Dark Euphoria

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Dark Euphoria Page 8

by Ronica Black

  “Perhaps she had nothing to do with it.”

  “She’s a part of them. She’s responsible.”

  Nadine straightened the magazines and the remaining coloring books on the coffee table. She put away the crayons and wiped down the glass. “The way you spoke to her on the phone, maybe she got the message loud and clear.”

  Avery scoffed. “I actually held back on the phone.”

  Nadine straightened. Her soft, kind eyes scanned Avery’s face. “You should go to bed. Start anew tomorrow.”

  Nadine had always been more like a mother figure to her than housekeeper. She’d been there for her through thick and thin and rarely did she agree with Avery’s behavior. But she stayed and cared for her regardless. Avery loved her for that.

  The phone rang, and Nadine hurried to the wet bar and answered while studying the security monitor. Avery nursed her bourbon and blinked sleep away. She wasn’t up for visitors, even if it was Lana or one of her other lovers. She wasn’t in the mood. She’d probably sit and drink until she passed out on the couch. She’d awake in the morning with that fleece throw covering her, Nadine’s doing.

  “Tell Lana I’m not in the mood.” The ice in her glass clinked as she swirled her drink.

  Nadine rounded the sofa and hurried from the room. When she returned moments later, a figure shadowed her.

  “Avery, Detective Diaz is here to see you.”

  Avery sat up straighter as Diaz came into view. She was wearing dark jeans and a form-fitting collared shirt. Her hair was down in shiny chestnut waves.

  “May I get you a drink, Detective?” Nadine asked. She gave Avery a look to let her know she was being rude by not welcoming her.

  “No, thank you,” Maria said. She pointed to the sofa across from Avery. “May I?”

  Avery forced herself to speak. “Of course, please.”

  “I’ll say good night then.” Nadine touched Avery’s shoulder. Avery thanked her and bid her good night with the squeeze of her hand. When they were alone, Avery had to pull her eyes away from Maria in order to remind herself that she was upset.

  “You’re late,” she said, crossing her legs. “Hours I’ve been waiting.”

  Maria didn’t look fazed. “I apologize. I’ve been caught up in the investigation.”

  “Could’ve called to let me know. That would’ve been the polite thing to do.”

  Maria cocked her head. “Why exactly am I here, Ms. Ashland? You said something about the press disrupting you today?”

  Avery deposited her glass on the coffee table. “They ambushed me and scared the hell out of my nieces.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  Avery laughed. “I don’t think you understand. They referred to me as a murderer. In front of children.”

  Maria threaded her fingers together and remained poised. “What exactly would you like me to do about it?”

  Avery began to shout but bit her tongue. When she spoke, she shook with barely harbored control. “For starters, I’d like to know why my name was leaked to the press to begin with. Secondly, I’d like an apology. And finally, I’d like reassurance that it won’t happen again.”

  Maria chuckled with what seemed like amusement. “You are considered a suspect, Ms. Ashland. And until you further cooperate or we clear you, you will remain as such. As for an apology, I’m not sure what I’d be apologizing for. And as far as reassurance…I don’t control the press. They’re going to go where the story is, and right now that seems to be you.”

  “Me?” She threw up her hands. “Don’t you have any other people you’re looking into? I mean, my God, Hale Medley was an asshole times two. Surely there are more people out there that wanted him dead.” She clamped her mouth shut as she realized what she’d said. Frustrated, she rose to go to the wet bar where she made herself another drink.

  “So you admit you wanted him dead.”

  Avery drank and squeezed the tumbler so hard she thought it would shatter. “I’m sure I’m not the only one.”

  “You never did tell me your whereabouts on the night of the thirteenth. Care to share that information now?”

  “My God. You’re really playing the cold bitch tonight, aren’t you?”

  Maria smiled, but it wasn’t friendly. “I’ve tried to be nice. It hasn’t gotten me very far.”

  “I see. Can I get you a drink? Scotch? Surely you drink. You can’t always be such a tight-ass.”

  “Your alibi, Ms. Ashland. That is, if you have one.”

  “She was with me,” a voice came from the shadow of the entryway. Avery swallowed hard as Lana Gold stepped into the light. She offered Maria a sarcastic smile, and then crossed to Avery.

  “Hey, baby.” She leaned across the bar and kissed Avery on the lips. When she lingered, Avery let her, hoping Maria was getting an eye full.

  “And you are?”

  Lana crossed back to the sofa. “Lana Gold.”

  “Lana’s an old friend,” Avery said, following her. She and Lana sat across from Maria and Lana placed her hand on Avery’s thigh. Avery grinned and sipped her drink as Maria rubbed her palms on her jeans. “We go way back. Don’t we, darling?”


  “And where were you on the night in question?” Maria sounded short, irritated.

  Lana answered. “We were at my place. All night.”

  Maria looked to Avery and Avery nodded.

  “We’ll have to look into that,” Maria said.

  “I’m sure you’ll do a thorough job, Detective Diaz,” Avery said. “After all, I know you won’t waste any time having any actual fun between now and then.”

  Maria shook her head and laughed softly. “Not when there is a killer on the loose. But like you say, you wouldn’t know anything about that now, would you?” She looked to Lana. “Ms. Gold, did you know our victim. Hale Medley?”

  Lana shifted slightly. “I’d met him once or twice.”

  “Once or twice? Where?”

  “Here. At Euphoria.”

  “What did you think of him?”

  She laughed, but Avery could tell she was growing uncomfortable. “I’m sorry, am I a suspect or something?”

  “I’m just doing my job, Ms. Gold.”

  Lana took a deep breath and brushed her hair back. “Well, I think I have to insist that you speak to my attorney if you have any further questions for me.”

  “I just might do that,” Maria said. “Especially if I found out that you despised Mr. Medley as much as your friend here.”

  “I hardly knew the man. Just in passing really.”

  “Then I’m sure you’ll cooperate fully at another time.” She stood and tossed her card on the table. “The quicker we can clear you, the quicker we can move on. And I know you want us to move on.” She aimed a look at Avery.

  “I’ll see you out,” Avery said, crossing to her. She led her back down the hallway to the elevator. “As always, it was a pleasure to see you, Detective.”

  “Likewise.” She turned before she pushed the button. “I’ll send a car for you tomorrow so you can come to the station to finish with our questions.”

  Avery stared at her in disbelief. “Excuse me?”

  “I’m not playing games, Ms. Ashland.”

  Avery saw the deep seriousness in her dark eyes. The fiery spark of determination. It caused her skin to heat and her bones to turn to concrete. She stepped toward her.

  “Watch your step, Detective. I’m not always so nice.” She smiled and leaned into her, inches away from placing her lips on hers. “I can play rough. Just ask Hale.”

  Maria didn’t flinch, didn’t move. “I can’t exactly do that, now can I?”

  Avery laughed. “Good night, Detective.”

  Maria stared into her eyes for another moment. “I am sorry yours was so…disturbing.” She turned and pressed the button and Avery stood steaming. She wanted to tell her to fuck off, to go to hell, but it would get her nowhere and Maria would win getting to her like that.

p; Instead she watched her step in the elevator and face off. Avery smiled as the doors closed, then she stomped back down the hall and into her penthouse. She slammed the door and locked it and found Lana waiting for her by the sofa.

  “Relax, she doesn’t know anything.”

  Avery continued on into her bedroom. Lana followed. “No, then why am I their number one suspect?”

  She tore off her clothes, not caring when a couple of buttons popped.

  “Because they don’t know anything, that’s why. They’re reaching in the dark.”

  “They need to stop.” She turned on the bath and stripped out of her bra and matching panties.

  “They will.”


  She crossed her arms and waited for her bath. Lana came up behind her and wrapped her arms around her. “Give them what they want and they’ll leave you alone.” She kissed her shoulder.

  “I don’t think I can. And what if they find out you lied tonight? Then what?”

  “They won’t.” She kissed her other shoulder. “Now relax.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Then let me help you.” She turned her and lowered to her knees. She placed delicate kisses along her upper thighs, and then traced her hot tongue up into her folds. Avery sighed and gripped her head as Lana swirled her tongue and focused on her growing clit.

  “Oh, God.” Avery craned her neck and moaned toward the ceiling. The room filled with steam, and she held fast to Lana and widened her stance, allowing her more access to her aching flesh. “That’s it, baby. Yes, lick me. Lick me so good.” She came in silence, her body straining and writhing against Lana. When the last of the spasms left her, she cried out as if her voice were already spent. She breathed heavily into the steam and closed her eyes. When she opened them, she saw Maria walking toward her, untying a robe. She smiled and reached out for her. But it was Lana who fell into her arms.

  Maria Diaz was still unattainable.

  Chapter Ten

  Maria threw down her chopsticks and ran a hand through her hair.

  “What?” Finley’s mouth was full and a grease stain marked his chin. If he knew, he didn’t seem to care.

  “These pot stickers.”

  “They gross?”

  She pushed the Chinese take away carton away. “Yes.”

  Finley swallowed. “They’re your favorite.”

  She sipped her Diet Dew. “I know. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

  Finley pushed his Mongolian beef her way. “Here, try mine.”

  She pinched a piece and chewed. She cocked her head and grabbed her chopsticks. When they shook in her hand, she threw them down again and reached for a plastic fork. Finley chewed on and she took a bite, knowing he’d seen her shake.

  “You ever gonna do anything about that?”

  Maria lifted a shoulder. She didn’t look at him.

  “I’ll tell the sarge.”

  “No, you won’t.” She lifted her gaze. “Because it would fuck up this case, and we can’t afford to fuck up this case.”

  “Just tell me, is it something bad? Is it serious?”

  “I don’t know, Fins.”

  He smacked the table. “Damn it, Diaz, you’ve got to see someone.”

  When she didn’t respond, he took her fork from her.

  “I did, okay? I saw my doctor.”

  His eyes widened. “And?”

  “He’s wants to run some tests.”

  Finley swallowed some more, then dug around in another carton for rice. “What kind of tests?”

  “An MRI.”

  “Let me guess. You have yet to get it done.”

  Maria didn’t answer; she just pushed the beef away and finished half her drink. She’d been running on caffeine for two days straight.

  “Take the morning off and get it done.”

  “I have to make an appointment.”

  “Then do it. And take time off.”

  He was searching her eyes as if desperate to get through to her. She finally caved.

  “I’ll do it.”

  He smiled. “Thanks.” He sat back and belched softly, then bit into an overdone egg roll. He chewed loudly, took another bite, and then tossed the remainder in the rice carton.

  “That hit the spot.”

  “Wish I could say the same.”

  He held up the remaining egg roll and raised an eyebrow at her. She waved it off.

  “I give up for this evening.”

  He shrugged and stuffed the entire egg roll in his mouth. She stared at him in disbelief.

  “It’s a wonder your wife lets you out of the house.” She handed him a slew of paper napkins and watched as he finished and cleaned himself.

  “You done now? Or do you want to inhale what’s left of the pot stickers?”

  He shook his head but tossed her a fortune cookie instead. She didn’t open it, just pushed it aside, preferring to focus on the case rather than her so-called future or any corny advice the cookie was sure to give her.

  She preferred to make her own way, depend on herself. But truth be told, she was a little anxious in thinking about the near future so much so that she couldn’t even take looking at a damn fortune in a cookie.

  Finley, however, read his own in a loud, announcer-like voice.

  “Distant lands await you.” He threw it aside. “Sounds good to me. I could go for escaping this hellhole for a while.”

  “Please, you wouldn’t leave this case if you were offered a free trip to paradise.”

  “True. There’s just something about unfinished business.”

  They cleared the desks of trash and retrieved their tablets and files. Maria rolled her chair closer to her desk and rubbed her eyes from the strain of the harsh fluorescent lights. She’d long ago replaced her contact lenses with her glasses, but her eyes still begged for mercy.

  “Why don’t you go on home and get some rest?” Finley said, rolling his chair back up to face her at his own desk. “I got this.”

  “Not with the way the sarge is riding us. No time to take a break.” They’d been tiptoeing around him, trying to avoid his nasty temper and unwavering impatience. They were responsible for Ashland, and he wanted her in custody yesterday. He didn’t like to play footsie with suspects because he was old school and didn’t like the whole behavioral science approach to things. He wanted her dragged in and questioned for hours upon hours until she confessed. He believed she was guilty, and once he believed that, very little could give him pause and force him to reevaluate. His way got things done, yes, but on the off chance he was wrong, they were screwed.

  “I told Ashland I was sending a car for her. I think we should do it.”

  “Yeah? She shit her pants?”

  “Pretty much.”

  He swiped his tablet awake and focused. “Lana Gold.” He whistled. “She’s a looker.” He rubbed his chin.

  “We need to get her in here, run some prints off a soda can just to see what pops up.”

  “What about the footage from the night of the murder? We get that yet?” They had subpoenaed surveillance footage from both Euphoria and Lana Gold’s condo complex. So far, the Euphoria tapes were mysteriously screwed up, but they had their fingers crossed on the ones from Lana’s place.

  “Not yet.”

  “There’s no way Ashland was at Lana’s. She prefers to stay on her own turf when visiting with her lovers.”

  “She still calling you?” Finley asked.

  “Yes. At least four times a day.”

  He laughed. “I think you finally figured out how to play her.”

  “I know and I think it’s driving her insane. Which is why when I do call her, I think I should ask her to come down here if she wants to talk. Keep my edge.”


  She had no idea what Ashland wanted with her, but she wasn’t about to continue to react to her every qualm. Ashland was used to people doing so, but Maria wasn’t one of her lovestruck women or wannabe suitors.

  “The sarge would seriously have a coronary if he knew you were putting her off like this.”

  “Yes, well what the sarge doesn’t know won’t hurt him. Besides we both know as soon as we get that footage she’s toast.”

  Finley switched over to his laptop and chewed on the straw from his soda. Maria checked her email, hoping to have a forensics report on the wallet they’d been waiting patiently for. Finley had been riding them so hard about it they’d begun to call him “Jockey.” She opened an urgent email from Ken Sing in forensics. She scanned it quickly.



  “We got something.” She stood and rounded his desk with her tablet. “Kenny found a photo in Hale’s wallet.” She zoomed on the photo of Hale and Ashland arm in arm in their younger years at what appeared to be a ball.

  “There’s a target drawn on his face.”

  “Yes, and look at what’s written on the back.” She zoomed in once again. It was a phrase in Latin along with the dark dusting of a fingerprint. “The phrase means To the depths of Hell I will send you. And the fingerprint belongs to Avery Ashland, along with traces of Hale’s blood and an unknown female. Dollars to donuts it’s Ashland’s.”

  Finley grabbed her tablet and stared as if it had physically struck him. “Holy Christ. This is a fucking calling card.”

  “I know.”

  “Even if it was planted, we get to use it to our advantage. We get to use it to get her ass in here.”

  She smiled. “God, if I wasn’t so tired, I’d do a damn dance.”

  He smacked the desk and tore off his eyeglasses. “We got her ass now, Maria. She has no choice but to answer to this.”

  “Her prints weren’t on the wallet, but…” She took her tablet and shut it off for the evening. “Kenny said he’s still waiting on the DNA results from her cigarette butt to compare to the blood on the photo.”

  “Thank God I thought to take that little ol’ cigarette,” Finley said.

  “And…guess who studied Latin in boarding school and college?” Maria had spent the past three days delving into Ashland’s past. She’d been fascinated and caught up in it as if it were a best-selling novel.


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