First Love Second Chance

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First Love Second Chance Page 76

by Kira Blakely

  I shook my head and looked away. “And for someone who pretends to not judge people, you sure have made a lot of judgements about me.” I slipped my feet back into my sandals.

  Casper leaned his body back on the heels of his shoes and nodded. “Point duly noted,” he said, pulling his cheeks in, which instantly made him look like a little boy. I knew I was blushing again. I couldn’t even pretend to be mad at this guy.

  “Anyway, thanks for the dance. I had fun,” I said, trying to change the subject. I didn’t want to be thinking about sex or my feelings for him all the time. But I couldn’t stop.

  He shook his head again. “Stop thanking me all the time, Lily. I’m doing this for myself as much as I’m doing this for you,” he said, and stepped in closer to me. His knees knocked against mine gently, and I looked up at him again. His face softened and his neck bent forward toward me. I wanted to get up and just kiss him in front of everyone there, but I stopped myself.

  “What are you doing this for? I know you didn’t want to answer the question earlier in the car, but I can’t help but ask you again,” I said, playing with the hem of my dress.

  He was looking at me earnestly, keenly, like he was preparing an answer in his head. “The reason why I didn’t want to answer that question in the car was because I didn’t want to spoil all the fun we are having. If we talk about it now, it ruins it again,” he said, clenching his jaw.

  I could feel my backbone straightening, my shoulders squaring. Alarm bells were ringing in my head. What was he even talking about?

  “Why would that ruin the evening? What is the answer to the question? How can it possibly be that bad, Casper? And don’t you think that I have the right to know why I’m actually here?” I asked him, and now I stood up. Our bodies were inches apart, but I still had to crane my neck to look up at him. My muscles tensed, and my heart was beating fast again. As much as I didn’t want to hear him say something harsh, I knew I needed to hear it. This fairytale was all just a dream. I was so afraid that I was being duped.

  The grimace on Casper’s face fell suddenly, and he broke into a smile. “God, Lily! You are always so serious,” he said, and grabbed my hand.

  I tugged at it, trying to wriggle my hand free from his grasp.

  “Just tell me what’s going on, Casper. Is this just about the sex? If it is, I’m okay with that,” I snapped at him, trying to keep my voice low. I was aware that I was probably coming across as crazy, but I didn’t care anymore. I had been so happy just a few minutes ago, and now I couldn’t forgive myself for my own happiness.

  “Nothing is going on, Lily. There is no need to react this way,” he said in that smooth, deep voice of his. It had an immediate calming effect on me. I suddenly felt foolish and childish, like I wanted to be on my best behavior for him. I could still feel the rage bubbling up inside me, but I was forcing myself to remain polite. At least in front of all these people.

  I said nothing to him and just looked away until I felt the pressure of his hand on mine again. He was pulling me away in a different direction.

  “Come meet my best friends,” I heard him say, and I could feel myself panicking again. What was going on? Why was Casper Argent introducing me to his friends?

  Chapter 12

  I followed Casper gingerly, suddenly very aware of my surroundings. He had twice refused to answer my question about what I was doing here and what my role in his life was, but here he was, introducing me to his best friends. He was walking ahead of me, and I could see his straight, muscular back and the strength in his legs as he took each long stride. Watching his body move was enough to make me feel like he was too good to be true. Out of all the girls in the world, all the women who no doubt threw themselves at him, why did this gorgeous, successful man choose me?

  Casper waved at two other men standing by the bar. He walked quickly toward them, and I followed. When we reached them, I stood back a few steps while Casper hugged each of them in turn. I could see that the three of them knew each other well and had known each other for a very long time.

  “Lily, meet my buddy Nash. Nash, this is my friend, Lily Fitz.” Casper turned to me suddenly, catching me by surprise. Friend?

  “Hello, Lily. You look lovely this evening.” Nash said, a knowing smile spreading on his face. I couldn’t help but wonder how it was possible that this particular group of friends were all this beautiful to look at. Just like Casper, Nash had an athletic build. However, he wasn’t as clean shaven and smartly dressed as Casper. With a shaggy head of dark hair and a day or two of stubble, Nash was wearing a brightly colored Hawaiian shirt and casual pants. But his jaw was sharp, his eyes were steely gray and narrow, and he had the same beautifully bronze skin as his friend, Casper.

  “Thank you. It’s nice to meet you,” I said, and extended a hand to him. He shook my hand gently like he was afraid of breaking me or something and then exchanged a happy grin with Casper.

  “And Lily, this is Vincent,” Casper added, directing my attention toward the other man standing with them. Vincent shook my hand ferociously, giving my wrist a shake hard enough to make it hurt if it lasted any longer. This guy, unbelievably, was just as handsome as his two friends. Tall, dark haired, and with a chiseled jaw. His eyes were a shimmering lava black that seemed to pierce into my soul. He was sharply dressed just like Casper and had no smile on his face. For a moment, I felt like I had done something to offend him, but then he suddenly looked away from me, at Casper, and gave him a wink.

  I was blushing again. I felt deeply scrutinized, conscious of myself, and surprised that I was feeling this way. Never had I felt less confident. Casper had done something to me to make me feel this self-conscious. There was simply no other explanation.

  “So, you’re the gang then?” I blurted out. The three men were eyeing me up, studying me closely, including Casper.

  “The gang? I don’t know if we would call ourselves that,” Nash said, breaking into laughter. It made me blush a brighter red.

  “We’ve been friends a long time, yes, if that is what you’re asking,” Vincent said, turning his dangerously dark eyes toward me. I looked away from him, embarrassed. Casper suddenly took a step in my direction and placed a hand on my back. It sent goose bumps all over my skin.

  “I didn’t think Casper had any friends,” I managed to say, gulping down my growing embarrassment. I hoped that they would all blame my bright red face on the hour of dancing.

  My comment made the men laugh, including Casper. And by this time, I was beginning to feel claustrophobic. My mind was still reeling from not knowing why Casper was introducing me to his friends.

  “Seems like she’s sized you up pretty well,” Nash said, and Casper shook his head.

  “There have been times when he’s come very close to not having any friends, but we’ve always rallied back to him. Boyhood pacts,” Vincent said, taking a slow sip of his drink.

  I smiled at him and then turned to Casper with a purposeful look. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to use the ladies’ room,” I said, gently prying myself away.

  “Of course,” Casper said to me with a smile. I nodded my head at the other two men and took brisk steps away from them. I needed to put some distance between me and them, especially Casper. It was all too overwhelming. My heart was beating out of my chest, but I surprisingly had a smile on my face that I couldn’t hide.

  It was late now. The sky darkened to a deep purple hue, and the sun was beginning to set in the horizon. I noticed the bathrooms were at the back, and I walked toward them like I was on a mission. When I first got into Casper’s private jet, I hadn’t known what to expect. A fun party and being introduced to his childhood friends weren’t any of the expectations I had.

  I didn’t know what more I could possibly want or expect from this night.

  I needed a couple of minutes to clear my mind, and I walked into the women’s room with my sandals flapping against the tiled floor. The place was empty, which was a relief, because I intended on l
ocking myself up in one of the stalls and having a good long think about what was going on. I wasn’t going to let Casper change my life forever. Hopefully, this was just going to be a whirlwind exotic vacation.


  I couldn’t be sure how long I was in the restroom, but it couldn’t have been very long because when I returned to the main party area, I spotted Casper still with his two friends, standing in a huddle in the corner.

  I wasn’t sure what made me take the back route toward them instead of walking straight in everyone’s view. It was very unlike me to try and eavesdrop on their conversation, but nothing about my relationship with Casper was anything like what I had done before. So, I just went with the flow.

  This back route was dark, with no lights and hidden out of view with a jungle of plants and trees. The music from the party had died into a mellow sound in the background as I approached them, making sure that they didn’t notice my shadowy, looming figure crouching and making my way toward them. I knew what I was doing was wrong, unnecessary, and something that would be very embarrassing if I was caught, but I was filled with sudden courage somehow and was on a mission to eavesdrop on this conversation.

  I stopped in my tracks and crouched down when I heard Nash’s unmistakably confident voice.

  “You plucked her out of a protest?” he said, pricking my ears with his words. They were discussing me! I bit down on my lip.

  “I didn’t pluck her out exactly. I was down there and saw her getting elbowed by one of her pals. She was basically on the ground, passed out and bleeding out of her nose,” Casper said, followed by a loud laugh from all three of them.

  I took in a deep breath and licked my lips. Where was this going to go?

  “So, what is she doing here then, Casper?” Vincent asked.

  Even over the music in the background, I heard Casper take in a deep breath. My ears were pricked. Vincent had just asked Casper the same question that I had. Was he going to give his friend a straight answer?

  “She is the wildest and most beautiful creature I have ever met in my life. I had to see her again, and this was the only way I could think of,” Casper said, causing my heart to skip a beat. I wanted to scream out, go running out of the bushes and into Casper’s arms. I didn’t know what he meant by that exactly, but in that moment, it was enough for me.

  Then I saw a woman approaching the group, taking quick, knowing steps toward them, and I crouched down further.

  “Casper, this is a great party! Hello, boys.” Her voice was loud like she was drunk, but she sounded sophisticated and wealthy. Through the leaves, I saw her more clearly now. She was a beautiful blonde – tall and full figured. She was in an animal-printed chiffon dress that was translucent enough for her red bra to be visible. Rubies glimmered from her ears and on her fingers. The back of her dress was entirely missing, so she was bare until just an inch above her butt, I saw Casper’s gaze wander there and back up at her face.

  My blood boiled instantly. How could he do that just a minute after what I just heard him say to his friends about me?

  “Surprised to see you here, Samantha,” Nash said, raising his glass to her.

  She was holding a glass of champagne, which she raised to him with a twinkle in her clear blue eyes. Then she turned to Casper again, her wide smile displaying a bright white set of teeth. It was evident who she had her sights set on.

  “I wouldn’t miss a Casper Argent party for the world,” she said, and swayed toward him, knocking their shoulders together and then breaking into a fit of giggles.

  “I think we should go check out the bar again, Nash,” Vincent said, dragging his friend away by the arm. The friends were leaving Casper alone with this Samantha woman, and I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. What was happening? Why was Casper not pushing this woman away?

  “Casper, I’ve been waiting for your phone call,” the woman said, turning to him the moment the other two left. She wasn’t going to waste any time. Casper had that deadly smile on his face, the one that usually made me blush painfully, but now made my blood boil with rage.

  “I was busy, Sam. You know my schedule. But you’re here now, and so am I,” he said, warmly accepting the arm that she slipped into his. She was drawing herself close to him. She took a large gulp of her champagne and nodded her head.

  “Indeed, we are. Fancy me being in Hawaii just when you throw a party,” she said, as I bit down on my lip harder. I didn’t know how much longer I would be able to endure overhearing this conversation. It was driving me nuts.

  “Something tells me that this is more than just an innocent coincidence,” Casper said lightheartedly and followed the woman’s every movement with his cool gray eyes. She was still hanging from his arm, swaying gently to the music, sipping her champagne. They were both blissfully unaware that I was there behind them in the dark, clearly overhearing everything that was being said. I was now a witness to the real Casper Argent, the one that he clearly kept hidden away from his friends, too.

  “I saw you dancing earlier with some girl I didn’t recognize. A girl in an ugly silk dress?” she said, and she was giggling again. “But how about we set the floor on fire now? Just like the old times?” she said, positioning her body out of his arms and in front of him now.

  Before I could hear what Casper replied to that, I was rushing toward them, ignorant of the state of my unruly auburn curls or the leaves in them after the time I had spent in the bushes.

  Chapter 13

  They didn’t notice me approaching at first until Casper looked up and saw me walking hotly in their direction. He had been smiling widely at the woman a second before that, but when he saw me, that expression dropped from his face. His eyes instantly narrowed and hardened as he calculated the look on my face and the way I was striding toward them. He sensed trouble. The woman saw Casper’s expression change and then followed his gaze, turning around to look at me. Unlike Casper, she still had a smile on her face.

  “Casper!” I said it too loudly, much louder than I had intended to.

  “Lily, you’re back,” he said to me, slightly flustered. I had never seen Casper this uncomfortable before, but he kept his eyes trained on me.

  “What’s going on? Who is this?” The woman turned from me to Casper, and then back to me again. In a sudden rage, I felt my palms itching to simply slap her across her face. My anger was stemming from a very deep and real place. Not only had she insulted my dress, but she was also flirting with Casper, and he was flirting back!

  “Sam, this is my friend, Lily Fitz. Lily, this is another old friend of mine, Samantha Meyers,” Casper corrected himself. He was back to being his old charming self, self-assured and confident.

  “Pleasure,” Samantha said, extending a delicate, pale hand in my direction.

  I pasted a smile on my face. I forced myself to do it, but I didn’t shake her hand.

  “Casper, I want to talk to you,” I said, not quite sure yet what I wanted to say, but I knew I wanted to be alone with him.

  “How do you know this young lady, Casper?” Samantha ignored what I just said and turned to the man we were both lusting after. My heart instantly ached when Casper looked at her and smiled.

  “She’s a friend, Sam,” he said, and placed a hand on her shoulder. My eyes darted to that movement, widening as I felt like I was losing my mind.

  “Casper, can we please talk privately?” I repeated myself, beginning to lose patience. I wasn’t one to make public scenes about private affairs, but I had no choice. I’d had a bit to drink and my temper was flaring.

  “I assure you, you can say whatever you want in front of me. Casper and I have been friends for too long to keep secrets from each other,” Samantha said with a smile and then looked at Casper knowingly, and rolled her eyes. Like I wasn’t even there!

  I could feel my teeth grinding against each other, I couldn’t remember the last time I was this mad. And surprisingly, Casper was completely calm, as if he couldn’t even fathom what I was g
oing through.

  I took in a deep breath and licked my lips as my nostrils flared. “I want to leave. Is there any way I can do that?” I said, trying to make my voice as even as possible.

  Casper cleared his throat, and even though Samantha jerked her head to look at him again, this time he ignored her.

  “The only way you can leave is on my jet, and I’m not ready to go yet, Lily.” He stressed my name like he was explaining something to a naughty child. As if my temper wasn’t wild enough.

  “I want to leave, now, Casper. I think I might just arrange for something else,” I said, clenching my fists. I didn’t know what was making me react in such an absurdly violent way. Why was I picking a fight with him in the middle of a party! What did I think he owed me? It could have been the alcohol, or my feelings for him, or seeing Samantha touch him… I don’t know what it was, but I wanted desperately to get out of there.

  “You can’t do that, Lily. And you definitely can’t fly commercial tonight, not at this hour,” Casper said, finally letting go of Samantha’s shoulder.

  “Why would you want to pay for a flight when you can go back with Casper?” Samantha chipped in.

  I looked at her crossly with my nostrils flared and then turned back to Casper again with a jerk. “Can we leave now, then?” I asked him, crossing my arms over my breasts to further display my disapproval of him and her.

  “Lily, I can’t leave now. It’s my company party. I can’t just up and go right now in the middle of everything. Everyone expects me to stay till the end. I have business to attend to.” Casper was speaking harshly now, like he had lost his patience.

  Samantha started cracking up with laughter in the background, and I’d never felt more embarrassed.


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