Crowning Glory [The Royal Wolves 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Crowning Glory [The Royal Wolves 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 13

by Honor James

  She blushed and dropped her head on his shoulder with a groan, she was never, ever in a million and one years going to live this down. If the world could open up and swallow her whole, she would welcome it wholeheartedly.

  Chapter 6

  Frowning, he stroked her hair back and touched her cheek. “What’s wrong, love?” he asked her softly, hopefully. When she just shook her head he smiled. “Are you upset because of the deafness of your mate now?” he asked and chuckled when she nodded. He could feel the groan vibrate through her and laughed for a moment. “I’ll be fine in a day or two.” But that meant he couldn’t do the meetings. Shit, shit, shit. “Uh, love, I know this will likely not make it any easier for you but I need you to call the office and tell them I won’t be making the meeting this afternoon or either one in the next couple of days.”

  She pulled back and looked at him. “Are you fucking kidding me?” She winced at her language and shook her head. “I am so never living this down, never, ever, never, ever.” She grumbled and rubbed her lips over the curve of his shoulder lightly as she did so. She was humiliated, how could she have done that to him? How could she have hurt him enough to make him not hear? Yep, she was a keeper. Not.

  “Much as I would like to think I can read lips, I pretty much got nothing of that, love,” he told her, rubbing her back. He could feel her upset in the set of her muscles. “I’ll be fine, love, don’t worry so much.” Kissing her neck lightly he hugged her. “It’s a common mistake between human and Wolf mates, so don’t fret.”

  She hugged him as close and as tight as she could before standing back from him. “I’m sorry,” she whispered knowing that he wouldn’t hear her. Standing up she pulled back from him and held her hand out. “Phone numbers?” she asked and typed her hand like she would a phone.

  Standing he took her hand in his and led her to his phone which he picked up and flipped open. Scrolling through he told her what she’d need to tell them. “Just tell Joan, my assistant, that I’m not able to come in because of a small incident that has temporarily left me deaf. She’ll understand, she’s worked with me and other Wolves for years now and you won’t have to go into embarrassing detail.” Passing her the phone he pulled her close to him. “Try not to look so worried, love, I’ll be fine, promise.”

  Desi took the phone and when the voice of the older woman answered she said, “Hello, I’m Desmonda Franco and it seems that there has been a small accident with Laszlo and it has left him deaf for just a couple of days.” Her voice quivered and her face flamed as she said the words. “He wanted me to ask you to cancel his next few days’ worth of meetings, please?”

  “Oh dear,” Joan said in reply, her brief silence indicating that she was trying to figure out what Des was talking about. “Are you his human mate then, Ms. Franco?” she asked, and at Des’s groan of agreement, she coughed delicately, as if to hide her laughter. “I will alert the others. Let Mr. Farkas know that Mr. Chambers is in town as of this morning and will handle his meetings for him since he came back from the other trip early.”

  Watching Desmonda’s cheeks flare with heat had Laz frowning and his face indicated he was wishing he could hear what was going on. But, for the moment, Des knew he couldn’t, and she watched as he tried to show some semblance of patience and wait for her to finish the call.

  “Thank you for that,” Desi murmured and then, “Please don’t tell anyone else what I did, Joan?” Knowing full well the woman was more than aware of how he had lost his hearing. Closing the phone, Desi held up her hand and grabbed a notepad and pen from the desk and wrote, “Mr. Chambers is in and will handle your meetings so you are off for a while. Joan knows I am your human mate. I’m sorry.”

  Chuckling Laz shook his head. “I told you she’d figure it out, love, and don’t worry, she won’t say anything.” Taking her hand he pulled her to him and kissed her gently. “You have nothing to be sorry about,” he told her again, staring into her eyes, willing her to believe him.

  She sighed and wrapped her arms around him after the soft kiss of his. She wished that she had nothing to be sorry about, but she did. She had, with her too damn loud voice, caused him to not be able to hear and that was just damned unacceptable.

  She wasn’t listening to him, again, he seemed to realize from the tension of her body. Biting her neck hard, he held her when she jolted. “You really should listen to your mate, Desmonda, and know that he wouldn’t lie to you. Why you are taking this as being your fault when it was I that encouraged you, against any sanity on my part, to scream as loud as you could, I really don’t understand. If you want to place the blame put it where it belongs, on my shoulders permanently and squarely.”

  She sighed and looked at him. “I love you.” She did and if he said that it was his fault, she still couldn’t believe him but she nodded again and stepped back. Holding out her hand to him, she teased, “You know…” Frowning she went back to his side and grabbed the paper so she could write, “You know, with having a couple days off, you have time to change me. Now that you don’t have the meetings you can start your vacation with me early.”

  Lifting a brow at the words on the paper he looked to her and shook his head. “No, love. After I get my hearing back, not before,” he told her. His face indicated he wouldn’t tell her why he’d need to be able to hear her, as though some things were better left unsaid.

  “All right, but we can still do stuff together, right?” she asked and watched him. She was going to be more than happy to simply be with him and do anything. “What do you want to do now?” she wrote on the paper.

  “Get dressed and go see the wolves,” he told her with a grin. “Just because I’m slightly deaf isn’t going to keep me from introducing you to the rest of the family. And you’ll like these slightly better than Mik I promise,” he murmured, pulling her close and kissing her lightly. “Get changed, love, into something nice and warm and then we can head out to see the gang.”

  She nodded so that he knew that she understood and pressed another kiss to his cheek before taking off for their bedroom, knowing he would be soon behind. She stood there frowning, tapping her foot and then said, “Well, fuck me. I don’t have clothes here.” Well that was just a shitter, for sure. So she pulled off one of his sweaters and tugged it on, pulled her slacks back on and then her shoes.

  Tugging on a sweater, he pulled his jeans back on and then some socks and his boots. Smiling when he saw her, he stayed silent as she finished dressing. When she turned he chuckled. “That looks good on you, love,” he said softly, moving toward her and pulling her close for a quick kiss. “You ready to go and see the kids?” he asked with a grin.

  “I’m ready.” Her arms around his neck, the heat of his body pressing against hers made her want to cuddle and hold him close. “Come on, time to go.” She would need to rectify the clothes-less situation and wondered if calling Harker to have her bring her clothes would be good, after all she had done the same for Harker after her house burnt down.

  Picking her up in his arms he nipped her neck gently and carried her to the door. Letting them out, he set her on her feet and took her hand in his. “Don’t run,” he told her, catching her chin. “No matter what, stay still and try not to let your instincts rule you. If you run they’ll give chase and take you down and that would just piss me off royally. Okay?” he asked, watching her for the answer since he couldn’t hear her.

  “Got it, no running and no shooting the furry beasts either, right?” Desi grinned at him. “I won’t hurt them and they won’t hurt me. We love you, Laszlo, which means that all of us will play nice.” She hoped, really, really hoped.

  Eyeing her he frowned. “I’m taking that as a yes, Des,” he muttered. Shaking his head he took her hand. “If you’re mocking me during this time I will make you pay for it later,” he told her in a grumble as he led her into the yard and toward the back of the lot where the trees stood. Whistling softly he nudged her onto the stump to sit as he took the second seat.

sp; Slightly at his back she tilted her head back and forth, her mouth moving slightly. “Better not mock me, growls and piffle.” You know, him not being able to hear her might not be such a bad idea.

  She took the seat on the stump and leaned back against him, the biting cold at her front and honestly, more than a little fear. When the first massive shadow separated from the woods, she bit her lip. “And you’re sure that they won’t eat me alive?” she asked, knowing that Laszlo wouldn’t hear her.

  As if he feeling her tense, Laszlo grinned as he wrapped his arms around her to hold her still. Soon the Alpha was followed by others of the pack until there was the full twenty-three standing there. “Breathe, love, they don’t bite,” he chuckled, his arm reaching out to signal the big wolf forward. “Much,” he murmured against her ear.

  She would have hit him, but she was afraid they would take her arm off for doing such a thing to their leader. Very slowly she held her hand out and down, inviting them to sniff and smell her before they would allow her to touch them, in this she waited, feeling every hair on her arms standing up because she was putting her hand out there to be eaten by a wolf.

  Giving the Alpha a nearly subvocal sound of approval to approach, Laszlo gently rubbed Desmonda’s arm to help keep her relaxed and as much of her focus as he could keep, on him. The big shaggy gray nosed her hand sniffing and then, that moment Laz would never forget, sneezed all over her hand in such a manner he could have sworn she would have made orbit if he hadn’t been hanging onto her. The laughter and anything that happened afterwards wasn’t his fault, it just happened to be bloody funny.

  She whirled and slapped her hand on the center of Laszlo’s chest, wiping the snot off her hands. “Gross, gross, ick!” She wished he could hear so she could bitch him out. “I hate snot! Hate it, hate it, hate it!” She ignored the animals around them who were likely ready to pounce on her, but his laughter was grating on her nerves and she was ready to beat him to a pulp. “Stop laughing at me, dammit!” she said and pushed him off the stump behind her.

  “Des,” he yelped tugging her with him as he went over, his arms automatically closing tight around her. Hitting the ground, he continued to laugh as they rolled over and kissed her neck, nipping at her. “Stop it,” he laughed. “I love you, you crazed female,” he told her softly catching her lips with his and gently encouraging her to relax and forgive him.

  She did relax in his arms and let them trail up and around his neck. “I take it the wolves are getting a show?” She was more than willing, all he had to do was kiss her and she was raring and ready to make love.

  Lifting a brow at her he shook his head. “I really hate not being able to hear you,” he muttered pressing his forehead to hers. “Are you going to behave and pet them instead of mauling your mate?” he asked leaning back to smile at her.

  She shrugged and grinned unrepentantly up at him as she wiggled a little. “If you will tell them no more snotting on me.” She reached up with the clean hand and cupped his cheek. “I love you, Laszlo.” It wasn’t the words so much as how her body softened, her eyes glowed happiness and her lips lightly grinned that told him she loved him.

  Smiling, he turned his face and kissed her palm. “That last part I got, totally,” he told her. “I love you, too, Desmonda, now and for all time.” Shifting he got to his feet and tugged her up urging her back onto her stump as he settled on his and wrapped his arms around her. The wolves were all sitting watching them and Laz seemed to believe they thought that he and Des were silly creatures.

  “They are laughing at us.” She knew it, it was as if every single wolf there was laughing their asses off at them and she shook her head. “All right, let’s meet them, shall we?”

  Looking to her when he felt her brace, Laszlo snapped his fingers and watched as the wolves went up to her one at a time to sniff her hand and demand a scratch before moving aside for the next to get the same. Twenty-two wolves later the Alpha came back up to her and laid down on her feet with a pitiful look. “He’s apologizing for sneezing on you, love,” he told her softly, knowing, though he couldn’t hear it, the big wolf was whimpering in a pitiful, forgive me, manner.

  She scratched the Alpha and rubbed behind his ears before saying, “I forgive you, big boy, thank you for wanting to give me an apology, big boy.” She leaned in and rubbed her cheek to the top of his head affectionately.

  The Alpha sat up and licked her chin and gave her the best set up puppy dog eyes ever before seen. “He’s a suck-up and will demand you pet him all the time if you give in to that look,” Laszlo predicted against her ear.

  She didn’t mind in the least and laughed as she began to pet the wolf. She once again bent and rubbed her head to his head before pulling back and away. Turning she looked to Laszlo with a smile. “I want to pet you, too, Laz.”

  Frowning he shook his head. “Sorry, love, my lip-reading is not up to whatever you just said. I’m pretty limited actually.” He grinned at her chagrined look. “Don’t worry, couple days and I’ll be hearing you just fine for all your questions and requests. Until then you either need to do some charades or write it down.”

  She moved closer and pointed to her chest. I. She ran her hands up and down his chest roughly. Pet. Then she pulled back and pointed at him. You. It was the best she could do at the moment since there was no paper for her to write on.

  “Honey, you can pet me anytime of the week,” Laszlo told her with a grin and then he seemed to grasp the meaning of her words. “Oh,” he said with a chuckle. “You want me all furry to pet me right?” he asked. At her nod he shrugged. “Now or later?” he asked looking at her.

  She shrugged. “Anytime you want, Laszlo, I want to see you and pet you so when you’re ready, so too am I.” She knew he didn’t catch a word of that but knew that he would understand the shrug.

  Lifting a brow to her, he smiled slowly and then stood taking his jacket off and passing it to her as he gave the wolves a series of low whistles. The pack headed off even as the Alpha laid down to keep an eye on things. Kicking his boots off, he tugged his shirt over his head and then got rid of his jeans, tossing them over her head when she stared wide-eyed at him. Chuckling, he let the change come over him until he stood before her and shook out his fur.

  She sat down on the ground and held out her hand. “Oh my god, Laszlo.” She knew that he was a wolf, but this, this she couldn’t get over. Her arms open she waited for him to come to her.

  Snuffling slightly he moved to her slowly and nuzzled her cheek before lightly licking her cheek. Sitting he laid down and settled his head in her lap, his eyes closing as her scent filled his nostrils. In his wolf form he could smell so much more of her and it was intoxicating.

  She adjusted herself so he was more laying in the middle of her legs with his big head on her thigh. Hands moved to his hair where she began to touch and caress him. “Amazing.” He was so soft, so beautiful. He was massive, she had never seen a wolf as large as him but he was beautiful, too, frightening in the intensity but soothing in the strength of him. “I love the way you feel, Laszlo.” She stroked his fur and scratched his neck around the shoulders with her nails.

  Rumbling his pleasure, Laz let out a sigh as he shifted and stretched out right until she found an itch. What happened next he’d never live down, damned animal instincts. Whining slightly his back paw started the twitch and picked up speed as she scratched that magical spot much to his great horror.

  She grinned and laughed. “I hope that you can do that in human form, too.” But she continued to scratch him, moving her hands over his belly and ribs as she found the next spot and then the next. Soon however she was stroking her hands from the top of his shoulders down his back and flanks and back again.

  Huffing at her, he tipped his head up to look at her and licked her chin before settling back down. He let her pet him for a while longer before he rolled to his feet and, with another big shake of his fur he changed back in a crouched position. “I take it you approve?” he aske
d with a grin, reaching for his jeans.

  She nodded and placed her hand over his, reaching for his clothes, diverting it from going to his clothes to the bottom of her shirt. “I do, but I need you now.” She had worked herself into a place of pure need from petting him and when she had her shirt untucked from her slacks with his hand she closed her eyes at the feel of his hand touching her skin lightly.

  Looking to her, he smiled slowly, as if he understood. Grabbing the edges of her shirt, he pulled her close and kissed her even as he tugged the shirt down her arms and laid it out behind her. Laying her down, he moved only long enough to tug her pants off and lay his jeans and jacket down for a softer bed. Sliding over her slowly he licked and nibbled his way up her skin until he could catch her mouth with his.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist as he moved over her and tugged him into her body even as he kissed her. She was desperate and starving for him, so much so that she didn’t care that the Alpha wolf was there watching them intently, all that mattered was Laszlo, them being together.

  “I love you,” he breathed into her mouth as he began to move. It wasn’t a gentle coupling, it was more needy and desperate. Taking her harder than he normally would, he squeezed her ass in his hands as he held her up for each of his thrusts. A small movement to the side indicated the Alpha wolf was on the move, slipping silently away into the brush.

  They would never have the gentleness that so many had, both were too fierce, too strong, and too emotional and volatile to have gentle. She loved him too and every kiss, every bite, every scratch gave him how much she loved him. Their teeth clanked as they kissed, his hands and nails bit into her ass but it was inconsequential. “Harder,” she demanded and pulled him roughly, harder, into her.


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