Guarding the Babies

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Guarding the Babies Page 11

by Sandra Robbins

  He disconnected the call and frowned at Holly. “Satisfied? You know I’m not much of a matchmaker.”

  She laughed. “Oh, don’t be such a fuddy-duddy. Now for Kathy. Do you have the number for Wings of Hope in your phone?”


  “Then give it to me, and I’ll make the call to Kathy.”

  He handed it over, and a few minutes later, Holly smiled and ended the call. “She was excited to be invited to dinner at my house.”

  “You didn’t tell her Jason was going to be here.”

  “No, and you didn’t tell him, either. We’ll introduce them when they arrive.”

  Cole shook his head and pushed to his feet. “Whatever. I’ll see you later.”

  Holly smiled as he headed toward the door. “Looking forward to it,” she called after him.

  He didn’t turn around but threw up his hand in dismissal as he’d always done when he was frustrated with her. It didn’t matter, though. If Jason and Kathy hit it off, Cole might be glad they’d arranged this meeting. If they didn’t like each other, then at least she’d tried.

  She smiled as she headed to the kitchen to tell Mrs. Green they were going to have three guests for dinner.

  * * *

  At six thirty, Cole pulled the car to a stop in front of Holly’s house and glanced over at Jason, who sat in the passenger seat. He felt like a traitor to the young man, who had no idea he was about to come face-to-face with a determined cupid. Cole sighed and shook his head. Truthfully, he could have refused to be a part of Holly’s scheme, but he had to admit he was interested in seeing how the evening turned out.

  “Well, here we are,” he said as he opened his door and climbed out.

  Jason did the same, and together they walked up the steps to the porch. Todd stood by the front door and studied them as they stepped up to the doorway. “Good evening, Detective Jackson. Miss Lee said to tell you to come on in when you got here. She’s in the den.”

  “Thanks, Todd,” he said as he opened the door and stepped into the entry.

  Jason glanced at him and shook his head as they walked toward the den. “I can’t believe I’m having dinner with Holly Lee.”

  Cole gave a snort of disgust. “She’s just a normal woman like you see every day. She wouldn’t want you to think differently.”

  Jason laughed. “She may seem like a normal woman to you, because you’ve known her a long time, but to me, she represents how a girl from a small town can make it big in the music industry. It gives guys like me hope that it can happen for us.”

  “It didn’t just happen for her, Jason. She worked hard for it, and she gave up a lot to get where she is today.”

  Jason didn’t reply as they stepped into the den. Holly looked up from the desk where she’d been staring at the computer screen and smiled as they came in. “Cole, Jason. I’m so glad you’re here. I was just checking emails. I had an interesting one from Keith Jefferson that I think you might be interested in, Jason.” Cole took a second to make the connection, but then he remembered—Keith Jefferson was the lead singer of that band Jason was a fan of, Attitude.

  Jason’s eyebrows shot up, and he stared at Holly. “Why would I be interested?”

  “Because the audio guys at the convention center sent me a video of your performance the other night, and I forwarded it to Keith. He really liked it and he wants to meet you and your band members.”

  Cole thought for a moment from the look on Jason’s face that he might pass out. “H-he wants to meet us?”

  Holly laughed and nodded. “He asked me to send him your contact information so he can set up a time for your band to come to Nashville and audition for him.”

  Jason’s face grew even paler. “Audition?”

  “Yeah. He’s looking for some new acts to open for his band on their next concert tour. Are you interested in going to play for him?”

  “Are you kidding?” His loud answer seemed to bounce off the walls. He grabbed Holly’s hands and squeezed. “I can’t believe this. Thank you, Miss Lee. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  She laughed. “You can thank me by being prepared when you go and making a good impression on Keith. After all, I pride myself on spotting emerging talent, and I don’t want you to prove me wrong.”

  “You don’t have to worry. We’ll be ready.” He glanced over at Cole. “I still can’t believe it. We have a chance to play for Keith Jefferson.”

  Before Cole could reply, a sound from the door caught their attention. They looked around to see Todd standing there with Kathy Dennis by his side. “Miss Lee, your other guest is here.”

  Kathy looked to be frozen in place. She stood there, her mouth gaping open, and stared at Jason as if she couldn’t believe her eyes. Cole glanced at Jason and almost laughed out loud at the way he was looking at Kathy. Before anyone could say anything, Holly rushed over and grabbed Kathy’s hand.

  “Come in, Kathy. I’m so glad you’re here.” She put her arm around the girl’s waist and pulled her into the room. “I have a friend I’d like to introduce you to. Of course, you already know Detective Jackson, and this is Jason Freeman.” She turned to Jason. “Jason, this is Kathy Dennis. She’s a big fan of your band and goes to see you perform all the time.”

  A smile broke across Jason’s face as his gaze raked over the girl. “Is that right? It’s great to meet someone who likes our music.”

  “Oh, I do,” she gushed. “I thought your performance at the convention center was out of this world.”

  “You were there?”

  Kathy nodded. “I came just to hear your band play. I think I’ve been to every performance you’ve done locally in the last year.”

  Jason’s grin widened as he stepped closer to Kathy. “Sounds like you’re the type of fan we hope to attract. Do you live in Jackson Springs?”

  “Yes. I’ve been here about two years now.”

  Holly cleared her throat and grasped Cole’s arm. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to see how Mrs. Green is coming along with the dinner. You two stay here and get acquainted, and Cole can help me in the kitchen.”

  Her thinly veiled attempt to get the two young people alone wasn’t lost on him, and he nodded. “Lead the way, Holly. I can hardly wait to see what you need help with.”

  He followed her to the door, and they both looked over their shoulders at Jason and Kathy, who had settled on the sofa and were already absorbed in a deep conversation. “I have to hand it to you, Holly,” he said. “A professional matchmaker couldn’t have done a better job. Jason seems completely taken with Kathy already—which makes me feel better since I felt like I was leading a lamb to the slaughter.”

  Holly looked up at him and laughed. “Don’t be silly. This may be the start of something big.”

  An hour later, Cole stared at Holly across the dinner table and smiled. He and Holly might as well have been in another room for all the attention the others paid to them during the meal. From all appearances, it seemed that Jason and Kathy had taken an instant liking to each other. They chatted all during dinner, and Holly and Cole had been interested observers who merely smiled at each other from time to time.

  With the meal over, Holly pushed her chair back and stood. “Let’s go back in the den and have coffee. I’ll check with Mrs. Green and tell her we’re ready. I’ll join you in a minute.”

  Cole followed Jason and Kathy back to the den and took his seat in one of the chairs. Holly came in a little later and sat down opposite him. “I’m sorry to be so long. I was upstairs helping Mrs. Green and Mandy get Emma and Ethan ready for bed. We’re going to have to wait on the coffee for a few minutes.”

  She’d no sooner finished speaking than Mandy appeared at the doorway holding Ethan, Mrs. Green right behind her with Emma. “I thought you might like to tell these little ones good-night before we tuck them in.”

p; Holly rose and met Mandy as she entered the room to take Ethan from her. A big smile covered her face as she nuzzled the baby’s head and kissed him. Ethan’s giggles rang out, and he squirmed in Holly’s arms. Still holding Ethan, Holly turned her attention to Emma and plastered kisses all over the blond curls on her head.

  Both babies struggled to get down, but Holly shook her head. “No, no. It’s bedtime. No more playing tonight.”

  Cole got up and was about to step over to the twins, but before he could, Kathy stood and walked over to face Holly. She leaned forward and wrapped her fingers around Ethan’s small hand. “You are so precious,” she cooed. Then she turned her attention to Emma. “And you look so much like your mother. You’re going to be a beauty just like she was.”

  Kathy’s words startled Cole, and he stared at her for a moment. “I forgot you knew their birth mother.”

  Kathy nodded. “Yes. She was with us for a few months before the babies were born. During that time, we became friends. She felt so alone, and she worried so much about what to do. One day she was going to give them up, and then the next day she was going to keep them. She went back and forth for weeks until she decided to let Holly’s sister and brother-in-law adopt them.”

  Holly’s eyes had grown wide, and she stared at Kathy. “But she decided to give them up.”

  “Yes, she did. And your sister and brother-in-law were so thrilled when Mr. Richmond let them know her decision. I was the one who called them when Teresa went into labor. They came and waited outside the delivery room until the twins were born. I still tear up when I remember how happy your sister looked when she held them for the first time. She sat down in a chair, and the nurses handed her the babies. She cradled them, one in each arm, and cried.”

  Cole could tell Holly was about to lose her composure at the description of her sister and the babies together for the first time. She cleared her throat and blinked. “She called me that day. She was very happy.”

  Kathy nodded. “She was. That’s why I was so worried about her when Teresa changed her mind about giving them up.”

  There was a sudden chill that penetrated the room, and Holly’s startled gaze met Cole’s. “She decided to keep them?” he asked.

  “Yeah. The second day after they were born, she came to me and told me that she’d decided she wasn’t giving them up.”

  Cole glanced at Holly, and the shocked look on her face made his stomach clench. “What did Mr. Richmond have to say?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t talk to her after that, but I knew she had three days after signing the papers. Since she’d signed the day they were born, she was still within the time frame to stop the adoption.” Her eyes darkened, and she bit down on her lip. “But it didn’t make any difference since she died later that afternoon. The doctor said it was a blood clot.” She patted the cheek of each baby. “I’m just glad you two have someone to take care of you now.”

  Cole noticed Holly’s arms tighten around Ethan, pulling him closer. “Yes, they have me now.”

  For a moment, he didn’t know if she was going to say anything else. Then she handed Ethan back to Mrs. Green. “I think it’s time these two were in bed. Mrs. Green, you can help Mandy get them down, and I’ll see about the coffee.”

  She and Mandy headed up the stairs to get the twins settled. When they disappeared upstairs, Holly took a deep breath and forced a smile on her face. “Now, if you’ll all have a seat, I’ll go make the coffee.”

  “I really need to take off,” Jason said, stopping her before she could leave. “My band is practicing tonight, and I told them I’d be there. Thanks for dinner, Holly. It was delicious.” He turned to Kathy. “I rode with Cole, so my car’s not here. Would you mind driving me? If you’d like, you can hang out with us while we practice and tell me what you think.”

  Kathy’s eyes sparkled. “I’d love to.” She turned back to Holly. “Thank you for dinner, and thank you for everything else, too.”

  Her meaning wasn’t lost on Cole, and he smiled even though his mind was still whirling from what Kathy had just told them. He watched as Holly walked them to the door to see them out, calling after them, “Have a good night, you two. And, Jason, don’t forget to text me your contact information.”

  “I won’t. Thanks again.”

  Cole waited in the den for Holly to return. When she did, she walked over and collapsed on the sofa. “Do you think Kathy was telling the truth about Teresa?”

  He nodded and sat down beside her. “I do. The words just flowed so freely, and I don’t think she had any idea that she was giving us information that we didn’t know.”

  “But you asked Greg Richmond if Teresa changed her mind, and he said no. Why would he lie about that?”

  Cole shook his head. “He may not have known. Kathy said Teresa told her she was going to tell Richmond the adoption was off, and then the blood clot came out of nowhere. She may have died before she spoke to him. What seems strange to me is the timing—that the day she made her decision to stop the adoption she suddenly died of a blood clot. After that, there was no need to stop the adoption.”

  “Are you saying you have doubts about the way she died?”

  Cole shrugged. “At this point, it would be pure speculation, but I do know there wasn’t an autopsy done. The doctor put the cause of death on the death certificate. With this new information, I think it warrants looking into more carefully.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “First thing in the morning,” he said, “I’m going to present my suspicions to a judge and get a court order to have Teresa Wilson’s body exhumed for an autopsy. Then we’ll know the exact cause of death and where we go from there.”


  When Cole hadn’t called by noon the next day, Holly was beginning to get worried. Maybe he was still trying to get permission to exhume Teresa’s body. She couldn’t stop her mind from racing ahead. Even if they were able to do an autopsy and there were any suspicious findings, that still didn’t answer the question of who might have been involved.

  At this point, the only thing that Cole seemed to be convinced of was that everything revolved around Emma and Ethan. Holly tried to swallow the lump that seemed to have lodged in her throat, but it was no use. Her babies were in trouble, and she didn’t know what to do about it.

  Her babies? It was still a little surprising every time she had that thought. Emma and Ethan had been Ruth’s children, and all she had expected to be was the aunt who dropped into their lives every once in a while and spoiled them rotten for a few days. Since she’d become their guardian, that had begun to change. They were the children she thought she would never have, and she loved them with a fierceness that couldn’t be rivaled. That was why it was so important to find out why a cloud of danger had descended on two helpless babies.

  With a sigh, she looked at her watch. It seemed the morning had dragged by. She needed something to occupy her mind for the afternoon until she heard from Cole. A sudden thought hit her, and she pursed her lips. The mystery of where Michael and Ruth had gotten the money they’d paid for the adoption had never been solved. There had to be something around that would answer that question.

  A possibility occurred, and she smiled. The safe. Maybe there was something inside that she had overlooked when she’d found the adoption papers. She ran to the stairs and took them two at a time and then rushed to the bedroom.

  The code still lay where she’d left it, and she grabbed it and punched in the numbers. When the door swung open, she looked inside. Just as she’d suspected, several envelopes still lay on the bottom. She picked them up and shuffled through them but paused at the last one and stared at the return address.

  Her breath hitched in her throat as she opened the envelope’s flap and read the letter inside. It was from the lawyer in Atlanta who had handled Michael’s grandmother’s estate. The document confirmed th
at he, as the executor of the trust fund Michael had inherited, had approved the transfer of two hundred fifty thousand dollars to Michael.

  Holly sat there for a few minutes and stared at the letter. The question was finally answered, but it brought no satisfaction to her. Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes. She’d never realized how desperate her sister and brother-in-law must have been for a baby.

  She didn’t know how long she sat there, but suddenly the ringing of her cell phone jerked her from her thoughts. She sighed in relief that Cole’s number showed up. She put the phone to her ear.

  “Cole. I’ve been going out of my mind wondering what was happening.”

  A soft chuckle rippled in her ear. “And hello to you, too, Holly.”

  “I’m sorry. I’ve just been so anxious to hear from you. So, a belated hello to you, too.” She took a breath. “Now tell me, were you successful getting the court order?”

  “I was. The judge signed the order, and I’m on my way to the cemetery now. I’ve already called, and they have the location of the grave. The work crew is waiting out there for me, but I wanted to let you know what was going on.”

  “Thank you. What happens when they’ve recovered the body?”

  “It’ll be sent to the coroner for an autopsy. He’ll compare his results to the death certificate that the doctor signed. Once we have that done, we’ll know how to proceed.”

  Holly sighed and rubbed her hands over her eyes. “How long is all of that going to take?”

  “I don’t know, Holly. I can’t rush these things. Investigations take time.”

  A sudden rush of anger filled her. She wanted the twins safe, and she wanted it now. “Well, I don’t have a lot of time. Your department needs to hurry this along, so I can get Emma and Ethan settled in our life in Nashville.”

  He was quiet for a moment, and when he spoke his words were stilted. “I’m sorry we haven’t been able to please you, but our department doesn’t have the funds like big-city law enforcement has. If you need to get back to Nashville, then you should go. Whether you stay or leave makes no difference to our investigation. It will go on until we have some answers.”


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