Ladder 54: Five Firefighter Romances

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Ladder 54: Five Firefighter Romances Page 24

by Maren Smith

  “You’ve always been stunning to me, Dixie. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on. It’s a shame you can’t see yourself the way I’ve always seen you.”

  “Yeah, I guess.” Troy had such a way with words. She knew he spoke the truth, just as he always did. He’d never made her feel bad about herself in any way. No, he’d always tell her how beautiful she looked. How had she managed to fuck up their relationship so badly? She could have explained what was going on in her head, but she’d stayed silent.

  “What else do you want to talk about?”


  “You got all dolled up, paid a crazy amount of money, all because you wanted to show me what you looked like?” Troy scoffed. “I call bullshit.”

  “I might have missed you.”

  “Oh? You might have?” He slapped his hand against her right cheek several times until she kicked her leg out. “I don’t like pulling teeth, Dixie.”

  “That hurt! I missed you and I wanted to see you, and—” Her breath hitched in her throat. She swallowed around the sudden lump. “After I saw you playing at the CCC, I wanted you to spank me at some point.”

  “You could have seen me without all this nonsense.” Troy turned her around, setting her next to him on the cot. He brushed a piece of her hair away from her face. “As far as spanking you? Well, I might have done that too if you’d asked nicely.”

  “You didn’t have my permission to do what you just did.”

  “Oh, I didn’t?” Troy chuckled. “You were given a fair warning. Just a little while ago, I promised to be creative if you refused to answer me. In fact, I gave you several chances.”

  “I told you to stop.”

  “You wanted me to spank you but only on your terms? Am I hearing you correctly? I want to verify.”

  Shit. He’d painted her into a corner. Yes, she had wanted him to take her over his knee, something he seemed to do with ease, but only when she wanted it. However, she had rather enjoyed most of what they just engaged in. She trusted Troy more than anyone else in her life. What was her problem? Dakota bit down on her lip.

  “I’ll make it real simple for you. Okay? Listen up, Dixie. You’re going to answer my next question without any bull. If the answer satisfies my curiosity, we can move forward with the terms of the auction. On the other hand, if you lie to me, I will go and find Sophie. I’ll pay her whatever amount you spent, and we’ll call it a night. No strings.” He slid his finger across her lip, and she stopped biting. “This is your last chance. Am I clear?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Dakota hated how well the newly requested title slid off her tongue when addressing him. Damnit. Her body betrayed her by yielding to his demand, and she knew she’d better answer correctly.

  “Did you come here with good intentions tonight?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Dakota blinked back another round of tears. “I swear I did. I’ve seen you play, and I wanted to experience it myself. I should have gone about things a bit differently, but here we are.” She had so much more she wanted to say. Sorry for hurting you. Sorry for being a bitch. Sorry, so very sorry for walking out on you. Those words would come in time in hopes of getting him to trust her again. If he ever trusted her again.

  Troy looked up at the ceiling. He rubbed his hand across the scruff on his chin, and seemed deep in thought. After several awkward moments of silence, he looked back down at her. “All right. I’ll take you at your word. What are you doing next Friday, Dixie?”

  “I’m working. Fridays are my long days, ten plus hours. It’s the only day of the week where I’ve got the opportunity for a client lunch.”

  “You don’t have clients out here.”

  “You’re sort of right. I travel into the city, which is why Fridays are a bad day in general.” She blew out a breath. “I can check my schedule and text it to you.”

  “We’ve got a few things to discuss before we get together. Limits. Fetishes,” he winked. “So, I’ll give you my email. I work three overnight shifts this week. Those are pretty brutal on my system since I picked up a few midday shifts as well. We’ll work out the details, line up our schedules, and then pick a later date. How does that sound to you?”

  “Yeah, okay. I think it will work out.” She swore her world had tilted when the word fetishes fell from his mouth. When they were married, their sex life could be described as anything but boring, but knowing now he was into some of the things she’d only dreamed about, and read about, tweaked her buttons in a big way. “I mean it sounds good to me.”

  “I wish you’d called me before the event and talked to me.” Rising to his feet, he then held his hand out to her. She accepted it once more, and she stood as well.

  “I figured you wouldn’t want to talk to me, maybe ever again.”

  “I’d say you were pretty bold to bid on me if you believed that. It’d be very awkward to spend a night together without speaking.”

  “You’re right again, and I should’ve called you. Thank you for listening to me tonight. It was really nice to see you.”

  “You’re welcome, Dixie.” Troy squeezed her hand, and then he led her out of the room.

  Her thoughts were flying at a hundred miles a minute. Somehow she would fix the mess she’d made between them.

  Chapter Two

  Dakota bit down on her lip as she checked her overnight bag for the fourth time. She planned on staying the night, but she wasn’t sure if Troy would be joining her the entire time or not. A new round of butterflies fluttered through her stomach. She sank down onto her mattress to take a deep breath.

  When Troy had turned her over his knee at the cabin after the auction, relief had flooded her. Until he had targeted her damn thighs. She verified several tiny bruises in the mirror, possibly from the ring on his hand, and yet she liked seeing his mark on her. Her ass had blushed pink for the remainder of the evening, and the unexpected spanking left quite a reminder. She took another breath and exhaled slowly. She could do this. It was just one night. One night with her ex-husband engaged in a long play scene.

  What if he brought her to orgasm? No. No. No, she chided herself. They spent lots of time outlining her limits, agreeing nothing sexual would occur at the cabin tonight. Despite the assurance, she wondered if he might bring her to climax by accident. Tying her up, holding her down, playing with objects in intimate places. So many opportunities. Settle down, girl.

  “Just one night. It’s just one night.” Reapplying lip gloss, she smiled at her reflection. “I can do this.”

  * * *

  Troy glanced at his watch as he stood in the main room of the cabin, the same spot he’d stood in the night of the auction when he had approached his ex-wife and led her out to one of the aftercare rooms. In hindsight it may not have been good timing on his part. What if Dixie changed her mind about their plans for tonight—one whole night at the cabin with all expenses paid? Troy couldn’t trust her completely. Not after everything she’d put him through. Still, he wanted to engage with her tonight. They had sent over a dozen emails back and forth since that night. She’d outlined the sort of fantasies she’d been hoping for them to play out. He’d taken the time to read over every single word. Dixie wanted him to be in control all the ways the word implied, but he worried just a little about where this might lead them.

  Could he possibly entertain the idea of getting back together with her? They were still legally married, and she still carried his name. Shit. He needed to get the thought out of his head. This was one night. One night of scenes, and nothing else. Nothing too racy. Nothing sexual. Nothing sexual, he reminded his cock, which had grown hard at the memory of holding his pretty little ex over his lap and spanking her. Jesus. It was going to be a long night.

  * * *

  Dakota smoothed her tight boot-cut jeans, and then walked inside the cabin. Troy met her at the steps of the elaborate grand staircase. She didn’t know how to greet him, so she awkwardly nodded. Her bags had been carted off to the room already, which l
eft her hands unoccupied so she did her best not to wring them together.


  “Hi. I don’t know how to act here. I’m also more nervous than I expected to be.” She dragged the toe of her boot across the floor, back and forth in front of his feet. “If we could just do whatever we’re going to do so I don’t have to think, I’d appreciate it.”

  “You don’t have to think tonight, Dixie. All you have to do is listen, relax, and enjoy. Can you do those things?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Hm.” Troy squatted down and pressed his hand against her foot. “If you can’t keep your feet still, then they’ll be the first things I tie together. Afterwards, I’ll carry you around the rest of the evening. Do you understand?”

  Her mouth went dry as she tried to form a reply. She wasn’t the sort of woman who typically bratted, but his threat caused her nipples to harden immediately and she wanted to snark back at him so bad. Dakota had a strong urge to push his buttons, but thirty seconds into their night didn’t seem like the right time. She started to form a reply but smartened up for the first time in her life, and then clamped her mouth shut. Dakota held up each of her thumbs. Troy undid the laces of her boots and slipped them off along with her socks. Fuck. She hated being barefoot. He knew how much she disliked the sensation of certain surfaces on her feet. Tile and hardwood floors she could deal with but carpet, stone, grass, just to name a few, made her gag. She’d rather be blindfolded than walk on grass without anything on her feet.

  “When I ask you a question from here on out, I expect a verbal response or there will be consequences. Do you understand?” He picked up her footwear and then stood to his full height.


  Troy reached forward and cupped her cheek. “Yes, what?”

  She swallowed hard. He had replied to her endless emails, questions, and scenarios with a pretty simple plan. Troy would cater to all of her wants, needs, and desires but there would be no sex of any kind incorporated into their scenes. In order for tonight to proceed smoothly, Dakota only had to remember three things. Her safeword. Her colors. Calling him Sir. She felt like she was failing right out of the gate. Why had she wanted this so badly? Tears welled up in her eyes, and though she tried to keep them back, they slipped down her cheeks. “I think I’ve made a mistake.”

  “Let’s go upstairs.” He wiped the tears away, and then lifted her up into his arms. “I worked with the chef to put together a menu for us to choose from. We’ll eat first, and take it slow. Don’t let anything muddle up your thoughts. Do you promise me you’ll listen?”

  She nodded and then leaned her head on his shoulder. He had never carried her this way before. In the past he used to toss her over his shoulder. Being held in his arms felt more intimate, less playful. Troy stopped and flipped her upside down so her hands almost touched the wooden stairs. “Hey!”

  “When I ask you a question, Dakota, I expect a verbal answer.”

  “You’re making me dizzy!”

  “What? I can’t hear you.”

  “Yes, I’ll listen, Sir!” The title flew from her lips, and she immediately found herself flipped right side up and back in his arms.

  “Much better,” he nodded and continued upward toward where they were presumably staying tonight.

  “Do you want me to explain what I meant before?”

  “No. All I want you to do is let go. Let go of all the stresses on your mind tonight.”

  “What if I can’t let them go?”

  “Well then, you’re going to be standing for the majority of the night, because your bottom will be too sore to sit.” Troy chuckled as he looked down at her. “The point is to relax, Dixie. Everything on my agenda is get you to relax. I’m sure you’ll catch on pretty quick.”

  “Your answer leads me back to my original question. What if I can’t catch on or let the stress go?”

  A brilliant smile broke across his mouth. “Then I get to be extremely creative. I’ve got some pretty impressive persuasion tactics if I do say so myself.”

  “Great,” she whispered into his shoulder. Secretly her body hummed with arousal, already turned on with anticipation. It should be relatively easy to listen to Troy. She used to do it all the time.

  Sure. Easy. Then why did her stomach buzz like a thousand hornets were flying around inside? She wanted to listen, but once she spilled everything out on the table, his seemingly never-ending patience would be tapped. Why had she thought all of this would be a good idea? He’d make her cave as soon as he got her clothes off.

  * * *

  Dakota was hiding out in the bathroom and had been playing games on her cell phone for the past half hour to ease the gnawing pain in her stomach.

  No corners had been cut during their delicious dinner—chicken Alfredo, her favorite paired with roasted asparagus and fresh garden tomatoes—but she didn’t enjoy it. She’d worried her hands while eating, wishing for the first time in a while for a glass of wine to pair with the pasta. The thought scared her, and she zoned out a bit.

  Troy had noticed her lack of interaction, and instead talked about the firehouse and what their friends were up to. Their friends? That was a joke. She’d been lucky some of the women at the club and auction acknowledged her at all. Hell, she was lucky Sophie hadn’t turned her away. Stupid. Sophie would never turn her away, especially when Dakota basically groveled at her feet, telling Sophie how awful she’d been to leave and that she hadn’t reached out to her until a year or so later. Dakota hadn’t just left Troy, she’d left her whole life in Big Banks. She’d promised herself to never run from the only people who cared about her again.

  A ding on her phone caused her to jump. In order to fully immerse herself in the experience Troy requested she leave her phone in her bags, but she hadn’t listened. She hadn’t listened to any of the rules he’d so carefully constructed for her. Dakota could call red but it wouldn’t make him disappear. No, he would just try harder to respect the limits she set. How the hell could she go out there and face him? When she heard two loud knocks, she looked over at the door. A sense of dread knotted in her stomach.

  “Are you all right?” Troy’s voice filtered through from the outside.

  “Define all right.” Her voice sounded haunted to her own ears, and once she realized it, she knew he wouldn’t let her hide any longer. She got up from the edge of the oversized garden tub, and raced for the handle intending to lock it, but he twirled it open at the same time. “You can’t barge in here. This is a bathroom! I need my privacy.”

  “You need privacy to play on the phone I asked you to stow for the night?” Troy scratched his chin. “Have I summed it up completely?”

  Dakota blew out a breath, then crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I’ll take your lack of reply as a yes.” He extended his palm to her. “Give me the phone.”

  “It’s my phone,” she protested. “You can’t forbid me to use it. This isn’t a regular party night. It’s just you and me at the cabin all alone.”

  “Right. It’s just you and me all alone. No outside distractions,” Troy smirked. “Hand over the device, Dixie or I’m going to put the bath brush hanging on the wall to some good use. I won’t stop until you’re begging me to take the phone away.”

  “What?” She balked at the idea of him using such an awful-looking implement on her behind but then a teeny tiny part of her wondered if he were serious. The bath brush had a long, solid handle with a huge oval head. His hand had smacked her last time they were in person together, but this thing had heft to it. “No way.” She watched Troy’s eyes darken at her reply and she regretted her decision but she’d already thrown down the gauntlet. Dakota couldn’t retract her words.

  “I’m a bit surprised. Are we going to do everything the hard way tonight?” Without waiting for another answer, Troy took her by the arm, and then bent her over the tub.

  Dakota heard the rustle of the bristles on the brush as it came off the wall, and she sucked
in a breath. Four hard blows caused heat to explode across the seat of her jeans. Three more searing blows followed and then three more after. She drummed her feet up and down, but she refused to cry out. The cycle repeated itself. Three hard followed by three lighter taps with the brush. It smarted a bit, but her jeans offered more protection than she originally believed they would. Troy’s fingers suddenly appeared on the waistband of her jeans, and he undid the button and zipper. Moments later her pants were tangled at the bottom of her feet in a pool of denim. She wanted to protest since she hadn’t worn any panties, a habit she needed to consider changing if she were going to spend more time around Troy, but then a fire lit across the fullest part of her cheeks.

  “Ouch! Ouch!” Dakota threw her hands over her burning globes. Her phone clattered to the floor, but she didn’t bother to attempt to catch it. Thank goodness for the full protective case.

  “Drop your hands, Dixie or I’ll tie them together.”

  “You keep threatening to tie parts of my body but I bet you don’t even have any rope!” She turned her head and glared up at him. “You just keep pushing my buttons. I don’t even know why we’re doing this except for—”

  Her words died on her lips when he yanked something from the pocket of his cargo pants and looped it around her wrists.

  “Wait!” She attempted to get up, but he held her fast. “I didn’t know you actually had some on you. Troy!” Dakota struggled but he kept her in place, easily restraining her hands with pieces of silky rope. It felt like more than just knots, and he ended with a flourish.

  “If I’m pushing buttons, darling, it’s news to me.” Troy slapped his hand at the very top of each of her thighs and she groaned. He did it again. “You seem to be having fun pushing my buttons though.” He traced the lowest curve of her ass with his fingers and then bounced his palm off each of her cheeks. “How’s your game plan working out?”


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