Within Six Months (A Wild Roses Novel Book 1)

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Within Six Months (A Wild Roses Novel Book 1) Page 27

by Cleo Scornavacca

  “Tommy slept with his brother’s fiancée. Of course, he and his brother made amends to keep up appearances, but you see his brother and his ex-soon-to-be-sister-in-law worked as attorneys for her father’s very successful and high profile law firm in Manhattan, and that very same law firm had gone through a much larger controversy last year. The only reason why he and his brother talk is not to cause further scandal and damage the firm’s already tarnished reputation.”

  “You piece of shit. You have no idea what you're talking about.” I’d held my tongue long enough.

  “Really? Interesting, because some of the staff at your brother’s firm Kane and Medici were forthcoming with their information…very forthcoming.”

  Jade’s body shook, her breathing was heavy and rapid as she turned with tears running down her face.

  “We need to talk.” It was all she said as she walked to the doorway, pausing for a moment to gain her bearings while waiting for me to follow.

  Jade took me through the rooms of Reece’s estate until we reached the door to an oceanfront patio where we were alone and wouldn't be seen or disturbed by the party guests.

  Turning, she didn't wait. She didn't pull any punches.

  “Did you sleep with her? Is Reece telling the truth?”


  “Don’t baby me, Tommy. Did you cheat with your brother’s fiancée?”

  “Yes and no, they weren't together any longer, but I still shouldn’t have gotten involved with Raven.”

  Jade turned and laughed out loud. It was humorous; it was an appalling, anger driven, heart-wrenching laugh. It cut my insides…it was about to end our tomorrows.

  Then she turned back calmly and spoke.

  “You know the one thing I could do all day long was my life before you. It was…it was easy. I could do that life. Now, after this summer and the beach house and the surfing accident and Lucky, I can’t do that life anymore. After you, I can’t do it.” Jade paced, curling her fists. Lifting them to her head, then in the air, then out wide as if she didn’t know what to do or how to responded or where she belonged.

  “Jade, I didn't mean for you to find out like this. I wanted to talk to you about it numerous times, yet it never felt like the right time presented itself. That’s why I had told you, earlier today, I had something to talk with you about after the party. I had no idea this would happen before I’d gotten the chance to set things straight.”

  “Tommy, can you remember what I said when we first got together? I said, ‘just don't lie to me.’ I said the truth…always. And what did you do? You promised. You promised. I had to hear about this bullshit from Reece, of all fucking people.”

  Jade paused. Not to get her bearings, not to yell or hear me out. Jade stopped to end it.

  “I can't do this, Tommy. I can’t,” she said, looking to the ocean for an answer, for understanding, before continuing. “What’s most fucked up about this is that I can't go back to that life before either, I can’t, and do you know why I can’t?”

  I shook my head.

  Here’s where her anguish and her rage took over. “Because now Jimmy isn’t the only memory that will be there. You, damn it, you will be the other memory that broke my heart. Everywhere I look, you’ll be there. From the paint on the walls, the footprints on the floor, you and I made memories there.” She stopped, to fight against the tears that kept coming.

  I wanted to touch her, to comfort her. To take away her pain, yet I was the cause of it.


  “No, don’t. I knew it. I knew we should have just stayed friends.”

  Now, this is where my anger took over.

  “Friends? Friends? I wanted you from the beginning. I couldn't figure it out. I couldn’t get enough of you. Even when I thought all we would be was friends, I wanted to see you every minute of every day. Friends? I don’t want to be your fucking friend, Jade! I love you! I’m in love with you! I want to be the guy who burns your toast in the morning but makes you giggle and say it’s okay. I want to be the guy who surfs with you in the sunlight and rides those same waves with you into the darkness. I want to be the man who takes your nightmares away. I want to be the man who protects you from the storm. I want to be more than your friend…I want to be your boyfriend, your lover, your hero. Remember, I was there with you making those memories…they were ours. I can't be anything less…not anymore.”

  Jade continued to stare off into nowhere. This was it, nothing more to do or say. I waited for a sign, anything from her that told me she would give me another chance, but it never came. She continued to look away, not acknowledging that I was there, disconnecting herself from me and the situation, once again self-protecting.

  I moved in to kiss her forehead. Staying briefly, my eyes and lips ached, knowing that the hardest thing I would ever have to do was let her be. I didn't fight, instead, I let our hearts break in hopes that she would see we were better together than we would ever be apart, but then I let her know one more thing, the thing that everyone around her kept for her at arm’s length.

  Whispering against her temple, “I’ll always love you, Jade. You weren’t about a timeline to be broken, you were a surprise that I would gladly give up everything for. Yet, I didn’t get it but now I do. I would have never won your heart.”

  She pulled away stunned. “What are you talking about?” A nuance of disgust laced her question.

  “You heard me. Your heart belongs to someone, something I can't compete against. And even if I could, I’d never win. Your heart belongs to a memory…to Jimmy. I’d lose hands down.”

  With that, I walked away from her, from what I thought was my forever, my tomorrow…our tomorrows, to give her the time she needed. My anger hadn’t cooled as I walked through Montgomery’s house…passing the stares, the snickers, and the whispers. My rage could have taken me to Reece, to beat him within in an inch of his life, but what would that have proven? That he’d won…I’d never let him win.

  No, the best thing to do was head back ho—head back to the beach house to grab a few things and hit the road…clear my head, let it all blow over, and if Jade still couldn’t trust me, then sell the place and move on permanently.

  I pulled into the driveway and hurried up the stairs to get my belongings together.

  Turning the corner, I walked head-on into Viv. “Viv, I’m sorry, I didn't know you were there.”

  “No, of course, you didn’t, you were too busy running away. Blaze called to let me know what happened,” she stated, reprimanding me as if I were a child.

  “Viv, listen…”

  “No, you listen to me. Running is not going to solve any of this. Both you and that stubborn niece of mine need to talk and I don't mean outside of the house of a man that's a complete moron. I mean you and Jade, here, alone together!”

  “Oh…Viv, I would if I thought she’d listen, but she's badly hurt by what I kept from her.”

  “I see. Now would you like to tell me why no one, but Daniel, knew you moved here?”

  “My brother was going through some shit and it changed him. Changed how he treated me and our family, our friends and especially his fiancée. They grew apart to the point of breaking up. He was angry, mean, spiteful, and as strong as Raven was, she couldn't take it. One thing led to another, and we made the mistake of sleeping together… it didn't last, and I knew it wouldn’t but that’s why I decided with everything going on in my life I needed to get away. To make a fresh start, and once I was settled in I would let them know. Right now, they think I’m surfing the globe. Which might not be a bad idea at the moment.”

  “I don't know what to say. I wish you would just wait for Jade to cool off and perhaps you could work things out.”

  “Thank you, Viv, but I believe getting away for Jade’s sake might be the best thing for her right now.” I unlocked the door and realized I couldn't leave without finding someone who could watch Lucky for a few days. I couldn't take her with me and with all of the darkness she dea
lt with before I adopted her, I didn’t want to uproot her from the only real home she knew.

  I asked Viv if Lucky could stay in the house for a few days and if she could watch her until I get back.

  “Go…I’ll take care of Lucky. Tommy, Jade and I both will. Don’t worry, she’ll be fine while you’re gone.”

  I smiled, kissed her cheek, and ran upstairs to grab my clothes. The door on the old dresser was jammed. The more I pulled, the more crooked it became. Finally, after one good yank, the drawer flew out and fell to the floor, spilling its contents everywhere and not just my clothes. On the floor, next to my pile of shirts, was a white envelope with Jade’s name on the front. I never noticed an envelope in the drawer, and when I examined it further I realized it was taped to the back. The drawer falling to the ground must have dislodged it. I went back down the stairs after packing to give Viv instructions for Lucky and to let her know that I would have someone pick her up in a few days.

  I kissed Lucky and held her to let her know I would be back for her once I found a place to stay. It was breaking my heart further to leave her there.

  Viv walked me to my car, and I realized I hadn't given her the letter I found upstairs.

  “Viv, could you give this to Jade?”

  “Sure, what is…Oh dear God. Where did you get this?” She was stunned. Stunned may be the wrong word, frightened, like something haunted her.

  “I was getting my clothes and the dresser drawer wouldn't open. I guess I pulled too hard, and when the drawer crashed to the floor, out came that letter. Viv, is something wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost.”

  “I may have.”


  “The handwriting on this letter is Jimmy’s. You're sure you found it upstairs?”

  “Yes, just now? Why?”

  Viv with a flurry of her hands, dismissed her thoughts. “Nothing, nothing…It’s probably an old letter he never gave to Jade. I’m sure she’ll treasure it.”

  I nodded and then kissed her cheek gently before driving away.

  Now on the road, I wasn't sure where I should go. I couldn't call my family and endure the questions. I couldn't call Mike because he’d only laugh in my face and tell me it served me right, and Daniel was at the party with Kim, so I certainly couldn't ruin his evening any more than I already did. I knew who I had to call, so I pulled over to hear her voice.


  “Hey, baby, what do you say I fly out to Capri and we have a longer visit?”

  “I’d love that Tommy, I really would, but I’m back in the states.”

  “Where are you, Rain?”

  “Dominick and the twins and I flew back the other day. You know how I love the end of summer on Long Beach Island, so we headed to the shore house straight from the airport. Anna and Joseph will be down tonight.” Rain’s explanation had me grinning from ear to ear.

  “So, would you guys mind some company?”

  “No, not at all, I can't wait to see you. When will you get here?”

  “In about ten minutes.”

  “Ten minutes? Where are you, Tommy, and what’s going on?” Elation and concern crossing in her question.

  “Baby, it’s a long story.”

  “Then hurry your ass up, so I can hear all about her.”

  I laughed, a laugh I hadn't heard in me for a long time, the old me, the not so crushed me. Rain could always bring me out of the bullshit and into the light of day. The same way Jade did, but she made it perfectly clear, she wouldn't be sharing that light with me any longer. I brushed the bad thoughts away, forcing a smile, knowing soon, I’d be back where I needed to be—with the friends and family I should never have run away from. The only family I could count on at this point.


  THE CROWD BROKE apart, walking to the foyer, forming a line to see who could get out the door fast enough. With Reece spending his time at the top of the stairs, still with a champagne glass in his hand, his disingenuous apology spewing from his lips. The world was his stage as always, only this time the inhabitants were his captive audience.

  I watched from a dark corner, making sure the last of the party-goers exited the home. I wasn't sure where the other familiar players were. There were no signs of Blaze or Daniel or Kim, not even Damien or Courtney showed their faces. The lights went down, and all but the stagehands, his after-party cleanup crew, were left. I walked out from behind the shadows and climbed the stairs to find the star of his own show.

  He stood alone, poolside, his back to me, staring at the wave’s whitewash and the lights twinkling in the distance off the massive body of water before him, the one thing bigger than Reece Montgomery. Still drinking from his glass, he looked down, shaking his head. Perhaps a hint of regrets? That was unlikely. Probably more disappointed that I didn't allow mine and Tommy’s goodbye to be the ending scene, to play out on his deck.

  This time, I took the lead. I was quiet, like a cat stalking her prey, the leftover adrenaline from the surge I got earlier from confronting Reece emboldened me. I would normally walk away and later forgive Reece. I’d make up an excuse in my mind. It was Reece being Reece or he just cared deeply for me and he didn’t do “meaning well” like the rest of us, but not this time. This time he went too far. Yet, this time I needed to be different, quiet in my retort. I needed for Reece to hear me, no witty comebacks, no yelling…closure.

  As my footsteps closed in on my host, he turned. Rolling his eyes, he addressed me.“I suppose you're here to scream at me and tell me what a horrible person I am. Go ahead, you wouldn't be the first, and you certainly won’t be the last.”

  Leaning on the railing, facing him, I smirked. Still the same old Reece, playing the walking wounded. As if nothing that happened here tonight was his fault. He was only trying to help.

  Taking a deep cleansing breath in, I answered him. I had no idea what I was going to say, but I knew I wanted this…all of this… to end here tonight.

  “Did you ever think of coming to me and telling what you found out or should I say what you went and purposely looked for?”

  “Of course, but you wouldn't have listened. You were already too wrapped up with emotion for him, and so soon I might add.”

  “Did you ever think none of this was any of your business, then?”

  “Jade, when has that ever stopped me?” This was Reece, trying to make light of a bad situation.

  “Can I ask you something?”


  “Why? Was it for Damien? Because it certainly wasn't for me.”

  He reached out and touched my cheek. His eyes closed and the breath he’d been holding released along with his frustration.

  “All of it was for you. None of it was for Damien.”


  He took the last drop of drink from his glass and stilled. Bracing himself for what came next.

  “Your mother and father…they left for Europe for all the wrong reasons. If they had honestly gone there for your father to pursue this contract he’s working on, it would be one thing, but they did it to push you into a normal life. To make you believe that they had the strength to deal with Jimmy’s death. They ran away, leaving Viv and the rest of us to watch over you. A job I would gladly do, over and over again.”

  “What the hell are you talking about, Reece?”

  “This little plan you devised to not date after Damien’s betrayal was to protect your heart, but in reality, it wasn't to protect you from going through the same thing with another man. Damien’s affair with Courtney came at the most opportune time because you were protecting yourself from loss, the loss of your brother, not the loss of your relationship with my son.”

  “You can’t be serious? You had that much time away from your business to study me and my emotions?” I was no longer feeling patient.

  “I didn't need to study you. You wore your emotions on your sleeve, you always have. You're honest as the day is long and you love and care for everyone around you, but everyone
around you has done you a disservice, including me.”

  “How’s that?”

  “We allowed you to wallow in your grief for three long years.”

  The crack from my hand to his jaw came swift, out of nowhere. The last of my adrenaline stores from earlier this evening.

  “I believe I deserved that and that’s my point.”

  “Your point…which is?”

  “Other than the typical and traditional emotions and reactions to Jimmy’s death, everyone— and I mean everyone— wanted you to get back to business as usual…for lack of a better term.”

  “I don’t follow.”

  “You know exactly what I mean. They did their best to never say the word suicide. They did their best to indulge you in these anniversary tributes to Jimmy. They made excuses for themselves that it was good for you. That these traditions cleansed your soul. When all they really did was keep you in the same state you were in three years ago when Jimmy took his life. I watched and I admit I allowed it. But no more…”

  “So, you want to be the one to save my soul, Reece?” I promised not to be sarcastic or witty, but that was an impossibility after hearing this nonsense.

  “I’m sure you think this is all nonsense on my part, but hear me out. When you and Damien broke up after Jimmy died, you decided not to date for a while. A natural reaction after what you discovered. Now here we are three years later, and you've barely dated…until Mr. Conte that is.”

  “Again, what is your point, Reece? Because I know there has to be a point.”

  “Oh, but there is. Tommy Conte reminds you of your brother—the surfing, the carefree attitude, his success in business, his easy-going personality. He’s just like Jimmy in many ways.”

  “You think I’m looking for my brother in a man? You can't be serious?”

  “No, I know many of your hobbies were the same as Jimmy’s, so naturally with Mr. Conte loving the same things you do, the two of you would have clicked, but it was more than that—that’s where my snooping began.”


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