Annihilation 09: Dahlia's Deception

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Annihilation 09: Dahlia's Deception Page 17

by Saxon Andrew

  “I’m shutting them down. I already have more warships than I can ever use to defend my territory. I have no plans to expand my domain in the future.”

  “You don’t have enough ships if the other four learn of your decision.”

  “They’ll think long and hard before they take me on. Even if they combine forces, they’ll pay a huge price for making that mistake. I don’t think they have it in them to run that risk.”

  “What did they say to you?”

  “They only pointed out the truth. They told me I was too feeble minded for them to waste time on me. After the fact, I’m forced to agree with them.”

  “What happens now?”

  “We learn to live together in peace. I suspect you have some connection with the forces that invaded here not long ago. The remaining four are still incredibly powerful and represent a real danger to them.”

  “We know.”

  “I do wish you long life. Feel free to visit whenever you choose.”

  “We need to resolve other issues before that happens.”

  “You’re not alone in that. Good luck.”

  “We wish you the same.” Dahlia said, “Take us home, Pare.”

  Sprigly remained sitting up on the floor, “Who would have ever believed…”

  “No one, Sprigly.”

  Ping sighed, “You know they will be in danger if the Gardners launch their project. Should we have told him?”

  “There’s nothing he or we can do about that. He has enough worries without us adding to them.” Ping nodded and they teleported back to the Planter’s Planet and teleported down to the planet. They found Tess railing at Dean about where they had gone. Dean’s relieved expression made them both laugh.

  • • •



  “Do you really love me?”

  Ping sat up and looked at Dahlia staring at him, “How can you ask that question? You know I do.”

  “I know how much you loved Nicole. Is there enough of you left to really and truly love me?”

  “When Mios died, I nearly died with him. Something was torn from inside me. However, I have learned to love your brother, as much as I loved Mios. You’re operating on the mistaken belief that a heart has a limited capacity. You should know by now that a heart is infinite. My love for Nicole does not reduce my feelings for you in any way. You’ll find this out if anything ever happens to me.”

  Dahlia leaned over taking her feet out of the stream and threw herself into his arms, “Please don’t even suggest that. I couldn’t live without you.”

  “You wouldn’t want to; trust me; I’ve been there. But you would live and you would ultimately heal, if you will just not close your heart. It didn’t even dawn on me to close mine; I thought there wasn’t room for anyone else. I was wrong.”

  “If she were still alive…”

  “None of this would have happened. You can’t live your life based on what ifs. You have to trust that there are no accidents. There is a reason for everything.”

  “You act like we were destined to be together.” Ping sighed and Dahlia’s brow furrowed, “What’s wrong?”

  “The hardest thing for me to come to grips with was that Nicole had to die for the plan to move forward. I’ve had to accept that we are all a part of something greater than ourselves. You are my reward for staying true to my calling. And what a reward you are.”

  “Are you committed to me, Ping?”

  “As long as I live, Dahlia.”

  “I needed to hear that.”


  “We’re going to have a child.”

  Ping’s blinked three times. “We should get married.”

  “No, we don’t do that here.”


  “Do you remember when I told Tess that I was committing myself to you and she welcomed you to the family?” Ping nodded. “When two people commit themselves to each other, they are consider bonded by my community. Everyone, except you, knows we’re bonded.”

  “What do you mean? I know we’re committed to each other.”

  “You know that but you didn’t know what it meant. It’s the same thing as being married in your society. Now you really know; you can back out if you choose.”

  Ping pulled her into his arms, “You know that will never happen!”

  “I know; I just needed you to hear you say it.”

  Ping held her tight and said, “Do you know…”

  “It’s a girl.”

  “I hope she has your looks; she’ll be so beautiful.”

  “I just hope she has your eyes. Her name will be Nicole.”

  “No it won’t!” Dahlia looked up at him with narrowed eyes. “Her name will be Dolly just like her mother. I won’t have it any other way.” Dahlia stared at him. “I’m serious, Dahlia!”

  Dahlia smiled and knew in her heart that Ping had answered her question. Now she could allow herself to give it her all. He was completely in the present and she knew he would never go back to the past. She had bonded with him but she didn’t know if he knew what that meant. Now she could let go and live in the present with him.

  • • •

  Tess, Dean, and Vickie were ecstatic at the news. The planet received the news and they celebrated the coming arrival of another member of the Royal Family. They had learned from the warriors that Ping was leading their defense of the planet and he was starting to grow to legendary status. The rise of Dahlia in the fight for survival caught the planet’s imagination and she was also becoming a Royal that everyone wanted to know more about. Tess actually cried when she knew she was going to be an aunt. The baby would not go lacking for love.

  Victoria celebrated with the others and when she found a moment, she slipped away and went to the stream. She sat down and stared into the water for a long time. Then she looked up at the sky and said, “I know you’re watching. I need to speak with you.”

  A moment later, Danielle appeared, “What’s bothering you?”

  “I need you to tell my father that I am going to marry Dean. He can plan a ceremony if we ever make it back to the Realm…but I can’t wait any longer.”

  Danielle slowly shook her head, “Vicky, are you sure about this? You’re only seventeen.”

  “Were you sure about Tag?”

  Danielle stared at her and then said, “We were separated when he had to flee the government’s efforts to capture him; that time was the most miserable in my life. I didn’t see him for several years.”

  “I’m sure everyone asked you the same question.”

  Danielle nodded and sat down beside her. She stared out at the water flowing by and after a moment said, “Do whatever it takes to find happiness. I’ve learned that there is so much danger in our existence that life is fleeting…even at the long time we’ve lived, it’s not enough.”

  “I do love him with every part of my being, Danielle. I felt it the moment I saw him on the spire gazing out at Ross.”

  “I knew it as soon as I shook his hand in high school. I’ll tell your father.”

  “Thank you.”

  Danielle stood with Victoria and gave her a hug. Danielle smiled and said, “I’ve always been amazed at how great the leaders of the Realm have been over the centuries. You are really remarkable.”

  “None of us can ever match the first King and Queen, Danielle. I’m not blowing smoke; it’s the truth.” Danielle smiled and disappeared. Victoria took a deep breath and suddenly Dean appeared.

  “I’ve been worried sick; I couldn’t find you.”

  Victoria moved into his arms and whispered in his ear, “I am making my commitment you to as of this moment. There will never be anyone else in my heart but you.”

  Dean leaned back and looked in her eyes, “Vicky, you’re going to rule the Realm one day…”

  Victoria put a finger on his lips and said, “Shhhhh…first I’m going to be your mate. Everything else pales to insignificance to that.”

  Dean t
ilted his head and looked into her eyes with a look that showed his love for her. “I am also offering you my commitment, if you’ll accept it.”

  Vicky pulled him close and said, “I do and I’m moving in with you tonight.” Dean didn’t ask her if she was sure. He knew she was. When they returned to the celebration Dahlia was the first to see the difference in them. She nudged Tess and she looked at the couple as they walked into the room, “Well. It looks like both of you have found love.”

  “We’re twins, it’s inevitable.”

  “Do you think they’re expecting….”

  “NO! They have not shared the same quarters. I suspect that is probably changing now.”

  Tess stared at Dean and Victoria as they moved out on the area cleared for dancing and saw how Dean held her, “I suspect you’re right.”

  • • •

  Sprigly came rushing into the room and looked around. He saw Ping and rushed over to him and began talking with him. Dahlia saw them and immediately saw Ping’s expression change. She said, “Excuse me, Tess.” She rushed over to Ping and heard him asking Sprigly a series of fast questions.”

  “When did this happen?”

  “It started an hour ago.”

  “Do you know what’s coming through them?”

  “I have no idea but the portals are huge.”

  “Can you tell if the portals are strong enough to penetrate the barrier to the Realm?”

  “At their current power, it would be close.”

  Dahlia said, “What’s going on?”

  Ping looked at her, “A huge number of blue portals have appeared in the Five’s territories. They’re not coming from the Realm.”

  “Then who?”

  “We have to find out. This is not something I have considered happening and my sense of danger is off the chart. I didn’t see this coming.”

  “What are the Five doing?”

  “They are mobilizing their ships and sending them out to meet whatever is coming through. We need to get the population underground and keep them there until this situation resolves itself.”

  Dahlia ran over to Tess and told her what was going on. She looked over at Ping and he nodded. She started shouting and the huge control room became quiet. “We are immediately going to Invasion status and we need to start our citizens moving underground now! We have a threat of imminent attacks. Get moving and make it happen.”

  Dahlia looked at Ping who was staring at the ceiling, “Do we need to go out and see?”

  “No, I can watch what happens from here. I can see the portals forming. He looked at Dean and Victoria who had rushed up to them and he said, “Order our Mites to teleport out to dead star systems and to go to communication silence. They will remain there until we issue an all clear.” Dean nodded and rushed over to his terminal. Ping looked at Dahlia, “Get Pare under the nemite barrier now.” Dahlia nodded and disappeared. Ping looked back up at the ceiling and wondered what horror was going to emerge from those portals. Whoever was coming, they weren’t afraid of the Five. That worried him a lot.

  • • •

  The Rageon Ruler looked at the Beast Master and said, “I’m getting my fleets organized and sending them out to the Portals opening in my territory. I would suggest that all of us begin our efforts defending our own civilizations.”

  “There are more than two hundred thousand that have appeared inside my domain and more than seven hundred thousand more in the other four territories.”

  “Do you want to spread your forces out that thin? You need to be responsible for defending your subjects.”

  The Master hesitated and said, “You’re right. I’ll notify the Chinga if you’ll contact the other two.”

  “Done, get moving and stay in touch.”

  The display went dark and the Rageon looked at his panel. More than four hundred thousand portals were starting to glow brighter in his territory. He saw his fleets start jumping to them and was thankful again for the Fleet Admiral’s competence. He knew the new portals were not used by the ships that invaded the first time. They were a different color. This was a new enemy. It had to be an enemy because of the number of portals being opened. He looked at his main display and saw one of his fleets arrive at a portal and move into the formation used by the forces in the other space he invaded. His respect for the Admiral grew even more and he decided at that moment that if his civilization survived, the Admiral would be his successor. His son didn’t have what it was going to take to defend his people.

  • • •

  Ping heard the sirens going off on the surface high above the hole and knew their volume had to be incredible to be heard that far underground. They must be sending their vibrations through the tubes linking the facility with the surface. The sound ended abruptly and he knew the tubes to all the military facilities had been sealed off. Two hours later he heard Dean yell to Tess that all of their citizens were underground.

  He continued to stare and watch one of the portals in the Rageon territory. It continued to grow brighter…and larger. It was soon larger than any portal used by the Five to invade the Realm; he wondered what was so big as to need a portal that large. Three hours later he found out and the answer was stunning.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The Beast Master was thankful the portals took so long to form. It allowed him to move all of his ships out to the ones in his domain and allow him time to reorganize and distribute them evenly. The blue portals finally stabilized and the Beast stood up and went closer to the large wall display. Nothing happened for fifteen minutes and he began to wonder what was going on…then the portal exploded with thousands of small ships flashing through at high velocity. They exited the portal at every conceivable exit angle. Many of them were vaporized by the combined fire being directed by the Black Fleets holding position just outside the portal’s entrance, but many of them made it through the ranks and were coming back around to attack the defenders from the rear. Defenders peeled out of the ranks and went to face the incoming blue ships and soon the space around the portals looked like a massive dog fight with collisions happening frequently. The Beast stared at the portal and the small ships kept coming. Was there no end to their number?

  • • •

  Ping watched the battles and Pare took it from his mind and played it on the wall monitor. Dahlia stared at the display and shook her head, “Those portals are placed in the optimum location to invade the Five’s Major Planets. They have to have scouted them in the past.”

  Ping shrugged as he continued to stare at the two dead aliens, “They had to do it with probes. Their ships are clearly visible.”

  Dahlia’s brow furrowed, “Sprigly, how long would it take to completely survey the Five Domains?”

  Sprigly looked away from the display and thought for a moment, “They would have had to use millions of probes or take thousands of years to do it right.”

  Ping watched the Blue Ships continue to stream out of the portals and tilted his head, “Or they could just not care.”

  Dahlia looked at him, “Why?”

  “They may have enough warships to just not worry themselves about what they face.”

  Sprigly leaned back, “No intelligent being would ever launch an attack of this magnitude without seeing what they were getting into.”

  Dahlia looked back at the display, “Then they must have been scouting the Five for a very long time.”

  Sprigly said, “Or they attack every universe and are taking on the easiest first.”

  Ping started shaking his head, “We are not easier than the Five.”

  Dahlia stood and grabbed Ping’s face and made him look at her, “Their weapons work against the Five. They have a force field that operates; but that force field may not operate in the Realm’s Universe.”

  Ping stared at Dahlia and began shaking his head. He looked back out at the massive battles shaping up at the portals and then turned and went to his panel. He set it to receive and said on a Realm Frequency, “Are you
seeing this?”

  Danielle appeared on the display, “We are.”

  “What are you going to do about it?”

  “We don’t know enough to make a decision.”

  Ping stared at Danielle and said, “I’ll find out what you need to know.”

  Dahlia pushed him from the side, “OH NO YOU’RE NOT!!”

  Ping looked at her and said, “Will you get your mind in gear? You see the truth; tell me another way.” Dahlia was frightened. Ping saw her fear and sighed as he shook his head, “And you’re right; you can’t go with me.”

  Sprigly watched them and said, “Go where?”

  Dahlia stared at Ping in defiance, “He’s planning to go through one of those portals to see what’s on the other side.”

  Danielle shook her head, “That’s entirely too dangerous.”

  Dahlia screamed, “TELL HIM ABOUT IT; MAKE HIM SEE IT!”

  Ping looked at Danielle, “You don’t know the intentions of those invaders. The only way you can find out is to take a look at where they’ve been. You’re supposed to see the truth; tell me I’m wrong.” Danielle could only stare at Ping in silence.

  Ping grabbed Dahlia by the arms and looked into her face, “I have a daughter that is going to shortly co-inhabit this universe with those creatures. I will not sit by and leave her survival to chance…do you understand!?!”

  Dahlia started shaking her head, “I can’t go with you.”

  Ping pulled her into his arms, “No, she can’t go with me. At least you see the truth in that.” Dahlia pushed back and looked at Sprigly, “You have to go with him and not allow him to take any unnecessary risks.”

  Sprigly leaned forward, “Even if I didn’t want to go, my curiosity would force it on me.”

  Ping looked up and said, “Pare, has the Searcher completed the nemite coating?”

  “It has.”

  “Is the copy of your processors still functional?”

  “I’m still there.”

  Ping turned to Dahlia, “If what you suspect about the Realm’s weapons is accurate, we should take the Searcher and go now before this invasion really kicks off.”

  Pare said, “You are going to have to verify the nemite and camouflage coatings are functional against the invader’s scanners.”


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