Ladder 54: Five Firefighter Romances

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Ladder 54: Five Firefighter Romances Page 47

by Maren Smith

  “Lauren?” Blake’s voice made her inner thought process crumble. “Is what I’ve said true?”

  She nodded, sighing deeply as she responded. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Do you agree it wasn’t the smartest decision you’ve ever made?” he went on, apparently prepared to press his advantage.

  Lauren pulled her lip between her teeth again, her belly lurching at his question. Blake was listing all the reasons why he was going to punish her again, and she knew she didn’t have a reasonable comeback. “Yes,” she replied in little more than a murmur. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking, I was just so frantic to get out here.”

  His large hands reached for her palms, urging them toward his body. “I know, sweetheart,” he told her reassuringly. “But I dread to think what Jack would have done to you if I hadn’t intervened. Your welfare is so important, Lauren. You need to take better care of yourself.”

  Lauren was nodding again, fighting the hot tears that threatened to collect in her eyes. “I know, Sir,” she whispered in a small voice.

  “You should know the rules by now, having agreed to them with me earlier today. By putting yourself in danger, you broke rule one. Now, I know that technically this happened before we set our rules, but if you agree, I think you deserve to be punished.”

  His verdict resonated through her body, her clit pulsing at the promise of another penance. Lauren had known it would come to this, and she was prepared for it. While she appreciated his acknowledgement that her bad choice had been made before they’d even met, she knew he was right. She had been reckless getting into debt to Jack.

  “I agree, Sir,” she replied at length, her voice sounding tiny in the large bedroom.

  Blake smiled, but his stare remained unwavering. “Good girl, Lauren,” he cooed, lifting his right hand to stroke her flushing face. “Accept your punishment now, and all will be forgiven. I will take care of Jack, and you don’t ever need to think about him again.”

  The prospect he described sounded amazing, and she leaned into his palm. “Yes, Sir,” she mumbled quietly. “Please punish me.”

  Blake swooped at that, shifting his hand to grasp the back of her head before he captured her lips. Lauren offered little resistance as she melted into the kiss. She needed the reassurance of the caress to get her through whatever punishment was to come. As their connection ended, she gazed up into his eyes, drinking in the look of his delicious face. His expression was stern, but beneath it she could still make out the simmering lust.

  “Stand up then,” he commanded softly. “This is a punishment spanking, Lauren, so you can expect it to hurt.”

  Lauren drew in a sharp breath at his words, but nodded as she rose from the bed. She did deserve this punishment, and she trusted Blake to deliver exactly what was needed. As she moved, he shifted his place to sit right in the center of the end of the bed. Staring up at her no doubt nervous face, he patted his lap. The gesture made her breath catch.

  “Over my lap, beautiful.” His voice was sensual as he gave the order, and the look in his eyes was mesmerizing.

  Lauren felt her feet shuffling forward, although she wasn’t sure she had commanded them to move. In a heartbeat she was at his side, her pulse racing as his right hand rose to take her small hand.

  “Lauren.” His voice was calm, but his intent was clear. She needed to be over his lap now.

  Lurching forward, she draped herself over his thighs. All at once she recalled the discomfort of the position as her fingers grazed the lush carpet. Blake’s hand was at the back of her knees, the sensation making Lauren squirm as his digits trailed higher up her legs. Once it reached the orbs of her ass, it paused, massaging them gently as though he wanted to reassure her. And then it was gone, and there was nothing. No words, no sensations, only the sound of her own ragged breathing.

  The weight of Blake’s hand came crashing down against her behind. Even though Lauren had been expecting it, the impact still made her gasp, her fingers balling into fists. He spanked her again, his large palm landing against the middle of her bottom. She had an idea that he wasn’t using the full force of his hand, but it was enough. As the third strike resonated, the sting seemed overwhelming. He spanked her again and again; swats landing in fast succession. As the strikes rained down, Lauren wondered if she could really get through such a tough spanking.

  “Sir?” Her voice sounded hoarse as she spoke, but she didn’t know if it was the pain or the sexual tension in her body.

  Blake’s hand landed upon her ass once more, but then it paused, squeezing her tender left cheek. “What is it, Lauren?”

  “I know I deserve to be punished, but please, this is too much.” She sounded pitiful, but it was true. This punishment felt much harder to endure than even the one he’d delivered before.

  “I know what you need, Lauren,” he told her as spanked her right cheek hard again. “And this punishment is hard on purpose. I want you to remember it, sweetheart. I want you to remember what happens when you put yourself in danger.”

  Tears filled her eyes at his words, and she blinked them away. Somehow, she knew his statement was true. She would likely not forget how this spanking felt.

  “Will you remember, Lauren?” he asked her as his palm landed against her bottom once more.

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied breathlessly. “I will.”

  “Good,” he answered her in a low, seductive purr. “Then your spanking is doing its job. What do you say to ten more swats?”

  From over his knee, Lauren’s eyes widened with surprise. Only ten more? That sounded incredibly lenient compared to the experience so far. “Yes, please, Sir,” she told him, the gratitude evident in her voice.

  Blake moved on the bed. Lauren felt the movement in his hard body as his weight shifted, although she couldn’t see what he was doing from her position.

  “Okay then,” he told her sternly. “Ten it is, but I’m delivering them with the hairbrush.”

  She balked at that, physically jerking away from his thighs. “The hairbrush?” Lauren was practically screeching as she tried to get away, but a hand at her back held her down with frustrating ease.

  “Lauren.” Blake’s voice was hard as he admonished her. “Get back into position now, or I’ll be adding more spanks to the ten we agreed on.”

  The threat was enough to make her slump back over him, but her indignation remained. She’d seen that hairbrush, and the thing was large and evil-looking. How the hell could she survive ten swats with it?

  “Are you going to behave, sweetheart?” he asked her wryly. “I won’t have any disrespect, you know that.”

  She drew in a shaky breath. “The hairbrush, Sir? But, it will be unbearable.”

  “Not unbearable,” he assured her, “but yes, it will hurt. That’s the point, Lauren, remember?”

  “Yes,” she mumbled, confused at the sudden addition of the brush into her punishment.

  His hand landed hard against her vulnerable ass. “Yes, what?” he barked.

  Lauren recoiled at his fierce tone. “Yes, Sir,” she murmured. “I’m sorry.”

  “That’s alright,” he told her, “but don’t forget our new dynamic, Lauren. I expect you to be respectful.”

  She was nodding as the tears began to fall. “Okay, Sir,” she replied meekly.

  As though he sensed the fight was draining from her, he lessened the tension in the hand at her back, shifting his weight back toward her ass.

  “Ten swats, Lauren,” he began, “and to ensure you’re paying attention, you can count them for me.”

  She squirmed over him, the humiliation of having to count the strikes making her as horny as she was distraught. “Yes, Sir,” she whispered.

  “Let’s do this,” he said gruffly, and a few seconds later the weight of the brush smacked down against her behind.

  * * *

  The sound of the impact reverberated around the room. He heard her gasp, but was proud of how composed Lauren seemed.

  “One, Sir,
” she whimpered.

  She sounded so sad and small, for a moment he considered forgetting the whole hairbrush thing altogether. Drawing in a deep breath, Blake surveyed the reddening mark that was left on her gorgeous ass. He was going to punish her, make her think twice about being so reckless again in the future, but he wasn’t going to really hurt her. Lauren would survive this, and after it was over, he would make her smile again.

  “Good girl,” he cooed soothingly. “Here comes number two.”

  Blake struck her ass with the brush again, hearing the wince from Lauren. He knew how much the brush would sting, and he was surprised at how stoic she was being.

  “Two, Sir,” she gasped, sounding on the verge of tears.

  “Let it out if it helps, sweetheart,” he told her warmly. “This will be over soon.”

  Spanking her behind with the hairbrush, Blake waited for her to respond. As she named the strike, he lifted the implement again, sending it crashing down over her cheeks. This time she cried out, and he heard the first sobs as they caught in her throat.

  “Four, Sir,” she mewled, her desperation evident in her tone.

  “Why are you being spanked with the hairbrush, Lauren?” he asked her as he swatted her with it again.

  There was a small shriek as it landed. “Because I didn’t take care of myself properly, Sir,” she sniffed. “And that’s five, Sir.”

  “That’s right, sweetheart,” he purred, “and that has to change. From now on your safety and welfare will be your number one priority, do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whimpered as the hairbrush landed once more. “I promise I will.”

  He smiled at her words, feeling his cock swell again. Something about her mewls made him want to claim Lauren again. Right now. “Count the strike, please, Lauren.”

  “Six, Sir,” she sobbed.

  Enough was enough. Lauren needed this to be done, and frankly, so did Blake. He raised his hand, and brought the brush done four more times in fast succession. She cried out at the intensity of the strikes, but he could feel her relief as the tenth one was delivered.

  “Those were the last four, Sir,” she told him tearfully.

  “That’s right, sweetheart,” he purred softly as he rubbed her ass tenderly. “You took your punishment well, and I’m really proud of you. Come up here for a hug.”

  She slid from his legs wordlessly, falling to her knees beside him. Blake gazed down at her tearstained face and reached out his arms to her.

  “Come here, Lauren,” he murmured. “And that is not a request.”

  Lauren lifted her head to look at him, and there was a moment when their gazes locked. He had a pang of guilt at having reduced her to this emotional state, but Blake knew he’d done the right thing. Lauren needed consequences, and someone to deliver them. He just happened to be the lucky guy who got to dispense those penalties.

  Slowly Lauren stirred, crawling the short distance to where he was waiting. She stood on trembling legs, reaching for his right arm, which snaked immediately around her waist.

  Blake pulled her toward him, holding her against his shoulder as she climbed onto his lap sobbing. “You did so well,” he cooed, stroking the soft strands of hair from her hot face. “Everything is forgiven now, and I know you’ll think harder before you’re reckless again.”

  She nodded her head at his chest. “I sure will, Sir,” she whispered. “And thank you.”

  He startled at that, tilting his head to look into her face. Blake hadn’t expected her to be so contrite, but the fact that she was made him smile. Lauren roused, lifting her chin to look at him for the first time since he’d held her.

  “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for someone to hold me accountable, Blake,” she told him. “I didn’t enjoy that spanking, but I needed it. You’ve made that possible.”

  His cock stirred inside his pants, and he stroked the side of her face tenderly. “You’re welcome, sweetheart,” he purred. “If you want me, then I will always be here to hold you accountable. Oh, and fuck you senseless afterwards, if you’re up for that?”

  She burst into laughter at his words, smiling although the tears at her face still hadn’t dried. “Sir, I would love that.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  They sat by the fire, hand in hand. It was well into the early hours of the morning, but somehow neither of them could stop talking. The conversation was so easy, each of them eager to learn more about the other. Lauren was still a little uncertain about the idea of Blake taking on her debts from Jack, but Blake had a way of making everything seem certain when he presented an idea. Somehow, she felt safer when he was around. It was like she didn’t even have to think. Lauren had wanted Blake to be that man for her for so long. Too damn long.

  “So, sweetheart,” Blake said, smiling as he sipped at the hot chocolate he’d made for them both. “Is this how you’d imagined our ‘date’ to go when you won me at the auction?”

  His tone was ironic, and she laughed gently. He’d asked her the question once already, but she still didn’t really have an answer. “Well, no, not really,” Lauren admitted, as she snuggled into his warm body. “I could never have imagined anything like this.”

  Blake’s arms pulled her in closer, and he sighed, the sound making her contented and happy. It was strange how a virtual stranger could make her so at ease. “So, I’m that good, huh?” he quipped, glancing down and throwing her a wink as he spoke.

  She swatted his chest playfully. Yes, he was that good, but she didn’t want the hero to get too big-headed. “Well, you’re not perfect or anything, but you know?” She paused, tilting her head to gauge his reaction. “I suppose it’s been a pretty good date…”

  Her understatement made him laugh, and she joined him, gazing into the fire for a moment. She shuddered slightly as she recalled the flames that had engulfed her Big Banks home all those years ago. She didn’t remember all the details, but something about the look of them sparked a memory for her. How peculiar that it had been fire that had first brought them together, and all these years later, it was a fire that they found themselves by now.

  “Hey, are you alright?” Blake asked her, sensing the sudden tension in her body.

  Lauren gazed at him. “Yes,” she replied in little more than a whisper. “I was just thinking about the night you saved me.” Her voice broke a little as she admitted the fact out loud.

  The large, powerful arm that was wrapped around her pulled her in tighter, and squeezed her shoulders in a gentle embrace. “It’s okay,” he purred. “I’ve got you, Lauren. I was there for you that night, and if you’ll allow it, I’d like to be here for you now too.”

  She pounced on him at that, Blake’s surprise evident from his startled face as she lunged for his full lips. Lauren kissed them hard, the way she’d imagined kissing them all of those times before, except now Blake responded, kissing her back. He placed his mug of chocolate down on the floor next to him without looking, before he dived at her. If Lauren was fast, then Blake’s agility was shocking, and she gasped as he knocked her off balance on her way back down to the rug. Flat on her back, she watched as he leapt on top of her, her hips already rising to meet his groin.

  “Well, well, Miss Roberts,” he admonished her in a playful tone. “Do you need some more attention already?”

  Lauren smiled. “I think so,” she replied, gazing up into those blue eyes. “I think I’ll need lots of attention.”

  “That’s good,” he answered her. “Because I was thinking of calling the chief in the morning, and seeing if we can’t stay on another day in the cabin.” He paused, watching as his words registered on her face. “If that’s alright with you, of course?”

  Her eyes widened with excitement. “Really?” she replied. “Do you think he’d mind?”

  Now it was Blake’s turn to smile. “Do you know what they use this place for?” he asked her all of a sudden. “The chief and his wife, Sophie?”

  She nodded. “It’s a BDSM cl
ub, right?”

  “That’s right,” he told her. “It’s the local BDSM group, and it runs right here, in this cabin.” His tone was calm, but she could feel the hardening of his cock at her hip. The notion was clearly an enjoyable one.

  “Really?” she gasped, feigning surprise as her eyes searching the space around them. “In this cabin?”

  “Yep,” he replied, his grin widening. “This place has a whole dungeon play space we’ve yet to explore…”

  Lauren regarded him with wide eyes, her heart beginning to race at his words. A dungeon… She had no real information about what happened in a dungeon, but she’d explored her fantasies well enough to have an idea. “That sounds amazing,” she whispered at length, “but I’m not sure my limits will be what you’re used to.”

  He chuckled. “That doesn’t matter,” he told her. “We’ll take everything at your pace, sweetheart.”

  She flushed at his words, a little embarrassed by the sentiment. “Thank you,” she sighed. “I really appreciate that.”

  Blake’s expression softened. “Don’t be embarrassed,” he said, soothing her. “I love that you’re so open-minded about this. Perhaps we can explore the play space tomorrow, if you want to, but whether we do or don’t choose to play, I’m just glad that we found each other.” He hesitated, caressing the side of Lauren’s shoulder. His fingers trailed an invisible line up to her throat and the soft skin of her face. “I had no idea how important you’d become when I pulled you from the flames that night,” he conceded, stroking away the unruly strands of hair that covered her face.


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