Seducing the Chambermaid [Notorious Nephilim 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Seducing the Chambermaid [Notorious Nephilim 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 10

by Carolyn Rosewood

“Of course they know. They came looking for her, remember? Couldn’t they have simply planted those stories to flush her out?”

  Andras pointed to a paragraph near the bottom. “I’m sure they did, but read this.”

  “It’s also believed Lenny’s ex-fiancée, Blair Lorring, may have had a hand in his death.” Leo looked up. “You said she was being forced into the marriage. Were they actually engaged?”

  “No, that’s bullshit. She wasn’t his fiancée. From what she told me, he was a pig. Keep reading.”

  “She is currently wanted for questioning by the police concerning several reported thefts. This reporter has recently learned she may have fled north with jewelry belonging to Frankie Fillipone.”

  Leo looked into Andras’s eyes for long moments. “Holy fuck. How the fuck do they know she’s here?”

  “I don’t know, but we have to tell the others.”

  “I agree. And one of us has to stay with Blair at all times.”

  “Leo, we have to tell her about this article.”

  “Shit, Andras. She’ll be scared to death.” Leo glanced toward the hallway again.

  Andras nodded. “Yes, but she has to know. And we have to tell her what we are.”

  “What? Andras, how much do you want to pile on her?”

  “Look, I’ll admit that before I read this, telling her about us was the furthest thing from my mind. But we won’t be able to convince her she’s safe with us unless we tell her why.”

  “She might leave if we tell her what we are.”

  Andras’s stomach roiled at the thought of her out there, on her own. But he knew what Leo said was true. On the other hand, if they didn’t tell her, Blair would think that by staying she was placing them in danger. He and Leo had inadvertently given her the impression she’d done exactly that by bringing the jewelry here.

  “She can’t leave if we stay glued to her side. Besides, I think she already suspects something is odd about us. She asked me about condoms the night I had dinner with her. I pushed pretty hard and told her she didn’t have to worry about it, and asked her to trust me.”

  “Did she let it go and trust you?”

  Andras nodded. “She melted like butter. Nothing to it. But then sometime in the middle of the night she asked me another question, and I didn’t have the energy to push her. I evaded it, but I could tell it was still on her mind.”

  “What did she ask you?”

  Andras tried not to grin. “She wanted to know how I had so much stamina. Seems a few of her friends aren’t sweet and innocent any more and told her quite a few details, including the fact most men fall asleep after coming.”

  Leo shook his head and tried to give Andras a disgusted look, but it quickly turned into a lopsided grin. “What excuse did you give?”

  “I don’t even remember. I mumbled something about her being so beautiful I couldn’t help myself.”

  “Right. I’m sure she bought that. But seriously, Andras, she’s too intelligent not to figure out something is off-kilter here. We may as well tell her everything and be done with it.”

  “Tell me what?” Blair stood in the archway, wearing nothing but a man’s shirt. Her hair was in tangles, and she was barefoot. Andras’s cock jumped.

  “Have some coffee, Blair,” he said, feeling like an idiot. He hadn’t spoken to her in days, and that was the best he could come up with?

  “I don’t drink coffee.”

  Leo reached for an unopened bottle of wine on the kitchen counter. “Then have some of this. You’re going to need it.”

  Chapter Twelve

  After Blair put on her clothes and tried to comb her hair, Leo led her into the sitting room. She took a seat on the leather sofa, and Leo sat next to her. Andras pulled a chair over and sat across from them. She looked from one man to the other then tried to smooth her hair again. She hadn’t seen Andras since their night together, and she hated that she looked like this now, but he didn’t seem to mind.

  “Blair,” Andras cut his gaze to Leo before continuing. “I’m sorry I took you back to your room the morning after our dinner. I…I didn’t want to hurt you. Physically, I mean.” He cut his gaze to Leo again.

  She shook her head. “No, it’s all right. I understand. Thank you for the flowers, by the way.” She glanced at Leo. “Both of you. Thank you.”

  Andras glared at Leo. “You sent flowers, too?”

  Leo’s sheepish grin would have been charming under other circumstances. “Only after I found out you had the first day.”

  Blair squirmed in her seat, trying to read their expressions. Were they simply engaging in good-natured ribbing, or could it be true they were each jealous of the other? Were two gorgeous men vying for her attention? It was too much to take in this morning. Every inch of her body ached, but the memories of pleasure outshined each twinge of stinging pain.

  “Blair, since this directly concerns you,” said Leo, pouring fresh coffee for himself and Andras, “Andras and I agreed we needed to tell you what was in the Tribune this morning. We also agreed it’s time you knew our history.”

  Blair pulled her wine glass closer, wishing she drank coffee. It would be better to have a warm cup to wrap her hands around right now. Her entire body suddenly felt cold, which was unusual whenever she was near Leo or Andras. What had he meant by saying it was time she knew their history?

  Leo unfolded the newspaper. “I think it’s important you know up front that Andras and I both believe you didn’t steal anything from your father or his clients.”

  “Thank you,” she said quietly.

  “And we also don’t believe you’ve stolen anything from Frankie Fillipone.” He gave her a lopsided grin. “At least, not intentionally.”

  “This morning the Trib has run an article about Lenny and Frankie putting the blame on each other for the stolen jewelry. We’re assuming it’s the same satchel you found in the alley. They also reported that you may have had a hand in Lenny’s death.”

  “What?” Blair stood up so fast she bumped the table, and the contents of their coffee cups sloshed onto the polished wood surface. “I was already here when he died! I saw the headline that morning in Mrs. Stanton’s suite.”

  “It’s all right, Blair.” Leo’s voice was soothing and his touch on her arm warm. “We know you didn’t have anything to do with his death. You should also know they refer to you as Lenny’s fiancée.”

  Blair made a sound of disgust. She took her seat again, keeping her eyes riveted to the paper spread out in front of Leo. “Does it say anything else?”

  “Yes. The article concludes by saying you’re wanted for questioning, and it’s believed you’ve fled north with the jewelry.”

  Blair couldn’t stop the tears that welled up in her eyes. “No,” she whispered. “This can’t be happening. How do they know where I am?”

  Leo fixed her with an intense stare. “I told you, you’re safe here.”

  “How can you say that? They obviously know where I am.” She glanced at both of them, willing the answers to reveal themselves. “Who told them?”

  “We don’t know that anyone told them,” said Andras. “Someone may have seen you walking, or they may simply be guessing. But you are safe here, and we’re about to tell you why.”

  Leo rose and went into another room. When he returned, he placed a mug in front of Blair. “Drink it. It’ll help.”

  “What is it?” The smell of cloves and licorice wafted from the cup.

  He grinned, but this time all Blair felt was fear, not arousal. “A special concoction. I can’t tell you the recipe.”

  She took a sip, trying to control her trembling fingers. The liquid warmed her throat, and as soon as she’d swallowed it, she felt her muscles begin to relax. “Thank you.”

  He took his seat beside her again and placed an arm around her shoulder as Andras studied her face, concern in his eyes. “We’ve never told anyone our history, but in light of this information, it’s time you knew the truth.”

“What do you know about Nephilim—fallen angels?” asked Leo.

  “Um…nothing, except maybe a few things from the Bible.”

  “Sixteen years ago we were part of a large group of Nephilim sent to Earth to help with the uprisings over Prohibition. We were supposed to keep watch and help the more violent protestors find peaceful ways to express their feelings.”

  “You were what?” Blair put down the mug Leo had handed her and looked from one to the other, searching for any trace they were pulling her leg. What an absurd story.

  “We were sent here on a mission with about forty others.”

  “You can’t be serious…”

  Andras nodded. “I can prove it,” he said quietly.

  A shiver ran through Blair. There was something so definite in the tone of his voice and the look in his eyes. She recalled all the odd things she’d been questioning since arriving here nearly a month ago. But could they really be angels—actual angels? How was that possible? “Sent by whom?” she asked.

  The corners of Leo’s mouth turned up. “By the archangels and our boss.”

  “Your boss? Leo, is that a joke? Because it’s not funny.”

  “No joke, Blair. We’re Nephilim.”

  Blair stared at the liquid in her mug, wondering if he’d slipped her a Mickey, and why he’d do such a thing. What other explanation was there? What they’d just told her couldn’t be true. When she lifted her gaze again, they wore twin hopeful expressions. She searched their eyes again for a sign they were putting her on but saw only sincerity.

  “You must have wondered about certain abilities we have,” Leo said softly.

  Blair nodded and took another sip from her mug. She couldn’t argue with him there. She’d been wondering about all the owners since before these two made love to her. On the heels of that thought, she recalled how she hadn’t been afraid of getting knocked up once Andras asked her to trust him regarding that issue. That had been something she’d meant to ask him about ever since they’d had dinner. What better time than now to clear it up?

  She looked into his eyes. “When I asked you about protection, you told me to trust you. Did that have something to do with what you’re telling me now?”

  “We’re sterile,” he said, his eyes filling with sadness. “After our punishment, a demon cast a curse on each of us to sweeten the deal.”

  “Now there’s a demon involved as well?”

  “Let’s back up a bit,” he said, leaning forward. “We were sent here on a mission, but we got caught up in the lifestyle instead.” He averted his gaze for a second. “We drank illegal booze, we went to speakeasies, and we seduced women. Our favorite thing was for two of us to seduce one.”

  “Oh…” So that’s all she was to them, a favorite vice?

  “Needless to say the archangels were not happy. As punishment for our sins we were bound to Earth.”

  Blair didn’t want to hear anymore. She didn’t even care if the crushing sadness stealing over her heart showed on her face. What a fool she’d been. These two had used her just as they’d used countless other women, and she’d played right into their hands.

  Andras reached across the coffee table and stroked her arm. She pulled away so suddenly the rest of the liquid in her mug splashed all over her clothing. “Shit.” She stood up and started down the hallway. She made it inside the bathroom and closed the door just as the tears started to flow.

  Blair took her time rinsing the stains out of her clothing and composing herself. The hell with them. Let them wait. She didn’t want to believe their story, but everything fit. Not that she’d been wondering if they were angels, but she’d known all along there was something extraordinary about them. Now that they’d told her, the signs had been there all along. It had simply been easier to ignore them.

  But what really tore at Blair’s heart was the realization this was nothing more than a game. Would it do any good to run away again? Frankie had found her. What was to stop him from finding her again? And where would she go?

  Leo had said she was safe here, and he’d tell her why. Was this what he’d meant? They were angels, and therefore she needn’t fear Frankie or his men? What did they intend to do if the goons showed up, beat them with their wings?

  The image that rose in Blair’s mind almost made her laugh. She wiped her face one more time, took a few deep breaths, and went to join Leo and Andras again. Whatever happened from this point on, she resolved not to let them seduce her. At least she’d walk away with her dignity intact.

  And you’ll never feel their kisses again. Can you live with that?

  “Shut up,” she muttered. She’d just have to deal with that. There was no way she was going to let them use her in their sick games.

  “Are you all right?” asked Andras, rising from his chair. As soon as his scent reached Blair’s nose her resolve faded away as if it had never been there. Memories of last night with Leo and her night with Andras earlier in the week assaulted her senses. So much for not becoming a pawn in their game. One look from either of them and she melted like butter. This was going to be much harder than she’d imagined.

  “I’m fine. Tell me the rest of your story. How did a demon become involved in this?”

  Blair folded her legs up under her bottom and hugged her knees. She was no longer cold, but she didn’t want either of them to touch her. She wanted to keep her wits about her and listen to what they had to say before she made up her mind what to do next.

  “Lilith came into the picture a few months after—”

  “Lilith? The person this resort is named after?”

  Andras nodded. “That’s right. You’ve no doubt seen her portrait in the lobby?”

  “She’s a demon?” The portrait he referred to was of a woman dressed in fashions about ten years out of date, including a short flapper skirt, rolled stockings, and strappy pumps. Blair had been drawn to her dark, intense eyes and sultry smile. She looked like a movie star.

  “Yes, she is. We…” Andras and Leo exchanged a glance before he continued. “We summoned her, to see if we could reverse the punishment. But it backfired because she wanted more from us than we were willing to give, so she placed a curse on all of us, and the punishment still stands.”

  “What did she want from you?”

  Leo snorted. “Our affections, if you will. Exclusivity. From all of us.”

  “Oh. I see.” And heaven forbid you give away your affections to one woman.

  “Blair, I can only imagine how this all must sound to you, but—”

  “No, Andras, you can’t, okay? You can’t imagine it. The two of you accused me of stealing which, by the way, I did not do. Then you used your angel magic or whatever it was to seduce me. You used me as part of your silly games and took something from me I can never have back.”

  “Blair, is that really what you think our night together was about?” Andras’s whisper cut straight through her pain and anger, but she mentally shook it away. She would not allow him the satisfaction of seeing how much he affected her.

  “I apologized to you for what we did, and I meant it.”

  “I’m sorry, too, Blair,” said Leo, his voice trembling. “And just for the record, last night meant more to me than just sex. A lot more. We never meant to hurt you. You’re just so…so damn beautiful. We got carried away.”

  Blair fought to maintain her composure, but it was almost impossible. Between the charged feeling the air had taken on and their combined scents, she felt light-headed. She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. “This is too much to take in. I need time to think.”

  She rose and walked toward the hall that led to Leo’s bedroom, but then stopped and turned to face them. Both men wore expressions of pain and guilt, and Blair blinked back tears. She was in deep here, in danger of falling head over heels in love with both men. She could not let that happen. They weren’t even men, were they? She was more confused than ever.

  “I can’t stay here.”

  Leo ros
e. “You have to. You have to stay with one of us. It’s safer that way.”

  She knew he was right, but she didn’t want to sleep in his bed any longer. “Then put me somewhere else, where you can both watch me or whatever it is you think you can do to ward off Frankie and his men.”

  Andras and Leo both came to stand beside her, and Blair took a deep breath to clear her head, but all it did was let in more of their combined scents.

  “Blair,” said Andras, reaching to touch her face. She closed her eyes and tried not to feel the arousal coursing through her body. “Frankie and his goons can’t touch you as long as you’re with us.”

  “You can sleep in one of the other bedrooms,” said Leo. “I’ll have your things from your room in the staff wing brought here. Andras’s suite is just across the hall. This way we’ll both be close.”

  When she opened her eyes again, it was to see a dark look pass between the two. When Andras finally spoke, his voice held an edge. “Then I’m moving into your suite as well, so both of us are here with her at all times.”

  “Suit yourself,” said Leo.

  “Stop it,” she said. “You two sound like kids on a playground, fighting over a piece of candy.”

  Neither one responded, but at least they broke eye contact. “What about my housekeeping duties? I need to return to work.”

  “Don’t worry about them,” said Andras. “We don’t want you out of our sight for now.”

  “Come on,” said Leo, placing his hand on Blair’s lower back. “I’ll show you where the other bedrooms are.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Leo made arrangements for Blair’s things to be brought to one of the bedrooms in his suite. She’d chosen the bedroom on the other side of the sitting room, away from the hallway leading to his room, and the room that was now Andras’s. It broke his heart to realize she wanted nothing to do with either of them now.

  He understood why. She thought they’d only been using her, playing a game like they’d done with so many other women. He’d wanted to try and explain that wasn’t how it was at all, but she’d shut right down. Andras had seen it happen as well. The two talked briefly about her reaction after Andras brought a few things over from his suite, and Blair had gone back to sleep.


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