of hope as Ulma climbed onto the altar-bed in front of her. She lay on her back, legs spread, arm shifted up behind her head. Her wet, pink pussy glistened, open and exposed, arranged directly in front of Jane.

  Deren finished untying her wrists, and Jane—perched on the edge of the bed—would have lost her balance if he hadn’t curled an arm around her belly from behind. His fingers twitched up to cup her breast even as his half-mast cock bumped against the bottom of her arse. He pinched and rolled her nipple, biting none too gently at the tendon on the side of her neck.

  Jane felt an unwelcome surge of lust as he played with her nipple, teasing it back into its hard, sensitive point, and ground his hips into her from behind. The familiar heat of arousal trammeled through her, making her knees tremble and her mouth go dry. Her little pearl was already throbbing and ready, and now it swelled and stretched as if ready to burst.

  On the bed in front of them, Ulma stroked herself. Spreading her nether lips wide, she used the full width of her four fingers to stroke and smooth over the slickness of her quim. Jane couldn’t look away, and her breath caught as her own pip filled and throbbed even more, tight and sharp with frustration.

  Deren’s cock was hard once again, and it prodded her arse cleft, dripping with its own sticky juices. His breath was harsh and hot in her ear as he reached around to touch her ready quim. When he felt her wetness, Deren groaned in her ear and began to slide his fingers around. Jane shuddered, trembling and quivering as he played with her—stroking and slipping while he pressed his cock into her from behind. She came almost immediately, surging an orgasm wet and hard against his hand, and sagged in his arms.

  With a sharp sound of frustration, he released her with a little shove. Unable to keep her balance, Jane pitched forward, the ropes around her ankles twisting and giving enough so she fell onto her hands…right on top of Ulma.

  Before Jane had the chance to recover, the woman had her hands on her breasts and was massaging them and fondling them. Propped on her hands, still tied by her spread ankles, Jane had nowhere to go as she was subjected to these caresses.

  Deren was still there, and he grabbed her hips, positioning himself thigh to thigh behind her. Jane gasped when she felt his cock probing her…not in her dripping, ready quim, but in her arse—in the place Kellan Darkdale had taken her. She tried to pull away, but Ulma had one breast in her mouth, and was playing with the other one—using her fingers to tease the tip into a hard point—and Jane was held in position as Deren pulled her arse cheeks wide and pushed himself slowly inside her.

  She gasped and arched at the unfamiliar, strangely arousing sensation of being filled there. He made another of those sharp sounds, then moved in even further. Jane bit her lip, her body shivering with the sensation, her eyes squeezed closed, her breath coming in short, hard gasps.

  He filled her, then reached around to touch her pip. At that unexpected brush of sensation, Jane exploded into another blinding orgasm. She couldn’t control a cry as pleasure washed over her, ripping through her like a blade, and that was all Deren needed.

  He began to pump and thrust with slow, insistent strokes, filling her tight entrance and awakening new pleasure, unusual and intense. Jane quivered and surged, her muscles tightening around him as he pumped and thrust, faster and faster, and a dark, edgy desire rose inside her once more. She was panting and dripping, and Ulma had pulled away and was looking up at her with hot, wide eyes, her own breath puffing roughly. She shifted, lifting her hips to slide one leg between Jane’s spread thighs.<
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  As Deren shoved into her from behind, Ulma began to slide her full, wet pussy up along Jane’s leg, pressing against her and moving slowly and sharply in her own rhythmic thrusts. Ulma’s hot, slick juices seemed to burn into Jane’s skin, and she closed her eyes, assaulted by sensations that grew hotter and more intense. The smell of musk and perspiration, mixed with the sweet incense, filled her nostrils and spread through her body.

  Suddenly, Deren yanked himself free and shoved Jane flat onto her belly. She fell with an oof onto Ulma, narrowly missing the other woman’s chin. Before she had the chance to recover, Deren moved sharply and jerked Ulma’s legs between Jane’s. The other woman jolted, then as Deren moved again, she cried out in surprise and pleasure—and Jane realized he’d slammed himself inside his partner.

  He began to move furiously, with Jane sandwiched between them—her knees spread wide and Deren pumping violently just below her own ready quim. His hands braced Jane’s hips as he thrust in and out, shoving her down into Ulma with each movement. She could feel him moving against her, felt the length of his cock brushing along her quim as he withdrew and then shoved back inside Ulma.

  Her little pip was pressed into the top of Ulma’s mound, banging and jolting into her warm, damp skin with every movement. The other woman writhed and arched against and beneath Jane, grinding her own hips against hers, and Deren thrust and thrust, his fingers biting into Jane’s hips as she tried in vain to hold herself up, to take some control over her body.

  But Ulma grabbed Jane’s shoulders and pulled her down suddenly, covering her mouth with her own, thrusting her tongue between Jane’s surprised lips and devouring her. Just then, Deren shoved hard and deep inside his partner, and Ulma cried out against Jane, her teeth biting into her puffy lips as she arched up sharply.

  The other woman fell back, shuddering and trembling beneath Jane, and Deren collapsed on top of her, hot and heavy and damp. Jane could feel the last bit of pulsing from his sated cock as he heaved long, deep breaths against her from behind. Her own body was hot and wet and full once more, and her little pip cried out for satisfaction, pressed against Ulma’s belly. Her breasts were flattened against the other woman’s, and as Jane lay there, Ulma smoothed her hand down along one side of her torso, her fingers light and teasing.


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