1 The Ladybug Jinx

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1 The Ladybug Jinx Page 14

by Tonya Kappes

  Corin was like the mean girl in high school. Celia knew she was good enough for Grandberry Falls, but was she Los Angeles good like she told Corin?

  “What are you talking about, Celia?” Sam started pleading with her. He had grabbed her by the arms. “I told you, I didn’t use you. You are talented.”

  “Let’s go.” He grabbed her bag and dragged her toward the door.

  “Where are we going?” She didn’t resist. He made her safe and she loved his enthusiasm.

  “You’ll see.”

  Celia smiled at Corin as he held the door open for her.

  “Good job at getting her goat.” He gave a sly look.

  He opened the passenger door on the Mercedes, in time for a paparazzi to take their photo.


  “Hey man, can’t we have just a few moments without you guys hanging around?” Sam asked.

  He had always given them what they wanted. Bianca didn’t mind and it was easier in a way. Celia is fresh. She doesn’t understand them and she barely understands him. He wasn’t sure how to handle both worlds.

  “Hold on.” He told the photographer.

  Sam bent down beside the passenger seat with his hand rested on the door. “Listen, I want to take you somewhere. They will follow us if we don’t give them a couple shots. It’s up to you.”

  There it was, Sam noted Celia’s beautiful smile. The smile he hasn’t seen since he left Grandberry Falls. She stepped out taking Sam’s breath. Her long lean tan legs in those white shorts made those cowboy boots sexy and his desire for her escalated.

  He was proud to have her standing next to him as the photographer took everything he needed.

  “Thanks Sam.” The photographer shook his hand. “He is one class act. You are one lucky lady.”

  Sam helped Celia back in the car. Maybe she would listen to the paparazzi.


  On the way Sam watched Celia rubberneck at all the sites. He was sure she had never seen so many different people or cultures in her life.

  “What are you thinking?” He asked.

  “I was thinking it’s a shame you never told me about who you really were.” Celia remained silent the rest of the trip.

  Sam pulled up along the shore in a sandy little drive. It looked like a cottage on the beach. Not one of the mansions or even a real nice beach house. It was dilapidated and worn from the sea air. He took off his shoes.

  “What are you doing?” Celia looked amused.

  “Take your boots off.”

  She loved being with him, even if she was still mad.

  While Celia took her shoes off, Sam got out and went over to open her door. The sand felt good between his toes. It was a good warm day and a great opportunity to show Celia a little of his private world. A world he only showed Bianca.

  “Where are we?” Celia let her feet sink in the sand. “Ah, this feels nice.”

  “You, my dear, are about the have the best slice of apple pie this side of Grandberry Falls.” Sam took her hand whether she wanted to or not and led her to the cottage.

  The smell of pies made her mouth water. She couldn’t believe the atmosphere. A lot of surfers coming in and out of the water, the sun beating down made the sand nice and warm.

  “Why, Sam, where have you been?” Celia noticed the older lady behind the counter. It was a strange place. It was a wide open house with café tables and a bar. The outside deck was filled with surfers and girls in bikinis.

  She came out from behind the counter and embraced Sam. “We have missed you.”

  “I was out of town for a while, but I’m back.” Sam and Celia followed the older lady out to the deck.

  There was a table in the corner with the most spectacular view. Everyone said hello to Sam. Not coming up for an autograph, just a wave and nod.

  “You had to get away didn’t you?” She was nosey Celia thought.

  “You know me, Kit.” He hugged her. “This is my friend Celia Briggs. She’s in town to put together the wrap party.”

  “You’re a party planner?” Celia couldn’t place her accent, but she definitely wasn’t from L.A.

  “No, I’m just a florist.” Celia made her job sound less than what it was.

  “Just a florist?” The tone in Sam’s voice alerted Celia how Sam didn’t like the way she put herself down. “She’s amazing. I found myself in a little town, Grandberry Falls, Kentucky, and she makes the most amazing designs. When I came back and they were talking about the flowers for the wrap party, I knew Celia Briggs was the one to do it.”

  “You have a shop in…” The older lady couldn’t remember the name.

  “Grandberry Falls. Yes I do, The Ladybug Florist.” Celia beamed when she talked about her love. Sam thought it was the cutest look ever.

  “Ladybugs are lucky.” Kit caught Celia’s attention.

  “That’s what I’ve always been told.”

  Kit walked away and a little joy came back into her heart. It was a little flitter, but it was there.

  “She’s nice.”

  “She was my mother’s best friend. It started in childhood and continued even when my mother became famous.” Celia drank in Sam’s profile as he looked out into the sea. “It’s home. This is my home. I spend all my holidays with Kit and her family. She called a few times wondering where I was when I was in Grandberry Falls. I didn’t call her back until I got back.”

  Celia was beginning to believe Sam really did come to Grandberry Falls to get away.

  Kit came back with a couple slices of apple pie for Sam and Celia. Celia ached. It was the closest thing to home she has seen in the past few days. The smell and sight was amazing.

  “You look happy.” Sam put a piece on the fork and held it up to Celia’s mouth.

  She graciously took the warm pie in her mouth. She closed her eyes and savored not only the pie, but being fed by Sam.

  “Mmm, I am happy. This is like home.”

  “I wanted to bring you here because when you are in L.A., you begin to lose who you really are. You need these places to bring you back to earth.” Celia watched Sam talk. “L.A. is not a real world. It’s all fake and make-believe. Don’t pay attention to Corin or Don. They are walking a fine line on my payroll.”

  Celia was glad to hear him say those words. She was glad he realized they were toxic people.

  “They aren’t nice people.” Celia didn’t want to talk bad about anyone, but she didn’t want to be abused either. “They are only looking out for themselves.”

  Celia looked out at the sea. The birds were flying and dipping down, the surfers where catching the waves and it made Celia have a moment. She reached down to grab her sketch book out of her purse.

  “What’s wrong?” Sam asked as Celia dug deeper in her purse.

  “I can’t seem to find my sketch book.” She emptied her purse out on the table. “Maybe it’s in the car.”

  Sam jumped up to go look and Celia put the contents back in her purse. A state of panic rushed over her. She always carried her sketch book with her in case the creative urge hit her.

  Celia looked around the floor in case it fell out.

  Sam came back shaking his head. “Not in the car.”

  “Oh no! I left it by the chandeliers.” Celia hoped it was there. She recalled having it out while unpacking the crystal holders. “We have got to get back there.”

  Celia didn’t want Corin to look through her book.

  “The first duty of love is to listen.”

  Anouk Aimee


  Sam kept his head on straight. He knew her book was at the shop. He didn’t like seeing fear in her eyes. If he could keep her happy, he would dedicate his life to it.

  “Don’t worry.” He zipped the car faster and faster through Los Angeles. “It’s got to be at the shop.”

  He pulled up front, and before he could put it in park, Celia had already jumped out.

  Corin was working diligently when Sam and Celia busted into the door and ran back
to her office.

  “Where is it?” Celia cried out when the book wasn’t at her work station.

  She pleaded with Sam to find it. Sam looked over at Corin.

  “What are you talking about?” Corin didn’t stop what she was doing.

  It wasn’t like Corin to not get in Sam’s business when he was in the room. His suspicions began to run high.

  “You took it, you jealous no good for nothing…” Celia lunged towards Corin.

  Sam grabbed her. He knew Corin and she wasn’t going to give them any information.

  “That’s right, Sam.” Corin backed up and pointed. “You better keep your wild country animal on a tight leash or else.”

  “Or else what?” Celia’s eyes burned through her.

  “Let’s be reasonable here.” Sam let go of Celia. “Have you seen Celia’s sketch book?”

  He noticed Corin wouldn’t look directly at him. She had a mistrust in her actions that Sam had seen before.

  “I did see the photographer, taking your picture, pick something up.”

  The blood drained from what little color Celia has in her cheeks. “I think I am going to be sick.” She ran to the bathroom.

  Sam could hear her splashing water on her face. A million options ran through his head. One, the paparazzi would call him to return it, he did give him a photo opportunity. Two, the paparazzi would sell the pictures and the book to a tabloid. Or three, they’d sell the book to another florist who will duplicate Celia’s designs and ruin the big event.

  “Are you sure?” Sam wanted to question Corin one more time making sure he left nothing unturned.

  “Yes, I didn’t know what it was. I looked closer because I thought you had tipped him. There was a grin on his face when he thumbed through the pages. I didn’t know what it was and still don’t.”

  Sam wanted to take Celia in his arms. He knew he had to get her out of here and the event off her mind.

  She came out of the bathroom, and black makeup dripped from her eyes.


  “Sam, I really just want to go back to the room and lay down.” Fatigue settled in pockets under her eyes.

  She sounded the exact same way he remembered her when he first met her. She was depressed.

  “I called my dad and he told me to do my best. I can’t do my best if I am tired.”

  Sam could see her color had not come back in her cheeks.

  “Listen. Why don’t you go take a nap? I have a few things to take care of and in a couple hours I come back to get you. I want you to see something.”

  Reluctantly, Celia accepted. He was excited about his plans, but first he had a date with a certain paparazzi.

  After letting Celia off at the hotel, he headed to the movie set. He remembered seeing that photographer at the studio. He had seen his face a few times. He went to all the hot spots. Sam whipped the Benz into the set parking lot. He darted across the street, dodging traffic to get to the paparazzi.

  “You!” Sam started pointing madly at the photographer.

  “Hey, Sam. I was just saying what a stand up guy you are.” The pap stepped away from Sam who looked like a tyrant. “Stop, man.”

  “I want it back.” Sam demanded not noticing the other were clicking pictures of his anger. “Now!” Sam demanded.

  Sam stopped once the camera was lodged between him and the pap.

  “I just want the notebook back.” Sam ran his hands through his hair. “Please.”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about.” The photographer stepped back, gripping his camera. “If you are talking about the pictures, I already sold them man.”

  “No, not the pictures. The notebook.” Sam started to sound desperate. He didn’t care. He would do anything for Celia.

  “What notebook.” The photographer lowered his camera. “I don’t know anything about a notebook.”

  “Celia dropped her sketch pad and someone said you picked it up.”

  “Someone lied because I would’ve returned it to that nice lady you were with.”

  Sam didn’t know why, but he felt the guy was telling the truth.

  “I’m sorry for accusing you.” Sam was sincere. “I apologize, guys.” Sam waved to all the other photographers. “My friend Celia Briggs, she can’t find her sketch book and someone I should never trust told me he had it.”

  “Why don’t we put it out to the tabloids. We can find her books if it’s out there.”

  Sam couldn’t believe his ears. He has always been good to them and they have respected his privacy most of the time, but they haven’t always been good to other celebrities.

  “Are you sure?”

  Every one of them agreed. They took a couple of pics of Sam and were on the phone with all different tabloids and newspaper who wanted the exclusive.

  There’s definitely a dangerous feeling when you’re in love. It’s giving your heart to someone else and knowing that they have control over your feelings.

  Beyonce Knowle



  Celia couldn’t believe she let Sam talk her into going out. There was nothing she wanted to do except lay in bed and feel sorry for herself. She was in a strange big city and the comfort of her cozy cottage was what she longed for.

  If she was at home, she would’ve had the house and shop all decorated for Christmas. She missed mornings with her dad, visiting with Eli, and dinners.

  She put on her jeans and t-shirt. Sam said it was casual and a fun night to take her mind off the sketch pad. He told her what had happened and put very little hope in her heart.

  “You look great.” Sam smiled at Celia.

  She had her hair down and it was wavier than normal. She wore minimal makeup. It was dark and there was no need to get gussied up.

  “Thank you.” Celia grabbed her sweater and walked out the suite door.


  It was unlike anything Celia had ever seen. Walking down Rodeo Drive with coffee in hand and Sam next to her, made her a little happier. The street lamp poles were decorated with white lights. Chandeliers hung from poles with holly attached to them.

  Celia had never seen a palm tree decorated with Christmas decorations, but it was one of many things she’d never seen over the past week.

  The banners hanging were the funniest yet. There were different designs, one with a sophisticated woman with piled high packages in her arms, sophisticated women and her dog in a convertible with Christmas present stacked in the back seat and a few decorated trees.

  Even though it was Christmas time, the weather told Celia differently.

  “Thank you, Sam.” Celia stopped under a street lamp. “I may not know exactly what is going on between us. I do know you have given me an opportunity of a lifetime and if we can’t find the sketch book, it’s okay. I’m a good designer and will create something great.” Celia looked into his big brown eyes.

  He had begun to look a little more like the movie star. He’d gained weight, shaved and was wearing his fancy clothes. For a faint moment, and regardless of the hurt she still felt by his betrayal, she hoped she hadn’t lost him.

  “Celia, you know where I stand.” Sam took her hand in his.

  Celia liked the solid hands around hers. Today if not forever was good enough for her right now. She was homesick.

  “If only it would snow.”

  “You won’t see that here.” Sam said. “I wouldn’t know a Christmas like that.”

  “You should see Grandberry Falls when it snows.” Celia lit up like the lights on the decorated poles. “The fresh snow glistens along the street and the trees are delicious.”

  She could picture the big firs on her property.

  She smiled. “It’s truly a lovely sight.”

  “Maybe I will see it sometimes.”

  Celia’s face became sullen.

  “What’s wrong?” Sam wiped her hair from her face. “Are you missing home?”

  “No, I’m missing my sketch book, literally.” She had retraced her steps
over and over in her mind and on foot. “I really wanted to leave an impression.”

  Not that she didn’t remember what she designed, but the little details of the placement that made the flowers pop. The things that jumped in her head in the middle of the night were in there. And there was no way she would retrieve all those details without the sketch-book.

  “White Christmas is coming on TV. Why don’t we order room service and hang out when we get back?”

  Celia laughed, there was no way Sam was going to leave her alone in the suite. He was going to be watching over her regardless of what she thought. She would never admit to him how comforting it was to have him near her. She was starting to fall in love with him all over again.

  Celia was glad he suggested going back to the suite. She loved White Christmas with Bing Crosby and she loved room service more.


  The Regent Beverly Wilshire was beginning to look a lot like Christmas. It was a stop for sight-seeing, causing all kinds of extra traffic in the hotel. Celia was amazed what money can do for decorations.

  “I’d put money on it that they spent millions on decorating.” Celia gingerly touched the silver feathery tree on their way to the elevator.

  “I wouldn’t take that bet. I’m sure they do.”

  Sam opened the suite door to a million glowing lights.

  Celia was met by fake snow all over the floor. Fake ice sickles hung from a three tiered cup cake holder that was home to hundreds of snow babies on the entry table. Celia took her time to take in all the decorations. The mantle displayed Belsnickle figurines arranged by sizes. Nothing was left undecorated. The sconce lighting was flanked with garland.

  An assortment of Kugels took center stage in the middle of the dining table. Celia touched everyone increasing her joy with each touch.

  “Kugels.” She picked one up and showed Sam. “They are antiques. See the thick glass.”

  Sam took one from Celia. The spark she got when he was in Grandberry Falls reared its head with a vengeance when his hand touched hers. She caught her breath stepping back to look at Sam.


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