Mariah: The M Series: Book Two

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Mariah: The M Series: Book Two Page 26

by Ryanne Anthony

  “Guys... I'm... Thank you,” I finally got out, wiping away a tear.

  Marcus kissed my temple. “Open them.”

  I smiled at him and sighed, “Okay.”

  From Nathan and Lisa, I got a platinum Claddagh ring with a ruby in the heart. Marcus slid it on my right ring finger with the crown pointed toward my nail.

  “You are definitely taken,” he murmured. I smiled and kissed him.

  Ethan gave me an iPhone, having heard me mention getting one when my current contract was up the next month. I grinned big.

  “Yes! Thank you, Ethan!”

  He smiled at me and said, “You're welcome, Cookie.”

  Monica and T got me a gorgeous green and gold Prada handbag.

  “Oh, shit... I wish I would've worn green now,” I exclaimed while I stared at the bag in awe. They all laughed.

  From the others, I got a green sheath dress, a platinum watch, an iTunes gift card, and an iPod touch.

  “Tap the music icon,” Megan, Gil's girlfriend, directed, smiling.

  I tapped it, and there were only two songs on there, Creepin and Take a Bow. I smirked at Megan.

  “That is so wrong,” I laughed as I showed it to Marcus, who groaned and took the iPod from me.

  “How do we take this damn song off of here,” he asked, in mock annoyance. Everyone laughed again.

  “Thank you so much, everybody. It's all beautiful. I love each and every thing. Guess what I’m wearing next Friday!”

  Everyone laughed and applauded as I jumped up to kiss and hug every person at the table. When I got back to my seat, a Tiffany-blue, rectangular box was in front of me.

  “Marcus,” I breathe, stunned. “You got me a gift?”

  “Of course I did. No way could I top those tickets but... Happy birthday, baby,” he whispered then kissed my nose. “Open it.”

  How the hell did he get it in here? I never saw him with a box!

  I opened it and pulled out the black jewelry box. I opened that box with shaking fingers. It was an earring, necklace and bracelet set with platinum x's and diamonds between each x and in the top and bottom x crease. It was beyond stunning. My eyes welled and my throat constricted.

  “Oh,” I gasped and put my hand to my mouth. “I don't know what to say... it's beautiful!”

  “It pales next to you,” Marcus whispered in my ear.

  I turned and kissed him. I mean really kissed him. “Thank you so much,” I whispered, holding him tight.

  “My pleasure, baby. Always.”

  “Let's see it,” Monica requested when I finally released him.

  I held it up and turned it around the table, to appreciative murmurs.

  “I love it, Mariah!” Monica smiled. “Put it on!”

  “Oh, yes! You must,” Lisa insisted.

  I giggled. “Okay!”

  I took out Mom's earrings and put them in my purse as Marcus removed the necklace. I held up my hair and he fastened it around my neck. I took out the earrings and put them in my ears. Marcus fastened the bracelet to my right wrist.

  I look around the table. “Well?” I breathed.

  I heard nothing but compliments. I reached in my purse for a mirror and was speechless. I put my arms around Marcus again.

  “You really know how to take a girl's breath away, boo,” I stated, quietly.

  “Just yours,” he murmured, hugging me tight. “Thank you for being born, baby.”

  “You should thank my mother for that one, boo.”

  He chuckled. “You're right. I will.”

  The wrappings and boxes were removed, and Marcus moved my gifts to the far end of the table so that a huge German chocolate cake with candles could be placed in front of me. I stared at it for a moment, then bawled like a newborn baby, covering my eyes.

  “Hey, hey... it's okay,” Marcus soothed as he held me.

  “Who did all of this,” I asked through my sobs.

  “We all did... we planned this last week, but Marcus was the one who told us about the cake,” Lisa confessed. “Are you all right, Cookie?”

  “No! I'm crying over a damn cake,” I said, laughing through my tears. Everyone else laughed, too.

  T lit the candles and started the happy birthday song and everyone chimed in. When they finished, I stood up and Marcus held my hair back as I blew out the candles. Marcus pulled me to him and kissed me thoroughly.

  A waiter gave me a knife and placed plates on the side of the cake.

  “Who wants cake,” I giggled. Sounded like the whole restaurant yelled back, “Me!”

  * * *

  My turn at the mic and the competition had been fierce all night. Talk about 'A' games. I was beyond nervous this time. I really wanted to win because Marcus was there. I had to sing him something to make up for the fiasco last week.

  “You want a shot, Mariah,” Monica asked.


  T placed two shots in front of me. I downed them in succession, as fast as I could, and gulped water. As I walked to the mic and heard a wolf whistle.

  “Hey,” Marcus shouted.

  I stood at the mic and shook my head at Marcus. He smiled at me and mouthed 'mine.' I smiled back, then looked at the other team. They had another man with them, but his back was to me and I couldn't see his face. They were having a heated debate. I ran my fingers back and forth across my necklace as I tried to wait patiently. The burn in my chest was easing so they needed to hustle.

  I looked back to my team and shrugged. Marcus leaned to Ethan and said something to him and Ethan whispered back, making Marcus nod his head. I looked back at the other team.

  “Well, what did she sing last week,” Mystery Guy asked loudly, exasperated.

  “Creepin' then Take a Bow,” answered Megan.

  “Hmm, versatile,” Mystery Guy murmured. “We need someone… challenging. How about–”

  “Come on, guys! Let's get this ass-whipping over,” Gil yelled to them.

  “Gil! Behave,” Megan shouted back then blew him kiss.

  I put my hands on my hips and stared at the other team’s table. Then I tapped my foot, Lisa-style, as my patience was finally taking a U-turn.

  Finally, Mystery Guy said, “Good. Okay. Go ahead,” then moved to sit in the shadows.

  “Minnie Riperton,” Nicholas shouted.

  I frowned and started to panic. I really wanted to win but I didn't know who Minnie Riperton was, let alone a song of hers.

  “Who? Shit! I don't know who that is!”

  The other team high-fived all around.

  “Yes, you do,” Lisa says. “She –”

  “No! Don't tell her. She has to pick the song herself,” Megan warned. “No cheating.”

  Lisa whispered to the table, pointing at several of her fingers.

  “Bug... look at the list and think about it,” Nathan says.

  “Okay,” I said, uncertainly and looked at the monitor. The host scrolled the list. I looked at Nathan and he smiled big at me. I smiled bigger.

  “Ut-oh,” someone said at the other table.

  “Damn right. I know some of these songs,” I shot at them. “Number two, Rudy. Wait! No, six... um... UUUUGH!” Then I saw it. I turned to Marcus and grinned. “No, eight. Definitely.”

  “You got it,” Rudy replied.

  Loving You appeared on the giant screens and Lisa slapped Marcus' arm.

  “You think she was good last week? Watch this,” she grinned and I winked at her. Nathan nodded in agreement when Marcus looked his way.

  I heard the birds’ chirping, signaling the intro to the song as gasps and non-believing statements sprouted from the competition's table.

  “No way is she going to hit those notes,” Hank challenged loudly.

  “I think I hear a side bet, T, don't you,” Ethan replied, even louder.

  “Definitely,” T answered as the cue started.

  I gave my all as they did and smoothly sang the first verse. Marcus sat forward as I sounded out the La's. My team sat bac
k in their seats and waited for it except Gil who was sweating like it was a thousand degrees in there. The other team stood and grabbed each other's hands, full of anticipation, staring me down. I turned and looked at them as I scatted the verse then nailed the impossibly high note.

  The other team screamed out in disbelief and was pissed.

  “No fucking way,” shouted Dana, Brynna's girlfriend.

  “No fucking way she hits it again,” Megan yelled.

  I did. Every time Minnie was supposed to, I did, to the delight of my team and the outrage of the other.

  When I finished, everyone in the bar was on their feet, cheering and whistling. My team was really whooping it up. I thought I did pretty damn good, too. I ran off the stage and into Marcus' arms. He laughingly picked me up and twirled me.

  I couldn’t stop smiling. After all the hugs, I sat on Marcus' lap and kissed him and even that didn’t stop the smiling.

  “All right, guys... it's Hank's turn! Let's go,” T called when the club finally calmed down.

  Megan smiled our way. “Hank's gonna sit this one out. Someone else is stepping in for him.”

  “Whatever. I already know what I'm ordering next week,” Gil yelled.

  “We'll see, babe,” Megan replied and turned to Mystery Guy. “Ready,” she asked him.

  He stood and went to the stage, rubbing his forehead, trying to cover his face. His chestnut hair gleamed in the spotlight and he was tanned. I inhaled as I recognized him and jumped off Marcus' lap.

  “What the hell,” I shrieked. “That is not fair!”

  “What,” Ethan muttered.

  “What’s not fair, Cookie,” Lisa asked.

  “That,” I yelled and pointed. “That's Jesse Harper!”

  “Good evening, everybody,” Jesse murmured into the mic.

  I stood there completely stunned. The other team applauded loudly and jumped up and down. My team was scowling and was nowhere near wanting to applaud.

  “Aw, come on guys! You brought in a professional to beat my sister,” T asked in disbelief.

  “There are no rules on professionals,” Dana said then looked my way. “Or last minute fill-ins.”

  “Low blow, Megan. Low blow,” Gil scolded. She winked at him.

  “That's all right, Gil,” I murmured. “I'll take it as a compliment. Touché, guys.”

  “Okay, what can we throw at him,” T asked as we huddled.

  “Is there anything he can't sing,” Lisa asked.

  “I doubt it. Have you listened to his song Relax? The man can hit any damn note,” Monica murmured.

  I looked at Marcus and we smiled at each other. We made love to his music all the time. Especially that song.

  “Cookie, you pick,” Ethan murmured.

  I sat back down and twitched my lips, frowning.

  We should say Luciano Pavarotti.

  Instead, I said to Jesse, “Elton John.”

  “All right.” He nodded then looked over the list. “Thirty-four.”

  The music played and I recognized the song immediately, it was another of my favorites. Jesse fluidly sang the song in his own sexy way.

  I swayed with the music while singing along quietly with Jesse, as Marcus held me on his lap. Everyone enjoyed Jesse's version of the song. I knew I lost and I didn't care; I vowed just sing to Marcus later... in bed, rolling like thunder under the covers.

  When Jesse finished, everyone was on their feet, applauding loudly and whistling. Rudy came to the stage and clapped Jesse on the shoulder.

  “This week's winner... Jesse Harper, everybody,” Rudy proclaimed. We all applauded loudly again.

  “So, Jesse, what are you gonna sing for us now,” Rudy asked him.

  “Sorry, guys,” Jesse said to his team, grinning. “I’m conceding; I think the songbird on the other team is the real winner. She did a better job so she should sing something.”

  There was applause but the other team was scowling. I laughed loudly and curtsied to them. Marcus put his arm around my waist and kissed my temple.

  “I think we'd all like to hear you again, Jesse,” I called out.

  More applause and whistles. Jesse stretched his arms out and waved his hands down. When it quieted, he looks at me and his hazel eyes glittered.

  “Mariah... how about we sing something together?”

  Louder applause erupted and I shook my head.

  “Oh, no...” I begged off.

  “Do it, baby,” Marcus urged.

  “But I can't keep up with him,” I whined.

  T grabbed my shoulder and turned me to him. “Yes, you can, Cookie. In a heartbeat.”

  “Yes, go... you can easily do this,” Lisa agreed. I frowned at my team.

  “I think she needs some encouragement, everybody,” Jesse said, grinning at me.

  “Yeah, the liquid kind,” I whined again. “Get me a gallon!”

  Everyone laughed along with Jesse then applauded. Two shots appeared in front of me and I swallowed fast. Jesus! What the hell had I gotten myself into?

  Notice how quiet she’d gotten? Right.

  “God, I hope I don't embarrass myself,” I muttered, turning to Marcus. “Wish me luck?”

  “Break a leg, baby,” he whispered then kissed me.

  I had my water then walked to the stage and there's more applause as Jesse offered his hand and helped me up the two steps to the stage.

  Jesse growled into the mic, “Damn. She is wearing that dress, right?”

  More wolf whistles and appreciative tones filled the room.

  “Slow down, Jesse,” Marcus shouted.

  “Respect, boss. I'm a happily married man but nowhere near blind,” Jesse assured, then smiled at a beautiful raven-haired woman. “Ain't that right, baby?”

  “You're ecstatic, babe,” she shouted back. “I’ll let you know when you’re not!”

  The entire room laughed.

  “It's her birthday, Jesse!” Monica called. I shoot her a 'really?' look.

  “It is? Let’s wish her a happy birthday, folks,” Jesse smoothly requested.

  “No, no. Don't,” I pleaded. “Really, it’s not necessary.”

  My parents walked in and waved as they grinned at me. I waved back, then scowled a little. How did they know we were here?

  Of course Jesse didn’t listen to me and led everyone in the Happy Birthday song and I was blushing fire. Marcus' parents, Matthew, Evelyn, Joshua and Mandy walked over to our table and greeted everyone and I really frowned. What were they doing there?

  Katherine beamed at me and waved. I smiled and waved to everyone as they all joined in with the other singers.

  I smiled and thanked everyone when they finished. “Go easy, Jesse,” I said as I smiled and tried to hide my nervousness.

  “Whatever you feel comfortable with, Mariah. Let's take a look.”


  Jesse held my elbow and we moved to the monitor. Rudy slowly scrolled the list of duets.

  “Stop. How about this,” he pointed. “Would that would be appropriate for you and your boyfriend?”

  Endless Love. I looked at Marcus, who was staring intently at us. I smirked at him and mouthed 'stop.’ He blew a kiss. I blew one back and he relaxed immediately.

  “Yes, it is, but... when will I ever have the opportunity to sing with Jesse Harper again? And I'd like to sing something special, fun. Are you a Ray Charles fan?”

  He smiled and nodded. “I am. A huge one.”

  Rudy scrolled again. I grinned big when I saw the song I wanted.

  “Stop! This one, please. My mother is here and this was a favorite of my dad's. I think she would love to hear it,” I whispered.

  “Sure, I know that. Let's really have some fun with it.”

  “Okay.” I grinned. “Rudy? D144, please.”

  “You got it,” he winked.

  We go to the mics and Jesse spoke quietly at my ear.

  “We'll act like we're really playing at each other, all right? Do you mind if I touch y
ou while we sing?”

  Smiling, I shook my head. “Not at all, Jesse. I know you'll be a gentleman.”

  “Absolutely,” Jesse confirmed the nodded to Rudy. “I have no desire to sleep in the yard with ours dogs or go home with a few black eyes.”

  I laughed with him. After a moment, the music started. Applause filled the room again. I blew a kiss to my mother, who teared up as she blew one back. Smiling, I turned to Jesse and sang. Jesse smoothly crooned back.

  We played at each other throughout the song and he touched me in a gentlemanly way. I pointed at my parents and siblings at key points in the song which drew laughs and applause. Even T held up his fists at Jesse at the right time.

  When we finished, I put my hands on my face and laughed so hard... that was so much fun! The applause and whistles are deafening. I feel so good inside!

  “Thank you, Jesse! Oh, that was... wonderful!” I said as I hugged him.

  He one-arm hugged me back. “Thank you, Mariah. I can't believe you are not a pro. Enjoy the rest of your birthday,” he says releasing me.

  “Thank you, Jesse!” I ran off stage and into Marcus' opened arms.

  “Did you like it, boo?”

  “You sounded beautiful, baby. I loved it,” he said into my ear.

  I looked at him and grinned. “Thank you. I love you, boo.”

  He kissed me. “I love you more, baby.”

  I released Marcus then hugged everyone at our table. Finally, I get to my weeping mother. She held me tight.

  “Mariah, I remember the first time you sang that song with your father, how your little six-year-old voice kept up with his. It was... magical,” my mother cried at me. “You even knew every word!”

  I hugged her tight. “I should have. I can't remember a day where he didn't play or sing it at least a hundred times!”

  “Yes, he did,” she agreed, wiping her eyes. “It was beautiful, honey. Then and now.”

  I kissed her cheek. “Thank you, Mom. I'm glad you were here.” I frowned. “What are you doing here?”

  “Mariah,” Marcus called as Katherine moved to Mom's side and gripped her hand.

  I turned to him. “Yes?”

  Marcus smiled and held out his hand to me. “Come here, baby.”

  I frowned but I walked to him and took his hand. He walked backwards a few steps, and I allowed him to lead me, still frowning.


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