Blood Red [Chronicles of the Cursed]

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Blood Red [Chronicles of the Cursed] Page 1

by Aline de Chevigny

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  Aspen Mountain Press

  Copyright ©2006 by Aline de Chevigny

  First published in 2006, 2007

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  This e-Book contains graphic scenes of sex and violence. Store your e-Books carefully where they cannot be accessed by underage readers.

  Blood Red

  Chronicles of the Cursed: Book 1

  Aline de Chevigny

  Aspen Mountain Press

  Chronicles of the Cursed: Blood Red

  Copyright © 2007 by Aline de Chevigny

  This e-Book is a work of fiction. While references may be made to actual places or events, the names, characters, incidents, and locations within are from the author's imagination and are not a resemblance to actual living or dead persons, businesses, or events. Any similarity is coincidental.

  Aspen Mountain Press

  PO Box 473543

  Aurora CO 80047

  First published by Aspen Mountain Press, October 2007

  This e-Book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is illegal and a violation of International Copyright Law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon conviction fines and/or imprisonment. The e-Book cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No part of this e-Book can be shared or reproduced without the express permission of the publisher.

  ISBN: (13) 978-1-60168-064-8

  Printed in the United States of America

  Editor: Sandra Hicks

  Cover artist: Nikita Gordyn

  Chapter One

  Forever was longer than he'd thought it would be. When his Sire had proposed the change, he'd made it sound enticing. 'Our days will be filled with adoration, our nights with loving and the power we'd possess, would make us gods among men.' He'd said pulling him in with those hypnotic words. 'And with power comes wealth, my little man. You'll never want for anything ever again.' Seducing words for a man who hadn't eaten in days.

  He'd lied! Andreus Wolfsbane, had wanted nothing more than a pet. He soon learned that Mikael De Wohlf was no one's pet.

  The first hundred years had passed quickly. He'd expected nothing less when one's nights were filled with the most exciting and enriching experiences he'd ever known. Taking beautiful young maidens full of life and ravishing them until they begged him for rest, then feeding off their milky white throats. Always choosing to feed from the daughters of nobles—payback for the way they'd shunned and mocked him before his change. Now they came to him willingly, offering him what he could easily take by force. Pitiful creatures. He'd hated them ... then.

  Over the centuries he'd become more feared then Dracula himself, all because he wasn't afraid to die. He'd learned to embrace death. Yet despite everything he now had, the power, the fame, and the money. He still lacked one thing: True Love.

  Five hundred years of searching, traveling the world over and finding nothing, had left him jaded, cross and bored. Those emotions made him dangerous and deadly. He hadn't earned the name Cerberus Gnosis, the knowledgeable dog of Hell, by being nice.

  Mikael De Wohlf was aware he scared people. He could see it in their eyes when they were called into his presence. He'd killed his own sire, no vampire in history had ever done that as viciously as he had. Now they weren't sure what to make of him. Women still came to him willingly his blond hair and teal colored eyes, inherited from his Russian father and Greek mother, got him all the female attention he wished.

  Any woman but her—the one he desired.

  Annabella Micelli knew who he truly was. She was among the elite of the human race with the knowledge of his kind, the knowledge of the undead. He knew his past actions disgusted her. He saw it every time she looked into his eyes. Clearly, she fought his advances because of his reputation as a vile ruthless demon without a conscience No other reason made sense, of her actions. She didn't approve of his tactics, or of the fact that he used his vast knowledge, painfully gained throughout the centuries, to assure the downfall of his enemies and their progeny at any cost. He desperately wished he hadn't given her grandfather his word that he wouldn't use his mental gifts on her. To be able to read her mind would simplify his life immeasurably.

  Yet he couldn't bring himself to break his word or kill her like he had all others who disapproved of him. She had a hold over him, over that thing that had once been his heart. Her mere presence soothed him; her aura washed over him like a calming breeze. Her smiles, though rare warmed his soul and made him want—life, love and family. With her around, many escaped his anger and their deaths. For that reason alone she willingly served as his secretary—nay, his personal assistant.

  Mikael smiled, his fangs gleaming as he remembered her defiant stance the day he'd demanded she leave his office so he could deal with the traitor his own way. Her angry refusal and narrowed eyes enflamed him, as she stood in his way, blocking the path to his victim. Silently daring him to try and remove her from the room. His desire for her body overwhelming his desire for blood had been the only reason he agreed to allow the traitor to live—in exchange for her services, of course.

  Bella had glared at him, the strangest look filling her features at his request. He knew then that he had her, that he could take her body if he wished; she wouldn't refuse him. It was there in her face, but he wanted more. He needed more. Mikael wanted her to come to him willingly. He wanted her to desire him as much as he desired her, if not more. She made him feel alive, like a man and not the beast he'd become over the years. He liked who he was when she was near. He wanted her forever.

  With a predatory grin, he extended his fangs, his personal mark of truth, so she would know he spoke sincerely and offered her the position of being his personal assistant. He offered her the responsibilities and authority of managing his companies while he slept, the greatest honor that had ever been bestowed upon a female by one of his kind.

  Her surprised acceptance, pleased him more than he was willing to admit. But damn the woman, she still refused his advances. “Soon my Bella,” he whispered, “soon you'll be mine."

  Mikael enjoyed his comforts. It was all he had to soothe the sting of Bella's constant rejections. His elegant Manse was the envy of all of Rome, with its marble halls and breathtaking fountains. He took pride in his home and he knew Bella was enamored with it. She was familiar with every passage, every room of the structure but the one where he now sat. This room was sacrosanct. Only a vampire could enter its protected walls. Once they'd entered they rarely left, and he would never allow her to learn of its existence. Never, that is, until she agreed to become his Queen.

  Bella walked by the door on a daily basis, never knowing it existed. The wards were placed specifically to keep all but those that had business in the room from finding it. Unless a person, human or vamp, was introduced to the room the magic would keep them away.

  Mikael was the head of his clan. He and he alone meted out punishment to those who broke their sacred laws. The sanctity of this room was reserved for those vampires who threatened the unstable safety of their way of life. Here, they came to receive their sentences. Here he met with the newly chosen to explain the laws and what would
happen to them if those laws were broken. Here he met with his informants who kept him up to date on what the other four houses were doing.

  Daemor had been plotting to remove Wolf House from power for as long as Mikael had held the Head of Clans seat. He knew that if the Vampire Nation were to fall under Raven House's rule, they would all be hunted down and killed one by one until they're kind were extinct. Mikael couldn't allow that, and in turn had taken the precautions to send out spies. They needed to be ready when Daemor finally made his move.

  He gazed around at the walls draped in blood red silk. He'd had the silk hung as extra protection in case of magical attack. The ingrained magical properties of the silk, helped keep this room hidden from unwanted eyes. He was quite pleased with its impact: the sight of the blood red walls put dread in the eyes of the guilty when they entered his sacred domain. It reminded them of the laws and hat would happen to them for breaking them.

  Annabella was his obsession, his one weakness his enemies must never learn about. His Bella had requested his presence today. That she had asked to see him was a step closer to his ultimate goal. Unfortunately, before he could go to her he had clan business to administer. “Nicolai, send the boy in."

  "Jawohl, Vater."

  "Speak English, Nicolai, you'll never learn if you don't practice."

  "As you wish, Sire."

  His order given, he turned his mind back to his dilemma. Yes, she'd finally asked for him, but it had taken her two years to get over their misunderstandings. He needed to gain her trust faster, to keep her safe. His enemies wouldn't hesitate to take her out if they knew her importance to him. Daemor wouldn't hesitate if ... no, when, he learned how precious she was to him.

  "Sire, Jerome, as you requested."

  Mikael looked down at the trembling form kneeling on the floor and scowled in disgust at the coward before him. This poor excuse for a vampire had broken three of their sacred laws in one night, yet couldn't stand before him without whimpering like a baby. “You've violated our most sacred laws. You put the entire Vampire Nation in danger with your selfish and rash actions. We. Do. Not. Turn. Or. Feed. From. Children. Ever! We do not commit mass murder, for any reason. We do not take women unwillingly, even if they are our fondest desire. We obey man's laws and they respect ours! Yet without a second thought you did all of that, then claim ignorance of those laws as your defense. What do you have to say in your defense, boy? Speak!"

  His raised voice made the boy shrink back even further, deepening his contempt for the lad.

  "I ... I ... Sire, I give you my word. I'll never do it again. The urges, Sire, I couldn't resist them."

  "You were weak!” He spat at Jerome's feet in disgust. The foolish childe grasped at that excuse with both hands.

  "Yes, yes. I was weak. I can't be held responsible."

  Mikael's low rumbling laughter echoed throughout the room. “You've been with this house for how long now Jerome?"

  "Two years my Lord."

  "And you were how old when you're Sire turned you?"

  "Twenty-one, my Lord."

  Rubbing his child thoughtfully, Mikael, sat forward. “Did Sebastien not explain that you were not to leave the Manse without an escort until he ... or I deemed you ready to rejoin society?” Mikael knew the answer to his question. He was testing the boy to see if he could be redeemed. Honesty would grant him a reprieve until his sore could be found and questioned to learn his thought about the childe.

  "No, my Lord. Blame him, Sebastien is responsible for not informing me of the severity of the laws."

  "You lie! This is Raven Clan, childe. We do not allow this sort of behavior within our walls. My decision has been made. Turning a child is punishable by death, Jerome, as is killing that child's entire family to cover your traces. Our laws are in place to keep our kind safe from persecution. A century ago these laws would not have been necessary, but in today's society they are. A weak vampire exposes us all to the scrutiny of the humans. A weak vampire, brings us to the attention of the vampire hunters who watch our every move and jeopardizes our agreement with them. A weak vampire, Jerome...” Mikael smiled as he extended his fangs. “ a dead vampire."

  "No ... my Lord ... a reprieve, I beg you."

  Mikael's eyes glowed at the sorry sight before him. He knew humans with more strength. A snarl curled his mouth as his fangs pierced his lower lip, drawing blood for the ceremony he was about to perform. “With this blood, I sentence you to death by solar at dawn. A death for which you will be ordered to fast. No sense wasting precious blood on a dead vampire."

  "You can't—"

  "Silence! My word, underling, is law. Nicolai, remove him from my sight before I kill him myself. I have yet to feed this evening, after all."

  The look of pure terror that crossed the Jerome's face turned Mikael's stomach. The childe lost all color in his face and tears sprang to his eyes. His vow to never abase himself by feeding off a coward affirmed itself at the sight. “Take him away."


  Mikael stood; harsh as his sentence had been, this justice would keep the others in line and prevent another “mistake."

  Bella awaited him in his study. He'd learned that when kept waiting the most adorable little pout appeared on her lips. Perhaps tonight he wouldn't fight his urges to kiss it away. He closed his eyes and summoned an image of Bella to his mind, her long black tresses trailing freely down her back. He adored that she never tied it back; he loved watching it sweep across her bottom when she walked. Next he pictured her eyes, the deep-sea blue color that darkened to sapphires when she got angry.

  He was determined to find out if they deepened even further when she was aroused. His mental image of Bella shifted lower down her body and sharpened. Annabella would beckon to him, her chest straining against the little black dress he'd bought her, her long legs looking even longer in the stiletto heels she wore. She was his perfect mate, the only female; vampire or human that wasn't afraid of him and told him what she thought of him. Yet in this vision, she wanted him.

  The vision vanished as it always did, his force of will only strong enough to conjure it for a few moments. He had a respect for Bella, he felt for no other female. Her strength lured him to her, as much as her beauty. He wanted her, but more he needed her to keep him ... human.

  Yes! Tonight I'll see exactly where I stand with my beautiful Annabella.

  Chapter Two

  Annabella paced the confines of the room and closed her eyes, she was tired of being ignored. When she'd first met Mikeal de Wohlf, he wouldn't leave her alone for a second. She'd continuously had to fend him off. Then, nothing. “The vile creature! I won't let him get away with this!"

  Seating herself at his desk she picked up her pen and twirled it between her fingers as she looked over the contract one last time to make certain it was flawless. Pausing she ran a soft hand caressingly over the surface of the old desk. She loved this antique monstrosity, solid oak with a mahogany finish. Yet it had scratches and stains from years of hard use that gave it character. It was beautiful, but not perfect, a little like its owner.

  "You look comfortable sitting there."

  Her irritation at being ignored by him for weeks overruled her common sense. Turning to look at him, she snapped, “You're late!"

  He stood leaning against the door frame watching her, looking completely at ease with his world. “Yes, well, I had other business to attend to."

  His smug smile riled her further. Why did such a monster have to be so damned handsome? Annabella berated herself; she'd seen with her own eyes how he'd been trying to change. She saw it in the clan histories he kept. The histories she'd lovingly had the local house owned, bookseller bind, then personally stored safely away.

  She had learned through those histories that Mikael created laws to protect his people and humans alike, then single handedly enforced those same laws. Never once did he show bias for one race of people or the other. She'd seen him ruthlessly kill both a human for hunting h
is people and a vampire for hunting a human in sport. He was fair, and quick in his punishments. One couldn't ask for a better leader. Shaking herself out of her reveries she looked at him. “This business you kept me waiting for. I hope it went well?"

  "Very, mi Bella. Now, you wished to see me?"

  She gasped when he pushed away from the wall and started walking toward her. He doesn't walk, silly woman, he prowls! Her mouth dried up as she watched him approach her.

  His self-assured laugh snapped her out of the trance he was weaving over her. Resisting him was getting more difficult by the day, but a necessity if she wanted children and a semi normal life. For once she gave into his charm and seductive words; she knew she'd be lost to him forever. “I have those contracts I need you to sign."

  Before she knew it, strong hands gently massaged her tense shoulders. She hadn't even heard him move up behind her. Despite her best efforts she relaxed into the touch, secretly wishing for more, knowing she shouldn't encourage him in this fantasy he brought out in her.

  "You work too hard, Bella."

  His voice washed over her, caressing her like a lover's touch. “It's what you pay me for, Mikael."

  "You can be so stubborn.” He leaned down to whisper in her ear, causing a shiver to race along her spine. “I can smell the desire on your skin. One word, Annabella, and I'm yours. You need only voice the wish you hold so tightly."

  Her shoulders stiffened as she resisted the urge to give in to his soft-spoken command. His rich laughter flowed around her, wrapping her in its silky embrace. “Walk me through the fine points of this contract, while I attempt to change your mind and help you to relax."

  Annabella fought the desire his hands created along her skin. She leafed through the pages of the contract and explained the details, desire racing through her every time he whispered a question in her ear. He is heartless, she reminded herself, trying to control the feelings he evoked in her. He cannot give you what you truly desire her mind whispered. True, but Perhaps he can give me what I truly need? she answered it.


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