Blood Red [Chronicles of the Cursed]

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Blood Red [Chronicles of the Cursed] Page 3

by Aline de Chevigny

  With her call completed, Annabella decided to get back a little of her own. It was time to teach Mikael that it wasn't nice to play with a person's emotions. Entering the bathroom, she unbuttoned her dress and let it fall to the floor before stepping into the shower.

  The man-made waterfall she'd only heard about was breathtaking. Wonder if I can get Mikael to build one of those in my bathroom?

  Standing still, appreciating the perfectly sculpted sight before her, she watched Mikael tense and waited for him to acknowledge her presence. She learned long ago that one never surprised a vampire; it could be dangerous to one's health.

  "What took you so long, Bella?"

  Without a word she ran her hands over his back, reveling in the feel of his muscles jumping under her touch.

  "Ah, Bella!"

  Her hands roamed over his shoulder to his chest. Her body pressed up against his back as she caressed his nipples, then his stomach, roaming ever lower, touching every inch of him and loving every second of it.

  Mikael let out a moan of need and desire that brought a vindictive smile to her lips. Now he knew how he'd made her feel these past few days. “You started something Mikael, you'd better finish it. Or I swear you'll never have another chance."

  Mikael turned and took her in his arms. “I intended to finish tonight, mi Bella. Unfortunately you scheduled a meeting with Martinelli for me. Now I must honor the word you gave him."

  "You're heartless."

  "Si, mi Bella, my heart stopped beating long ago. This you've known your whole life."

  She wanted to scream. Why was he being so cold, so detached? “Mikael if you weren't interested in me, why did you pursue me? To see if I was attainable? Why did you waste twelve years trying to seduce me?"

  "My sweet Bella, when will Signore Martinelli be here?"


  Pulling her under the waterfall he kissed her. Her body melted into his arms. She wanted him to never let her go. “The moment my business with Martinelli is concluded, Bella, I'm all yours,” he whispered. “Is that accettare?” He nipped at her skin along her shoulder blade waiting for her assent.

  She sighed, content. “Accettare."

  "No more surprises, Annabella. Or I will ravage you whether we have guests or not. I cannot control my desires much longer. I have not fed yet this evening, after all, and your blood smells of sweet berries; it is quite tempting."

  His words sent a rare thrill through her. He desired her. But for how long?

  She stiffened in his arms. Mikael must have sensed her worry for his hands gently caressed her body.

  "Forever and a day."

  His words warmed her, cementing her decision. “Let Signore Martinelli wait, the way you make me wait for you. Tell him that you had unexpected business that needed to be resolved."

  His deep chuckle excited her, and made her body tremble with desire. When Mikael started to slowly feed from her breast, the desire spiraled to uncontrollable lust. “Mikael please..."

  He let her go so abruptly that she wasn't sure what happened. She was left standing alone under the cascading water, ready to scream out in fury that he'd done it to her again. She turned off the water spray and grabbed a towel. Mikael had played with her emotions for the last time.

  Strong arms suddenly wrapped themselves around her waist and pulled her back against a hard muscular chest. Mikael tore the towel away from her body and ran his hands over her breasts possessively. “I needed to speak with Nicolai. I asked him to inform Signore Martinelli that I won't be making our meeting this evening, as something of more critical importance needs my personal attention, that I will need to reschedule for tomorrow, and that I offer him my most sincere apologies for the inconvenience, as the matter could not be helped."

  Annabella relaxed under his soothing touch. She felt his soft chuckle vibrate through her body but couldn't summon the energy to worry.

  "Time to act out those luscious fantasies and desires that have been plaguing your dreams, my pet? Time to make this union official, I believe."

  Annabella suddenly found herself in mid-flight, aimed toward the bed. Before she'd even landed Mikael was already above her, his lips devouring hers in a hungry kiss of desire. The heat from his touch lit her body on fire, igniting the coals deep in her core. He kneed her legs apart and settled himself between them. “Are you ready mi Bella?"

  "Dio, Mikael, by the gods, yes."

  His fangs extended the moment she gave her assent. She reached a hand out to trace her finger down the curve of his incisor and he shivered in need. His low-throated growl excited her, making her feel bold and daring. Her hands caressed their way down his chest relishing in the freedom he gave her to be herself. Mikael lost any hold on control and sank his fangs into her neck, while thrusting deep inside of her.

  The combined erotic sensations brought waves of pleasure so intense that Annabella cried out in ecstasy. She'd never felt anything like this. A soul deep pleasure encompassed her so totally she never wanted it to stop. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she held on tight, whispering soft enticements, urging him to never stop. The only replies she received to her pleas were deeper thrusts and hot, wet kisses that left her faint and fulfilled.

  His lips kissed down her throat to her breast, releasing the orgasm that had been building within her. She was no virgin by any means, but she'd never felt such a powerful release. Mikael was still going strong, but he slowed and watched her reaction with affection.

  Annabella beamed at him in contentment, her arms reaching up for him, a faint desire blooming in the back of her mind. With a sudden move she executed a maneuver from all those self-defense courses he'd made her take and landed on top of him, allowing her to take control of the situation and ride him to her heart's delight.

  She looked down into his teal blue eyes and knew she was lost. She'd never be satisfied with any other. Any chance she had to have children vanished from her mind without regret. Mikael was her future; she understood that now, and she wouldn't change a thing.

  His fangs sank deep into her breast and she felt his muscles tense. He was near the end, and he'd been holding back, waiting for her to finish with him. The pleasure coursing through her while he fed brought her to the edge of her second orgasm, and feeling Mikael explode inside of her pushed her over that edge. They climaxed together, clinging to one another in bliss, then fell back onto the bed in exhaustion.

  "Tomorrow, mi Bella, I will call for the clan Antediluvian, and have him bless our union."

  "Mikael, does this mean you'll want me forever? Make me immortal?"

  He gathered her close, his tongue gently closing the wounds he'd opened during their mating. “No, pet. Bella, I've known you since you were a child. I know how dearly you want children, and—"

  "I don't care about that any more, Mikael.” Realizing that her words were true, she felt a weight lift from her shoulders.

  He stopped her flow of words with a soft kiss to her lips. “I have a secret to share with you. I and a select few like me have the ability to sire children upon our soul mates. The woman must be willing, and mortal for the seed to take root. If you were willing, I would ask you to be the mother of my child, or perhaps even my children. Then and only then would I offer you the cloak of immortality, to join me at my side forever as my queen. Would you willingly accept my request?"

  Annabella stared up at him, her mind a chaos of questions and confusion. He could have children! He wished for her to be his queen and the mother of his children! He believed she was his one, his immortal mate! Her heart raced with indecision, torn, yet not sure why.

  "Sleep on it, my pet. It is a lot of information to absorb in so short a time."

  The love in his eyes and the understanding in his tone made the choice for her. She'd been willing to forgo her greatest desire to be with him, and now he gave that desire back to her with open arms. She'd be a fool to turn him down. “Yes."

  "Are you certain, mi Bella? I do not wish you to—"

  "Oh be quiet, you fool. I love you, Mikael. I'd have you with or without children of our own. But don't you dare expect me to leave your side while you sleep during the day!"

  Mikael laughed in delight. “I wouldn't dream of it, mi Bella. I wouldn't dream of it."

  The End

  Aline de Chevigny has several project underway with Aspen Mountain Press. Stay turned for the next in The Chronicles of the Cursed: The Ravenson Project as well as her current release Luck of the Irish, and upcoming Del Fantasma: Black Dragon.

  Keep informed of current and upcoming releases at Aspen Mountain Press by visiting our Internet site at or by joining one of our reader groups at:

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  Now for an excerpt from Luck of the Irish.


  "I asked how everything was today. Your waiter, Pietro, was called away on an emergency. My name is Connor and I'll be taking over this section for him."

  "Lucky me.” She realized from his grin that she'd said those words out loud. Kill me now.

  "I was thinking lucky me.” The silky softness of his voice drew her eyes back to his unnaturally handsome face in surprise. “Glad I'm not the only one that feels that way."

  Her blush burned hotter at the compliment. “I ... I...” Taking a deep breath Dina forced calmness to flow through her. “Thank you."

  She wanted to crawl into the deepest, darkest hole she could find when he laughed again. Thank you? I said thank you? The man pays me the nicest compliment I've ever gotten and I say thank you? I am pathetic. One day I'll learn how to deal with handsome men without looking like a mental patient. No wonder I'm still single.

  "You needed something Miss..."

  Dina relaxed at his gentle reminder. The devilish glint in his eyes put her even further at ease. He was most likely used to women acting like idiots around him and had perfected the calm reassurance he radiated. “Please, before I make and even bigger fool of myself, call me Dina. I still want to look around to see whom you're talking to when you call me ‘Miss.’”

  Connor nodded and flashed another sexy grin. “How may I be of assistance to you today, Dina?"

  You could take me in those big, strong arms of yours and ravage me, you sexy man. Lightly shaking her head to get the sensual thoughts out of it, Dina looked down at her now cold bowl of soup, her eyes lighting on the four leaf clover she'd placed on her napkin. “Oh right, I found the most peculiar thing floating in my soup. A clover and I wondered—"

  "A clover?"

  She hadn't expected him to look so confused when she mentioned her surprising find. As it was St. Patrick's Day she assumed he'd tell her it was a festive garnish. Instead, the look that crossed his face left her wondering if he needed to sit down. “Connor? Are you feeling alright? Maybe you should sit down."

  "Thank you, I think I will."

  Signaling one of the servers over, he softly whispered something before having a seat across from her. “Did the clover have three leaves or four?"

  Dina picked up the clover as she answered. “Four."

  Something about the seriousness in his eyes told her he'd need to examine the clover himself. Reaching across the table, her body tingled in anticipation. The moment their fingers touched the entire room spun around them. When the spinning stopped, all she saw was the most beautiful green eyes she'd ever seen staring deep down into her soul.


  Luck of the Irish is now available at

  * * *

  Visit for information on additional titles by this and other authors.




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