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Silver Page 12

by K. A. Linde

  The next morning, one side of Stacia’s face had swollen up to the approximate size of a hot-air balloon. And no matter how much ibuprofen she had taken or ice she’d put on it, the swelling didn’t really go down, and her head hurt like a bitch.

  “You look fine,” Bryna insisted for the umpteenth time that morning. “You can cover it with makeup.”

  “Do you think the bastard will get kicked off the team?” Stacia asked as she assessed the damage.

  “Eric is handling it. Just let him deal with it.”


  Bryna sighed. “I don’t know what will happen. If they found cocaine on him, if there were some proof that he was the one who’d hit you, then absolutely. But you two were alone in your bedroom. There were no eyewitnesses. I don’t know what will happen.”

  “This is bullshit.”

  “I agree.”

  “I bet the NCAA would look into it if charges were leveled against him,” Bryna said slowly, “but then they’d drag your name through the mud, and I don’t know that you’d win.”

  “In a football town, that’s life or death,” Stacia said.

  Her entire life, she had grown up with an overprotective dad who insisted on keeping her name out of the newspapers. Anything done to her would come back on him and the team. It always did. Going public with this would go against everything she’d been taught while growing up.

  “Just think about it.”

  “I just want to go home and sleep off the pain,” Stacia said.

  Bryna nodded. “Let me grab my keys.”

  Going forward, Stacia had a lot to think about with regard to Boomer. On one level, she didn’t want to get her name in the news. On the other hand, the guy was a lunatic and needed to be brought to justice. But it was a sobering thought that, even if she came forward, he might get no punishment.

  Bryna dropped Stacia back off at Pace’s condo. “Call me if you need me.”

  “I will. Thanks, Bri.”

  Stacia left the car and then walked inside. The place was a disaster. Solo cups and trash were everywhere. A ton of Pace’s possessions were on the floor. A few things were broken. More than one drink had been spilled last night. But at least everyone was gone.

  She glanced at Pace’s shut bedroom door with disdain. She didn’t even want to think about what had happened in that room last night. Let alone wonder if someone else was in there this morning. She was starting to think that she should have listened to Pace when he had said that he didn’t want her seeing anyone else because she could hardly stomach the thought of him hooking up with someone else.

  Their history was too long for nonchalance. She hated to admit that she still cared about him, even when she hated him for the bullshit he continued to put her through.

  She cracked open the door to her room right when Pace’s door opened behind her.

  “You’re back,” he said.

  Don’t turn around, she kept chanting to herself, wanting nothing more than to save her own dignity. “Yep.”

  “Who’d you go home with that got you to do the walk of shame back here?” Pace asked so casually that she would have thought he didn’t care at all.

  But he got the reaction he’d wanted.

  She whipped around and glared at him. “Does this look like I went home with someone?” Stacia pointed at her swollen face.

  “Fuck, Stacia,” he said, dropping all pretenses and sprinting toward her. He was gentle when he cupped her cheek and tilted her face to get a better look. “What the fuck happened to you? Who do I need to murder?”

  “Don’t worry about it,” she spat. “You had your hands full, and it’s not your concern.”

  His eyes softened as he critically assessed her. “Of course you’re my concern.” His thumb stroked the point of impact, and she winced. “I never want to see you hurt like this.”

  “No, just emotionally,” she said under her breath.

  “Stacia, who did this?” he demanded. “I’m going to find them, and then I’m going to murder them for thinking that they could ever lay a hand on you.”

  “It would do no good for you to find out who did this,” she told him.

  “So, he’s on the team,” Pace reasoned.

  As much as she had been ready to tell Pace about it last night, she felt totally different in the light of day. She had rushed to him, willing to throw her pain his way, thinking he would accept her for it. Instead, he’d been with Lindsay.

  “Just drop it.” She removed her face from his careful hands.

  “No. I will find out.”

  “How was Lindsay?” she asked to change the subject.

  “She’s the same bitch as always. Don’t try to dodge me.”

  “What? Like you’re dodging me?” she spat.

  “Just ask me, Pink. Ask me about Lindsay. I can see you’re dying to know.”

  Stacia bit her lip, not sure she was ready for the answer. Did I really want to know? Was it worth it to put myself out there for it?

  He was just antagonizing her. She had seen with her own eyes what had happened with Lindsay. She didn’t need him to confirm it.

  “I don’t care,” she said, backing away. “I don’t even want to know.”

  He followed her to the threshold of her bedroom. “Yes, you do.”

  “You’re wrong. The only one here who wants something is you. You have no leverage. And I’m not going to tell you what happened and jeopardize the team.”

  “The team is not more important than you, Stacia,” he said in a soft, seductive voice.

  “To who?” Stacia asked. She cocked her head to the side. “Not to you. Certainly not to the guy who was too busy with the new cheer captain to care that I was getting thrown around in the next room.”

  Pace winced. He actually winced. She never would have guessed she could actually wound him. But if he wasn’t hurting, then he was a phenomenal actor.

  Then, he stepped into her bedroom. His hand rested on her swollen cheek again, and he placed featherlight kisses on the spot. Stacia closed her eyes and tried to keep her breathing normal. She tried not to be affected by him. But it was impossible. Even in her anger, she couldn’t deny her attraction to him.

  When he pulled back, he looked her straight in the eyes. “I will find out who did this to you, and I don’t care who he is; the next time I see him, he won’t be able to play football anymore.”

  As he turned to leave, she called out, “Pace?”

  He stilled in the doorway.

  “What happened with Lindsay?” she asked in a tiny voice. She hated to ask it, but it was killing her to know.

  “Ask what you really want to know,” he said, turning to face her again.

  “Did you fuck her?”

  A half-smile crossed his face. “What do you think?”

  “I think I want the truth.”

  A dimple showed in his cheek. “I’m sure you do.”

  Then, he walked out without giving her the peace of mind she so wanted.

  THE NEXT WEEK TICKED BY at a snail’s crawl.

  Everyone was anticipating the opening game of the season. Especially because Coach Galloway had switched it up and started with a tough out-of-conference matchup with Clemson. This would set the tone for the season, and Bryna, Trihn, Stacia, and Maya were standing on the sidelines, thanks to Eric. The girls were bouncing anxiously, anticipating the start of the game.

  Stacia was unbelievably ready for this moment after the week she’d had. Taking Pace’s non-answer to mean that he and Lindsay had been together, she had actually started to look for other apartments in her spare time. Not that she had much of it with her first journalism essay due. But the pickings had been even more dismal than when she had looked at the start of the summer. So, for now, she was stuck at Pace’s condo until she bucked up enough courage to talk to her dad. Truly, the only good that had come of the week was that her face had healed enough to be completely concealed by makeup by game day.

  “And here to an
nounce the starting lineup for your tenth-ranked Las Vegas State Gamblers…” the announcer called.

  Everyone cheered and jumped up and down as name after name was called for the starting lineup.

  “At wide receiver, number twelve, Drayton Pierce!”

  Over everyone, Maya could be heard screaming and yelling for her man. And the other girls went wild for their friend.

  “At running back, number thirty-two, TJ Boomer!”

  And, instead of cheers, the entire crowd booed his name. It made Stacia laugh that his signature cheer would be a boo, yet it had its own insane quality that everyone got into it.

  “And your starting quarterback, number six, Pace Larson!”

  The crowd erupted for their new starting quarterback. People in the stands were wearing his number.

  The entire student section was chanting, “Lar-son, Lar-son, Lar-son.”

  He was here in his element, ready to take on the world.

  Stacia would fall for him a little bit more every time he was on the field. She knew now it was her folly to be a jersey-chaser. But, damn, did it make a guy hot as shit to see his incredible athletic performance, the rippling muscles…and the tight pants didn’t hurt a damn thing.

  “Kickoff,” Bryna cried, latching on to Stacia and Trihn.

  “God, this makes me miss cheer,” Stacia whispered.

  Bryna nodded. “Me, too.”

  “Well, I’ve never cheered in my life, so I can’t say I miss it,” Trihn said with a laugh.

  Then, all the girls were screaming as LV State won the toss, and Clemson went to kick off first. The atmosphere was explosive. Both teams came out hitting hard. And everyone had to admit it; Pace looked phenomenal.

  Stacia had always thought he was a great athlete. She had encouraged him to try to get the starting spot more than once, but he had always been held back. Marshall had been a great player, too, but sometimes, Stacia had wondered if he had gotten the spot due to favoritism rather than ability. But, with no one else in the way, Pace shone.

  And Boomer did it along with him.

  Stacia understood why he had been picked up, even after the horrible things she had read about him and now experienced. He hurdled players like they were nothing. He barreled down the field, knocked people out of the way, and scored touchdowns as if he were made for it.

  Didn’t make him any less of a jackass, but he did incredible things for the team.

  Pace launched the ball into the end zone where Drayton picked it off for the final touchdown of the night and the win, and the crowd went wild with enthusiasm. If this set the tone for the season, then they would be in for the ride of their lives.

  The girls were still cheering the victory when, out of nowhere, Pace sprinted off the field and straight toward them.

  “What is he doing?” Bryna asked.

  “I don’t know,” Stacia whispered.

  The rest of the team had rushed toward the sideline. They were standing on the cheerleading stage and reaching out for the other students as they all reveled in the victory. But Pace hadn’t joined them, and it was a second before everyone realized that he wasn’t there.

  He tossed his helmet to the ground, picked Stacia up in his arms, and then kissed her breathless. His hands dug into her blonde hair. His mouth was hot and passionate and demanding. His tongue invaded her mouth, and then she gave in completely. She kissed him back with a fervor, allowing the adrenaline from the win push them to something she would never have allowed otherwise.

  Cheers and catcalls were drowned out in the heat of the moment. It wasn’t until Pace slowly released her that Stacia even realized how many people were around her. Camera crews were practically in their faces. Hundreds of people were taking photographs of them together. Bryna, Trihn, and Maya were standing next to the pair with their mouths wide open in utter shock. And that was when Stacia noticed that the entire goddamn thing had been televised on the big screen.

  “What was that for?” she barely got out.

  “Should have done it a long time ago,” he said in reply.

  Then, he released her and rushed toward his teammates as the crowd started chanting his name again, “Lar-son. Lar-son. Lar-son.”

  Stacia felt woozy, like she might fall over or faint at any moment. And all the stares and questioning looks weren’t helping anything.

  Bryna and Trihn latched on to her from either side and practically marched her out of the arena. They went through the tunnel and into the crowded lobby where everyone was going about their own business before finally releasing Stacia.

  But her head was still spinning. Seriously, what had happened back there? Pace had kissed me…on national television!

  The last time he had kissed her like that—scratch that. He’d never kissed her like that. And it certainly hadn’t been anything close to that in almost a year. That kiss was…everything. Possessive and demanding and needy and caring and forceful and desperate. It made her want to go back to that moment and relive it in slow motion over and over again. To feel that wanted once more.

  “S, are you with us?” Trihn cried, snapping her fingers in Stacia’s face.

  “Yes,” she breathed, Then, with more vigor, she said, “Yes, I’m with you.”

  “Let’s get the fuck out of here, and then you need to tell us what the fuck that was,” Bryna said.

  When they’d had cheerleading, they would have to wait until everyone left the arena and all the football players were back in the locker rooms before they could pack up, change, and leave. But, now, they had the luxury of getting the fuck out of the packed arena as soon as the game was over and rendezvousing at Eric and Bryna’s place.

  Bryna stared down at her manicure while Trihn paced back and forth. Maya was already in the kitchen, creating marvelous concoctions for them. They were all waiting for Stacia to say something, but she didn’t know what to say.

  “Well?” Bryna asked.

  Stacia shrugged. “It was…unexpected.”

  “Unexpected?” Bryna asked. “A car accident is unexpected. Your ex-boyfriend kissing you in front of nearly a hundred thousand people and on live television is not unexpected. It’s a fucking land mine you just stepped on.”

  “Land mines are generally unexpected,” Stacia mumbled.

  “You’re living with him. How land mine-like is it really?”

  “Considering I haven’t seen him since the morning after his party when he saw my fucked up face and basically confessed to fucking Lindsay…pretty much a land mine,” Stacia told them.

  “He fucked Lindsay?” Trihn asked in dismay. “That’s low. Even for him. I mean…Madison…” When Stacia paled further, Trihn cringed. “Fuck. Sorry.”

  Maya appeared at that moment with drinks. “Here you are.” The girls all took their drinks. “I would like to propose a toast.”

  “Right now?” Bryna asked.

  “Yep. I would like to toast to a fucking hot kiss on national TV.”

  Stacia laughed. “What? You’re toasting my kiss?”

  “Uh, yeah. That was every girl’s dream right there.”

  Trihn shook her head. “She’s totally confused about what it means, and you’re toasting her.”

  “What it means?” Maya asked with an arched eyebrow. “I think we all know what it means. Pace wants her…again. He probably never stopped. No need moping around about it. Every fucking person in that audience wanted to be the pair of you tonight. Revel in it! Now, let’s toast!”

  They laughed but did as Maya had said and tipped back the drinks in unison.

  “Are we still down for Posse?” Stacia asked.

  “Hell yes, we are!” Maya said. “Do you know how much I’ve wanted to go to Posse on a football Saturday and not work? We’re going.”

  That was how they ended up at Posse a few hours later, dressed to the nines and heading off to the VIP section to get out of the biggest crowd. Tuck had already been moved upstairs and started pouring drinks for them as soon as they entered.

  “Big boss man is in today,” he told Maya, who was basically the only person he talked to.

  “Oh, yeah?” Maya asked, her eyes roving the area. “Where?”

  Tuck pointed to a corner where an extremely tall man with sunshine-blond hair and a hot Armani suit stood with a girl with the darkest red hair that almost looked brown in the dim lighting.

  “A girl?” Maya asked.

  “What’s going on?” Bryna asked.

  “You remember the hot owner from Atlanta that I told you about that no one ever sees, except on very rare occasions?” Maya asked. The girls nodded and then followed Maya’s eyes to the guy she was staring at. “Check him out.”

  “He’s hot,” Bryna acknowledged.

  “Smoking,” Stacia said.

  “I think I met him once,” Trihn said. “I thought he was a security guard or something when I went to see Damon last year.”

  “It’s the mystery around him that makes him so freaking hot,” Maya said with a sigh. “If only I knew his story.”

  “Who’s the girl?” Bryna asked.

  Maya shrugged. “Never seen her before. She’s probably a model or something. Those kinds of guys always go for the model types.”

  “Girlfriend,” Tuck said. “I heard him say it earlier. Looks like he’s off the market, ladies.”

  All four of the girls pouted and turned away from the hot Posse owner. Didn’t matter in the least that three-quarters of the group were taken and that Stacia had just been claimed by someone on national TV. It was still sad to see someone that wealthy and good-looking go off the market.

  A few drinks into the evening, a cheer erupted from downstairs, which more or less announced the arrival of the football team. Stacia leaned over the railing and watched Pace enter with Boomer and Drayton on his heels. Despite his show of affection at the game, a dozen girls were already vying for his attention, and even from a distance, Stacia could tell that one of them was Lindsay. It made her sick to her stomach.

  “Come on, let’s go see Dray,” Maya said.


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