Nashville University: Crescent Moon

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Nashville University: Crescent Moon Page 2

by Fumise Love

  “Sure. Let’s play that. It’s that easy to play after all,” Matthew agreed and stood up to wear the strap of his bass guitar.

  “Just blow them away with your voice, bro,” Paul also stood up and sat on the chair allocated for the drummer. “There’s no doubt that we would ace this performance.”


  “So many students came today,” Paul observed while he was peeking behind the curtains backstage. It was obvious that he was looking for a girl that he could hit on. “Look at those two girls who are with Jeff. Are they new?”

  Matthew also took a peek because it was obvious that the word ‘girls’ piqued his interest, “It’s obvious that they are new since it’s the first time that I’ve seen them here. Wait a minute. I think that girl’s a perfect match for you, Johanne,”

  “A perfect match for me?” I frowned at what Matthew had said. “Who are you talking about? That girl with the blue dye on the ends of her hair?”

  “How would you know if you haven’t even seen her?” Paul wondered. “Are you also psychic now, bro? Don’t hoard all the good traits!”

  “I already saw them earlier,” I answered while adjusting the strap of my guitar. “Just because she’s wearing all-black doesn’t mean that we’re meant for each other,”

  “Not just by wearing all-black,” Matthew contradicted my statement. “There’s a huge possibility that she’s the perfect match for your personality,”

  I chuckled slightly, “There’s no perfect match for me. I’m too great for her,” I knew that I was full of myself but I had traits that I could be proud of that was why other people did not have the right to point out this personality of mine...except for my friends.

  “Everyone has a match, bro,” Paul patted my back.

  Since I disagreed on what he was saying, I also patted his back, “Not in my case, Paul. Not in my case,”

  “If that thought makes you happy…” Paul smiled at Matthew like they were sure of what they were proclaiming.

  I scratched the back of my head because they were becoming quite unreasonable, “Think whatever you want,” I suddenly heard the loud cheering of the crowd outside while chanting our band name, “It’s time for us to perform. Don’t get nervous, alright?”

  “Not to sound conceited like you...but when was the last time that we got nervous?” Matthew and I laughed at what Paul had said. We were so used in performing in front of a crowd and that might be the reason of why we were not nervous.

  Matthew looked so excited since he was the first one who went outside of the backstage and into the real stage. “It’s showtime!”

  Chapter Three


  “Let’s all welcome the Crescent Moon!” the MC introduced the band who was going to perform. After he stated the band name, my eardrums almost exploded again because of the cheering of the crowd.

  What the hell was up with that band anyways?

  “That’s Johanne’s band,” Jeffrey shouted at us because we were having troubles in hearing each other because of the crowd’s reaction.

  “That explains it…” Samantha nodded slowly while she was waiting for the members of Crescent Moon to come out from the backstage.

  The members of the band exited the backstage one-by-one and I could not help myself but notice Johanne again because of his strong appeal. I could not deny the fact that he was drop-dead gorgeous but I would rather keep that opinion to myself. There was no way that I was going to tell someone about my opinion...especially not to Samantha because there was no doubt that she would tease me about it. She would probably think that I was attracted to Johanne or something.

  “Even though I hate that guy’s guts, they are really a good band,” Jeffrey spat bitterly.

  The introduction of their song started to play while Samantha leaned in to whisper something to me, “Isn’t that your favorite song, Gab?” It was not surprising why Samantha knew of my favorite song since she was my bestfriend. I just nodded in response and listened to Johanne’s voice.

  “When I see your smile,

  Tears run down on my face,

  I can’t replace,

  But now that I’m strong I have figured out,

  How this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul...”

  It was like I was drowning in Johanne’s voice when I first heard it. Even though the crowd was cheering loudly at first, they were all silent now. Johanne’s voice was angelic and that might be the reason why girls flocked around him.

  His voice was soothing and I would not be surprised if I melted right then and there. I was not over-reacting because I was telling the truth. I was now completely wondering why this band was still not famous.

  “I will never let you fall,

  I’ll stand with you forever,

  I’ll be there with you, through it all,

  Even if saving you sends me to heaven.”

  Crescent Moon continued playing up until the moment that they finished the whole song. Johanne’s voice was so relaxing that it even sent me goosebumps. His voice matched his handsome looks. I could believe that the world was not in balance right now since Johanne gathered the good looks and talents that were meant for different people.

  Yes. I could sing...but I was not sure for myself if I could even out Johanne’s voice.

  The song ended and the whole people except for me, Samantha, and Jeffrey, clapped and screamed. I was too stunned to move, and so was Samantha. Jeffrey kept his neutral expression on. It was obvious that he was so used in listening to Crescent Moon.

  “Let’s grab dinner outside later? It’s my treat,” Jeffrey offered when the crowd’s volume lowered.

  Well, who would not want to eat dinner for free?


  Samantha, Jeffrey, and I were now here in Yellow Cab and Jeffrey paid for everything that we had ordered. Looking at Jeffrey, you would get the impression that he was wealthy but it was also kind of embarrassing to get treated by a person that we just met.

  “You know, Jeff, if you didn’t have anyone to accompany you for dinner, you could have just asked me. I wouldn’t mind,” someone interrupted our dinner. I looked up and saw a beautiful girl with a pixie-cut. She was wearing a thick layer of make-up so I was quite unsure if she was really beautiful or the layers of foundation just made her more than appealing enough to look at. “It’s quite unfortunate that you invited these trash who aren’t even enough to breathe the same air as you,”

  “Just go away, Steph,” Jeffrey sighed. “Don’t meddle because we’re eating peacefully here,”

  “You’re so arrogant today, Jeff,” the girl smirked. “But I do like guys who are hard to get,”

  “Stupid,” I could not stop myself from muttering under my breath.

  “Excuse me?” the girl raised an eyebrow at me.

  “Excuse me?” I repeated but with a different tone of voice. “Why? Are you going to pass through?”

  “I don’t know where you got the guts to talk to me like that,” she glared at me. “Why don’t you try researching first about who you are messing with,”

  “I don’t like to waste my time just to get to know you,” I grabbed the iced tea that was on top of our table and poured it all over her face. My temper was normal but I would become hot-headed if someone bitchy bothered me while I was eating. I stomped outside of Yellow Cab while the two followed me. “Who’s that girl?” I asked Jeff while we were walking our way back to the training camp.

  “She’s Stephanie Vergara,” Jeffrey informed us. “She’s also one of the people that you need to avoid because she’ll make your life a living hell,”

  “I don’t care,” I said through gritted teeth. I knew that Samantha was staying silent because she was internally laughing due to the scene that I had made earlier. I liked teasing people but I did not like it when people teased me. I was somehow a mixture of a bully and a crybaby. I knew that Samantha was already dying to tease me about it but decided to keep her mouth shut. “Damn! I wasn
’t even able to savour the mozarella on the pizza!”

  Chapter Four


  “Bro! Have you heard the news?” that was the first thing that Paul asked me when I walked inside the music room. It was only our second day here and he was already able to scoop some gossip. Maybe Paul had a future in being a reporter or something.

  “Everybody here in the training camp is talking about it,” Great. Even Matthew too.

  “No,” I shook my head. “What is it?” I could not care any less about what the gossip was but if Matthew was making a big deal about it, I should at least hear it.

  “Do you remember the girls who were with Jeff? The two girls?” I nodded at Paul’s question. “Do you remember the girl that we said is a perfect match for you?” I nodded again. “The one who was wea—”

  “Yes! How many details do you need to mention? I remember her!” I snapped. “What is up with her? Just spill it so we could get this over with,”

  Matthew was the one who continued the story, “She embarrassed Stephanie when they were eating in Yellow Cab! And not only that, there were many people watching them!”

  Now, I was not sure if that girl had a loose screw in her head or she was just that brave to deal with Stephanie. She caused a scene even though she was just new. She should first know of who Stephanie was before messing with her.

  “She called Steph ‘stupid’!” Paul was all psyched up. “The worst thing was she even poured iced tea all over her face!”

  “How can you be so sure that that really happened?” I doubted what Paul had said. I knew Stephanie all too well. There was no way that Stephanie would not be able to do anything after being embarrassed in front of a crowd.

  Paul handed me his cellphone and played a video. I watched the video carefully and saw the whole scene that happened in Yellow Cab which was a few miles away from here.

  I did not know that Jeffrey was with her.

  It was like they were filming a movie. The audio was clear because everyone inside the food chain was silent.

  I handed Paul’s cellphone back to him when I finished watching the video.

  “If I were that girl...I’d better watch my back,” I smirked to myself because what was going to unfold next would be really interesting. I could not wait to see what was going to happen in the next few days or weeks. “Who knows? Maybe that new girl will be out of this place in no time.”


  A day had passed since I heard of the news from Paul and Matthew of what that new girl did to Stephanie.

  I grabbed my guitar in my room because the band scheduled a practice today. We had a gig tomorrow at a party that was going to be held in a bar hosted by Paul’s friend.

  I was on my way to the music room when I suddenly fell down on my behind and my guitar was on the floor, out of its case.

  “Will you please watch where you’re going?!” the girl who bumped into me yelled. I noticed that she also fell down on the floor.

  I immediately picked up my guitar on the floor, “What the hell?! Why would I watch where I’m going when you should say that to yourself?!”

  Out of all the people who would bump into me, why did it have to be this girl? Why did it have to be Jeffrey’s friend who embarrassed Stephanie? Why did it have to be the girl who my friends said was my perfect match?

  I could not help but notice her necklace that was also a guitar pick.

  Did this girl play the guitar too?

  “Me?!” her voice was irritating and so loud that I would not be surprised if she swallowed a megaphone in her past life. “You’re the one who’s walking like he’s out of his mind!”

  “Shit!” I cursed when I noticed the small scratch on the front of my guitar. “Look at what you did! Do you know what this is?! Do you know how much this costs?!”

  “For your information, I know what that is because I’m not dumb. And regarding of how much that is, I don’t really care. You should apologize to me first!”

  “Are you crazy?!” my blood started to boil because of this girl. “Why would I apologize when you’re the one who bumped into me? The worst part is, we have a gig tomorrow and my guitar could have been affected by the impact of the fall!”

  “I. Don’t. Care,” she raised her eyebrow at me. “You think you’re such a big shot around here? Well, I don’t care! I don’t need to waste my time here because I have some matters that I need to attend to!” and she already stomped away from me.

  That girl was so irritating.

  Hopefully, Stephanie would take her revenge soon...and I hoped that the damage would be greater to that new girl once it happened as a payment for my scratched guitar.



  What was up with that guy? Even though his voice sounded heavenly and his looks could match that of a model, his personality sucked. Did he really think that he looked really goo—Yes, he was handsome but that gorilla was too bitter for my cup of coffee.

  Why would he blame me for scratching his guitar when he was the one who had his head up in the clouds anyway? He walked like he just got discharged out of an asylum.

  Samantha texted me and instructed me to go to room 312. When I stepped inside the said room, I was surprised because I did not expect to find Samantha there with the drummer and bassist of Crescent Moon.

  “Care to explain yourself of what’s happening, Sam?” I sighed. What was running inside my bestfriend’s head right now?

  “Excuse us,” Samantha excused herself and dragged me outside of the room. “They were the ones who performed during the opening ceremony if in case you don’t remember,”

  “And then?”

  “while I was waiting for you in the cafeteria earlier, Paul approached me and we talked,” it was obvious that Samantha was happy that Paul approached her based on the tone of her voice. “And since you’re my bestfriend, I proudly told them of how you’ve got a good singing voice and you can play a lot of instruments,”


  “They want you to join their band!”

  I almost slapped Samantha on the face but it was a good thing that I managed to restrain myself. It was alright with me if she had a chat with that Paul guy, but promoting me like I was some kind of product?

  That was different.

  “Why did you assume that I would join their band in the first place, Sam? Are you out of your mind?”

  “A little bit,” she giggled like a sick puppy in love. “Just join them! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for you! Just think that you’re doing this for me because I really like Paul. And they also have that Johanne guy in their band, the guy that you couldn’t take your eyes off when they were performing during the opening ceremony,”

  “You’re really out of your mind,” I did not say it as a question this time but a statement.

  “Don’t lie to me, Gab,” she teased. “It was like your eyes twinkled when you were watching him perform during that time,”

  “Twinkled?” I playfully hit her on the back of her head. “You might have mistaken it for rage because I don’t want to be anywhere near that guy!”

  “Whatever,” Samantha took my left hand and dragged me back inside the music room and told the two lads, “She said that she wants to join!” Was it really me who wanted to join? “Gab, meet Paul and Matthew,”

  “Nice to meet you, Gab,” Paul smiled at me while Matthew gave me a nod. The door of the room suddenly opened and Crescent Moon quickly greeted their lead guitarist who as well as the vocalist, Johanne the Gorilla.

  Chapter Five


  “Why are you late?” was the first thing that Paul asked me when I stepped inside the music room.

  “What’s going on here?” I decided to ignore Paul’s question when I noticed two familiar faces inside the room with one of the faces that ruined my day so much. She was the reason why I came in late for practice today. I had no choice but to go back to my room to inspect my guitar. “Why is
there a witch inside this room?”

  I already expected that she would have a comeback, “Excuse me? I’m a witch?! You have no right to call me that, gorilla!”

  I was only out for an hour but there were already two girls inside the music room. There was no doubt that this was my bandmates’ doing.

  “Why?” I asked her. “Who also gave you the right to call me ‘gorilla’?”

  This girl was completely unreasonable even in a nut’s case.

  “Apologize to me first!” she demanded, clearly, she still had not recovered from what happened earlier. My blood started to boil again and it was all this girl’s fault.

  Matthew stood up and placed an arm around my shoulder, “It seems like you already know the newest member of our band,”

  “Are you insane?!” I pushed Matthew away, not enough for him to fall hard on the ground. “Is it the world’s doom?! Newest member? That witch?! What would she even play? Does she even know how to play? She looks like she doesn’t even know a thing or two about music! She could be the music room’s janitress and not a band member!”

  “Excuse me?!” the new girl interrupted. “Have you forgotten that I’m in the same room as you? Janitress? You’re really so full of yourself!”

  “Guys…” the witch’s friend gathered our attention. “What happened between the two of you?”

  “Nothing!” the witch and I chorused.

  “If nothing happened, why does it look like you’re a couple who’s having a lover’s quarrel?” Paul pondered.

  “A couple?” I irritatingly repeated. “There’s no guy in this world who would ever like that witch!”

  “Stop it!” Matthew started to laugh. “It’s like I’m watching a comedy skit because of the two of you!”

  “Anyways,” I sighed. “There’s no way in hell that I’m going to approve of her joining our band,”

  “Her name’s Gabrielle,” the witch’s friend introduced. “Gab for short,”


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