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Within Six Months (A Wild Roses Novel Book 1)

Page 25

by Cleo Scornavacca


  “Even though you didn't give me the bracelet, it’s a symbol to remember the person you're with even if they're far away.”

  He smiled because he understood. He knew the sailor’s story. It meant leaving the shore and their loved ones behind, but not forgetting them while they were gone. For us, it wasn't the physical separation. The bracelet represented the emotional. It symbolized the strength we have around us. The support of others when the darkness becomes too much to bear.

  “Now… are you going to tell me about the beads you chose for my gift?” He asked.

  Sitting up on my knees and taking the tail end of the bracelet, I explained the meaning of each one. I knew he would understand why I picked these specific beads for him.

  “This one, the Coco-wood bead, represents finding one’s inner treasure. You came here in search of more than just a girl and a beach house; this bead honors that. This one, the green one with the etchings, is the emblem of the Green Sea Turtle. This turtle is one of the oldest creatures on earth. This bead symbolizes a long life and the guardian spirit “Aumakua.” If you're ever lost, it will guide you home. The last one with the orange wash of color and the blue waves is for the future…kind of. This bead represents Banana Beach and Cape St.Francis, from the movie. It’s a place I’ve never surfed and don't be mad, but I asked Daniel if you surfed in South Africa and he said you never mentioned it, so I took a chance on this bead. This bead is for our tomorrows.”

  Tommy’s hand covered mind. He was still, reflective, and intense as the Atlantic was right now. He took my face and guided my mouth to his. His kiss was slow, savoring…loving, and when it broke, he stood up and held out his hand for me to take, pulling me to him.

  Still not saying a word, we packed up and left for home. Leaving everything in the trunk and the backseat to remove tomorrow, Tommy took my hand again, still not speaking, but leading me into the house, through the first floor, up the stairs, and to my room. With the bedroom dark, the surfaces were bathed in the outside glow of muted light, casting long exaggerated shadows on the walls.

  “Our tomorrows…that’s what you said, right?” His question confirming, almost demanding.

  I nodded.

  Tommy’s tone was serious. His lip-line flat, his jaw engaged, his eyes intense—studying on me, he seared into my body what he craved—he wanted to make me his.

  “Well, Jade, it looks like our tomorrows start now.”

  Without a word, I reached my hand up, holding the side of his face, and placed a delicate kiss on his lips. Pulling away slowly—my mouth first and then my hand, I stepped back for him to see me…for me to bare all completely—to be with him fully, with no more reservations.

  The darkness in the room gave me courage, as he regarded me intensely.

  I slipped out of my bottoms, allowing them to drop to my ankles. I stepped away from the material, as I reached for the strings of my top and released them, allowing it too, to fall away. Exposed, but not unsure, I stepped forward into Tommy’s waiting arms…wrapping mine around his shoulders, I kissed him deeply—more deeply than I had before. I pressed against his body, while my hands dropped from his neck to his waistline.

  Unhurried, I wanted to savor every second with him. I removed his pants, sliding them down, as I lower myself onto my knees, to his arousal. His breathing escalated. Through a strained groan—his desires were revealed. Taking him into my mouth made me wet and emboldened. My fingers gripped his thighs; his hands pulled back my hair, so he could watch.

  I rocked back and forth, my mouth taking every inch of his hardened flesh. My warm tongue slid across his erection, causing his thrusts to be more deliberate. To slow him down and make our connection last, I pushed away, ever so slightly, releasing him, and then taking him in my mouth once again.

  Tommy moaned, and in a split second my body was being lifted over his shoulder and dropped playfully onto the bed.

  Close enough to kiss, but just far enough away to see his sexual grin… “Baby, now it’s my turn,” he said, lowering his head down to my stomach, as my legs dropped open exposing my most intimate parts.

  His jaw grazed along my midsection, causing my body to squirm. I wanted him to take my sex—to own it, to soothe it…to have me. I forcefully curled forward— my arousal meeting the harsh licks of his tongue. My skin flushed, my breathing quickened.

  “You have no idea how beautiful you look right now.” Tommy’s eyes pierced mine, before taking me in his mouth, again.

  I gasped at the assault his tongue performed on my clit. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could hold on. I tried, but it was no use. My legs tightened and trembled, sending shockwaves throughout my body, spinning me out of control. I fell deeper and deeper under Tommy’s spell. My hands gripped the bedsheets as I pushed hard through my climax, screaming out his name, screaming through my orgasm.

  The tingling pleasure between my legs slowly waned, but only briefly…

  “I’m not done with you, yet, baby,” he said, covering my body with his, as his cock took over for his mouth.

  Tommy’s eyes darkened, his thrusts demanding, his mouth covered mine—making me taste the remnants of my sex. Our kiss breathy, our mouths wanton, our tongues more deliberate as our arousals grew. My hands went from the sheets to his shoulders. I met each of his thrusts, with my pussy clenching around his erection.

  “Tommy…” I whimpered.

  “You have no idea what you’re doing to me, Jade.” He exhaled powerfully.

  Taking my nipple between his teeth, he lightly bit and teased the hardened nub, while moving his hand to my hipbone—holding me there, not allowing my body to move as his body rocked between my legs.

  Our breaths escalated, proving we both needed to come. We were at the edge. One step closer—both of us, ready to fall, together. And, as we did, he took me in his arms, holding me there, holding tight…this man, my shelter from the storm.


  The sound of smoke alarms and the smell of burnt ‘something’ drifted up the stairs and into my bedroom. It wasn’t the ideal way to wake up after a night of intense sex with the man who wanted to buy my brother’s house. But he was the man who quite possibly in this short time changed my mind about learning to love again.

  Click, crack, squeak, and swoosh were the sounds of Tommy jumbling with a breakfast tray, crashing into the door, and entering the room to greet me that morning. I sat up, modestly wrapping the cool cotton bedsheet over the front of my body, as Tommy nearly fell over when he came to an abrupt halt in the center of my bedroom.

  “Don’t be alarmed,” He said ominously, as he held a tray with items resembling food and coffee on it.

  I giggled at his expense and pointed in the air.

  “As opposed to listening to it.” I was starting to get a headache from the howl of warning bells that were not only sounding near the kitchen but outside my bedroom door, because the smoke tagged along with Tommy up the stairs.

  “Here, it’s edible. I’ll be right back.” He awkwardly and almost hesitantly placed the tray at my feet and scurried out of the room to shut down the noise.

  Leaning forward in slow motion and examining the tray more closely before taking a bite, I conceded the toast was edible and the coffee was actually quite good. I turned with toast in one hand and a cup in the other to await my sexy chef’s return.

  It wouldn’t be long now…peace and quiet replaced the siren’s blare.

  Right on cue.

  “See I told you it was edible.”

  “It’s more than edible,” I said, gingerly placing the cup and the unfinished piece of toast back on the tray.

  “Then why aren't you eating it?”

  “Because breakfast in bed should be enjoyed by both of us.” I lifted the sheet so he could join me. “Get in.”

  Climbing in next to me, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply.

  “Mmmm…I like the way you think.”

  After settling back
against the pillows, our bodies wrapped around each other and our free hands intertwined, we talked about the evening spent together.

  “Do you really like it,Tommy?” I asked fiddling with the beads on the bracelet I gave him.

  “I love it, baby. No one has ever given me something so thoughtful or so planned out.” A comforting smile formed his expression and peace settled in his eyes.

  I fidgeted with his fingers, what I was about to say was uncomfortable for me.

  “Thank you for last night…I mean thank for taking care of me and sharing the evening making memories with me.”

  “I love that you asked me to.” Tommy brought my hand to his lips, as he stilled and looked into my eyes.“You never have to thank me, Jade. It was easy for me to care for you. I was crushed to see you hurt. If I can steal your hurt, I always will.”

  “Always?” It was a question, but a definitive tone of confusion in my question needed to be clarified.

  “Yeah, always.”

  “How do you know?”

  “How do I know what?”

  “How do you know that all of this…” I repeated the same gesture as Tommy, pointing back and forth between us, “isn’t just because you set a challenge for yourself to meet someone new?”

  “The same way you knew to put our tomorrows at the end of this bracelet.”

  Checking the time, I knew I needed to get up, so I stretched and asked if he’d like to join me for a tradition that Viv and I started after Jimmy died.

  “I have a commitment that I keep every year at this time and wondered if you’d like to join me?”

  “Sure, what is it?”

  “You’re agreeing before you even know what it is?”

  “Yup, now what are we doing today?”

  “I volunteer at the local animal shelter and today starts their summer adoption event. It tends to be the biggest one of the season, so would you like to join me to help these precious babies find homes?”

  “I don't know how much help I’ll be, but I’d love to join in any way I can.”

  “Good, so let’s shower and head over to my shoppe to bring the desserts I made for the volunteers and the selling table. I have more now because Blaze graciously donated the ones I prepared for Reece’s party last night.”

  Tommy smiled, nodded, and off we went. First, we stopped at Summertime Sweets and then we doubled back to pick up Viv to head over to the event, which was being held on the bay.

  We arrived just as the event was in full swing. Many of the volunteers were manning the tables, while others were holding the adoptable animals on their leashes. While a few more were tending to the crated cats and bunnies in the adoption bus.

  Viv kissed each of us before she walked away to help with the refreshment table. Tommy decided his talents would be best used to help with the larger dogs that needed walking and to photograph the families with the pets they adopted.

  He not only volunteered his time, he donated the film and the development of the photographs from the event that would be mailed to the families at a later date. My heart was full as I watched him from the food tables. His tender touch as he spoke to each animal, who at times appeared frightened by all of the commotion an event like this could bring, and from a past that betrayed them, brought tears to my eyes. He wasn't doing this to score points with me. He truly cared and enjoyed the day as much as I and the many volunteers who came here did.

  As programs came to a close, we cleaned up. Tommy asked if we could head back to the house and pick up Daniel for dinner. He felt bad that he had left Daniel at the beach house while he was gone all day, but Daniel understood as he was spending the day with Kim and catching up on some paperwork he needed to complete before heading back to the center next week after the 4th of July celebrations.

  I agreed, and we asked Aunt Viv to come along as well, and this time, she happily accepted.

  My vehicle was larger than Tommy’s, so we took it to get to a restaurant on the end of the island, off the beaten path. The place was crowded but evoked a much more relaxed and tranquil atmosphere.

  Once home, Viv said goodnight and turned in. Daniel and Tommy decided to sit out on the deck and enjoy the view, while I mimicked Viv and went to bed. Later, Tommy crawled into bed and settled next to me, nestling his body close and holding me tight. Exactly what I needed now that something painful and special needed to be done tomorrow, as always.


  Like every 4th of July, I barely and reluctantly crawled out of bed to start my day. The holiday hadn’t been a holiday since Jimmy left. Three years without him, not hearing his voice, feeling his strength, enjoying his laughter…

  Three years ago to the day, my brother made a decision that would destroy me…a decision that he could never take back.

  I left the house heading for the rocks at Jimmy’s favorite surf spot on the island to leave him the only gift I could give him now…my heart and my tears…

  “Happy Birthday, Jimmy…I love you.”

  Reaching into the small bag I was carrying, I lifted out two cupcakes decorated in the colors of freedom. I placed both on the rocks in front of me and lit three candles, placing them in Jimmy’s cake. Closing my eyes, I made a wish and placed a prayer for him in the morning air.

  I sat there as I always had for the last three years, watching as the early morning surfers arrived to start their day. Each of them were from here and knew my tradition. A mere nod, a small wave, and a shortened hello I received from most, as they allowed me my privacy. If that was even possible in such a public place.

  I sat there for a few hours, this time telling Jimmy about Tommy and how I was falling in love with him. Telling him he could rest, knowing that I was happy. I was no longer chasing the sun to follow the moon as he put it.

  As the tide rolled in, the cupcakes were consumed by the waves. Perhaps this year I’d be arrested for littering, but I doubted it. Besides, as the cakes floated away, the usual flock of seagulls circled and made a morning feast out of them.

  I smiled and chuckled at the fight between the two large birds, promising that next year I would bring a tray for all to enjoy.

  Leaving the beach, I pedaled over to the Summertime Sweets construction site. No one would be at the building today, but I just wanted to take a look in before heading to work. Progress had been made, up until recently. Now that the delayed permits were in, the renovations would begin to ramp up again, and hopefully, we would be right on time for Labor Day weekend.

  I was just about to leave when I received a text from Tommy, saying he had a surprise for me tonight. That was odd. He knew I wasn't in the mood for any surprises today of all days. Hopefully, this wasn't going to turn into our first argument. With a busy day at the shoppe ahead of me, I didn’t have time to or want to think about any surprises even if they were coming from my neighbor turned boyfriend.

  I arrived at Summertime Sweets current location to open up and get the orders lined up for the hectic customer pick up. Other members of my staff we preparing the coffee for our regulars, while others were constructing boxes for the last-minute cookie and pastry orders which came in every year.

  The day was done and I went into the office to clean up some paperwork before heading home. Looking at my phone, I had a missed call and voicemail from Tommy.

  “Jade, I hope you're done soon. I think I bit off more than I can chew at the beach house. Can you come straight here after work?”

  Sitting there, I listened to the message again and again and again. Was I a fool? He wanted me to go there so we could talk? He bit off more than he could chew? None of this made sense. A nauseating lump formed in my throat and a hollowness in the pit of my stomach. Everything seemed fine. Then I started to think, everything seemed fine with Damien at one point too, and he screwed me over royally.

  I scrambled to get home quickly to see what this bullshit was all about.

  I parked my bike and headed up the beach house stairs. Tommy was yelling inside.

“Shit! Shit! Shit! How are we going to explain this to Jade?”


  “Jade, baby, can you help me?”

  Baby…I guess everything is not what I thought.

  I rushed up the rest of the stairs and opened the door to Tommy’s place. Once inside, I saw the surprise and started to laugh.

  “There’s nothing funny about this, Jade. Look at this place. Look at the new floors. I can't fix this. Don’t just stand there, help me!”

  Don’t just stand there…

  I smiled…that’s what Jimmy said the night we were moving him in. I closed the sliding door behind me and for once, it closed with ease. There in the corner, with white paint already on her white paws, was a dog from the shelter event. As I recall, Tommy had been talking to her and walking her most of the day yesterday. Though, I had no idea he wanted to adopt her.

  “Come here, sweetie,” I cooed as I knelt down and held out my hand to the precious mostly tan Pit Bull with blue eyes and white paws covered in paint. Cautiously, she came to me with her tail wagging.

  Once she realized she was safe with me, she basically plopped down onto my lap. Tommy joined us on the floor as we created a closeness to help this baby know everything was okay; her still wagging tail was a small sign she trusted us.

  “This was your surprise?” I said, petting his newest member of the family.

  “Yeah, I fell in love with her. I couldn't watch them cage her. I knew I had to do something, so while you were out I called the number for the shelter on the slim chance one of the staff would be in to feed the dogs. I caught one of the volunteers on her way out to an emergency. She told me the shelter supervisor was expected back shortly. She called me about an hour later and I went down to fill out the papers and took Lucky home.”



  Tommy didn’t explain the name or elaborate on Lucky’s past. I knew from volunteering at the shelter, many of these animals dealt with the harsh reality that not all humans were good, but instead of dwelling on it, I chose to help him make the beach house dog-friendly.


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