Bad Boy Brother

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Bad Boy Brother Page 87

by Chance Carter

  I leapt to my feet and brought my knee to his gut. He fell forward and I landed a quick uppercut to his jaw. He stumbled back and I grabbed him by the blazer.

  “Matt. That’s your name, right?”

  He nodded, blood dripping from his mouth. He made a pathetic sight.

  “You had her, and you cheated on her. She hasn’t been yours since the moment you were unfaithful, you understand that?”

  He nodded again.

  “Everyone around her knows who you are, buddy. We know what you did. And we don’t like worms like you stinking up the joint.”

  He let out a sob and wiped the blood from his mouth. God, I wished he’d just pull himself together.

  “We all know Meadow too. This is her town now. This is her home. And we’re her new neighbors. Her new family. Anyone catches you skulking around this town again, they’ll do the exact same thing to you I just did.”

  “But she’s mine,” he sobbed.

  “Not anymore.”

  “You can’t trust her,” he said. “She’ll just be after your money. Believe me. I know her. She’s a slut and she’s after your money. That’s her only interest in men.”

  That did it. I drew back my fist and then landed it right on his nose. He flew back against the dumpster and I caught him before he fell to the ground. With a solid motion, I lifted him right off his feet and flung him over the side of the dumpster. He fell into it, getting covered with old food and other garbage from the brewery.

  I looked over the edge and saw ketchup and french fries all over his fancy outfit.

  “She’ll never survive without me,” he cried.

  I looked down at him and laughed.

  “Dude, she’s got her own job, her own apartment. She’s built a life from scratch. You’ve got ketchup and fries on your face.”

  It was then that Paul and Jason showed up, hurrying through the door to see what trouble I’d caused.

  “Where is he?” Paul said.

  I indicated the dumpster and saw them both hold back laughs.

  “Meadow’s ex?”

  I nodded.

  They looked into the dumpster and got a good look at him.

  “See,” I said to Matt. “Every guy in this town knows exactly what you pulled with Meadow, and if we see you around here again, you’ll get a lot worse than a bath in a dumpster.”

  “Fine, she’s your problem now,” Matt cried as we walked back into the brewery. “Let’s see how long you last before you get sick of her.”

  “Hang on a second,” I said to Paul and Jason.

  I strode back to the dumpster and grabbed the lid, slamming it down and shutting Matt inside. It wasn’t locked, but it was heavy and it would take quite a bit of effort to get it open again.

  “See you around, asshole.”



  I stood on my toes and peeked out the little window overlooking the back of the brewery. I saw the whole fight go down, and my jaw dropped when Kane threw Matt into the dumpster. I would have given anything to know what Matt had said to provoke that!

  When the guys came back in, I walked with them back to the bar.

  Kane was holding his hand, his fist sore from the punching he’d just done.

  Paul was on an adrenaline rush, and wouldn’t take a seat.

  Jason looked like he was trying to make sense of what had just happened.

  “Holy shit, Kane,” I said, sitting at the bar next to him. ”Are you okay? What did he say to you?”

  “He said Meadow was his property and he was here to get her back.”

  “Oh my God. What did you say?”

  “I said we’d kick his ass if he didn’t get out of town pronto.”

  “So he’s going to leave town?” I said, my mind racing.

  “I reckon so,” Kane said.

  He looked at me and I looked back at him. At that moment we both had the same terrible thought. What if Matt didn’t leave town?

  “What if he goes to Meadow’s house?” I said.

  Kane was already on his feet, striding back down the corridor toward the back of the brewery. I had to run to keep up with him. He burst back outside and stared at the dumpster. It was open. Matt was gone.

  There was a piece of crumpled up paper on the ground. I picked it up and read it. My blood froze. It was Meadow’s address! How had Matt found it out?

  “Kane,” I said, handing him the piece of paper. I was beginning to enter panic mode. “You have to go to her. You have to protect her.”

  I looked at Kane. He didn’t look like he was in any state to drive. There was blood on his fist and he was slightly limping from where Matt had whacked his legs with the iron bar.

  He rushed past me, back inside, and I ran after him. He went right through the bar, past Paul and Jason.

  “Where’s he going?” Paul said.

  “Kane,” I called. “Wait.”

  He stopped at the door. “I’ve waited long enough, Sandra. I’ve wasted too much time already. It took me two years to get to this point, and I’m not about to stall now. Meadow needs me, and I’m going to be there for her when she does.”



  I lay on my back with my hand on my belly, my mind racing. There was no more denying it. I’d suspected it for some time, but now I knew for certain.

  I couldn’t remember when I’d last had my period. I’d never been the most regular, so it was very easy for me not to notice when it was late. But then there was the morning sickness.

  After my bath I went to the drug store and got a pregnancy test. In fact, I bought five of them.

  One after the other, I took the tests, and one after the other, they told me what I already knew. I was pregnant! I was having a baby!

  And not just that, but it was Kane’s baby. Now, more than ever, I needed him to come back. I needed him to come back for me. I was going to be the mother of his child after all.

  I let out a long sigh and looked up at the ceiling. The screen door on my back porch was blowing in the wind again and I thought I should get up and go close it properly. I didn’t want it to get damaged.

  It banged again in the wind and I got up.

  I was in nothing but my nightdress and a cool, refreshing breeze was flowing through the house. It felt good against my skin. Even without Kane, I was in a good place. I lived in a nice town. I had good friends and a great apartment. I had a job I enjoyed, and plans to start an interior decorating business.

  Even without Kane, I’d be okay. The baby would be okay.

  It was just … I didn’t want to be without Kane.

  When would he come back?

  I rounded the corner into the hall and instantly, nothing was right. There was someone there, right in front of me, and I let out a shrill scream

  “What the hell?” I cried.

  It was dark and I couldn’t tell who was standing there, a few feet away from me. Was it Paul? Was it Jason?

  Was it an intruder?

  “You little whore,” a familiar voice said to me in the darkness.

  It was Matt! How was he there? We’d signed our divorce papers. He’d taken back his vehicle and his money. He should have been out of my life.

  “What are you doing here?” I gasped.

  The lights came on and I saw him there in front of me. I backed away, shielding my stomach instinctively.

  “Matt, you can’t be here. I’ll call the police.”

  “You won’t call anyone bitch. You’re going to pay for what you’ve done. I’m going to teach you some manners.”

  I backed away from him, all the way into my bedroom, and stood in front of the bed.

  “I’m glad to see you’re in your slutty night dress. Now, all you have to do is get down on your knees and show me what a sorry girl you are.”

  “What? I’m not sorry. Get the hell out of here or you’ll be sorry.”

  “I hardly think you’re the one to be handing out threats,” he said with a
sneer, opening the fly of his pants.

  I looked at him more closely and saw that he was beat up. There was dry blood on his face and his clothes were covered in dirt and stains. He wasn’t himself.

  “What are you doing? Stop opening your pants.”

  “Why should I? You’re going to take what I give you, and then you’re going to come home with me like a good wife.”

  “I’m not your wife anymore, Matt.”

  “Yes you are, and you always will be.”

  “You lost me the moment you cheated on me, Matt. You never had me. A marriage is based on faithfulness and love. You never understood that, and that’s why you’re alone.”

  “Alone? I’ll show you alone. When I get you back home, I’m going to lock you in the basement and make sure you can never leave me again.”

  He came closer, opening his belt and taking his erect cock out of his pants. My stomach turned when I saw it. It was a sight I’d expected never to have to see again. Not only did I hate Matt’s guts, in my heart I knew I already belonged to another man. I belonged to Kane. Even if he didn’t know it, I was his and I was carrying his child. Matt had no right to lay a finger on me, never mind what he thought he was going to do to me.

  He pulled his shirt off over his head and I backed further away from him on the bed.

  “You better get over here and start sucking, bitch. If you don’t swallow every drop, I’m going to kill you.”

  His words terrified me. From the crazy look on his face I could tell he was unhinged and could be capable of anything. With a baby inside me, I knew I had to protect my body at all costs. I looked at him and then looked around the room for any chance at escape. He was between me and the door, and the window was behind him. There was no way out other than through him, and I was definitely not strong enough to get past.

  Plus, I couldn’t risk the chance he’d hit me in the stomach.

  “Please, Matt,” I said, trying to calm the situation.

  “Don’t beg, bitch. Either you start sucking my cock right now or I’ll strangle you where you lie.”

  I looked up into his face. I didn’t know what to do. I had no choice.



  My mind was running at a million miles a minute. How could I have been so stupid? I should have kept on top of Matt while I had the chance. Instead, I let him walk free.

  If anything happened to Meadow, I’d never forgive myself. I’d gone away to recover from the trauma of losing Carolyn and Tamara. It had been overdue, but I hadn’t been able to face dealing with that loss until now.

  That was because of Meadow. I owed her everything. Her coming into my life woke up the feelings I’d thought were gone forever. It was because of her that I’d finally been able to let go of the loss I’d experienced.

  But what if it happened again? What if I lost Meadow too? Because of my own stupidity.

  I jumped into my Jeep and drove like a maniac to the address on the piece of paper. I knew exactly where it was, overlooking my favorite beach, right at the place where I’d taken her to the lifeguard tower.

  As I drove, screeching around corners and running stop signs, I wondered if it was because of that night that she’d chosen this place to live.

  When I reached her house I slammed on the breaks and leapt from the Jeep. My heart skipped a beat when I thought how close I was to seeing Meadow again.

  Meadow’s car wasn’t in the driveway but another car was. I knew it was Matt’s.

  I leapt up the steps to her front door and pushed it open.

  “Meadow,” I called. “Meadow!”

  The light in the hallway was on and I rushed toward it. There was a sound coming from one of the rooms and I ran to it. When I saw what was happening, my mind went completely blank with rage.

  Meadow was lying on the bed, in her nightdress, struggling. Matt was on top of her, his pants around his knees and his shirt off. And he was trying to strangle her!

  I grabbed him and flung him against the wall.

  “Get the hell away from her,” I yelled.

  Without even thinking, I drove my fist into his face. That was followed with another blow, and another. He collapsed on the ground, his face covered in blood, and still I couldn’t stop. I just kept punching him and punching him.

  It wasn’t until Meadow grabbed me that I finally stopped.

  “Kane, you’re going to kill him.”

  “I want to kill him.”

  “No, you have to stop. I’m calling the police.”

  “If he thinks he can put a hand on you like that, he deserves to die.”

  I looked up at her and took deep breaths, trying to calm my rage.

  As my vision came back to normal, I realized who I was looking at. I was looking right at the most beautiful person I’d ever seen in my life. If there had been any doubt in my heart, I knew the truth for certain now. I was in love with this woman. I was madly in love with her.

  I would die for her.

  And this guy had been trying to strangle her! I wanted to hit him again but Meadow’s arm on mine told me not to move.

  “Meadow,” I gasped.


  “I’m back,” I said, pulling her into me.

  Instantly, she burst into tears. I realized then just how desperately she’d been waiting for me to return. I hadn’t known for sure if she was waiting for me or if she’d forgotten all about me. Now I knew. She was my girl, and as I crushed my lips down on hers for the first time in so long, I knew that what we had was real. It would last forever.

  She sobbed as she kissed me, completely overtaken with emotion.

  “I’m back,” I said again. “I’m back and I’m never going away again. I promise.”

  A movement at our feet broke the passion. I reached down and pulled Matt up onto the bed. He was in no state to resist, his face bruised and bloody and his nose possibly broken.

  I held Meadow in my arms and we both watched him on the bed until the police finally arrived. Meadow was trembling and I whispered soothing words in her ear the whole time.

  “I’m back, Meadow. I’m back.”

  She kept sobbing every time I told her that.

  “I can’t believe you’re back,” she said.

  I squeezed her and nodded.

  Then she hit me on the chest, not hard but it was about as hard as she could manage after everything that had just happened.

  “And I can’t believe you disappeared like that!”

  “I’m sorry,” I said.

  “You better be!” she said, and I saw the fire of her personality return to her eyes.

  I smiled and she smiled back, forgiving me for disappearing with that single look.

  The police arrived and filled out a report, noting the marks on Meadow’s neck. They took Matt away in handcuffs and I knew we wouldn’t have to worry about him ever again. He was done.

  Sandra, Paul and Jason were standing by, waiting for the police to leave.

  “Good riddance,” Sandra said as the police passed her with Matt.

  I led Meadow by the hand down to where they were all waiting.

  “I see you two are reacquainted,” Sandra said to me and Meadow, a mischievous look in her eye.

  “Let’s go back to the brewery for burgers,” I said. “We’ve all got so much catching up to do.”

  Paul and Jason looked like they were in agreement. Sandra shrugged. I turned to Meadow but she was shaking her head.

  “That was a lot for me to process for one night,” she said. “I think I’m going to turn in.”

  “What?” I said. “I thought we’d …”.

  “You thought we’d what?” she said, looking at me sternly. “You disappear for all that time, and then you think you can just waltz back like nothing happened?”

  I shook my head. I knew I’d been hard on her by disappearing without a word. Despite our kiss, I’d have to earn my way back into her life.

  “Do you want me to stay here with yo
u for the night,” Sandra said to Meadow. “You’ve just been attacked.”

  “No,” Meadow said immediately.

  I was surprised at how sure of herself she sounded.

  “Matt’s in police custody. I’m shaken up but I want to be alone. I need to process all this,” she said, looking right at me.

  “You sure?” Sandra said.

  Meadow nodded. She thanked me for showing when I did, but didn’t kiss me again. Then she said goodnight to all of us and went back inside.

  Sandra, Paul and Jason got into Paul’s car.

  “You meeting us back at the brewery?” they said, pulling out of the driveway.

  I was still standing on the lawn.

  “I think I’ll call it a night too,” I said.

  They drove off and I stood there. I contemplated going up to Meadow’s door and knocking. I knew what I wanted. My cock was throbbing just knowing she was in there, but something told me I needed to give her space.

  I sighed and went back to my Jeep, heading for home.



  Before I opened my eyes, I straightened my legs and lifted my arms up over my head and stretched all the way through to my fingertips and toes. I let out a huge sigh and rolled over on my side.

  What a night!

  What a life!

  What on earth was I going to do?

  Where did I even start?

  I was pregnant. Pregnant! I was having a baby! Kane’s baby! I hadn’t even told him yet. Of course I hadn’t told him. How could I? He’d disappeared until last night. Was I even ready for motherhood? I’d only just started my new life. I’d gotten a new job, new friends, a new apartment. Having a little baby to take care of certainly hadn’t been part of the plan.

  But then, there was a yearning in my heart for that baby. There was a feeling of love and tenderness I couldn’t deny. Every part of me wanted a little baby to take care of. I just needed to get my life in order first.

  And what about Kane! First he disappears. Without a single word to anyone he walks right out. Goes who knows where? Doing who knows what?


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