A World to Win
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proletariat, in antiquity the layer of society whose only task was considered to consist of having children in the best interests of the state (the armed forces), in modern times manual labourers in general and industrial workers in particular – 100, 11, 123ff, 169, 217, 238ff, 255, 297, 300, 305ff, 436, 515, 533
proletariat, dictatorship of, the idea that the working class, once it has seized power, must consolidate it through a brief dictatorship (similar to dictatorship in the ancient Roman republic) – 83, 530, 571, 592, 615, 623
Prometheus, Greek mythological figure, who against the will of the gods gave humanity fire and was therefore punished; for Marx, a symbol of both rebellion and progress – 72, 155, 237
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph (1809–65), French anarchist – 86, 113ff, 118, 124, 162f, 174, 181, 192, 197ff, 204ff, 212ff, 219, 225, 239, 263, 268, 206, 312, 349, 384, 523, 534, 540, 545, 549, 554f, 572, 582, 595, 623
Pushkin, Aleksandr (1799–1837), Russian poet – 201
quality and quantity – 485
Quesnay, François (1694–1774), French political economist and doctor – 418
Quetelet, Adolphe (1796–1874), Belgian statistician and astronomer – 29
von Racowitza, Janko (d. 1865), Romanian boyar, Lassalle’s assassin – 565
Rader, Melvin (1903–81), American philosopher – 637
von Ranke, Leopold (1795–1886), German historian – 62
Raspail, François-Vincent (1794–1878), French chemist and politician, radical leftist – 298, 320
ratio of surplus value, the relationship between constant and variable capital – 260, 370, 379, 400, 413–415, 421, 423, 430, 444f, 452, 457, 615, 617, 686, 696
Ray, Sibnarayan (1921–2008), Indian philosopher and pedagogue – 719
reactionary, representative of a political ideology that wants to recreate a previous historical phase; used above all for those who after 1815 wanted to reestablish the society that existed before the revolution of 1789 – 35, 41, 42, 52, 98, 120, 190, 234, 241, 258, 268, 317, 328, 621
Reichelt, Helmut (b. 1939), German political economist and sociologist – 428, 430, 432, 693, 697
Reitz, Edgar (b. 1932), German film director – 85
Renard, Antoine (1825–72), ironworker and opera tenor – 713
reserve army of labour, jobless workers – 416
revolution, the term – 21
revolution, political or social – 115, 119, 124, 164, 227, 339f, 580, 583
Rheinische Zeitung, newspaper published in Cologne in 1842–43; Marx published articles there; from October 1842 he was the editor-in-chief – 80–88, 92, 95, 98, 117, 126, 126, 136, 245, 247, 256, 528
Rheinische Zeitung, a newspaper published first in Düsseldorf, then in Cologne, 1863–74; no connection with the preceding – 402
von Ribbentrop, Adolf, active in the 1840s in London – 222, 664
Ricardo, David (1772–1823), British political economist – 30, 127ff, 135ff, 158ff, 207ff, 211ff, 230, 259, 348, 352, 354ff, 359, 363, 384, 391, 399, 425, 431, 443, 445, 460, 478, 535, 544, 570
right to work, proclaimed in 1848 – 298
Ripley, George (1802–80), American priest and journalist – 313, 339
Riazanov, David (1870–1938), Russian researcher of Marx – 573, 578, 606, 710
Ritter, Carl (1779–1859), German geographer – 474
Robert, Léopold (1794–35), Franco-Swiss painter – 110
de Robespierre, Maximilien (1758–94), French revolutionary – 34, 310f
Robin Hood, a legendary figure who was said to have been active in England in the 1200s, inspired by the idea of taking from the rich and giving to the poor; a popular motif in literature and film – 226
Robinson Crusoe, main character in Daniel Defoe’s novel of the same name, symbol for the idea that the private individuals can create the conditions of their lives on their own (‘Robinsonades’, in Marx’s term) – 206, 351, 412
Rohmer, Friedrich (1814–56), Swiss-German philosopher and politician – 187, 660
Roscher, Wilhelm (1817–94), German political economist – 519
Roscoe, Henry Ensfield (1833–1915), English chemist – 482ff
Rosdolsky, Roman (1898–1967), Ukrainian historian and economist – 345, 684
Rosenkranz, Albert, contemporary German priest – 645
Rossel, Louis (1844–71), French army officer, Communard and as such Minister of War – 554
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712–78), Franco-Swiss philosopher and author – 34, 79, 80, 118, 644f
Roy, Joseph (1830–1916), French teacher and translator – 404, 690
Rozental, Mark Moiseevich (1906–75), Soviet philosopher – 434
Rubel, Maximilien (1905–96), Austro-French Marx specialist – 9
Ruben, Peter (b. 1933), German philosopher – 432
Ruge, Arnold (1802–80), German writer and philosopher – 61f, 66, 73, 75, 79f, 82, 93f, 117, 120–125, 136, 304f, 338, 673
Russian Revolution of October 1917 – 36, 426, 555, 595, 609
Rütten, Joseph (1805–78), German publisher – 162
Said, Edward (1935–2003), Palestinian author and literary scholar – 329, 680
Saint-Beuve, Charles Augustin (1804–69), French literary critic, poet and politician – 108f
de Saint-Simon, Henri (1760–1825), French political thinker, socialist – 107, 110–114, 119, 139, 192, 239f, 240, 263, 582, 649f
Saint-Simonism, political movement with many ramifications, above all in France; inspired by the doctrines of Saint-Simon – 110, 649
Sand, George (pseudonym for Aurore Dudevant, 1804–76), French author – 108–110, 214, 649f
Sand, Karl (1795–1820), German liberal student executed for the murder of author August von Kotzebue – 65
Sartre, Jean-Paul (1905–80), French author and philosopher – 134, 585, 606, 653, 718, 723
Sasonov, Nikolai Ivanovich (1815–62), Russian journalist, active outside Russia, liberal – 530, 710
von Savigny, Friedrich Carl (1779–1861), German historian of law – 62
Say, Jean-Baptiste (1767–1832), French political economist, politician, and businessman – 107, 139
Sayer, Derek, contemporary British sociologist – 573, 717
Sepoy Mutiny, Indian rebellion 1857–58 against British colonial power – 364
Schaff, Adam (1913–2006), Polish philosopher – 134, 608
Schanz, Hans-Jørgen (b. 1948), Danish historian of ideas – 470, 727, 730
Schapper, Carl (or Karl, 1812–70), German workers’ leader, member of the Bund der Kommunisten, after the revolutions of 1848–49 an opponent of Marx but later reconciled in and with the International – 220, 251, 269, 293, 663
Scheutz, Georg (1785–1873), Swedish inventor, publisher, translator, and more – 211, 662
von Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph (1775–1854), German philosopher – 31, 62–64, 68, 71, 90, 93f, 126, 153, 182, 355, 359, 574, 643
Schieder, Wolfgang (b. 1935), German historian – 535, 546, 562, 581, 715f
Schiller, Friedrich (1759–1805), German poet and dramatist – 68, 82, 483, 564, 655
Schlegel, August Wilhelm (1767–1845), German author and translator – 49
Schlegel-Schelling, Caroline (1763–1809), German intellectual and translator – 293
Schleiden, Mattias Jakob (1804–81), German botanist – 29
Schleiermacher, Friedrich (1768–1834), German Protestant theologian and philosopher – 293
Schmidt, Alfred (1931–2012), German philosopher – 154, 656
Schmidt, Johann Caspar, see Stirner, Max
von Schmoller, Gustav (1838–1917), German political economist – 589, 718f
Schöler, Lina, teacher in Cologne and friend of Jenny Marx – 261, 670
Scholz, Roswitha (b. 1959), German journalist – 433, 686, 694
Schönberg, Arnold (1874–1951), Austrian composer – 453
Schönbein, Christian Friedrich (1799–1868) – 477, 478, 701
> Schorlemmer, Carl (1834–92), German organic chemist, close friend of Engels and Marx – 444, 469f, 481–486, 492f, 499, 587, 702–704
Schram, Stuart (1924–2012), American physicist, political scientist and China specialist – 723
Schramm, Conrad (1822–58), German journalist, revolutionary, close to Marx – 282, 293, 342, 683
Schultz, Wilhelm (1797–1860), German officer and radical journalist–137
Schumpeter, Joseph (1883–1950), Austro-German-American political economist and historian of economic thought – 521, 639, 709
Schwann, Theodor (1810–82), German physiologist – 29
Schwarzschild, Leopold (1891–1950), German sociologist and journalist – 611, 692, 723
von Schweitzer, Johann Baptist (1833–75), German social democratic agitator, newspaperman, and dramatist – 566, 567
Second (later Socialist) International – 588, 594, 623, 633
Seigel, Jerrold E. (b. 1936), American historian – 17, 57
Senior, Nassau William (1790–1864), British political economist – 444
Serraillier, Auguste (1840–after 1872), French shoemaker, active in the International and as a Communard in 1871 – 550, 554, 713
Service, Robert (b. 1947), British historian – 720f
Shakespeare, William (1564–1616), English dramatist and poet – 52, 82, 155f, 229, 237, 251, 283, 294, 325, 380, 619, 664
Shanin, Teodor (b. 1930), Polish-British sociologist – 29, 573f, 690, 709, 716f
von Sickingen, Franz (1481–1517), German soldier – 564, 715
Sieferle, Rolf Peter, contemporary German historian – 637
Sievers, Eduard Wilhelm (1820–94), German teacher, literary researcher and philosopher – 663
Sigurdson, Ola (b. 1966), Swedish theologian – 683
Silberner, Edmund (1910–85), central European historian – 136, 645f, 650, 653f
de Sismondi, Jean Charles Léonard (1773–1842), Swiss political economist and historian – 239
school, Marx’s ideas on – 461f, 625
Small, Robin, contemporary New Zealand pedagogue – 226, 699
Smith, Adam (1723–90), British political economist and philosopher – 30, 127f, 135, 139, 155, 158, 208, 239, 259, 409, 443, 644, 652f, 691
social anthropology, science of humanity as a social being in various cultures – 144, 387, 469, 473, 475, 507, 513, 523
social Darwinism, primarily American social theory according to which society as well develops through the struggle for existence – 28, 639
social democracy, term for a political movement that in various ways sought to unite socialism (or communism), from the name of a number of political parties in the 1860s – 19, 224, 291, 595, 568, 572, 583, 588f, 592, 594, 600, 604, 609, 671f
socialism, a political outlook according to which society as a whole best guarantees the security of groups and individuals – 6, passim
Socialist Laws (Gesetz gegen die gemeingefährlichen Bestrebungen der Sozialdemocratie), forbid social democratic parties and propaganda in Germany, 1879–1890 – 572, 591, 716
sociology, the systematic study of society as a whole and of the relation of individuals, groups and classes to each other – 29, 32, 127, 518, 614, 639, 655
Sophocles (c. 497–406 BCE), Greek author of tragedies – 46, 48
Sofri, Gianni (b. 1936), Italian political scientist – 385, 688
solidarity, legal and political term according to the maxim ‘one for all, and all for one’ – 24, 113, 254, 538, 627, 711
Sombart, Werner (1863–1941), German political economist and sociologist – 697
Soros, George (b. 1930), Hungarian-American financier – 2, 636
specialization, scientific, the process by which researcher obtain an increasingly limited field of competence – 30, 207, 429, 515f, 518, 708
Spencer, Herbert (1820–1903), British philosopher – 28, 32, 508, 517f, 707f
Sperber, Jonathan (b. 1952), American historian – 10, 183, 192, 287, 314, 398, 482, 637, 657, 659f, 667, 673, 677, 679, 682, 689
Spinoza, Baruch (1632–77), Dutch philosopher – 82, 117, 148, 164, 654, 657
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty (b. 1942), Indian philosopher and literary theorist – 386, 688
Sraffa, Piero (1898–1973), Italian-British political economist – 696f
Stalin, Josef (Iosif Dzhugashvili, 1878–1953), leader of the Soviet Union – 3, 385, 427, 515, 602–604, 609, 612, 623, 721f
Standing, Guy (b. 1948), British economist – 4, 636
Stedman Jones, Gareth (b. 1942), British political scientist – 482, 573, 665, 682, 695, 706f, 716
Steedman, Ian (b. 1941), British political economist – 697
Steffens, Henrik (or Heinrich, 1773–1845), Norwegian-German natural philosopher – 144, 474
vom Stein zum Altenstein, Karl (1757–1831), German (Prussian) politician, worked for political modernization of Prussia – 66
von Stein, Lorenz (1815–90), German political scientist – 581, 648
Stern, Daniel, see d’Agoult, Marie
Steuart, James (1712–80), British economist – 379
Stieber, Wilhelm (1818–82), Prussian chief of police – 270
Stirner, Max (pseudonym for Johann Caspar Schmidt, 1806–56), German philosopher – 61, 171, 180–185, 188–191, 656, 659f
Strauss, David Friedrich (1808–74), German theologian – 60, 643
Strindberg, August (1849–1912), Swedish author – 156, 231, 303, 573
subject and predicate in the logical sense – 95
substance, form and content – 205, 368, 409, 437–439, 597, 696
Sue, Eugène (1804–57), French author – 165
supernatural, society as something above nature (‘supernatural’) in relation to it – 439f, 569, 696
surplus value, the increase in value that labour achieves – 288, 343, 408, 417, 454ff, 462, 464, 472, 486f, 495, 670, 672, 723
Süssmayr, Franz Xavier (1766–1803), Austrian composer – 189
Sweezy, Paul (1910–2004), American political economist – 427, 446, 693, 696
Szeliga, see von Zychlinski
Tacitus, Publius Cornelius (55–120), Roman historian – 58
Taiping rebellion, a more or less popular uprising in China, 1850–64, directed against imperial power; crushed with the help of British and French troops, the rebellion is most likely the bloodiest war in history – 331
Tait, Peter Guthrie (1831–1901), British physicist – 476, 701
Tasso, Torquato (1544–95), Italian poet – 679
temporal single-system interpretation (TSSI), a successful interpretation (primarily in the United States) of Marx’s theory in Capital which implies that 1) entry and exit prices in production normally varies over time, and 2) value and price constitute a single system – 448
Teusch, Ulrich (b. 1958), German political scientist and journalist – 232, 276, 665, 671–673, 676
Theories of Labour Value (Theorien über den Mehrwert), the unfinished manuscript that Marx wrote on the history of the theory of labour value, which was to be included in the great project of Capital – 379, 452, 687
Therborn, Göran (b. 1941), Swedish sociologist – 3, 636, 693
Théroigne de Méricourt, Anne-Josèphe (1762–1813), French revolutionary – 35
Theses on Feuerbach, which Marx wrote early in 1845 – 174, 177, 347, 362, 428, 435f, 523, 607, 658
Thiers, Adolphe (1797–1877), French historian and politician, president of France 1871–73 – 555
Third (Communist) International (Comintern) – 624
Thomas, Paul, contemporary British-American political scientist – 183, 659
Thompson, E. P. (1824–93), British historian – 638, 665
Thomson, William, see Kelvin.
Tolain, Henri-Louis (1828–97), French engraver, member of the International, socialist close to Proudhon – 534, 710
totality, a complex context that can only be explained through theoretical work – 357, 358
, 359–365, 384, 390, 400, 403, 415, 417, 453, 455, 658, 685f
transformation problem, the question of how value is transformed into price in Marx’s economic theory – 381, 421, 430, 445–447, 449, 696f
Trémaux, Pierre (1818–95), French architect, orientalist, photographer and popular scientific author – 504f, 511, 706
Trotsky, Lev (1879–1940), Ukrainian-Soviet revolutionary, Stalin’s chief opponent – 453, 553, 586, 601, 604, 612, 714, 721
‘true socialism’, a socialist tendency among a number of German philosophers and journalists in the 1840s – 173, 179, 186, 191, 198, 217, 247, 660
Turgenev, Ivan (1818–83), Russian author – 245
Ulyanov, Vladimir, see Lenin
Ure, Andrew (1778–1857), British doctor and chemist, known for his Philosophy of Manufactures – 211f
Urquhart, David (1805–77), British diplomat and author, friend of Turkey – 327, 679
utopian mysticism, a current of thought that unites religiously mystical speculations with sociopolitical projects, with the intent of changing society into a new kingdom of God (Kurt Aspelin) – 120
utopian socialism – in the Communist Manifesto, the term for the ideas about the society of the future that Saint-Simon, Fourier, and others created – 148, 239, 263, 582, 666
Vaillant, Edouard (1840–1915), French socialist, follower of Blanqui, Communard – 562
Varoufakis, Yanis (b. 1961), Greek political economist and politician – 636
Varlin, Louis-Eugène (1839–71), French socialist, member of the International and Communard 1871 – 557, 714
Velicu, Adrian (b. 1949), Swedish historian of ideas – 231, 665
Verfremdung, see alienation
Verhältnis, in Hegel an internal relation (as between the organs in the body that can only function in their context), in contrast to Bezeihung, an external relation (as between individuals standing in line) – 210, 212, 361, 365, 390, 435, 662, 685
Vico, Giambattista (1668–1744), Italian historian, philosopher, and lawyer – 451
Victoria (1819–1901), British queen 1838–1901 – 315
Virchow, Rudolf (1821–1902), German doctor, pathologist, archeologist, and politician – 29, 272f, 639, 670f
Vogt, Carl (1817–95), German zoologist and politician – 530, 686
de Voltaire, François (b. Arouet, 1694–1778), French author and philosopher – 80