Highlander Oath Of The Beast

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Highlander Oath Of The Beast Page 17

by Donna Fletcher

  “Regrets, wife?’

  Raven’s eyes went quick to her husband lying on his side, his hand stretched out to her.

  She went to him, though stopped before she got close enough for him to touch her, not trusting herself. She’d be distracted too easily if he touched her and while she would welcome that, she first needed to talk with him.

  “We need to talk,” she said, reluctantly keeping her distance.

  He lowered his outstretched hand. “I’ll ask again, regrets, wife?”

  “Never,” she said with a smile that confirmed her word as truth.

  Wolf bolted out of bed, yanked her shirt off her, without little protest from her, and had his wife up in his arms before she could make a fuss. Though, he realized if she had wanted to make a fuss there would have been no stopping her. He rushed them back into bed, tucking the covers around them and snuggling himself around her.

  “Talk,” he said, though he would rather make love to her.

  Raven felt his shaft hard with need pressing against her and that he ignored his need to let her talk touched her heart.

  “You gave me what I asked for, for me to trust you,” she said.

  “And do you trust me, wife?” he asked, her response far more important than he expected.

  “I never thought I’d say this, but I do trust you,” she assured him. And since you did as I asked, it’s time for me to do as you asked, confide in you as I do with my men, in essence be as truthful with you as I am with them.”

  It pleased him that she would honor her word without him reminding her of it. “I see the way you talk and whisper with them and that is something I want us to share. It’s part of trusting me and I trusting you.”

  “Then I will share something with you now that has troubled me” She paused a moment, thinking how the news she was about to share might affect their newly found closeness. She began cautiously. “Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to reach out to those who may be able to help me discover the truth.”

  His brow furrowed. “What truth? Tell me, for you have me curious and perhaps we can solve the problem together.”

  That was what she had hoped for and it relieved her to hear it. “I think it would be wise of us to do so, for I think someone manipulates us.”

  His eyes narrowed, causing his brow to knit tight. “Tell me,” he urged.

  “You remarked that I was the one who initiated the proposal that we wed, but I was told it was you who proposed it and that the King looked favorably on it.”

  He shook his head. “I never gave thought to such a proposal.”

  “Either did I,” Raven confessed. “But when presented with it, all I could think about was my brothers finally being free, since I feared it would take at least two more years of my thieving to get the money to free them both. And I worried they might not last that long.”

  The news troubled him and he didn’t think twice about sharing a secret of his own. “I’m going to tell you something, something that I was warned never to share with anyone. But with this news, I feel it is imperative I share it with you. However, you must give me your word that you will never share it with anyone. It stays between us.”

  Raven’s stomach turned with worry, sensing the manipulation she feared had far reaching tentacles. “You have my word.”

  “Your brothers were never part of my mercenary group.”

  Raven’s mouth dropped open in shock and it took her a moment to speak. “I don’t understand.” She shook her head. “It is common knowledge you have a large band of mercenaries.”

  “I do, but your brothers and other men from your clan didn’t join with mine. I don’t force men to join my group. Loyalty is never gained by force.”

  Her brow knit tight with question. “Then who did they fight for?”

  “Your King David, though it was not made known. As far as anyone was told, it was my mercenaries who fought.”

  She stared at him in complete shock.

  Wolf continued explaining. “When my king heard of my plans to regain land here that rightfully belonged to me, he made it clear that there were things he wanted me to do since he was in negotiations, though more dispute, with King David over land, including several isles, your King insisted belonged to Scotland. The dispute was causing considerable trouble and my king thought it imperative that I install myself firmly in the area. When he discovered my grandmother’s clan had once extended beyond Learmonth, he ordered me to lay claim to all of it.

  “To use in negotiations against King David,” she said, the reason becoming clearer.

  “I can’t say I argued against it. I was determined to regain the land that rightfully belonged to my grandmother’s clan and my king’s support made it that much easier.”

  “But how did my king wind up with my brothers and those men from the Clan MacKinnon?”

  “Actually, King David got not only the men from your clan but all the ones captured from the other clans I claimed. It was part of a proposal struck between your king and mine. King David needed men to fight for him, few wanted to take up sword for him especially on foreign shores. I didn’t object since I foolishly didn’t want my sister marrying your brother. I had other plans for her which I’m glad didn’t work out. Don’t get me wrong, Raven. My king’s plan only enforced mine and gave me opportunities that helped me succeed, so I made no objection to it.”

  Raven tried to comprehend all Wolf had said. “So the men who attacked my clan that day when my brother Royden lost his hand, they weren’t your men?”

  “Some of them were, but mostly they were the king’s men. I insisted that one of my men be in charge of at least one group of men taken by the king’s men. That way I would have someone who could keep me apprised of what went on. My king agreed. My man, Platt, kept me informed through the years and has returned home, since all the men from the various clans have been released. Thanks to you. Another stipulation you had wisely included in the proposal.”

  “That’s how you knew Brynjar had captured Arran. Platt informed you.”

  He eyed her suspiciously, though he should have known better. “How did you know about Arran’s capture?”

  She smiled cunningly. “I know more than you think.” Her brow suddenly creased in question wiping the smile from her face. “Why rescue Arran if he wasn’t one of yours?”

  “I’m beginning to realize you are a woman of vast knowledge,” he said, reminding himself to keep it in mind. “As for your brother, your King would have left him with Brynjar and Arran would have died. Oria would have hated me even more than she did if I allowed that to happen. Besides, Brynjar believed Arran was one of my mercenaries and to not retrieve what belonged to me would have been seen as a surrender. And that is something I do not do.”

  Raven thought on all he had said and what she knew, trying to make sense of it. Two powerful men—kings—had thought nothing of playing with their lives as if they were pieces in a game they maneuvered for fun.

  “Do you think it was one of the kings who manipulated us into marriage?” she asked.

  “Kings do nothing without a purpose. The question is does our marriage benefit either or both of the kings, if not, they’d have no purpose to see us wed.”

  “If not them, then who?” Raven asked more curious than ever as to who had been responsible for bringing them together.

  “A mystery to solve,” Wolf said. “Even more so the decision behind it. Was it intended to bring peace or was it intended to cause more discord and possibly instigate more battles and cause more lives to be lost?”

  Raven grabbed hold of his arm that lay over her waist. “Do you think Brynjar could have anything to do with it? He’s made it obvious he wants me dead. Could that have been his plan. Force us into a marriage, kill me, and start a war between our clans?”

  Wolf shook his head. “Anything is possible, though he would need to know a number of people here in Scotland to carry out such a plan and his contacts here are sorely limited.”

“Evil men exist all over and I found that evil attracts evil. Perhaps Brynjar found someone here as evil as him and with the desire for power and chaos.”

  Wolf kissed her gently. “Then it is good we have foiled his plans. My people and your people will now see that we care for each other and intend to build a good life together. And, no doubt,” —his hand went to rest on her stomach— “you will grow round with child soon enough, proving our intention.”

  Her hand drifted down to stroke his shaft. “Then you better get busy seeing that done.”

  “Keep touching me like that and my seed will wind up in your hand,” he cautioned.

  Her cunning smile returned. “A mighty warrior like you can’t contain himself?”

  His hand slipped between her legs. “How about we see who can contain themselves the longest?”

  Raven chuckled before kissing her husband. “We both know I’d be defeated, but I am willing to give it a try.”

  “You are a brave woman, Raven, more brave than I ever imagined, and I am lucky to have you as my wife.”

  Her stomach fluttered and her heart felt a joy that she had thought long dead, and when he kissed her, both sensations increased tenfold and at that moment she was certain she caught a glimpse of love.

  “I am not wearing this,” Raven said, shaking the garment at her husband who had just entered their bedchamber.

  “It will keep you warmer than your shirt and plaid,” he argued.

  “It’s long length will restrict my movements. I won’t wear it.” She tossed the garment on the bed. Her hands went to her hips and she sent him an accusing look. “Was that what it was meant to do?”

  It was a good thing his wife wore her shirt because if she was naked he’d rush her to their bed and enter her swiftly, he had such a need for her, a need that ached endlessly at him. The more they made love, which they had done throughout the day yesterday, the snowstorm keeping them inside, the more he desired her. They were definitely going to have many bairns.

  “You know me better than that,” he challenged. “My only thought was to see you kept warm.”

  Her husband had touched her heart far too often since yesterday and to her dismay she believed love was beginning to poke at her. Or was it fear that she would allow herself to love only to lose him and suffer loss once again?

  “As much as I don’t want to admit it,” she said with a twinkle in her eyes. “You’re right. Come over here to me and I’ll apologize properly.”

  Wolf laughed. “If I come over there, wife, we won’t be leaving this room for hours.”

  “I’m not eager to go out in the cold or tramp through the high snow.”

  “Pathways have been cleared with more to come,” he assured, trying more to persuade himself than her.

  “How does that stop me from being cold?” she challenged.

  He held up his hand and she thought he meant to silence her, then he turned and left the room and she understood he wanted her to remain there. She had no intentions of going anywhere except back to bed with her husband and not to sleep.

  She grew impatient while reminders of how he had made her feel last night growing her more and more aroused. Finally, the door opened and her husband entered with a bundle of furs, leather, and a dark wool shirt in his arms.

  “These will keep you warm,” he said and dropped them on the bed.” He pulled the dark wool shirt from the pile and held it out to her. “Put this on, it’s a heavier wool and will keep you warm.”

  Raven could tell he needed a little enticement and she walked over to him slowly.

  Wolf stretched his arm out, practically shoving the shirt in his wife’s face, not wanting her to get too close, not trusting what he might do.

  “There are things I must see to,” he said, wondering if he was reminding himself and not his wife.

  “Aye, there is something imperative you must see to.” She pushed his arm aside, grabbed him by the front of his shirt and dropped down on the bed, bringing him down on top of her. “Me. You need to see to me.” She kissed him gently, then settled her lips near his ear and whispered, “I ache for you.”

  He muttered something beneath his breath and Raven smiled, familiar with the foreign word Northmen used, though not in front of their women.

  “Make haste, husband,” she said and wrapped her legs around him.

  And he did what he had wanted to do ever since entering the room and seeing her standing in nothing more than her shirt, though haste wasn’t on his mind.

  “I want you naked,” he said, his hands going to her shirt and pushing it up, and she obliged yanking it over her head and tossing it aside.

  “You as well,” she urged and dropped her legs off him to free him to do just that.

  Wolf was fast, his shaft having grown too hard too fast. He leaned over her, letting his manhood linger teasingly between her legs while he rolled his tongue over one of her nipples then teased it with sharp, brief nips.

  “Not fair,” she said on a groan. “This was to be fast.”

  “I want more,” he said and poked at her entrance with his manhood as he rose up over her, his muscled arms straight and taut at her sides as he hovered over her. He dropped his head not to steal a kiss but to invade her mouth with a passion that stole her breath.

  Her mouth ached with pleasure, her nipples as well. Passion fired hot in her and she spread her legs in invitation. All she wanted was for him to plunge into her and make her scream with pleasure.

  “Stop tormenting me,” she warned, grabbing his forearms. “I was more than ready for you before you entered the room. Now see it done.”

  “Is that an order, wife?” he asked on a chuckle.

  “It’s a threat,” she warned and locked her legs around him, his shaft slipping slightly into her. Feeling him there, knowing the pleasure that awaited, she met his dark eyes. “I need to feel you inside me.”

  It was the need in her gorgeous blue eyes he saw and the plea in her voice that he heard that had him enter her swiftly. Her groans of passion had him sinking deeper and deeper into her and he could feel her pleasure grow along with his. Her grip grew tighter on his arms as she thrust up against him and her moans grew as well.

  She was as close as he was and he urged her on, wanting to join with her at that very moment when passion burst with a fury and pleasure rained down on them. He felt her body arch, her thrust filled with strength and he matched it slamming against her and they exploded together, both their roars ringing throughout the longhouse.

  He collapsed on top of her after every last bit of pleasure drained away and her arms went around him, hugging him tight.

  “You are the best husband,” she said and kissed his cheek repeatedly.

  He raised his head and she kissed his cheeks, his brow, and his bearded chin. “I’m glad I please you, wife.”

  “And you will please me often, right?” she asked and waited for him to answer as if it was the most important question she ever asked.

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “As often as you like and then some.”

  She grinned with glee and hugged him tighter.

  “I have duties to see to,” he reminded.

  “Since you saw to your most important duty, you can now go and see to the others,” she commanded reluctantly and released him, her arms dropping to her sides.

  Wolf bolted off the bed and reached down to yank her up into his arms. “Be careful, wife, my commands will want more from you.”

  She kissed his cheek. “I’m counting on it.”

  He released her hastily and stepped away from her. “Those words will echo in my head all day.”

  “Then be sure to do something about them. Now show me how to wear these garments.”

  Raven paid attention to how he wrapped the furs around her, from her shoulders to her legs and was impressed with the warmth that embraced her by the time he was done.

  “It feels good,” she said.

  Wolf looked her over and smiled. “It looks nat
ural on you and I’m proud to have you wear the garments of a Northman warrior.”

  Again he touched her heart, taking pride in her, something she never would have expected from him, but then he was nothing like the man she had assumed he would be.

  “Time to brave the cold,” he said, holding his hand out to her.

  They would brave more than the cold, since she didn’t have a doubt in her mind that people would see a difference in them, her men certainly would. But wasn’t it for the better? Their getting along meant peace in the area, something someone may not have intended to happen.

  The cold struck Raven as soon as she stepped outside, but she was pleased that her garments served as a good barrier against the sting of the cold and with Wolf’s hand gripped firmly around hers, it kept it toasty warm.

  The village was busy, men clearing pathways, women getting cookfires going, and children running in play. The heavy snowfall had done nothing to dampen the villagers’ spirits. It actually seemed to brighten them, perhaps reminding them of winter in their homeland.

  When they reached the center of the village, Wolf stopped and turned to face her. “I have duties I must see to. Your men, all but Fyn, have returned to their cottages, if you wish to spend time with them. I will find you when I am done.”

  Raven sensed what he intended to do next, kiss her in front of everyone so they would see she accepted him as her husband. She decided to change that. She hurried and threw her arms around his neck and kissed him before he could kiss her.

  His arms went around her, hugging her tight and like the mighty warrior he was, he took charge of the kiss, leaving Raven weak in the knees when it was over, not that she’d admit it. Nor did she need to, since he kept his arm around her waist longer than needed as if he knew his kiss had left her weak.


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