Bad Boy Brother

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Bad Boy Brother Page 52

by Chance Carter

  Always the diplomat, Dana blurted, “Cut the flowery shit! Did you want to bang him or not?”

  Nora laughed wholeheartedly and pulled her sister closer offering her a quick squeeze and a kiss to the forehead.

  “You goofball! Of course I’m curious. I want to see him again and see what develops. He’s adorable!”

  “There, was that so hard?” Dana scolded playfully, straightening herself up and putting her own plate on top of Nora’s.

  “I guess I’m just struggling a little,” Nora mumbled quietly. Something had been bothering her ever since her date with Gage, and she hoped that Dana could help her work through it, or at least validate her feelings.

  “What is it?” Dana asked, suddenly very intrigued. She always seemed interested in Nora’s dilemmas, especially if she could offer advice. Nora picked up her tea, holding the warm mug in her hands, allowing it to comfort her while she grappled with her feelings.

  Dana sighed impatiently, prompting Nora to share her thoughts.

  “I really like Gage,” she began. Dana shrugged softly and smiled, encouraging her to go on. “But, I’m also into Leo. I mean, really into him. Our second date was off the charts hot.”

  Dana opened her eyes widely, curiously looking at her sister as if to say ‘do tell!’

  “I took your advice and decided to just let go and have some fun,” Nora admitted, feeling a blush rise in her cheeks.

  “No shit! Good for you! How was it?” Dana asked, shifting herself back into the sofa so she could face her sister straight on. Nora smiled softly, allowing the memory to float up, flushing her cheeks even more.

  “You have no idea. He’s so confident, Dana, and he makes me feel so fucking sexy. It was the hottest date I’ve ever had. The man has a way of looking at me that makes me want to drop my panties.”

  “Nora!” Dana laughed, amused by the confession. Nora grinned naughtily, and shrugged.

  “I know! I even surprised myself,” she continued, happy to finally share the experience with her twin. “He took me dancing at this really cool little club on 1st Street.”

  “The Grenada Night Club? Yeah, I’ve been there,” Dana interrupted. “Latin dancing, a fun place, loaded with hot people. Of course that was B.M.”

  ‘B.M.’ was Dana’s way of saying ‘before marriage,’ like it somehow represented a time in her life when she was a completely different person. Although she usually referred to B.M. with a wistful tone, Nora knew that her sister wouldn’t give up A.M. (after marriage) for anything. She was crazy about her man Sam. Nora wanted to have what they shared more than anything. Sam doted on her sister and loved her deeply, and as far as Nora could tell, they had a wonderful partnership. They balanced their work and home life perfectly, each allowing the other to have space to grow and enjoy things independently, while still spending quality time with each other. Of course that would probably change once they had children, but the foundation of their marriage was solid. Nora respected them both so much.

  “It was amazing. I haven’t danced in a long time,” Nora continued, pulling her feet up on the sofa and making herself comfortable. “And Leo can dance. We had so much fun. Once we got thoroughly worked up, we went back to my place.”

  “Uh-huh?” Dana gushed, hoping to hear more. Nora sighed, chuckling softly to herself, the naughty memories still fresh in her mind. She shook her head slowly and grinned at her sister.

  “Let’s just say he has skills. No man has ever made me cum that hard in my entire life. And that was just the foreplay. Fuck, Dana, I was such a slut. You would have been so proud,” Nora teased, taking a sip of her tea.

  Dana clapped softly and laughed, as if congratulating her twin. “I am proud of you, you’re right. Did you fuck him?”

  “Actually, we didn’t get that far. He got called into work, can you believe it? Horrible timing,” Nora mused.

  “Ugh, that sucks,” Dana groaned, “Has he been in touch since?”

  “Ya, it was a bit of a letdown, but in another way it was probably for the best. We’re going out again on Monday night,” Nora assured her sister. “He’s sent me a few text messages since our date, and even some this morning. They were pretty spicy.”

  “Ooh, let me see,” Dana purred, reaching for Nora’s phone. Nora laughed, snatching her phone off the table before her sister could.

  “Oh hell no! You’re not snooping in my messages,” she squealed, hiding the phone behind her back. Only a sister could make you feel fifteen forever, Nora thought affectionately.

  “Okay, okay,” Dana giggled, “at least give me the gist. Or read just one. How spicy are they?”

  “They make me blush, but it’s so much fun flirting with him. He’s very naughty and seems to be coaxing out my racy side,” she confessed.

  “That’s a good thing, Nora! So what’s the problem?” Dana asked eagerly.

  Nora bit at her thumbnail nervously and softly sighed, “Like I said, I like both of them and I’m not sure what to do.”

  “What do you mean ‘what to do’?” Dana asked. Nora sipped her tea again, trying to figure out how to explain her feelings. She took a moment to formulate her thoughts while Dana smiled at her curiously, waiting for her to speak.

  “I haven’t dated anyone for a long time, and never had two men interested in me at the same time before. I have no clue what to do here. Is it ok for me to date them both?” Nora asked, cautiously.

  Dana laughed softly, quickly setting Nora at ease. “Of course you can. Both of these relationships are in the early stages. You haven’t committed to either one of them, have you?” she asked gently.

  “No, of course not. It’s far too soon for that,” Nora replied, following her sister’s train of thought.

  “Right. So there’s nothing wrong with playing the field for a little while, to see how things develop. Just be up front with both of them and let them know that you are keeping things casual for now, and that you’re open to dating other people. As long as you are honest about it I don’t see a problem.” Dana grinned at her confidently, clearly pleased with her advice.

  “Well, I do think honesty is the best policy. You don’t think it’s improper, though?” she asked, still hedging over her feelings.

  “Fuck no!” Dana snapped, shaking her head emphatically. “Men do this all the time, and most of the time they don’t even tell the women involved. They don’t feel the need to justify themselves, do they? As long as they are not in a committed relationship, they do exactly what they want. I know you are a decent person, Nora, and so do you. You will know when it is time to make a choice, but until then, you have absolutely no reason to feel guilty. This is your time, girl! Have some fun!”

  “You’re right,” Nora said, nodding her head in agreement, “I’ll just be up front with both of them. I’m an intuitive woman, right? I can be sensitive to both men.”

  “For sure! Just relax, everything will be okay,” Dana assured, “Now, let’s talk about me. I have some news.”

  Nora chuckled softly, relieved to have sorted her feelings out and to have all of her doubt put to rest, at least temporarily. She inhaled deeply, and felt the stress leave her body.

  “Okay, what is this news of yours?”

  “Sam has the opportunity to take a job back east. New York City, no less. The firm is expanding and they are merging with an existing law firm. They want him to be Managing Partner,” Dana offered solemnly. Nora could tell that her sister was feeling ambiguous about the news. She wasn’t crazy about it herself. She couldn’t imagine not having her sibling by her side, and suddenly felt her own tears dangerously close. Thankfully, she was trained to listen without judgement and to be impartial, and she allowed her counseling instincts to kick in.

  “It’s a great opportunity for him and I don’t think I would have the heart to refuse him, but it’s going to be awfully hard to leave. I’ve got a life here, my career, friendships, YOU,” Dana protested, her eyes wide with concern. “How will you live without me, Sis?”r />
  Nora smiled at her sister, understanding that it was Dana who needed Nora, more than the other way around. It was Dana who had followed Nora to L.A., and in spite of her tough exterior, it was Dana who had the more sensitive heart, who got hurt the easiest, and who loved more deeply. Dana was the yin to her yang.

  “When is this all supposed to be happening?” Nora asked casually, hoping to keep her sister from melting down.

  Dana shrugged her shoulders before answering. “I’m not sure. He just told me about it on Friday night. It will take a few months for them to sort out all the legalities for the merger, so I am guessing it will be mid-June or so maybe?”

  “And what about Dance With Me?” Nora asked, “Will you be able to break your contract?”

  “It’s a year to year agreement, and between you and me I’m heartbroken because I’m pretty sure they were going to promote me from the troupe to Pro, and dancing with a celebrity. That’s huge!” she pouted, her eyes expressing her sadness.

  “Wow, this is going to be a challenging time for you and Sam,” Nora offered, reaching out to take her sisters hand. Dana nodded her head solemnly and allowed her sister to comfort her.

  “You can say that again. How exactly does it work? How does someone give up everything so their partner can be happy, but not be resentful towards them in the long run?” Dana asked, her eyes pleading for answers. Nora hesitated for a moment before responding.

  “That’s a good question, and the only thing I can recommend is to question your own beliefs or thoughts about it. Can you be sure you are giving up everything? Can you know you will be resentful? What if the move opens up new opportunities for you? Better opportunities? What if you choose to look at this as an adventure instead of a loss?” Nora encouraged cautiously, understanding how precarious it was to coach loved ones. Psychology 101. Never counsel family. No matter how many initials she had beside her name, she would always just be Nora- Nora-bo-bora-Banana-fanna-fo-fora. It was damn tough to convince them that you just might know a thing or two, regardless of your degree. If they knew you when you had pigtails and skinned knees, you had zero credibility. Period. They used to joke about it in school. Set your rates, then double them for friends and family.

  As if proving Nora’s point, Dana rolled her eyes at her twin, “Easy for you to say, you’re not the one being asked to sacrifice your life. It sucks.”

  Nora offered her twin a soothing smile, making a mental note to just be a supportive sister, even if that meant being vulnerable herself. That’s what Dana was looking for.

  “That’s true, Sam is asking a lot from you. It’s going to be hard, but I know you can do it. You are a strong woman Dana, and the truth is, with your resume, you can easily get a job in New York, maybe even a better one.” Nora squeezed her sister’s hand, hoping to reassure her, to reassure both of them.

  “Maybe,” she mumbled, not meeting Nora’s gaze, “but I’m going to be lonely. You’ll be living 2500 miles away.”

  “A five hour flight, and we can FaceTime every day. You won’t be lonely for long, Dana. People adore you! You know it’s true. Don’t fret, it will be okay. Besides, at this point nothing is for sure yet. Let’s just wait and see how things unfold with Sam and then we can worry about the logistics of it all. Okay?” Nora assured, shifting herself so Dana would meet her eyes.

  “Okay,” she agreed, finally making eye contact. She looked worried still, Nora observed, but there was also a determined set to her jaw now. Her twin was a go-getter and at the end of the day, she would be just fine. She always came out on top.

  “More pancakes?” Nora asked cheerfully, trying to lighten the mood.

  “I’m not sure a shrink should be encouraging a client to stuff their feelings down with food,” Dana goaded, a reluctant smile forming on her face.

  “First of all I’m not a shrink, second, you’re not my client, and third if we wanted to stuff our feelings down, I would recommend chocolate sundaes over pancakes any day,” Nora retorted playfully, giving her sister suggestive look.

  “You are the devil,” Dana laughed, “but I’m in. Are you driving or am I?”

  “I am. Your driving sucks. One good thing about New York, everyone takes the subway,” Nora mocked.

  “Ha-ha,” Dana laughed, saluting her sister with her middle finger, “bite me.”



  It was still pretty early, probably only 6:00 am or so. Nora gently stretched her naked body under the covers and let out a deep, satisfied moan. She felt wonderful, relaxed and peaceful, and wished she could wake up feeling that fulfilled every day.

  She could hear Leo in the kitchen, preparing coffee. She told him she would do it but he insisted, despite the fact that he didn’t know his way around her kitchen. He assured her that if he could put out a five alarm fire and save lives, he could manage to make a pot of coffee. He then gave her bottom a playful smack, pulled on his slacks, and made his way out of her bedroom on a mission. Nora loved how he carried himself with such confidence.

  They’d gone out for dinner the night before, their third date. Nora had gone into the evening fully expecting it to be as hot, if not hotter than the date before, and Leo did not disappoint. He took her to a romantic little rooftop restaurant with a gorgeous view of the city. She liked that he pulled his chair close to hers so they could sit intimately side by side, instead of across from each other. Leo was a great story teller, and while they didn’t share anything too deep or personal, he was still engaging and funny. Nora appreciated the quick-witted banter they both seemed to enjoy, and she easily kept up with him. She could be cheeky with Leo because he really seemed to enjoy her teasing. On top of that, they had an undeniable physical chemistry. It was obvious all though dinner that both of them were itching to get their hands on one another. His soft caresses and kisses throughout the evening drove her crazy. She couldn’t ever remember a time in her life that she felt so sexually charged. Leo seemed perfectly pleased with himself and the effect he was having on her, and really enjoyed teasing her as well.

  At one point in the evening she had felt particularly daring. Leo had just given her one of his delicious kisses as the waiter had come by to check on them. They had just finished their coffee and were anxious to get home, both of them feeling worked up. Nora let her hand slip over Leo’s lap and slide gently up his thigh until she found the prize she was looking for. The look on Leo’s face was priceless as he tried to stay composed while the waiter was asking if they wanted anything else. She massaged his cock through his slacks as discreetly as she could, enjoying the stiffness of him under her touch. She loved torturing him and had to stifle a giggle when Leo’s voice cracked as he requested the check.

  After the waiter left, Leo turned to her and whispered in her ear that she was being a very naughty girl. That probably shouldn’t have turned her on as much as it did, but fucking hell it made her hot! She left him at the table and went to freshen up, and then they hightailed it out of there. There were a few other patrons in front of them sharing the elevator ride, but that didn’t stop Leo from kissing her. She waited for just the right moment and then slipped her damp panties into his pocket. His eyes and his grin, widened when he realized what she’d given him. He put his arm around her waist and pulled her closer, then lifted her dress slowly from behind, exposing her bare backside. The thought of getting caught was both horrifying and exhilarating at the same time. If anyone turned around they would have been busted!

  As worried as she was, she didn’t want him to stop. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and the adrenalin coursing through her only served to heighten her desire. He slid his hand between her legs, trailing his fingers up her thigh until he found her dampness. She sucked in her breath hard, making a loud enough noise to draw a playful warning look from Leo. His long reach allowed him to gently brush her clit before he slipped his fingers into her soaking wet hole. God, she could have cum right then and there!

  She didn’t even remembe
r the ride home, she had been so worked up, and as soon as they walked into her apartment Leo had her off her feet. He carried her straight into the bedroom, kissing her all the while, until she felt herself dropping back onto her mattress. He grinned at her sheepishly before burying his face between her legs, as if he couldn’t wait even one more second to taste her. His velvety tongue traced her folds tenderly, eagerly lapping up her juices.

  Normally, she was too shy to allow a guy to go down on her, but Leo made her feel wild, impulsive and daring. Besides, she didn’t think he would stop even if she’d asked him to, and that alone aroused her even further. It was as though he wanted to swallow her whole. She was so swollen with desire that as soon as he plunged his fingers into her she came for him. He must have approved because she could hear him moaning between her legs.

  She would have loved to return the favor and taken him into her mouth, but he was too impatient. As soon as she helped him unzip his pants he slipped them off and eagerly pushed her back onto the bed. When she playfully tried to protest, he just smiled wickedly at her and brought his lips down on her hard, his tongue filling her mouth. She could taste herself on him, but she didn’t care, she craved his kisses. He expertly tore the wrapping off a condom with his teeth, and then quickly rolled it over his erection. He had the look of a man on the brink of madness, and she could only assume it was driven by his own insatiable need. Within seconds he had buried himself into her, his cock filling her completely. She rocked in perfect rhythm with him as he plunged himself in and out, her legs wrapped tightly around his waist.

  Without a doubt, they would have other opportunities to fuck each other, but in that moment there was no question of who was in charge. Leo was a man who knew exactly what he wanted, and even more importantly, how to get it. And he could back it all up with his skills. He left her breathless as he desperately fucked her, positioning himself at exactly the right angles for her to feel the full pleasure of his cock. She grabbed his ass just as an orgasm coursed through her, her body rocking and shaking uncontrollably. That must have been more than Leo could take because in that same delicious moment he released his own passion as though he’d been holding onto it by a delicate thread, and on his last deep thrust he spilled his seed.


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