Within Six Months (A Wild Roses Novel Book 1)

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Within Six Months (A Wild Roses Novel Book 1) Page 13

by Cleo Scornavacca

  “Now, you've really lost me. If she was so insecure, then how did she build up such a successful pastry shoppe? I’m not sure how Jade could be so shy, yet so determined, as you say.”

  “Easy…her feelings of insecurity made her accomplish more. She was determined to be in control of all that she did so nothing would be a surprise to her any longer.” The more Blaze revealed about Jade, the more conflicted I became.

  “Well, not the best way to live.”

  “For Jade to move forward, it was the only way. She has always loved Long Beach Island. Unlike the rest of us who have either grown up here and left to work in the big city or like Damien, who only spent summers and holidays here, Jade knows the shore as her home. Even when she worked in New York, she made sure to commute home regularly. She hated being in the city. She did it for Damien, but ask Jade and even she’ll tell you that she would rather take the surf over success any day.”

  “Sounds like my kind of girl,” I added, and all of us smiled.

  Blaze nodded and continued.

  “Like I had said before, Jimmy was an over-achiever, but not the type that had to work hard at it. It came naturally for him. Yet, once he had the surfing accident in California that all changed. He had to answer to others. His time was managed by the people at the Center. Daniel can attest to the fact that you live on a schedule that is customized to your own needs, but you don’t have the freedom you would have if you weren’t a resident there,” She stopped and Daniel continued.

  “It’s true. When you become a patient at the Center, you need help with your daily rituals. You're monitored constantly. It may seem overwhelming, but that is the job of the medical staff there. You have no choice but to follow their rules.”

  “Daniel, you seem to have adapted well. You live on your own and teach. It doesn’t appear that you’re being run by the Center.”

  “You’re right, I’m not. You have to remember I’ve lived there my entire life. It’s what I know, and I have adapted well, but I must agree with Blaze, I don’t think Jimmy ever did.”

  “Before, you hinted at the fact that you believed he would have killed himself regardless of Courtney. Does Jade believe that as well?” I directed my question to Blaze.

  “It’s hard to say, but I don’t think Jade would allow herself to accept the fact that Jimmy would have died that day no matter what.”


  “Because it’s easier to blame Courtney for Jimmy’s death than it is to accept the fact that her perfect brother had demons. Believe me, I do think Courtney was partially to blame, but at the end, Jimmy wasn't a fraction of the man he was before the accident. That’s why she’s built the life she has here on the island.”

  “She’s playing it safe.”

  Blaze nodded.

  “Yeah, well, she has been playing it safe since she and Damien broke it off, but since you've moved in next door, I’ve seen a side of Jade in the last two days that I hadn’t seen in a very long time.”

  “Which is?” I asked.

  “She smiles when she’s around you. She was completely spontaneous when she told Reece that you were her boyfriend, and that kiss this morning…Jade would never have done something so playful, so easily with someone she just met.” What Blaze now revealed made me feel good to know that Jade was comfortable with me, but what it also revealed was that I had to proceed with caution if I wanted to get to know her better.

  Blaze realized she needed to leave and check up on Reece…more like deal with him. As she walked to the door, she stopped short of walking out. Her hand smacked the doorframe and she stalled there for a moment, before turning around to release a confession of sorts.

  “Tommy, I hope you and Daniel both understand that I love Jade with everything I hold dear to me. It may have seemed like I just betrayed her confidence, but I’m worried about her and when I see her act the way she has around you in such a short time as I stated before, it gives me hope that the person Jade was before Jimmy’s death and before the incident with Damien and Courtney, will come back to us again.”

  Walking over to Blaze, I wanted to give her a sense of relief that what she told me would stay between the three of us.

  “Listen…you don't know me and honestly, you don't owe me an explanation. I could tell from your story of what happened to her that you care very deeply for her and want her to be okay. So, I’m here to tell you that I won't cause any further stress on her. Since we’re being honest…I, myself, am drawn to Jade, but I realize we just met and whether it be a friendship or more than that, all of it takes time. I promise you and Daniel, I won't do anything to hurt her. Even if that means backing away and just being the friendly neighbor.”

  “Okay…” She stopped and then turned to say one more thing. “Oh, and you're welcome by the way. I’m the one that got the papers processed for you to buy the house.” She laughed revealing her part in this.

  “Wait… you were the one?”

  She nodded.

  “Viv told me it was through a friend she got the sale through without Jade knowing. I just thought it was friends of her parents, but it was you?”

  “Guilty…so let's keep this between us because if Jade finds out the truth just yet, we’ll all be out on the street.”

  Blaze disappeared out my door. I hated lying to Jade about the house, now knowing Blaze was directly involved in the sale didn’t ease my worry in any way. Yet, I appreciated she took me into her confidence about the house and Jade and gave me her opinions on what affected Jade’s decisions for her future, namely her love life.

  Daniel and I talked some more. I hoped I allayed some of his concerns about my interest to pursue Jade. It seemed by the end of the conversation that I had.

  At that point, we both agreed that we had stayed in this house for far too long. Daniel and I got our suits on so that we could head over to the end of the island where I could surf, and Daniel could take in the sun to work on his tan.

  The conversation decidedly postponed my visit to Jade’s shoppe. I realized after talking with Blaze and Daniel, I needed to not run headfirst into the proverbial brick wall, as Daniel put it. I’d slow down and not appear too pushy, but I had to admit, I was completely drawn to her and I wasn’t sure how long I could keep my promise to steer clear. For now, and for the sake of everyone involved, I knew I had to do my best to strictly remain friends with her and nothing more.


  AS PROMISED, I avoided Jade for most of the weekend. Daniel and I went to the surfing beach each day, this morning included. On Saturday and Sunday night, Daniel and I tried two of the restaurants Viv had suggested. They both had great seafood. One had a deck that overlooked the bay, and the other one had a huge patio with a built-in pool on the oceanfront.

  The place on the bay was very mellow. The music playing was typical of lounge music and old standards, such as Frank Sinatra and Tony Bennett. I had to admit, Daniel was a complete chick magnet. They were all over him and he loved every minute of it.

  “I don’t know how you do it,” I said on the ride back to the house.

  “Do what?” Daniel asked as he seemed intrigued by my statement.

  “Attract so many beautiful women in such a short period of time.”

  “It’s the wheelchair,” he grinned.

  “Stop joking.” I smirked, but truthfully Daniel was completely comfortable with who he was and how he dealt with his condition. He never seemed awkward and because of that, people were drawn to him.

  “Who’s joking? Let’s face it, it’s a conversation starter.”

  We both laughed as I drove down the boulevard, heading home for the evening.

  Once I helped Daniel up the stairs, he headed inside to his room to change into sweats. He agreed he would meet me on the deck shortly to enjoy a few cold beers.

  As I waited for Daniel and enjoyed my first drink, I could hear what sounded like voices coming from the alley between my house and Jade’s. The voices faded, so I assumed it could have be
en the ocean breeze carrying a conversation from one of the other homes nearby.

  Within seconds, I was proven wrong, as the voices seemed closer and elevated.

  “You just can't leave it alone and respect my wishes, can you?” Jade snapped.

  “Jade, I do respect your wishes, but I also know you have your pride…and even if you wanted to try again with my son, that pride would stop you. Look at it this way, I’m giving you a way to get back with Damien and come home, where you belong.”

  “Reece, what are you talking about? I am home. This is my home and I couldn't be happier.” Jade said, irritated, as two sets of footsteps ascended the stairs on her deck. The first pair was her’s and the second was that of Reece Montgomery.

  “What I mean by that is this…you and I both know you are not in a relationship with that photographer Tommy Conte. It was all a facade to hide the fact that you’re bothered by Damien and Courtney being back here on the island while I recuperate.”

  A loud quick, sharp laugh escaped her lips.

  “You are completely delusional. I’m dating Tommy and we are starting a new relationship together whether you like it or not.” I had to grin when she said we were dating. Although it was a complete lie, it rolled off Jade’s tongue as the truth and it was for a good cause, especially if it kept Reece Montgomery out of Jade’s life.

  “Well, I don’t. He’s not good enough for you.”

  Fumbling with the lock, Jade opened her door and stepped in just far enough to block Reece from going any further.

  “How dare you tell me what’s good for me and what’s not. How would you know anyway? Your son was supposed to be good enough for me and we see how he turned out.”

  “Jade, he made a terrible mistake.”

  “No, Reece…he made a permanent one. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m done listening to your bullshit.”

  “Please listen to reason.”

  “I won't listen to anything else you have to say on this subject. And why did you come here anyway? Blaze headed back to the city to meet with clients. There’s no reason for you to be on my doorstep. Now go!” Jade bellowed, but Reece stood his ground.

  That guy was a real prick. My decision to sit here and stay out of it ended. I couldn’t let him malign Jade, or me, for that matter. I left my beer on the table, headed down my stairs, and up Jade’s. As I came around the corner to the front deck where both she and Reece were standing, their heads were already turned in my direction from the sound of my footsteps.

  Without thinking, I pushed between Reece and Jade, placing my hand on the side of her face and drawing her lips to mine. Insult and anger that Reece incited drove my actions. Thinking clearly wasn't part of the equation.

  Fuck him! I am good enough for Jade.

  “Hey, baby, how was your day?” I asked, as I broke our kiss with a closed-lipped smile and a wink, which was unobserved by Reece.

  She surprised me completely with an almost identical gesture. Touching my face, her eyes went from my focus to my lips, as she slowly leaned forward to reciprocate my kiss to her. Her plump mouth pressed gently to mine, pausing there briefly before speaking. She pulled back, but not too far. She mouthed the words ‘thank you’ as not to let Reece hear her, but then she spoke up loud and clear. “It’s much better now that you're here.” She disclosed as she stepped back outside and into my arms and we turned in unison to face Reece.

  “I guess this conversation is over, isn’t it Reece?” Jade waited for a response from her unwelcome guest.

  “For now, yes, we’re done here.” Reece turned to walk away but turned back to add one more thing.

  “I almost forgot. I did want to extend an invite to you and Mr. Conte.”

  “An invite for what, Reece?” Jade’s patience was all but diminished.

  “I’m having a celebration of sorts. Let’s call it my new lease on life party.”

  “You have to be joking?” Jade moved forward with crossed arms.

  “No…no joke, my dear,” Reece said dramatically and with solid grace, he walked around the deck as if it was an imaginary stage, performing his solo act, confessing he now realized how precious life was and he wanted to share his newfound happiness with Blaze and his new lease on life with the ones he loved.

  I chuckled in disgust, amused by this man’s gall. Jade slowly shook her head, not believing what she was hearing. She clapped her hands at his one-time performance.

  “Give me a break, but I will hand it to you, your acting abilities never cease to amaze me, and it sure does come in handy for crap like this, huh?”

  Swiftly, Reece turned back to explain.

  “I’m not acting. It’s all sincere and true. After my almost near-death experience, I’ve concluded that I’ve been taking life for granted and decided to throw a party here at my home to celebrate my renewed health and my new relationship with Blaze.”

  I stood silently as Jade stepped forward onto the deck to confront Reece. Her facial expression said it all. It appeared as though she smelled something so horrible she was about to vomit. The truth was, she smelled bullshit in the air.

  “Who the hell are you kidding?” Jade quipped as she laughed in Reece’s face.

  “Excuse me?” Insulted and taken off guard, Reece walked toward her, but not fast enough.

  I swiftly moved in front of her, stretching my hand out against his chest.

  “How dare you put your hand on me? I’m Jade’s family. Something you will never be, as long as I’m around.”

  “You listen to me, you self-entitled son of a bitch. You may have been close to becoming Jade’s father-in-law, but your son’s indiscretions changed all that. As far as being Jade’s family, you're right I’m not, not yet anyway, but like hell I’m going to stand here and let you manipulate her any further. Your guilt trip is finished. Now, you can either leave here under your own volition, or you can leave here under mine. The choice is yours.” I finished, with a quick push back against the chest of a man I clearly had no respect or use for.

  Reece straightened his suit jacket before he addressed Jade, who had stood silently through the entire confrontation. I couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad one, but I knew one thing for certain…once Reece left, I was sure Jade would tell me how she felt about my interference in her personal life without her permission.

  “Jade, I apologize. You know I always want what’s in your best interest. With your father away, and Jimmy…”

  Jade stepped closer. Her blank red face now in Reece’s personal space…a lethal frustration emanating from her body.

  “Don’t…don’t you dare use Jimmy as an excuse for your behavior,” she said in a low, hard-edged tone.

  “I didn't mean anything…” Again, Jade stopped him.

  “No, Reece, you never mean anything by what you say or do. No, you're always the good guy in any given situation. The trouble is, I know better. Your words are an invisible veil of bullshit. I’ve always been grateful to you for giving me the opportunity to learn my craft. I cared about you and your son, but my love ended for him when he chose to fuck someone else in the bed we shared together, and my love for you ends now that you chose to steal my brother’s memory in an attempt to bring me to your side, and because you chose to insult Tommy.”

  As Jade’s words ended, an unusual silence drowned out the surf crashing on the shoreline. She walked to the edge of her deck, hypnotized by those very same waves, gripping her hands on the railing, she squeezed the wood like a vice. Maybe it was to prevent her from saying more? Or maybe it was the only solid object that was physically and emotionally holding her up at that moment. She continued to look away. Her long dark strands billowing slightly in the evening breeze, masking her face and her emotions.

  “Please leave. I can’t stand the sight of you anymore tonight.” She didn't turn back. She just kept standing there.

  Reece did the right thing this time and left without another word to either of us.

  Minutes seemed like a lif
etime before she turned to face me.

  “I’m sorry, Tommy. I’m so sorry.” Tears filled her eyes, as Jade lowered herself down on the deck, her back supported by one of the posts behind her. Her head was down in defeated exhaustion.

  I walked over and stood in front of her in the hopes that she would look up at me.

  She didn’t.

  I wasn't sure what to do, because I wasn't sure what had actually transpired between Jade and Reece prior to the confrontation here this evening. Although what happened just now was enough to tire anyone.

  Several minutes passed, or at least it seemed like they had, when I determined Jade was more than likely too embarrassed to look at me. So I did the only thing I could do. I knelt down in front of her and found her eyes.

  “Jade, please look at me. Let me know you're going to be okay.” I took my thumb and my index finger, and lightly pinching Jade’s chin, I tilted her head up, so I could see her beautiful face. A face that was now smeared with black makeup and tears, while her lips delicately quivered.

  “I’m fine.” Her voice gutted me. She squeaked, as she spoke.

  Touching her… she stilled and didn’t push me away. I knew there was something building between us…I felt it. Then, as quickly as it came, it faded…like the sunset.

  “Tommy, I can’t.”

  “Jade, you’re not giving this…us, a real chance.”

  “What’s the point? Anytime something good happens, it always ends in heartbreak.”

  “Baby, anything that’s good enough to break your heart, is worth taking a chance on.”

  I waited for her to speak, but her words never came—yet, more tears did.

  “Come here,” I said and wrapped my arms around her.

  Jade relaxed her body forward and fell completely into my embrace. I could feel her tremble as she placed her arms firmly around my shoulders and buried her head in my chest. I tried to soothe her as she tried desperately to silently hold back her cries.


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