1 The Ladybug Jinx

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1 The Ladybug Jinx Page 12

by Tonya Kappes

  “I want that.” Celia pointed to the dress.

  “I’ve got plenty.” Beth swayed to the back of the store. “Is this for the big trip you have coming up?”

  The question hammered her. Had it already gotten all over Grandberry Falls that she was heading to Los Angeles? Of course it had.

  “You know, town gossip.” Beth stated pulling out a few sizes for Celia to try on. “Actually, I have a few really fun pieces that will go great in California.”

  Celia tried on piece after piece. They put together some really great outfits and paired them up with some accessories and big scarves.

  “I love them.” Celia was happy to be doing business within her small town.

  She should’ve know, Beth Harrison was her go-to-gal for fashion. Who would’ve thought the lanky little girl, full of mischief would grow up to be a fashion diva.


  “Are you taking all of these things?” Marty wasn’t sure if it was all going to fit in the truck.

  “Yes, dad. I don’t need any lip from you.” Celia winked. She was going to be gone for two weeks. The first week visiting the venue and the second week making the arrangements. Then back just in time for Christmas.

  With the money they promised her, she was going to use most of it to pay back Sam. She didn’t want the debt to him lingering over her head. She didn’t want them to pay her for her heart ache. It wasn’t acceptable to take money for letting him stomp on her heart all in the name of research.

  She wondered if she would run into Sam. Celia fantasized he would see her and she was strong enough to tell him no. The tabloids made it clear Sam was hiding out and what were the odds she’d see him?

  “Okay. The shop will run fine.” Marty wanted Celia to feel good about going. “Kerri Ann and I will make most of the deliveries. The florist you hired from Lexington is going to be here every day.”

  “Make sure you give her the check on her last day.” Celia had saved enough money to pay a nearby florist to come and fill her orders.

  Thanks to Christmas and tight money in Grandberry Falls, not many orders are being placed. It was the perfect time and opportunity for her.

  She tried to be positive about her heart ache. If it wasn’t for Sam, she would’ve never gotten a guest spot on the radio show, which turned into a full time spot, in which the people from Los Angeles would’ve never heard of her. She did have a lot to thank Sam for, but her heart refused to let her.

  “The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.”

  Jalal ad-Din Rumi


  It was hard for Sam to disguise himself. The paparazzi surrounded his house regardless of Celia. All his life he has been followed by them. He had made all the arrangements for Celia to come to Los Angeles. All the way down to the seat she sat in on the plane.

  Obviously, he didn’t want her to know it was his company that hired her because she wouldn’t have come no matter how much they offered her. She made it quite clear she didn’t love him and had no interest in seeing him.

  “Sam, her plane has taken off.” Eli called just as Sam asked him to.

  “Thanks, Eli.” It was time for Sam to plan his get-a-way to the airport. It would be a few hours before she made it to Los Angeles International Airport and it would take every bit of that time to prepare.

  First he called the Four Seasons and made sure her Presidential Suite was ready. If he put white tulips in the room, she would know. If he put red roses in the room, she would be put off. He had to get the perfect flowers. He wanted orchids for her delicate beauty, larkspur for her beautiful spirit, forget-me-not for remembering him, yellow chrysanthemum to tell of her secret admirer, and daisies because of her love of them.

  He was assured all the flowers would be arranged throughout the suite exactly the way he wanted. Every where she turned, he was sure they would remind her of him.

  “Bart!” Sam yelled out of his office. “You need to get me a disguise.”

  Bart walked in and asked, “Why?”

  He didn’t look happy with Sam’s request.

  “Celia is flying into LAX and I want to watch her get off the plane.” Sam paced around the room.

  Sam didn’t want to talk to her. He knew she wouldn’t hear of it. But he had to see her. See her eyes. Her bright red hair. He longed for her scent. If he closed his eyes long enough, he could almost smell it.

  “You know what?” Bart pointed his finger. “I’m going to help you with this. You have got to get her out of your head once and for all. If we’re going to make it into Los Angeles then we have to leave now.”

  The traffic was horrendous for anyone to get to the city and the airport traffic was almost unbearable.

  They took one of the servant vehicles not giving any attention to the paparazzi. Sam had many disguises. The paparazzi didn’t look twice at Sam driving while Bart sat in the passenger seat.

  At the airport, Sam waited patiently in the car. The limousine he had ordered for her was next to them.

  Instantly he saw Celia come through the glass doors. Her face was slimmer and not as vibrant as when they first met. He saw in her eyes the aching in her heart. Sam reached for the door.

  “No Sam.” Bart put his hand on Sam’s arm bringing him back to reality. “This isn’t the place to do this.”

  Sam knew he was right, but seeing her made him jump and he wanted to beg her to forgive him. He wanted to see the sparkle in her eye and the love on her face. She was even paler, almost fragile. Her red hair was still beautiful in color and the grey scarf enhanced her much thinner features.

  “She is beautiful. Sam.” Bart’s eye fixed on her. Sam didn’t like those words coming out of his mouth. “I can see why you’d be attracted to her.”

  “Stop looking at her like she’s some piece of meat.” Sam had an urgency to protect her in this big city. He made it clear he was going to get to her somehow. “She’s innocent. She’s mine.”

  “This isn’t healthy, Sam. You need to step back and see the look on your face.”

  Bart was trying to get Sam to see this was a bad idea. “We need to get back.”

  Sam looked over at the sound of clicking cameras.

  “Celia, here!” People began to scream.

  “Is Sam here?” One of the members of the paparazzi asked.

  Sam saw her green eyes become paralyzed with fear. There was no way he was going to let this continue to her. He jumped out of the car as fast as he could.

  “Sam, stop!” Bart screamed leaping out of the passenger window.

  Sam didn’t care if Celia would resist him. He wasn’t going to let her become a victim of his lifestyle. He grabbed Celia before she could protest and got her into the limousine.

  “Step on it.” Sam yelled up to the driver who did as he was told.

  “Sam!” Celia’s mouth propped open. “What are you doing here? Driver stop let this man out.”

  The driver looked back in his rearview mirror. “Mr. Barber?” The driver wasn’t going to listen to a commoner. He was going to take orders from his boss.

  “Please keep going.” Sam looked out the back window as Bart threw his hat on the ground in disgust.

  “Celia, I wasn’t going to let them prey on you like a wolf.” Sam wanted to wrap his arms around her and protect her. He sighed with relief. “I have missed you.”

  “Did you have something to do with this?” There was displeasure in her face. Sam had to think fast. If he lied, when she did find out the truth, he would never forgive her. If he told the truth, she would go back to Grandberry Falls. “Answer me now.”


  Celia was getting angrier by the moment. She had to admit it felt good seeing a familiar face and a cute one at that. But her anger superseded his looks. He was by far the last person in Los Angeles she wanted to see. All the drama was not up her alley, but she was paralyzed by the fear of all
those cameras

  His pause made her realize he was trying to figure out the right way to answer her question. “I don’t need to know the answer. I can tell by your delay.” Celia put her fingers up to her mouth. She looked out the window trying to soak in what had happened.

  “Celia, you are talented. I want the world to see your art.” Sam was pleading with her.

  “Maybe I don’t want the world to see me, Sam. I am not you. I am not like you.” Celia turned her body around in the seat to be face to face with him. It was much harder to resist him in person. His eyes weren’t as full as she remembered them. “I can’t believe you used me and my family to perfect a role.”

  Celia had to look away. She didn’t want Sam to see the tears forming. She still couldn’t believe he wasn’t the Sam she knew. He still acted like Sam Reynolds, not Sam Barber the actor everyone talks about.

  Sam’s hand was warm with love as he rested it on her knee. “Celia, I didn’t use you. Bart only told the press that.”

  “Fine. Then I don’t want to be with a man who can’t be a man.” Celia felt his hand grip her leg a little tighter. She stung his soul. He pulled away. The warmth stayed on her knee where his hand had just been.

  “If you won’t see me privately, do you think you can work with me professionally?”

  “I will stay for my committed two weeks only because I am going to give you every penny you sent to me back.” Celia watched Sam’s face go to fear. As far as she knew, he was clueless that she found out he was the anonymous donor.

  “Who told you?” Sam was soft spoken.

  “Who do you think? My grandfather, the only good thing you did while in Grandberry Falls.” Celia looked at Sam. “Or did you already know our story and planned to unveil it during your acting?”

  “Celia please don’t do this.”

  Celia was relieved when the limousine came to a stop. She was tired from the plane ride and now exhausted from Sam.

  “I can work with you professionally. Only for two weeks.” Celia stepped out of the limo smiling for the cameras. She can’t deny part of the smile was from seeing Sam. Even though she was furious with him and not able to forgive him, her heart still belonged to him.

  “Celia.” She turned when she heard her name and posed for the paparazzi.

  “What’s the status on you and Sam?” One pap asked her.

  “I don’t have time for petty men. I have arrangements to create.” Celia smiled like a celebrity. She had resolved she was going to be as loud and vocal as she needed to be. He used her. It was her time to use him.

  “If you’re ever in Grandberry Falls, look me up.” Celia posed for a couple more photographers and was ushered in like royalty up to her suite.

  The more she tried to hide her excitement for being in the Regent Beverly Wilshire, the more her cheeks hurt. Doing a movie wrap party was about the biggest job for any florist, other than a royal wedding, and she didn’t care how she got it. All she knew was it was her talent that got her here.

  Celia had only seen the hotel in Pretty Woman. She was definitely feeling like Julia Robert’s character, just not the hooker part.

  “This way, Ms. Briggs.” Celia smiled at the bell boy.

  She had no idea how to handle such situations. She followed without a word. He put his key in the suite key hole.

  The elevator opened up allowing Celia to get her first glimpse into the glamorous life Los Angeles had to offer.

  “This is the penthouse on the Beverly Wing.” He opened the door to the most beautiful place Celia had ever seen.

  The fragrant flowers were everywhere.

  “This is bigger than my house.” Celia did circles around the room.

  “It’s five-thousand square feet and your balcony is a wrap around.” He opened the doors allowing the air to flow in.

  Celia beamed with excitement. This was a fairy tale come true. She is getting to do her passion in a once in a lifetime opportunity. She looked out over the balcony taking in the city. If she didn’t have any talent in arranging flowers, Sam would’ve never given her this chance, she thought. She was glad his guilt made him pick her. She would make him regret he ever lied to her.

  “I was to remind you, your guests will be in the sidebar for your first meeting.” The bell boy nodded and left.

  Celia could get used to this. The extravagant room was something she could’ve never dreamed up. It was like a house. It had a formal dining room, kitchen, living room, den, floor to ceiling windows and a too die for heated toilet seat.

  She walked around smelling all of the flowers. Celia named each one she smelled. She noticed each one had a different meaning along the same lines—beautiful, smart, and caring.

  “Hmmm.” She sighed. She wasn’t a fool, she knew they weren’t there by mistake.

  The phone interrupted her thoughts.

  “Hello?” Celia was cautious. She hadn’t been expecting a call.

  “Celia Briggs?” The woman on the other end asked.


  “I’m Corin. I will be assisting you throughout your two week stay. I wanted to welcome you to Los Angeles. You will be having an informal meeting about the venue this afternoon. You will find a lovely cocktail dress in the closet for you.”

  Celia walked over to the closet as Corin talked.

  The cocktail dress was something you see in fashion magazines. Of course it was black and sequence accompanied by a pair of black stilettos. Celia held the dress up to her and looked in the mirror.

  “Julia Roberts, definitely.” She admired the dress.

  “Excuse me?” Corin asked.

  “Nothing. I will see you then.” Celia hung up the phone and did eeny meeny miney moe between the two bathrooms.

  “Where flowers bloom, so does hope.”

  Lady Bird Johnson


  Celia immediately focused on Sam across the room. Everyone was focused on Sam. He was surrounded with fans wanting his autograph. Although he smiled, Celia knew him well enough to see the look on his face. He was uncomfortable with the attention, but graciously signed away.

  Celia made eye contact. “Sam.”

  Sam hurried with the last fan and stood up. “Celia.” There was almost a sigh in his voice. Hearing him say her name made her weak in the knees. Sam pulled the chair out for her.

  “Thank you.” Celia could feel all eyes on her or at least all female eyes. She was quite aware the envy and she was going to use him as much as he used her.

  “We are waiting for Corin and Don from the wrap party.” Sam had nervousness about him. It reminded her of the first time he came into the shop.

  “Great.” Celia took in her surroundings. All the sights were so different from Grandberry Falls. She was used the metal chairs from The Fatted Pig Restaurant, not leather.


  Celia smiled at the tall blonde speeding over to them. She had the most beautiful blue dress Celia had ever laid eyes on. She bent down kissing cheeks with Sam which made Celia a little jealous.

  “You must be Celia.”

  Celia didn’t appreciate the fake squinty eyed smile blonde.

  “You must be Corin.” Celia returned the fake smile.

  She might not be from Los Angeles, but she sure has seen enough smut on TV to be able to play the part. She could act just as good as Sam.

  “Yes. I see the dress fits.” Corin moved her finger up and down Celia’s body frame. “I would’ve gotten color, but I didn’t know what you like and everyone likes black.”

  “You did fine.” Two weeks, two weeks, Celia repeated in her mind. “Where is the florist? I would like to get there as soon as possible.”

  “Hmm… okay.” Corin turned her back on Celia blocking Celia’s view.

  Sam butted in, “You wouldn’t believe Celia’s arrangements. Truly works of art.”

  Celia blushed. She tried not to look away, but she needed the confidence if she was going to last two weeks.

  “Yes, I do make
beautiful arrangements.” She needed all the self confidence she could muster up.

  Celia noticed the pleasure on Sam’s face. He was pleased with how she was handling herself. He sat back in his chair with his arms folded, eyes glistening and smiling.

  “I need to be in my element in order to get this right.”

  “I agree.” Don reached over and patted Celia’s hand. “I would love to take you. I think you are going to like it.”

  There was apparent disbelief on Sam’s face when Don offered to help. Almost disgust.

  “I am going to take her around and show her some of L.A.” Sam noted. “I can take her to the venue.”

  “I think you have plenty to do without carting me around.” Celia patted Don’s hand back. “I would love to Don.”

  She lifted her green eyes in excitement. Sam had always commented on her eyes and she made sure he noticed them today.

  “Are you sure?” Sam had a begging in his tone.

  “I’m a big girl, Sam.” Celia didn’t bother to look at him. She stared straight into Don’s eyes.


  Sam watched Celia and Don walk out the door. “I can’t believe him. I told Bart I didn’t want him on this job. He can’t be trusted around her.”

  “If I didn’t know better, I think you were doing more than researching a role in her Mayberry town.” Corin breathed heavily.

  Sam was used to her come-ons. She has been throwing herself at him since the beginning of the movie. He almost gave in during one weak moment. Thankfully Bianca popped into his head and was enough to make him think it was Bianca herself telling him to run.

  “Why don’t you show me the venue sometime?” She leaned over and began to run her fingers through his hair. The clicking of cameras radiated through the glass windows.

  “Stop.” He flung her hand away from his face. “You know all the tabloids are going to be printing that picture tomorrow.”


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