Desired by a Dragon: A Paranormal Shifter Romance (Exiled Dragons Book 3)

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Desired by a Dragon: A Paranormal Shifter Romance (Exiled Dragons Book 3) Page 6

by Sarah J. Stone

  Her hips shot forward at the shock of his tongue entering her, his wetness meeting her own in the epicenter of her desire. She writhed wildly on the bed, making guttural noises that just seemed to emanate from her core in reaction to his explorations.

  “Oh, God!” she cried out into the surrounding room, Josh’s mouth buried hungrily between her legs, not letting up, giving her no relief from the rising pressure that filled her center in anticipation of release. “Josh, God, Josh. Please . . .,”

  She had no idea why she was begging, what she was begging for. She was just completely lost in what he was doing to her, unable to control her want, her need for more. The sensation of his warm, wet tongue buried inside her was simply maddening and she didn’t seem to be able to control herself as a result.

  Soon, her legs were shaking wildly as her body seemed to contort with the force of her first orgasm. Josh didn’t let up, continuing with his incessant teasing with his tongue while she tangled her fingers in his hair, pulling him into her, begging him not to stop as he brought her to climax after climax until she could hardly breathe for her panting and screams of delight. She collapsed like a rag doll against the bed as he finally stopped, pulling free of her to stand at the side of the bed with a glossy smile.

  “Now, this just doesn’t seem fair at all,” he said. “You are lying there without a hint of clothing on and, here I am, still fully dressed.”

  “I trust you know how to fix that,” she said seductively, not attempting to cover her nakedness.

  Despite knowing she wasn’t unattractive or out of shape, Barb had always been somewhat self-conscious of her figure. For some reason, she didn’t feel shy about her body at all with Josh. She was content to just lay there before him, sprawled out, with her sticky thighs exposed and her nipples hard with desire. She liked having him look at her like he was at this very moment, enjoyed seeing how much he wanted her as he slipped free of his clothes and his erection sprang free of his jockeys.

  His body was rippled with muscles, all perfectly chiseled. She could only imagine how incredibly powerful he must be with the amount of definition in them and wondered just how much of that translated into his dragon form. The thought of him as a dragon turned her on even more as she squirmed a bit on the bed, waiting for him to take what he wanted - waiting for him to give her what she needed.

  The light fanning in through the window cast a line of light across his skin, making her want to touch him, taste him. She wanted to feel his smooth, strong skin against hers. She could hardly wait any longer when he finally decided to join her in the bed again, hovering slightly above her as he leaned in and kissed her deeply. His hardness pressed into her leg, reminding her, once again, just how much he wanted her. For a moment she considered what he was and she froze.

  “What’s wrong? What is it?” he asked quietly, feeling her body tense against his.

  “You, what you are. You won’t,” she hesitated, almost afraid to say the words.

  “What? I won’t what?” he said softly, smiling down at her.

  “Change. While you’re inside me. You won’t change somehow, will you?” she asked.

  Josh chuckled a little and reached up to brush her hair away from her face before kissing her softly on the lips and then moving away to look at her again.

  “No. When we are together, like this. I will always just be Josh. I won’t hurt you,” he said.

  Barb nodded, feeling a little embarrassed that she had even asked. What had she expected? Was he going to turn into a huge dragon when he climaxed? Rip her apart? She pushed the thought out of her mind and quickly became lost again in his touch as he kissed her, his finger buried inside of her, exploring her dripping folds and sending shards of electricity through what seemed like every nerve ending in her body.

  “Ready for the tail?” he asked with a little laugh, looking down at her.

  “Not funny,” she half said, half moaned as his fingers continued to plunge in and out of her deeply. She opened her eyes as he pulled them free, putting them up to his lips and tasting her with a slow smile.

  “Gorgeous and delicious. How could I have gotten so lucky?” he said, positioning himself above her.

  Barb let out a loud groan as he entered her in one fluid movement, burying his sizable cock into her with an unexpected force.

  “Are you sure it’s not a tail?” she moaned, digging her nails into his bare back as he made love to her slowly, but deeply, taking his time to let every inch of their inner sanctums ignite in a delicious friction that left her whimpering with pleasure.

  “You can call it what you like, just as long as you don’t make me stop. You are perfect, so wet and tight. It feels like you are squeezing every drop of me into you,” he groaned, his hips rising and falling in unison with her own.

  “Oh, no. Don’t stop. Fuck me. Fuck me harder. I want to feel the power of those muscular thighs driving into me. Make me scream for it,” she begged.

  Barb had no idea what was happening to her. This wasn’t like her at all to beg like that, to use those words. She felt primal, like some sort of wild animal in heat. She wasn’t inhibited at all. The only thing on her mind was having him inside of her, punishing her delicate pink folds with his thick, hard cock. She wanted him in a way she had never wanted a man in her life.

  “God,” he moaned as he pushed into her harder, faster, forcing his throbbing cock into her again and again. Barb squealed and cooed beneath him, pushing back against each hard thrust. Their eyes met and locked on to one another’s as their bodies just seem to take over and slam together over and over until she was shaking with another series of orgasms that seemed to shatter throughout her entire body.

  Barb could hear a low groan rising from the back of Josh’s throat. He was like an animal with her pinned beneath him, mating with her in a heat that neither of them could control. He seemed to go on forever, pummeling her with his hard cock until he could no longer hold back and flooded her insides with the hot liquids that had been surging through him in an effort to escape. It was a beautiful mixture of pleasure and pain, culminating in an earth shattering explosion of release.

  She watched his face, the peace that came over it as he came inside her. He was looking back at her, his green eyes sparkling in the little light that showed through the window. She reached up and kissed him again, their passion lingering despite their exhaustion from having given each other their all. She felt his body relax against hers, lying on top of her for a moment as he kissed her ear and said her name.



  “I could get used to this. I could be inside of you every night of my life and be a happy man,” he told her.

  Barb smiled over his shoulder, but said nothing. It was a nice thought, but they were far apart and it was just a dream, a moment of fantasy at the finish of what had been a very rousing tryst. She smiled up at him as he pulled away and looked at her, adoration clear in his eyes. It was too much, her mind screamed. Too much, too soon.

  Reaching downward with one hand, he cupped her cheek in his hand and kissed her before falling to one side and collapsing against the pillow there. They lay there in the near darkness, holding one another’s hand until they drifted off to sleep, eventually climbing beneath the covers and wrapping up in one another’s arms.


  “Oh, God!” Amy will be mad with worry,” Barb said, waking up to see the sunlight beaming through Josh’s bedroom window.

  Josh reached for her as she started to climb from the bed, his muscular arm slipping quickly around her waist and pulling her back toward him.

  “Oh, no you don’t. You aren’t going anywhere, gorgeous. We are going to spend the rest of the morning in bed, continuing to be naked and ravenous.”

  “She’ll be beside herself,” Barb told him.

  “No, she won’t. Owen already texted me looking for you. I sent him a picture of your beautiful naked body sprawled across my bed, so I’m sure he relayed the me
ssage,” he said with a wicked grin.

  “You did not!” she replied, hoping he was kidding, but admittedly not sure.

  “Okay. I didn’t, but I did tell him you were here and that you had drank a bit much and fallen asleep. He said you sounded like Amy,” he laughed.

  “You think he really believed that?” she asked, doubtful.

  “No, not for one minute. The question is, do you care?

  “I guess not,” she shrugged, laying back against the pillow and curling back up to his warm body.

  His hand slid down her body, caressing her side as he traveled downward in small strokes. His mouth fell on hers, drinking her in and making her head spin. He had a way of consuming her with his touch, with his tongue and his hands. She melted into his chest, just as she had last night when he had touched her like this. Her thoughts quickly went back to what they had shared, sending a longing through her that only made her want more of him. A morning of follow up in bed was definitely something she was more than willing to explore.

  They were just getting heated back up again, their breath ragged and wanton, when her cell phone began to ring. She ignored it until it stopped, but then it began again. It rang the maximum number of times and then stopped again, only to ring again. Barb pulled away from Josh with a loud sigh.

  “Hold that thought,” she groaned. “Someone has their panties in a wad about something.”

  “Seems that way, as opposed to those of us who have no panties on to bunch up,” he laughed, tracing his fingers along the curve of her backside as she sat up on the edge of the bed and answered her phone.

  “Barb, what are you doing right now?” Albert asked.

  “Well, I, um . . . Honestly, I’m still in bed,” she said.

  “Can you get over here? You’re going to want to see this right away,” he told her.

  “What is it?”

  “I’d rather not say over the phone. Can you come?” he asked.

  “Sure. Let me get a quick shower and I’m on my way,” she told him.

  “What was that about?” Josh asked as she hung up the phone.

  “I don’t know. Albert’s found something that he wants me up there to look at right away,” she told him.

  “I’ll come with you,” he replied, already climbing out of the bed on his side. “Come on, we can enjoy a shower together at least before we go, but don’t think I’m not expecting to finish what we started when we get back,” he told her with a sultry smile, his naked body perfect as he padded toward the bathroom door.

  “Oh, you bet your sweet ass we are,” she laughed as she jumped up and followed him to the shower.

  Josh was already turning on the shower to warm up as she stepped in. While it warmed up, he bent down to kiss her again. She felt it all the way down to her toes, which she was quite sure would be curled into little balls of sweet anticipation if she were to look down at them precisely at that moment. The effect he had on her was incredible. It felt like she had known him forever already, even though they really knew next to nothing about one another, in reality.

  “Okay. Shower time. Come on and I’ll wash your hair,” he said, stepping into the shower and holding out his hand toward her.

  Barb stepped in and he closed the glass door behind her, pressing his naked body against hers as he positioned her under the shower to wet her hair. Picking the shampoo up from the side, he squirted a bit of it in one of his large hands and began working it into her long tresses, using the pads of his fingers to massage her scalp. It was the first time a man had ever washed her hair like this. It was so intimate and tender. Once again, she found herself overwhelmed by him.

  “We’d better get a move on,” she said, destroying the moment. She knew she was ruining something that felt beautiful, but she found she was unable to stop herself from doing so. It was just too much. She felt too much for a stranger, too soon. Counseling herself to remember that this was just a hot fling with a handsome stranger, she stepped away from him and rinsed the suds out of her hair, quickly washing with the soap and sponge he handed her and then stepping out, leaving him in the tub.

  “I’ll go ahead and be getting dressed while you finish up,” she said.

  “Barb?” he said, sticking his head out for a moment and looking at her with what seemed like a hurt look.

  “Yes?” she replied, wrapping a towel around herself to dry off.

  “Did I do something wrong?” he asked.

  “No,” she said. “It’s not you. I just need to remember why I am here. Work has to come first.”

  The expression on Josh’s face was one that was unmistakable. She was as bad as one of those women that get up early in the morning and leave while the man they spend the night with is still asleep. Except, really, she was worse. She had practically run out of his arms during a tender moment. What a clod she was! Still, she couldn’t afford to get too attached to him. This wasn’t a fairy tale. It was just sex with a stranger, no matter how sweet and tender it had felt to be in his arms.

  “I see,” he replied, closing the door and resuming his shower.

  In a few minutes, he joined her in the bedroom, where she was busy looking for a missing shoe. She turned to find him holding it out to her, dangling it by the strap. The look on his face was about as blank as one could muster.

  “Listen, Josh. I didn’t mean to come across . . .,” she began to say, but he held up a hand toward her, cutting off her words.

  “No. Don’t worry about it. I get it,” he told her.

  “I don’t think you do,” she protested.

  “Please, Barb. It was just a thing, not long term. You don’t want romance, just a good fuck. I get it,” he said bluntly before turning to go into his closet for clothes.

  Barb wanted to say something else, anything else that would make it better, but she couldn’t come up with anything at all. This morning was turning out to be a complete disaster and she had no one to blame for it but herself. At any rate, mission accomplished. She had gotten laid and enjoyed it immensely, which was a good thing because she had the distinct feeling that her behavior had just turned her fling into a one night stand.

  They drove in near silence back up to the dig site, not knowing what to expect. Josh had only broken the unbearably tense air between them shortly before they arrived.

  “What do you think is so important? Do you think he found the human skeleton?”

  “I don’t know. I doubt he would have brought me up if he had. His first order of business would have been to contact the police and they would not have allowed anyone near a crime scene I don’t think, so there would be no need for me to come.”

  “You’re probably right. I guess we are about to find out,” he told her, turning onto the road that led up to the location of the dig.

  Neither of them could believe their eyes when they arrived. There was a large piece of equipment poised above the hole, cradling a rather large object that was being very well tended by a number of people holding onto the soft canvas that encased it to protect it from falling apart. She and Josh exchanged a look of disbelief that they had gotten this far so fast. Time was definitely not on their side in this and getting shorter by the moment.

  “They’ve freed up the largest portion of the intact remains,” Barb said, her heart pounding in her chest.

  “Yes, they have. It won’t be long before they start digging beneath it a little further to find whatever bones might have become detached and find the human remains, if they haven’t already,” Josh groaned.

  “You need to call Aaron and tell him about this,” she said.

  “I will, shortly. First let’s go see where we are with things. Let’s find out what he knows so far, and then we’ll call Aaron and see what he wants to do about it. Maybe we are getting all worked up for nothing. Perhaps I’m wrong and there is no body beneath hers and Albert will write this whole thing off as a new species of dinosaur or some such thing. As long as he’s not bold enough to say it’s a dragon, we are okay. The
n, even if the other body is found, it isn’t our problem.”

  “Do you really believe that is how this is going to go down?” Barb asked, giving him a look of disbelief.

  “No, but it sounded good for a minute. Let’s go see what kind of trouble we’ve got on our hands,” he replied.

  The two of them made their way slowly across the field toward the dig. They could see Albert standing to one side and as they approached, began walking toward them, a somber look on his face. Barb held her breath, waiting to see what bad news he would deliver to top off the shit day she had created for herself so far.

  “He doesn’t look very happy,” Josh observed.

  “No, not at all, but I don’t see any cops in the area. Hopefully, that is a good sign,” she said.

  Any awkwardness that had been between them seemed to take a backseat to whatever was currently happening. She could only imagine what it might mean for Josh’s clan if things had already gotten out of hand, and they were unable to do anything about what was about to come regarding the nature of the people who inhabited his village. Albert seemed like he was moving in slow motion as he made his way over from the site and they both feared the worst.


  “You aren’t going to believe this! This is fantastic! Follow me,” Albert was saying as he walked toward them.

  “What is it?” Barb asked. She was doing her best to walk without getting pushed into either him or Josh as the wind blew mercilessly, sending her sideways before she could catch herself. It had been like this all morning, blowing Josh about the road as they had driven here.

  “I’ve made the discovery of the century. There are still a lot of unanswered questions, but I have definitely found a new species, one no one has ever found before.”

  “New species?” Josh asked. Barb glanced in his directly, surprised he had beat her to the question.

  “Well, strictly in the sense that it hasn’t been seen before. I am still a bit baffled by the disparity in the age of the remains and the time it has been in the dirt.”


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