Billionaire Bad Boys: A Collection of Contemporary and Paranormal Bad Boys

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Billionaire Bad Boys: A Collection of Contemporary and Paranormal Bad Boys Page 10

by Calinda B

  “You’re making me dizzy,” Adam said, from his perch on the low-backed sofa.

  “Sorry, I’ll calm down.” She glanced at the time. 11:44.

  At exactly 11:45 the doorbell rang, startling her so much she yelped.

  Adam chuckled. “I can see you’ve calmed considerably.” He rose to his feet, buttoning his suit jacket. “You look great. You’ve got this.”

  “Thank you.” She smoothed her skirt and picked up the Hermès bag sitting on the stand next to the front door.

  Adam stood behind her. He gave her shoulders a quick squeeze.

  After taking a deep breath, she put on her most gracious smile and opened the door.

  Liam stood in the small foyer, wearing snug trousers and a crisp white, mid-sleeved shirt, with black cuffs and collar.

  Liam’s my ride? I thought a limo driver would take me. She reined in her surprise and said, “Hello, Liam.”

  His eyes widened as he swept her body.

  That’s it. Take me in. You’re interested, I know it. She gave him a sultry gaze.

  Then, a scowl formed on his handsome face.

  Come on. Let go a little, Liam. I don’t bite.

  He nodded. “Naeva. Are you ready to go?” A loose-fitting gray jacket draped his body, with the sleeves pushed up above the sleeves of his shirt. Bold red piping lined the collar of the jacket. His sunglasses were pushed back along his head. He may as well have stepped off a fashion runway.

  Savannah gawked at his muscled forearms before lifting her gaze to him. “Ready,” she said. She smiled.

  “Let’s go,” he barked. He pointed to Adam. “You stay. No muscle-man today.”

  Savannah’s mouth opened in protest. “But…”

  “Sir, I have my orders,” Adam said.

  “And now you’re taking orders from me.” Liam’s expression grew steely. “Let’s go,” he said again. He pivoted, taking a couple of steps toward the elevator.

  “You don’t get to order my bodyguard around,” Savannah said, lunging after him. “He’s for my protection, not yours.”

  Liam stabbed the lift button. “Fine,” he said, waving his hand over his head. “He can take the next elevator and head over with Marcus. Marcus is waiting in the foyer.”

  Savannah studied him. What’s he up to? Does he want to get me alone in the elevator? Can I use this to my advantage? She turned toward Adam and gave a slight nod.

  He returned the nod.

  The doors glided open, and he stalked inside.

  Savannah followed him, already side-railed by his snotty attitude. Her plan to get close to him was being undermined by her reaction to his behavior. “You’re rude, you know that?” She clutched the hat and purse in front of her, like shields.

  “Busted. Oh, no! My reputation is ruined.” He put the back of his hand to his forehead before giving her a sneer.

  “Seriously. You’ve got a chip on your shoulder that’s the size of the world.” She pressed her lips together.

  “That makes me Atlas.” He spread his arms, inclined his head forward slightly, and mimicked the massive bronze statue in front of the Rockefeller Center. A slight smile crossed his face. “I’ve got the whole world, in my hands,” he sang, in a deep, pleasant baritone.

  Savannah blinked. His flashes of playfulness were almost endearing. Until the Alien pops out of his chest spewing corrosive blood from his mouth.

  They fell silent, riding down to the lobby.

  When the doors opened, he at least had the good grace to sweep his arm out and utter, “After you, Naeva, my love.”

  “Like I believe you,” she hissed.

  “Appearances are everything. But,” he added crisply, leaning close enough to her ear to evoke a shiver, “even though we might have to fool the public, you’ll never fool me into loving you.”

  Aware she needed to get back on track with him, she said, “What happened to you needing to trust me?”

  He straightened. “Maybe that was all for show.”

  She narrowed her eyes. Or maybe, you don’t trust easily, same as me. She stepped into the luxurious manor lobby. Spying Marcus, who waited by the door scanning his electronic reader, she said, “Father. How are you today?”

  She closed the gap between them and made a double-cheek, air-kiss greeting.

  “I’m well. You look lovely,” he said, gripping her shoulders and easing her back so he could study her. “Doesn’t she look beautiful, Liam?”

  Liam’s attention fell upon her. His tongue peeked from the corner of his mouth as he regarded her.

  His gaze appeared cool but, if her stormy insides were any judge of character, she’d say he was sending off mixed signals—despite his external indifference, he wanted her.

  “Yes,” he said simply. He gazed at a magazine laying on a side table. “She’s acceptable,” he added.

  Savannah wanted to slug him. Her fingers coiled around her handbag.

  “Her muscle-man is going to ride with you to the match, Marcus.” Liam snapped his fingers at her. “What’s your bodyguard’s name?”

  “It’s Adam. And, in case you forgot your humanity, he’s a person.” Savannah’s jaw clenched. “As am I. And I’m more than acceptable.”

  She snapped her fingers at his face.

  The corners of Liam’s mouth turned up in a barely perceptible smile.

  She narrowed her gaze. Oh, I get it. This is some sort of game to you. Two can play. She batted her eyelashes at him. “Should I go change? Would you prefer to see me in something else? Something more revealing, perhaps?”

  Liam’s eyelids lowered. His chest rose and fell slowly. The heat pouring from him said, “take off all your clothes, that’s what I want.”

  Her body surged with excitement. If Marcus wasn’t watching and Adam wasn’t headed down in the lift, she might have obliged him.

  “That won’t be necessary,” he said, in a low voice. “You look beautiful the way you are.”

  A heady rush filled her from head to toe. “Thank you.”

  “Besides, I don’t share what belongs to me. If you’re going to wear something more revealing, it will be for my eyes. Understood?” He gave her a simmering, almost desperate gaze that reminded her of a caged beast.

  She pictured him as a powerful animal, trapped in a cage, pacing, pacing, and waiting to make a move. What’s he afraid of? “Understood,” she said. And then she pictured Master Steele. What will he do once he finds out I’m being forced to train with the sex god?

  He nodded and seemed to zip himself up, wiping away the smile, the heat, and the moment. He looked at his watch. “We need to go,” he snapped.

  I’ve got him. He’s on the line. A different kind of exhilaration filled her. She was damn good at her job. She knew how to get inside a man’s head and make him spill his secrets.

  Marcus watched them with a slight smile and arched eyebrows. “You’ll be fine, love. Liam will take good care of you. You don’t need muscle when you’ve got Liam.”

  He smirked.

  Why is he saying that? He knows Adam’s role in this sting. Marcus seemed like a wild card in this whole operation. She vowed to keep an eye on him.

  She moved away from Marcus and stared at her hot and cold fiancé.

  “I’m heading out for a smoke before your muscle gets here,” Marcus said. “Tell him I’ll be at the limo.”

  He pointed toward the huge glass doors marking the exit.

  Savannah ignored him, choosing to focus her glare on Liam. “Why do you treat people like they’re non-entities? Adam’s extremely good at what he does. I feel safe with him around.”

  “I’m afraid I wasn’t allowed to retain any of that whatever it is…what did you call it?” Again, a playful smile curved at the edges of his mouth.

  “Humanity. It’s something that many of us employ when we’re out in the world.”

  “Says my bleeding-heart fiancée.” He took her hand and ushered her outside.

  In front of the manor, he led her to a
sleek, red, vintage roadster complete with artfully curved running boards. He released her, grinning, and swept out his arm. “You like?”

  Wow. What a beautiful car.

  “I pictured you as more of a Ferrari man,” she said, as he held out the door for her.

  “I have one of those, too. This…” He stroked the side of the car as she slid into the passenger seat. “Is one of the few things I had a choice in acquiring. I bought it, restored it, and now she purrs for me. Something you’ll never do, I guarantee it.”

  His eyes lingered on her legs before he closed her door.

  “Not at this rate, thank God,” she said, placing her hat primly in her lap.

  “Him again. I hope you don’t think you’re going to be saved by some Christian deity.” He strode around to the driver’s seat, opened the door, and got in with the confidence of a man who owned the universe.

  She shook her head, ignoring him. “What kind of car is this?”

  “It’s a 1934 Mercedes-Benz 500K Cabriolet. She was a piece of junk when I bought her at an auction.” He stroked the dashboard. “Now, she sings between my legs, cupping me in her embrace.” He wiggled in the leather seat. “And when I stimulate her engine, she roars, says, ‘yes, sir,’ and takes me places.”

  He waggled his eyebrows.

  Savannah blushed. Again, it seemed like he showed her a different side than his angry self. What the hell causes these mood swings?

  He slid the key into the ignition and turned it on. “Mm. Hear that? Smooth as silk.”

  “Yes. I’m so impressed.” She rolled her eyes, then looked away from him.

  He chuckled.

  They drove the entire way to the Mile-High Stadium in Queens in silence.

  Savannah kept a steady grip on her hat, as the wind whipped her styled hair into a frothy mess.

  When they arrived at Mile High, Liam pulled up to a valet service and hopped from the driver’s seat.

  An attendant helped Savannah from the car. She finger-combed her wild hair and placed her hat back on her head.

  Liam tossed his key to the valet and said, “I see one scratch on her, your head will be shoved up your ass. Then, I’ll slice off your balls and feed them to the tigers at the Bronx Zoo. Do we have an agreement?”

  “Yes, sir,” the valet said in a shaky voice.

  “Good.” Liam fished in his pocket and pulled out a gold money clip. He slipped off the polished metal, peeled off several bills, and handed them to the valet. “There will be more when you return her to me in immaculate, and I mean immaculate condition.”

  “Yes, sir!” The valet stood up tall.

  “And, no joy rides. I clock mileage. You park her, you leave her, got it?”

  “Yes, sir. Understood, sir.”

  Liam patted his shoulder. Then, he glanced at Savannah. “You coming, or are you going to stand there and stare at me?”

  “Jesus, you can be rude. Feed his balls to the tiger at the zoo? You probably terrified him.” Savannah gawked at him, her mouth gaping.

  “You’re a trip. It’s refreshing to be challenged by someone.” He chuckled. “You’ve got some fire, I grant you that much.”

  “Spare me the compliments. It might go to my head.” She stepped toward him. “Seriously, why were you so harsh?”

  “I’ve spent a fortune on that car. And, I worked at a country club for a summer. I was a parking attendant. My dad wanted me to see what it was like to work for a living.” His expression grew wistful. “We took the cars for a spin all the time. Matter of fact, that’s probably where my love of classic cars came from.”

  “What happened to your dad?”

  His mood did another slip and slide as a dark scowl obscured his cheer. “Let’s go.”

  He cocked his elbow for her. “Let’s keep up pretenses, shall we?”

  As they strode toward the stadium, camera flashes popped in her face.

  “We’re the talk of the town, baby.” Liam grinned and leaned toward her ear. “With your hair looking as it does, they’ll think we just fucked.” He laughed. “Fat chance of that ever happening.”

  A paparazzi caught him looking like he was the happiest man alive.

  He’s mocking me. Either that or he’s trying to talk himself out of caring. Does he struggle with his emotions like I do? Her face grew hot, matching the burning anger in her belly. Liam Chartier confuses the hell out of me.

  “If you were the last man on Earth and the fate of the planet rested on our joining, believe me, I’d resist.” She smiled and lifted her hand for a photographer.

  He laughed again.

  When they arrived at their exclusive box seat, allowing them to watch the tennis match like vultures, he beckoned for her to sit. Then, he snapped, “Okay, we can drop the dog and pony show.”

  She sighed. “Will you ever give it a rest? I’m not evil.” All I want to do is get close to you, get what I need and get out of here.

  “No, and you’re also not chosen by me. You were ‘gifted’ to me by the Club.”

  “You might like me if you get to know me.”

  “Doubt it.” His gaze fell to the center of the arena. “Look. See her? The player in the white and red?”

  Savannah peered to where he directed, shielding her eyes with her hand. “What about her?”

  “That’s Charlotte Wills. She’s one to watch out for. She’s young, but she’s on fire.” He clasped his hands on the banister and leaned forward to watch as Charlotte botched the serve. “Ooh, tough break. That’s her inexperience talking. But watch. She’ll use it. It’s almost like a psychological game with her. She makes the competition think they’ve got an edge, and then…” He kept his eyes pinned on the match. “Boom! Game. See what I mean?”

  He turned to Savannah, giving her a glimpse into his excitement.

  “You seem to really be into the sport.”

  His expression grew guarded. “Stop trying to get to know me. It won’t work.”

  He turned back to the game.

  Savannah sighed. Don’t give up. She tried again. “What about her opponent? They seem well-matched to me.”

  Liam glanced at her but said nothing. A few minutes later, he muttered, “Where’s that damn waiter? I need something to drink.”

  “I can go get him,” Savannah offered.

  “What? No! Why would you think that?” He scowled and shook his head. “They’re called staff or haven’t you heard of the term? That’s what we pay for.”

  She thought about stalking off and finding Adam for a chat and scheme session. Trying to pry open Liam Chartier proved daunting.

  She watched the balls zing back and forth, and the players zip across the court, all while trying to form a strategy. Finally, unable to stand being shut out, she rose.

  Liam looked over. “Going somewhere?”


  A gunshot rang out. A bullet thwacked the front of their box. Then, another shot was fired.

  People all around them screamed.

  Savannah leaped into action, reaching for her nonexistent weapon.

  Instinctively, she turned toward Liam, ready to throw herself on him in protection.

  Instead, he grabbed her arm. “Get down. Get down on the floor,” he shouted. He yanked her to the ground and fell on top of her.

  Even though he balanced on his forearms, with his weight pressed on her back, it was hard to breathe.

  When no more shots were fired, he rolled from her back. “Don’t get up. I’ve got this.”

  She gulped air into her lungs, trying to get her wits about her.

  He jammed his hand into his jacket and retrieved a gun.

  The doors to their box burst open and Adam and a couple of other bodyguards charged into the room.

  “Is she okay?” Adam yelled. He rushed to her side.

  “She’s fine.”

  She’s freaked out. “Is it safe to move?” she asked.

  Adam nodded.

  “We got him, sir,” a tall man said to
Liam. “We got the gunman.”

  Liam stood, replacing his weapon inside his jacket. “Are you sure?”

  “Positive, sir.”

  Liam let out a long sigh. “Fuck.” He crouched before her, placing his hand on her back. “Are you okay? Were you hit?”

  Still stunned, her hands flat on the floor near her face, Savannah turned her head and blinked at him, unmoving. Is he showing signs of actual care? Or, is he merely protecting his assets?

  “You must be in shock. You.” He snapped his fingers at Adam. “Find someone to check her out. Get a medic.”

  “Already called someone,” Adam said.

  Savannah pushed up to her hands and feet, then twisted to sitting. “I’m fine. Merely surprised.”

  Liam studied her. For a few seconds, his expression softened. He placed his palm on her cheek and stroked her jaw with his thumb. “You’re sure you’re okay?”

  She swallowed and nodded. Then, she placed her palm over his. “I’m okay.”

  This is nothing. Try getting across the street in Mosul without getting shot.

  For a few seconds, she got lost in his conflicted gaze, oblivious to her surroundings. Unreadable expressions flickered across his face, like bolts of lightning. But, same as usual, he shuttered his feelings. Abruptly, he rose.

  Reaching out a hand to her, he snapped, “Get up. We need to get you somewhere safe.”

  She clambered to standing without taking his hand. “Adam can escort me. You don’t need to make a show for your adoring fans.”

  A pinched, pained look crossed his face.

  What now? Is he hurt I said that?

  She turned away to face Adam. “Can you…?”

  “Nonsense. You’re coming with me. You three.” Liam pointed at the three bodyguards. “Stay close. We don’t want anything happening to her.”

  He grabbed her hand and dragged her through the door.


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