I spend a long while lubing myself up, wondering if the cameras are lingering on the sight of my fingers as they spread the slippery goo along my shaft. If not then, they certainly do when I turn my attentions to Darien’s arsehole, repeating the process there.
‘You want this, don’t you?’ I murmur into his ear, not caring whether I’ve pitched my voice at a level the microphones will pick up.
Darien barely hesitates before replying, ‘Yes.’
My finger pushes at his pucker, meeting only a token resistance. ‘Yes what?’
‘Yes, sir.’
Those words do deserve a wider hearing. ‘I can’t hear you.’
‘Yes, sir,’ he repeats, louder this time. That’s the moment I know I’m the champion. Darien has acquiesced to me; the most successful contestant in the history of the games finally conceding that he’s been mastered.
I drop my voice to a whisper, ensuring only he can hear. ‘Then let the real game begin.’
My finger probes deeper, exploring his tight, dark passage. As I feel him begin to relax, slowly opening up, I add a second finger. This isn’t what the audience might have been expecting; Darien’s tactics have never involved this kind of slow, almost loving build-up. Hard and rough, that’s the way he’s played it till now. But I want both of us to enjoy this, and forcing myself into a hole that’s not ready, even with the aid of lube, doesn’t get me off. Maybe they’ve cut to commercials, planning to come back when the serious fucking begins; I don’t care. All I know is that when I grasp Darien’s cock in my other hand, easing lube-sticky fingers up and down that fine, upstanding length, he groans.
‘God, Venness, that feels so good.’
‘You like that?’ I ask. His only reply is a nod and another groan, this one sounding like it’s wrenched from a place deep within him. ‘Yeah? Well, it’s going to feel even better when my cock slides into that hot, slick arse of yours.’
‘Don’t tease me,’ he begs. ‘Just do it. Fuck me. Fuck me, please, sir.’
What has happened to the dominant Darien from all the previous games? The man who fought and fucked without mercy; who took what – and who – he wanted? Vanquished and gone, it seems. Am I seeing the man’s true character, as he submits to my desires so willingly? Whether that’s the case – that he’s just been playing the part the games’ production company required of him all these years – or not, I’m revelling in the power I now have over him, power he has ceded up to me from the moment I brought him low and roped his wrists.
‘Are you sure?’ I ask, tormenting him with the slow back and forth motion of my wanking fingers. ‘Don’t you want to wait just a little longer?’
‘God, no!’ he blurts. ‘I need you inside me. Need to be fucked with that huge cock.’
The urgency in his tone sends a fierce jolt of desire through my body. My balls feel heavy with seed, and I know just where I want to discharge their potent load. I pull my fingers out of Darien’s hole, and guide my cock into place. He registers the sensation of something big seeking to enter him, and writhes in his bonds. But he’s not pulling away. Instead, he’s pushing his arse back at my helmet where it seeks to enter him, desperate to be filled.
One firm thrust, and I’m inside that clutching chute, caught in its tight, hot embrace. With short, stabbing movements of my hips I bury myself as far as I can, amazed at how much of my length Darien can take. My hand still grips Darien’s dick, and as I start to fuck him, it slides in the slick tunnel formed by my fingers, giving him all the stimulation he needs.
Even though I know millions are watching us at this moment, somehow it still feels like it’s just the two of us; me shunting hard into Darien’s arse, him bucking back, seeking to have even more of me inside him. Sweat gleams on the vast, muscled expanse of his back, and his breathing is as shallow and tortured as mine. The silent parkland resounds to the noise of our bodies slapping together, the grunts and moans and throaty exhortations from Darien for me to give him everything, shoot my load into his hungry arse.
Knowing this is the only chance I’ll ever have to fuck him, before he disappears into whatever life awaits the losers of this game, I want to make this last. But I can’t hold back a moment longer. Every nerve-ending feels like it’s screaming at me to give in to my orgasm. Pulling out so I can give the audience their money shot, even though I desire nothing more than to fill Darien with my spunk, I come instead over those firm arse cheeks, branding them with streaks of thick, hot come.
A few tugs of my fingers is all I can manage as post-orgasm languor threatens to overcome me, but they’re enough to make Darien come too, his seed jetting out to paint the rough ground at our feet. I cling to him, hearing his heaving sighs subside and his heartbeat slow, then I take charge of the situation, ready to bring my prize scalp home.
‘Thank you,’ he murmurs as I release him from his bondage. ‘For giving me my life back.’
‘I’m sorry?’ It’s not what I expected to hear from him, to say the least.
‘I’ve had a good run, but I’d decided it was time. The production company wanted me to come back for another year after this one, but I don’t need this any more. I’m set up for life as it is.’ The implications of what he’s saying must register on my face, because he laughs. ‘Come on, Venness, didn’t it occur to you when you pulled that stupid little stunt with your chain that I could have put up more of a fight if I’d wanted to?’
He stands, rubbing his wrists to ease the ache that’s built while they’ve been held in one position for so long, but he makes no move to dress. It’s another of the rules – the vanquished have to make their way out of the arena naked, just to complete their humiliation. Though for some reason I get the feeling Darien doesn’t mind that too much.
‘Believe me, you’re still a worthy champion. After all,’ he continues, tone almost thoughtful now, ‘for a guy of your size you’ve got a hell of an endowment. The audience is going to love watching you pound the losers’ arses with that thing.’
For the first time, I realise this isn’t over. Yes, I’ve defeated the mighty Darien and won the game, even if I’ve done it on his terms. But that’s only the beginning. They’ll want me back next year to defend my crown. I’ll be forced to chase down a group of hot, well-hung young men and fuck them all into submission if I want to win again. And I’ll get to find out what advantages are handed to the reigning champion to aid him in that process. Fox might be right; this game might well be fixed. But if it’s fixed in my favour, I think I’m going to enjoy playing by those rules.
Chocolates at the Sun Garden Hotel
by D.K. Jernigan
Traffic on 42nd Street began to open up, and a car pulled out of a space right in front of the hotel at just the right second. I parallel parked my delivery car with practiced efficiency, ignoring the assholes who felt that honking might encourage me to hurry out of their way.
The chocolates I was delivering to room 1436 of the Sun Garden were some of the best we sell. I may not be much more than a glorified delivery boy yet, but the confectioner I worked for was teaching me the ropes, and the cocoa-dusted truffles in the box I was carrying were some of the best. Ever.
I hopped out of the car, gathered up the correct box, and went straight to the bank of elevators on the far side of the lobby, nodding politely to the concierge as I walked by.
Outside the correct door, I gave my uniform a quick once-over, brushed out a wrinkle, and stood, fastening my best smile on my face and presenting the box before me as I knocked. I stood frozen that way for a long moment, and just before I would have raised my hand to knock again, the door cracked open. I bumped up the wattage on my smile and took a deep breath to announce my delivery when the sight of the man behind the door knocked the wind right out of my chest.
Everet, my boyfriend of three years, stood behind the door in all his naked glory, his gorgeously dark cock jutting out in an elegant sculpture of arousal and virility. I couldn’t suck enough air into my lungs and, as the bloo
d drained from my face, I thought I was going to faint.
‘This is how you break up with me?’ I whispered. I was conscious of the dozens of potential witnesses hiding behind the doors that lined the hall.
Everet’s face turned upside down as his saucy grin slid into shock and dismay. ‘God, no!’ He grabbed me by my shirt front and pulled me into the room, slamming the door behind us, and me into it, a second later. The breath I had started to draw huffed out of me again as the door, then Everet’s kiss, folded my lungs neatly shut.
‘This is how I get you all to myself for a whole afternoon,’ he purred against my neck, kissing his way from my collarbone to my earlobe and back again. Since most of my blood was already pooled in my stomach (after draining from my face a moment ago), it didn’t have far to go to get to my cock. I moaned and let my head drop back against the door, surrendering to the sensations. Everet zeroed in on my weakness – a spot just behind my ear – and my knees turned to water even as my cock pulsed harder.
‘You’re going to get me fired,’ I managed. I was still trying to wrap my head around the sudden reversal of fate that had sent me from despondent to horny in record time.
‘No, I’m not.’ He nipped at my earlobe. ‘Because I –’ nip ‘– called Ricardo –’ nip ‘– and arranged for a little surprise time off.’ He backed away and grinned broadly. ‘Surprise!’ Only someone who knew him as well as I did would have seen the apology in his eyes for the way his good deed had gone slightly awry.
‘What about the car? My deliveries –’ I began, not wanting to go down the road of responsibility, but knowing I had to.
‘He told me he’d send Sammi with the spare set of keys,’ Everet said, leading me toward the bed. ‘She’s probably already down there driving away. Which means you’re stuck with me …’
‘It’s her day off,’ I murmured, dazed with pleasure already. He ignored me.
He stopped in front of the bed, but, before he could so much as reach for my first button, I was on my knees, devouring his cock as if it were one of the chocolates that lay neglected where I had dropped them, just inside the door. Funny, I thought, I don’t remember letting them go. But for the moment his cock was all that mattered.
He moaned as I took him deep into my throat, swallowing around him as the smooth chocolate flesh slid over my tongue and past, into the back of my throat. I took one deep, steady breath, then held it as his cock moved deep enough to block my airway – until he was all the way inside me, groaning and rocking his hips into me. My face was buried in his wiry curls, and I eased back enough to breathe deeply, taking in his unique masculine scent mixed with the cocoa aroma that I carried with me.
Then I slid onto him again. The muscles of my throat contracted and squeezed as I swallowed, milking him and teasing him, suppressing my urge to cough or gag with practised will. It was sublime, feeling him in me that way, knowing that I was welcoming him in and giving him the gift of pleasure. His gasps and moans confirmed that I was hitting all the right buttons, and I resisted the urge to grin around his cock. Instead, I licked and teased with my tongue, making love to his shaft as my throat gripped and massaged his tip.
‘Stop it,’ he said. ‘I’m not ready.’ He leant back, but he was already standing against the bed, and couldn’t step back any farther. I was going to have to take a breath soon, anyway, but until I did … I sucked harder, making my whole mouth caress him. ‘Stop! I’m gonna come. Jonah!’
But it was too late for him. I eased back, sucking and caressing all the while, inhaling deeply through my nose as he cleared my throat. That meant that I could tease his tip with my tongue, flicking against the rim of his head and teasing at his slit. I was rewarded by a flood of salt and heat across my tongue, flowing down into my throat, and by Everet’s cry of pleasure as his orgasm took him. He threw back his head and cried out, and I didn’t let him go until his knees buckled and he sank to the bed, pulling his cock free of my mouth with the movement.
‘Damn it, Jonah, I wasn’t ready yet,’ he said, but he was smiling as he said it.
‘Seemed pretty ready to me,’ I answered with a cocky grin. He snorted and swatted at me, and I stood up and quickly shed my clothes as the combination of relief and arousal made me light-headed and giddy. ‘So, Sammi has my shift.’
‘Uh-huh,’ he answered. He’d flung an arm over his eyes and was breathing deeply, soaking in the pleasure, perhaps, or regaining his equilibrium for a second go. I took a moment to enjoy the sight of him limp with pleasure, his dark body stretched across the sheets, powerful muscles relaxed and gorgeous.
‘And I have the whole rest of the day off?’ I bent over him and licked a trail from his belly to one dark nipple, and he groaned in what I assumed was an affirmative. ‘Sneaky bastard,’ I teased. I bit down on his nipple, just hard enough to make him groan, and then got up and walked away. He grumbled a complaint at my retreat, but his tune changed a moment later when I returned with the box of chocolates and held one cocoa-dusted treat to his lips. He opened his mouth with a much happier sound, and his entire body reacted with pleasure when the chocolate melted in his mouth.
‘Holy shit, Jonah, this one of yours?’
‘I helped,’ I answered, ever modest. It was one of mine, though. Ricardo has supervised my efforts, but this particular batch had been my handiwork, and it was a fine bit of chocolate. I popped one into my own mouth and groaned as I bit down, the experience almost orgasmic as the bitter and the sweet blended perfectly on my tongue. My cock was hard, aching, and somehow the chocolate only intensified the erotic feelings coiling in my belly.
I bent over Everet again, helping him scoot his way up the bed as I climbed on top of him. ‘I want you,’ I said.
‘Of course you do.’
I shut him up with a kiss, hot enough to sear me to the core. He reached between us to circle my cock with his fist, pumping gently, and I moaned and rocked my hips in time to his attentions. His mouth tasted of cocoa and sugar, and our tongues twined and explored, lazy and content, even as our bodies told a different story of tension and need.
My body won the argument. My balls were tight against me, my cock rock-solid and fiery with demand. I shifted until I was between his legs, and reached for the little bottle of lube and the box of condoms Everet had left on the nightstand. Obviously my boy had come prepared … I knocked the box over in my haste but managed to snag one strip of condoms and tore one off, rolling it on in careful haste as Everet shifted and moaned, lifting his hips to offer himself to me.
‘Shit.’ I was so aroused that I could barely think – so ready for him that my cock burnt under my touch as I slicked myself with lube. ‘Shit, Ev, you look so good …’ Like my own personal gourmet chocolate – and I was about to eat him up.
My cock slid easily into his passage, and we both groaned as I thrust slowly into him, past his tight ring of muscles and deep, deep into his body, until the curls of my pubic hair tickled his ass. His cock stirred, not hard yet, but swelling as I rocked back and thrust deep within him again.
‘How do you want to do this?’ I asked, teasing him. I pulled out, slowly, slowly, and buried myself again just as slowly. ‘You want to take some time? Take it slow?’
‘God damn it, Jonah!’ Everet never wanted it slow. Everet wanted to be pounded into the mattress, and fucked until his teeth rattled. I pulled back again, still teasing, and he opened his eyes enough to glare at me. ‘Damn it, fuck me!’
‘You didn’t say please,’ I said. I pulled all the way out to tease my cock against his hole, making him growl with frustration before I pushed my way in again, penetrating him slowly.
He tried to push back against me, but I put a hand on his hips and held him at bay, keeping my pace teasing and torturous. To be honest, it was almost as torturous for me, but it was worth it to see him writhe and moan as he grew ever more desperate for me. Served him right for scaring me out of my mind, earlier.
But my desire for him was burning hot, and I wasn’t going t
o be able to hold off for ever, however satisfying it was to tease him.
‘Please! Fucking please, OK? Fuck me. Please, fuck me!’
It was all I needed to hear. I plunged forward, spearing him on my cock and thrusting deeply into him, again and again. He groaned beneath my assault, bringing his knees up for a better angle. My cock throbbed with the desire to let loose, but I held myself in check, forcing myself to take my time and enjoy every moment as I slammed into him.
He clenched around me, gripping me with his inner muscles and teasing me closer to the edge. My body responded, and I fisted my hands in the bedding, desperately holding back as Everet cried out beneath me.
‘Fuck! Yes!’
His eyes rolled back as he surrendered to the fierce sensations, and I gasped as I did the same, finally losing my grip on control. My balls tightened and pleasure washed through me, over me, drowning me as if a truffle had melted on my tongue, carrying me away in a flood of endorphins and a rush of adrenaline. Fuck. Yes.
I eased back from him a moment later and got rid of the condom. When I returned, I placed another truffle against his lips, and he sucked it into his mouth, sighing in pleasure. ‘All day, you said?’ I asked him. At that point it was bravado, since I was fucking exhausted, but if we had all day …
Everet gave a chuckle. ‘We’ve got a Jacuzzi in the bathroom,’ he murmured without opening his eyes. ‘And I’m almost ready for round two.’
I wrapped my hand around his thickening cock as I curled close against his body. ‘So you are.’ All day …
The Age of Indolence
by Lynn Lake
I knew I was in for quite an evening when the four young men greeted me at the front door of my friend’s home and promptly stripped off my clothes. They were starkly naked, themselves.
‘Clive, how good to see you!’ my friend, Bertrand Toddy, exclaimed, rushing out of the parlour to warmly clasp my hand in his. His lips found mine, as well, wet and writhing.
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