First Love Second Chance

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First Love Second Chance Page 44

by Kira Blakely

  When it’s over, I lie limp and completely out of breath, vaguely feeling Nathan pulling out and carrying me to the couch.

  For a while, I lie still as I gasp for air, my mind blank and my vision blurred. Then it hits me that we’re still at the office, and I scramble to clean up and get dressed.

  I can’t believe we just had sex in his office.

  I can’t believe we just had sex.

  “Explain,” I tell him as I put my pants back on.

  “Explain what?”

  He’s already behind his desk, going through the pile of papers on it as if he didn’t just fuck me there.

  “You said a while ago that you could explain the pictures and the phone numbers.”

  “I can,” he says. “I keep track of the women I sleep with. That way, if they try to cause me trouble after, I know how to deal with them.”


  “They get clingy. They try to get money out of me. They spread rumors about me.”

  My eyes grow wide. “That’s horrible.”

  He looks at me. “Not every woman is like you. In fact, I don’t think there’s another woman like you. That’s why I… why I don’t want to lose you.”

  I realize I don’t want to lose him, either. So, have I forgiven him?

  Well, technically, there’s nothing to forgive. As far as the evidence goes, all those women were in the past, after all, and he did give me a good reason for keeping their pictures and contact numbers.

  If anyone must be forgiven, it’s me.

  I was jealous. I didn’t trust him.

  From now on, I’m going to.

  I reach for his hand. “Shall we go home?”

  “If you mean go back to my apartment and have sex some more, my answer is yes.”

  I smile, blushing. Sure, I’m still recovering, but hey, if he wants some more later, I’m sure I’ll manage.

  He’s not the only one who wants to make up for lost time.

  “I’m all yours tonight.”

  Chapter 12

  A Pair Takes Flight

  “Good morning,” I greet Nathan as I enter the kitchen in one of his white shirts, yawning as I place my hand on top of the granite counter.

  Nathan gazes at me from behind it. “Well, look who’s finally up.”

  I pout. “Hey, it isn’t my fault I was up all night.”

  He grins. “Slept well?”

  I nod.

  It’s true. After I’m not sure how many rounds of sex — and I mean mind-blowing sex — we had last night, I conked out, sleeping like a log. I can’t even remember the last time I slept so soundly.

  Now, nine hours later, I feel reinvigorated.

  And starving.

  I walk over to the counter where Nathan is plating the pancakes and bacon.

  I close my eyes, inhaling the sweet and salty aroma. “Smells good.” I open my eyes. “Looks good, too.”

  “Thanks.” Nathan sniffs his arm. “I did take a shower.”

  “Not you, silly.” I give him a playful nudge. “Though you do look good in that apron.”

  “And you look good in that shirt.”

  “What, this old thing?” I look at the oversized white shirt I’m wearing. “Thanks.”

  He chuckles.

  I take a strip of bacon. “Don’t you have work today?”

  “I just have to drop by the office for a few hours this afternoon.”

  “I see.”

  “Then I’ll meet you for dinner. I’ve got something special planned.”

  “You do?” Now, I’m excited. “Can you give me a clue where we’re going or what we’re doing?”

  “No.” Nathan shakes his head. “It’s a surprise.”

  I pout.

  “But I’m sure you’ll love it,” he adds.

  I smile. “I can’t wait.”


  “So, what? You’re going out with Nathan Landers now?” Pam asks.

  Once again, we’re having coffee at our favorite café, which is currently packed and bustling, and once again, she’s acting like my mother instead of my best friend.

  Actually, she’s worse than my mother.

  My mom rarely scolds me or gets mad, and is patient and loving, doing her best to understand me. Pam, on the other hand…

  “Sam, we’ve already talked about this.” She lets out a sigh. “I thought you’ve already learned your lesson.”

  “I’ve learned my lesson, all right. And that’s to never jump to conclusions again or to be so quick to believe what other people say.”

  Pam frowns. “You mean what I say.”

  “I mean other people,” I repeat. “I was wrong about him, Pam. He’s not a bad person.”

  “And I was wrong to expect you to start using your head more than your heart,” she says. “You’re not thinking straight, Sam. Again. Actually, you’re not thinking at all.”

  “I am thinking straight,” I argue.

  “Really? Did you sleep with him last night?”

  “Um, yes.”

  “Then you’re not thinking straight.”

  I lift my shoulders. “What does that have to do with it?”

  “It’s the sex talking. Not you.”

  I frown. “You know, maybe if you had sex a little more often, you’d be less cranky and skeptical.”

  “Ouch.” She picks up her cup of coffee. “That confirms it. He’s a bad person. I mean, look at what he’s done to you. He’s turned you into this mean bitch.”

  “Sorry,” I tell her quickly.

  Pam may scold me a lot, but she is my best friend.

  “I just… I wish you’d trust me on this. I wish you’d give Nathan a chance. He really isn’t a bad person.”

  “So, womanizers are saints now?”

  “I’m not saying he’s a saint, just that he’s not all bad. And he’s not a womanizer anymore.”

  “So he says.”

  “I trust him. Won’t you trust me?”

  Pam says nothing.

  “I’d really love to have my best friend’s support, you know. It would mean the world to me.”

  Pam sets down her cup and sighs. “I wish I could but…” She stops suddenly.

  “But what?”

  She doesn’t answer and this time, I can tell her silence is a meaningful one. This usually means there’s something she wants to tell me but doesn’t want to upset me.

  “What?” I ask again, curious.

  “Never mind,” she says.

  “Pam.” I look at her insistently.

  She gives another sigh. “You say you trust Nathan. But do you even know him? Like, really know him?”

  Now, I’m really curious. And worried.

  “Pam, what are you not telling me?”

  Again, with the silence.

  “Oh, no. You’re not going to leave me hanging here. Now, spill the beans.”

  She looks at me. “Fine. Do you remember Elaine? She’s a news writer just like me.”

  “No. Why?”

  “Well, she’s working on this story about the trade on rhino horns. You know that’s illegal, right?”

  I nod.

  “Of course, you do. You’re the animal expert.”

  “Pam.” I try to steer her back on track. “Cut to the chase, will you?”

  Pam takes a deep breath. Moment of truth.

  “Well, the name of Nathan’s company came up.”

  My eyebrows crease. “Landers Innovations?”

  “That is his company, right?”

  “Are you saying his company is involved in the illegal trade of rhino horns?”

  “And possibly other poached goods.”

  I shake my head. “Absurd. Landers Innovations is in the tech industry. Why would he deal with wildlife goods?”

  “I was wondering the same thing. Then I remembered how Landers Innovations developed an app for tracking wildlife.”

  “They did?”

  “It’s not too well-known, but I found a few articles on it,�
� Pam answers. “What if it’s a cover-up, Sam?”

  I don’t even entertain the thought. “No. There’s no way Nathan would be involved in something like this. Why would he be? He’s already making enough money from his products.”

  “Enough money? Do you really think businessmen can have enough money?”

  “You’re wrong, Pam. You were wrong about him before, and you’re wrong about him now.”

  “This is not an opinion, Sam. This is a fact.”

  “Well, it’s wrong. Your friend’s facts are wrong.”

  “I looked into them myself, for your sake.”

  “You shouldn’t have.”

  Pam exhales deeply, looking down. “As I thought, your mind is clouded.”

  I, too, sigh as I get up and grab my purse. “I have to go. I still need to rest.”

  This conversation has proven exhausting.

  She picks up her cup. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  “It’s not a warning,” I insist. “It’s an attempt to bring him down, to ruin what he and I have.”


  I look at her. “I was really hoping you’d support me, you know. But it’s fine. We’ll do just fine, even without anyone’s support.”


  I don’t listen. I don’t look back.

  I leave the café, leaving my best friend behind for the first time.

  It’s fine.

  True, my heart is heavy, but I’m not mad at her, really. Pam’s just being Pam. I’m just sad that we had to argue. But then, even best friends argue sometimes.

  At any rate, I’m not going to think about it. Not right now.

  I have a date to prepare for with the man who’s everything I ever dreamed of and more.

  I wonder what surprise he has in store for me.


  “Now, open your eyes.”

  I obey Nathan’s command, clasping a hand over my mouth as I gasp in wonder at what he’s prepared.

  A candlelit dinner just for the two of us on the deck of the yacht, the sea glistening beyond us, and the stars sparkling above.



  He puts an arm around me. “Like it?”

  “How can I not?”

  “I actually thought hard about this. I thought about bringing you to a zoo, but something tells me you don’t like seeing animals in cages.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Then I thought of bringing you to a restaurant inside an aquarium, but I was afraid you’d feel stifled. You’re claustrophobic, aren’t you?”

  I look at him. “You’ve noticed?”

  “Of course I have, since that first elevator ride.”

  “Really? Sorry.”

  Nathan shakes his head. “There’s no need to apologize for what you fear. Anyway, I figured I’d bring you somewhere open. And this occurred to me.” He gestures toward the sea. “I’m glad you like it.”

  “Of course.” I give him a light kiss on the cheek. “Thanks.”

  He grins. “Don’t thank me just yet.”

  I smile, my heart that hasn’t even slowed down yet skipping a beat.

  There’s more?

  He grabs my hand. “Shall we eat?”

  I go with him. “And while we do, why don’t you tell me more about yourself?”

  Of all the things Pam said, she was right about one thing — I don’t know Nathan all that well. But that’s going to change after tonight.

  After tonight, nothing is going to come between Nathan and me.


  “You got thirteen stitches?” My eyes grow wide in disbelief.

  He shrugs. “What can I say? I was young and reckless.”

  “And stupid,” I add.

  “That, too.” He takes a sip from his glass of wine. “Aren’t the stupidest moments of our lives some of the most memorable?”

  “You mean we can’t just forget them even though we want to? Like they just surface when we least expect them, and then we end up either laughing out loud or grimacing and wanting to hit our heads against a wall?”

  He looks at me. “What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done?”

  “Me?” I pause to think. “Well, I once stole chocolates from a box in the fridge.”

  “That’s not stupid.”

  “It certainly felt like it after my mom scolded me.” I take a sip from my own glass. “Oh, and there was a time I tried to milk a cow and the milk ended up squirting all over me instead.”

  “Hmm.” Nathan’s eyes narrow. “A milk-coated Samantha.”

  “Shut up.” I punch his shoulder playfully then sit back and look up at the stars. “It all seems so long ago now.”

  “You mean you’ve come so far.”

  I shrug. “I guess.”

  He looks at me. “So, what are you going to do about that new job assignment?”

  I give another shrug. “I really haven’t thought much about it.”

  “You still don’t want to accept it because I arranged it?”

  “You didn’t have to, you know.”

  “I couldn’t have you fired because of me.”

  “Because of you?”

  “That’s why you and Casey were fighting, right?”

  “Is that what she told you?”

  “That’s what someone told me.”

  I wonder who. “Well, you were misinformed. It wasn’t even Casey I was fighting with. It was her friend, Denise. And we fought mostly because she was trying to get my camera.”


  “She was just being mean. Just picking on me.”

  “Because she had heard you were with me, and she doesn’t approve.”

  Sometimes, I forget he knows women so well, probably because I want to.

  I sigh. “Fine. It’s all because of you. And then you felt guilty so you decided to ask my boss to give me my dream job. Couldn’t you have just convinced him not to fire me?”

  “I didn’t want a repeat of your… squabble.”

  “Squabble?” That’s the best word he can come up with?

  “Neither did the Rockfords. You had to be transferred. I just offered a suggestion. Everyone seemed happy with it.”

  “Everyone but me.”

  His eyes meet mine. “Are you still unhappy?”

  “No,” I answer. “Just confused. Like I said, I haven’t really thought about it.”

  He takes another sip of wine. “Have I been distracting you?”

  I chuckle. “You have such a big ego, don’t you?”

  “It’s not the only thing big about me.”

  I blush. “I know.”

  Boy, do I know.

  Just the thought of it is enough to make me feel a stronger heat than the one from the alcohol.

  “Now, before you get all excited, and we get carried away, I have something to give you.” He sits up. “Close your eyes.”


  “Unless you don’t want another surprise.”

  I close my eyes, my mind racing as I try to guess what else Nathan has in store. A present, clearly. But what? A bottle of perfume? Car keys? A watch? A necklace?

  A diamond ring?

  I feel something thin and light on my palm.

  What’s this?

  “Now, open them.”

  I immediately do, seeing a map in my hand.

  A map?

  Wait. It’s not just any map. It’s a map of… Kruger National Park.

  Holy shit.

  “Is this…? Are we…?”

  I can’t even form sentences anymore, my excitement too much to handle.

  Nathan chuckles. “That’s right, Sam. I’m going to Africa for a conference and I’m bringing you with me.” He plants a kiss on my cheek. “We’re going to Africa.”

  Chapter 13

  Return to the Jungle


  The world’s second largest continent.

  A vast expanse of diverse natural landscapes.

  An adventurer’s paradise.

  An animal lover’s dream destination.

  Ever since I can remember, I’ve dreamed of coming here, of watching the lionesses hunt, of feeling the earth shaking beneath the hooves of the wildebeests and majestic elephants, of hearing the leaves in the trees rustling as the monkeys swing from branch to branch.

  Now, I’m here.

  Even as we enter the vast national park that is the first in South Africa and one of the largest game reserves in the continent, I still can’t believe I’m here.

  Everywhere I look, my eyes grow wide with wonder, and sometimes, I have to put down my camera just so I can admire the beauty and the scenery with my own eyes and capture it in my heart.


  “So, how does it feel to actually be looking at animals instead of just imaging people as them?” Nathan asks, breaking the silence that’s been lingering over the backseat of the jeep.

  He’s been quiet mostly, but I can tell he’s been watching me.

  “Great,” I answer, tucking a few strands of hair that have been floating in the breeze behind my ear. “They’re even more magnificent than I thought they’d be.”

  “You haven’t been able to take your sparkling eyes off them. I’m starting to feel jealous.”

  I look at him and at the pout I see on his lips, I immediately feel guilty. I’m aware I haven’t been paying much attention to him since the plane landed. And to think he’s the one who brought me here.


  “Just kidding.” He gives me a quick kiss. “I want you to have the time of your life while we’re here.”


  “These pictures are perfect,” Nathan says as he goes through my slideshow of the day.

  While Nathan is busy with his conference, I roam the park on foot, on a bicycle and in a jeep with a private guide.

  Sure, I wish he were with me, seeing the things I’m seeing, but with my trusty camera for company and an endless array of landscapes and creatures to snap pictures of, I’m more than happy.

  I’ve never taken so many pictures in my life, some taken carefully for my portfolio, others snapped without thinking just to capture the moment, my finger pressing the shutter on its own.

  The more pictures I take, the more I realize these are the pictures I should really be taking, and the voice inside my head telling me to accept the job at the Seeker grows louder.


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