First Love Second Chance

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First Love Second Chance Page 74

by Kira Blakely

  He’d had an agenda. He’d seduced me for his own selfish purposes. And then he’d had the audacity to offer me a job!

  I jumped off my bed and started pulling my robe on. I needed to get a drink of water. I needed to get out of my bedroom, where even in the dark I imagined I could see Casper Argent’s face. More importantly, I knew I had to go check on Zoe and see if she was sleeping soundly.

  A chill ran down my spine as I tightened the robe around my body. I didn’t feel safe in my own home anymore. I felt violated. Like Casper Argent had taken complete control over my life. With his cock.

  Chapter 8

  The next morning, I got out of bed feeling more tired than I usually felt before the submission of a project. I hadn’t gotten any sleep, and I still needed to get through a ton of research.

  Marla came to pick Zoe up at eight in the morning, and since then, I’d sat around the house in my pajamas and robe, cradling a lukewarm mug of coffee in my hands.

  From the corner of my eye, I could see my computer, imagining it giving me a stern look while I tried to avoid its gaze. I needed to get my work done, but my mind couldn’t concentrate. I couldn’t convince myself to just get up and sit down in front of it. I couldn’t stop thinking about Casper Argent and what happened in his office building and how I had masturbated thinking about him. I wasn’t even angry any more, just upset with myself.

  When the doorbell rang, I jumped off my couch. I had a feeling that it was Marla and Zoe again. Maybe she had forgotten something in my apartment.

  So, I rushed to the door and swung it open without giving it another thought. When I saw him standing in front of me, my body froze. I was instantly aware of my matted hair, my unwashed face and panda eyes, my three-day-old pajamas and the robe with coffee stains on it.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked, like I was accusing him of killing my imaginary cat.

  Casper looked wonderful and smelled of freshly pressed linen. His hair was as beautifully styled as ever, like he was ready for the paparazzi. He was in a pair of fawn tailored pants with a casual dark-checkered shirt neatly tucked in at the waist. He still had that sparkling wicked smile on his face. His angular jaw looked freshly shaved.

  “I thought I should apologize for my behavior yesterday,” he said in that same calm, soothing voice of his. In comparison, my voice sound high-pitched and nervous, like a mad woman’s.

  “How did you find my house?” I asked, crossing my arms over my breasts, in a shoddy attempt to hide my poor clothing situation.

  Casper only smiled.

  “And how did you get up here? Who buzzed you in?” I asked, rhetorically really, because I wasn’t expecting an answer to that either. It was evident now that Casper Argent always got his way, and he was proud of it.

  I could feel my muscles tightening under my robe. I had seen him naked the previous day, and then seen him naked again in my dreams just a few hours ago. And yet he was standing there, fully clothed and looking as handsomely delicious as ever. I wasn’t supposed to be attracted to him. I was supposed to detest his corporate ass. We were fighting him.

  “I brought you this,” he said suddenly, interrupting my thoughts. I hadn’t noticed the large paper bag in his hand before, and I meekly took it from him. Why was I accepting gifts from him? What was wrong with me?

  “What is it?” I asked, as I peeked into it.

  “Some craft supplies for you and Zoe. I figured that you could never have enough, what with all the protest sign-making that you do.” Casper had that smile on his face as he said it, like he was making fun of me.

  I could see sheets of colored paper, the bottles of glitter glue, a big box of colored permanent markers, and a painting kit. I jerked my head up to look at him.

  “I can’t accept this from you,” I said hurriedly, thrusting the bag back in his direction. Casper kept his hands inside the pockets of his pants as he cocked his head to the side and smiled at me again.

  “Well, I don’t expect you to accept this for free. I want you to do something for me as well,” he said, and I gulped. Even though he was talking, I was concentrating on his lips moving, imaging what they would taste like if he kissed me again.

  “If you’re here offering me a job again, I can’t accept that either,” I said, trying to make my voice sound as nasty as possible.

  Casper shook his head, as self-assuredly as always. “We can discuss the job offer later. That isn’t why I’m here. I was hoping that you would accompany me to a company party. You know, be my date for the event,” he said confidently, as though he was definitely sure that I was going to accept.

  “What? Why me? What kind of event?” I was in too much shock to actually process the information.

  “It’s the christening of a new company location. I don’t have anybody else to ask on such short notice, and I feel like we can get along if we try,” he explained, already stepping back from me a few paces. Who was he kidding? He’s a billionaire playboy, and he can’t get a last-minute date?

  “Where is it?” I blurted out, my mind racing a mile per minute.

  “It’s in Hawaii, so pack a bag. I’ll send a car to collect you in an hour,” he said, giving me a once over, like he was making fun of my clothes in his head. Then, without waiting for a response, he turned on his heels and went rushing down the stairs.

  The bag of craft supplies remained dangling from my hand as I watched him disappear. What did I just get myself into?!

  Chapter 9

  The car drove me straight to what could have only been a private aircraft hangar. It stopped right on the runway at the bottom of a staircase that led up to the door of a private jet. Casper opened the door for me and held out a hand to help me get out of the car. A sudden gust of wind blew my hair and whirled it around as I took his hand and stepped out. I was too confused, my head was in a tizzy, and I had forgotten by now how to be angry with him. He was flying me to Hawaii on a private jet.

  I had packed a small bag, stuffed to the brim with all the clothes that I thought I might need, because I still wasn’t sure how long we were going away for. I wasn’t even sure why I had accepted his offer or why I was doing what he wanted me to do, but I couldn’t bring myself to say no. I had to see for myself what this was all about, especially now that I knew I couldn’t stop thinking about him when I was by myself.

  I had taken a quick shower, arranged my auburn curls into a manageable shape, and changed into a bottle-green velvet dress. It wasn’t exactly the kind of outfit that someone seen on Casper Argent’s arm would be caught wearing. It was vintage and looked slightly dusty, but I wasn’t about to alter my style for his sake. I still had some dignity left in me. My shoes were leather sandals, the only ones that still had a fully functional sole. I also wore a bright-green beaded pair of earrings to match the long, beaded necklace I twisted twice around my neck.

  Casper smiled when he first got a good look at me. He seemed to be laughing to himself. But he didn’t seem to regret his decision.

  “You look beautiful, Lily,” he said, a little loudly to make himself heard over the roaring aircraft engines. I rolled my eyes at him and slipped my hand out of his grip.

  “You should know that I’m only doing this because you bought me glitter glue,” I said, and before he could reply, I led the way, climbing up the steps that led to the jet.

  I could hear him laughing behind me as he followed me up, perhaps because I had so suddenly taken the lead, and I held on to the bannister of the stairs to stop myself from shaking as I climbed. This all felt too surreal, like none of this was actually happening, and I was still in a dream.


  I had never been inside an aircraft like this one. But what else did I expect from a private jet owned by Casper Argent?

  Everything was sparkling clean in accents of white and brown. There were no regular seats like the ones that I was accustomed to on commercial flights. This plane was dotted with only a few seats by the windows. And the seats were plush choco
late-brown leather, the armrests adorned with holders for cups and electronics. The wall the chairs faced had a large television screen playing the news on mute. Beside it was an elaborate bar, replete with crystal glasses and decanters of single malts. A bartender was busy dropping perfectly square ice cubes into two glasses.

  I walked in, trying to stop my jaw from dropping open. I could sense Casper behind me and he lightly touched my waist before stepping past me.

  “Two fingers of Glenfiddich, Jerry. For me and the lady,” he said to the smiling bartender.

  “Yes, sir,” Jerry replied.

  “A hot towel for you, ma’am?” a uniformed flight attendant in a tight blue dress and a starched hat asked. She had a gold tray in her hands with a pile of the most delicate-looking rolled-up towels on it. She extended the tray in my direction, and I picked one up in an effort to not offend her.

  The towel smelled of lavender as I unraveled it and wiped my hands.

  Classical music began to play gently in the background, and I looked down at my feet. I was standing on a coffee-brown carpet. I licked my lips and looked up. Casper was smiling at me.

  “We’re taking off in a few minutes, so maybe you should sit down and buckle in,” he said, tipping his head in the direction of the seats.

  I walked toward him with the towel still dangling from my hand. When I stood in front of him, I looked up at his face, my mouth dry now from surprise and shock. This was the most beautiful room I had ever been in, and it wasn’t even in a house. Casper Argent definitely lived the high life.

  “Have a seat, Lily,” he said, sitting down. I lowered myself into the seat next to his, and then followed his motions of buckling myself in. When I looked around, I noticed that the flight attendant and Jerry had both disappeared. Probably somewhere in the back to buckle themselves into some seats as well.

  “I hope everything is to your liking,” Casper said as the plane began to move across the tarmac.

  I only looked at him. I had nothing to say. He had seen me in my stained robe, and he had peeked inside my apartment; Casper knew exactly what my standard of living was.

  “How long is the flight?” I asked him instead of replying to his question.

  “Four hours. So, we need to find something to kill time,” he said, and my skin was immediately dimpled with goose bumps. What did he want to do with me for four hours? I knew what I wanted to do to him. I wanted those lips on mine, his cock inside me, but I only looked away from him. I was afraid that he would be able to see it in my eyes that I was imagining him naked again.

  The plane took off so smoothly I could barely even feel it.

  In a few minutes, Jerry returned to his station, and the flight attendant appeared again.

  This time, her gold tray had a plate of crackers and assortment of cheeses. She placed it on the oak coffee table in front of us.

  “You can take off your seatbelt now, Lily,” Casper said, and I did as I was told.

  “Is this your usual mode of transport?” I smiled at the attendant in thanks and turned to him again.

  His skin was glowing, just like his grayish eyes. He gave a short laugh and then turned to me, a cracker with cheese in his hands.

  “Of course. This is what I take to work every day. And I park it on the roof,” he said, and I bit down on my lip. I didn’t want to laugh so easily. He was being sarcastic, right?

  He offered me the cracker in his hand, and I took it just as Jerry brought us our drinks.

  “Thank you, Jerry. That will be all,” Casper said to the bartender.

  I bit down on the cracker and clutched the cocktail in my other hand. When I looked up, Casper was watching me. His eyes had narrowed, and the smile had disappeared from his face.

  “You don’t look too happy to be here,” he said suddenly.

  I shook my head. I could feel my cheeks flushing already. I didn’t want to be a rude guest. If only he knew what I was actually thinking about!

  “No, it’s all a little much, that’s all,” I said, looking around the room.

  Casper smiled again and nodded. “I don’t blame you,” he said, and I finally allowed myself to smile. He looked relieved that I was smiling.

  “From the picket to the private jet. It’s all a bit strange,” I said, holding my smile.

  Casper fell silent. He still had the smile on his face, but he was studying me as I took a sip of the drink. “I don’t see the point of wasting time. Why don’t we go to my bedroom so we can get started?” he said, and suddenly stood up.

  My eyes widened, my eyebrows reaching the top of my forehead. I plonked the glass of scotch down on the table, almost spitting the drink out of my mouth.

  “You have a bedroom in here?” I asked.


  The bedroom at the back of the aircraft was bigger than my entire apartment and had an enormous four-poster bed at the center. Portraits in black and white hung on the walls, of people who looked a lot like Casper. They had to be his family. Other than that, there was expensive-looking art and a few marble statues. I shuddered to imagine what his bedroom in his home might look like.

  Casper led me into the room and walked up next to the bed.

  “I think it’s cozy. What do you think?” he asked, throwing his arms wide open and smiling at me mischievously. It’s like he wanted to be complimented for the job he had done decorating the place. I walked slowly toward him, aware that my spine was straight and my muscles were tense. I could feel myself starting to grow wet already.

  “I think it’s far from cozy, but it is beautiful,” I said in a much softer voice. He wasn’t making a big show out of this or trying to stall. We both knew why I was here and what his intentions were when he invited me back to his bedroom. And I was willing. I wanted this as much as he did.

  “Take off your clothes, Lily,” he said, before I even reached him.

  I raised my eyebrows and then rolled my eyes. Not this time. I wasn’t going to simply follow his commands.

  “You take off your clothes, Casper,” I said, stopping in my tracks in front of him. A few feet remained between us, but I could smell him. My fingers were shaking from our proximity. I could hardly wait.

  He lifted his shirt, untucking it out of his pants and started unbuttoning.

  I squared my shoulders, aware that he could see my hardened nipples through the fabric of my dress. His eyes dropped to my breasts as he assessed my nipples to see how turned on I was.

  When his shirt came off, I extended my hand and he moved toward me. The silver rings on my fingers shone under the dim light in the bedroom as I touched him. His velvet smooth skin was as delicious as honey. The muscles on his chest rippled as he allowed me to touch, and my fingers traveled down the center of his chest, down his belly and closer to the top of his trousers. He clutched my hand.

  “Give me something,” he said, in a hoarse, gruff voice. Even though he had embarrassed me the previous time, I was still brave. I forgot about what happened previously. I wanted to try my luck again.

  With a flick, I drew the sleeves of my dress off my shoulders. My bare breasts popped out. I wasn’t wearing a bra.

  Casper swayed when he saw them – my pink, erect nipples, the swell and curves of my breasts as they swung in front of him.

  In a flash, he had one in his mouth. I had dreamed so intensely about his mouth on my nipples that I yelped with pleasure when I felt his teeth tugging gently at them.

  His hands grabbed my waist, pulling me closer to his rock-solid cock. I could feel it between my legs, pushing up against my dress as he sucked at my breasts.

  With my hands, I grabbed his sandy blond hair, tugging as he suckled, pinched, and pulled my nipples with just his mouth. He alternated between my breasts, giving them both the same attention.

  “You are delicious,” he murmured.

  In response, I found my hands traveling down, unzipping his pants. He helped me, too, pulling out his belt and flinging it to the floor. His pants fell at his ankles, and h
is cock launched at me again.

  I gasped, because even though I had seen it before, I’d forgotten its enormity.

  “Don’t worry, it won’t bite,” he said with a laugh when he heard me gasp. Our eyes met again, and he saw the look in mine, the look that told him that I couldn’t wait. I wanted him inside me.

  “This needs to go,” he said, and before I knew what he meant, he had grasped the top of my dress and ripped it down the center. Nobody had ever done that to me before. The audacity! My mouth hung open as my tattered dress slipped off my body and fell to the floor. My hands flew to my mouth in surprise as well.

  No apologies either. Casper stepped in closer. We were both naked now, and he grabbed me by my waist again.

  “That was for when you ran away from me, from my office,” he said, eyeing the torn dress at my ankles. His breath blew the curls off my face to the side as he stared at me. It was like he was really angry with me, but I knew he wasn’t. He was only playing.

  “You laughed at me!” I said, but he covered my mouth with his, drowning out the rest of the words. We were kissing again. Finally, his hands slowly traced up the inside of my thigh.

  He finally broke the kiss. “I didn’t mean to. I wasn’t laughing at you, Lily. I was just pleasantly surprised by how brave you were.”

  I could feel my wetness growing. I ground my hips into his. His cock thrust against my belly. I could feel it now, it was so close. I grabbed it with both hands, and Casper smiled against my mouth then pulled away.

  “You’re a girl with a plan this time,” he said, his lips pressed against my cheek now as I stroked him. His cock was large and hard in my hands. I had no control over it; the thing had a mind of its own.

  “I’m not taking any chances this time,” I said, and our eyes met again. His turned a dark blue, glassy and narrowed, focused on my face. His smile disappeared. The man meant business now.


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