by Jimmy Burns
Tom Burns with publishing colleagues on a trip in 1929
Fr D’Arcy (front, second from left) at the opening of Campion Hall, with (behind him) Evelyn Waugh, (to his left) the Duke of Alba, (second from right) Mary Herbert and others
Hilaire Belloc
G. K. Chesterton
Evelyn Waugh
Graham Greene
Gabriel Herbert climbing mountains during the 1930s
Civil War in Madrid, 1936: Mabel (left) as a volunteer nurse
July 1936: Red Cross workers carry a victim of the Civil War fighting in Barcelona by stretcher to a waiting ambulance
Gregorio Marañón Junior as a Franco volunteer before he worked in pro-Ally progaganda
1936: Mabel’s Civil War ID card
Spanish Civil War refugees aboard HMS Active, bound for Marseille
Christmas 1936, voyage to exile: Francis Warrington-Strong, the Naval Officer on board HMS Active
May 1937: A Nazi parade aboard the German Cap Arcona as watched by Mabel and her father, on their return voyage from South America
Nelly Hess, the Jewish girlfriend who disappeared in German occupied Paris
1940: Mabel (left) with friends in German occupied Paris
June 14th, 1940: Dr Gregorio Marañón and colleague in Paris as the Germans march in
Irish journalist and Conservative Minister of Information, Brendan Bracken, looks on as Harry Lloyd Hopkins and Winston Churchill shake hands outside 10 Downing Street
Captain Alan Hillgarth, naval attaché and Churchill’s eyes and ears
Two nurses watching British sculptor Eric Rowton Gill at work
David Jones, poet and artist
Ann Bowes-Lyon, 1937
Paul Richey in his Spitfire
Michael Richey in Naval uniform, aboard HMS Goodwill
Courting Royalty: Burns and Ann Bowes-Lyon in 1938
January 1941: St Paul’s during the Blitz. Nearby publishing houses, including Tom Burns’s, were destroyed.
Niños mendigos
French refugees c. 1940 fl eeing the Nazi invasion to Spain
Demonstration of the Falangist Youth. Spain, 1941
Nazi leader German Chancellor Adolf Hitler shakes hands with Francisco Franco at Hendaye train station on the French–Spanish border, 23 October 1940
Tom Burns, winter in Madrid, 1941
German press attaché in Madrid, Hans Lazar
Admiral Canaris, German spy chief
On Her Majesty’s Service: Burns with Spanish diplomat and propagandist the Conde de Foxa
Kim Philby
Guy Burgess
Anthony Blunt (left) at Cambridge
Enriqueta Harris with her brother Tomás in southern France in the 1930s
Serrano Súñer, General Franco and Mussolini
Alberto Martín Artajo, Spanish Foreign Minister, speaking to the Spanish military
Luis Calvo’s identity card at the time of his arrest by the British
Alcazar de Velasco, Spanish press attaché and suspected German agent
Spanish journalist Carlos Sentís in Germany, reporting on the Nuremburg trials
Spanish wartime journalist Felipe Fernández-Armesto
The Duke of Alba, Spanish wartime ambassador
The Carcano sisters, daughters of Argentina’s wartime London ambassador
1943: ‘Tana’ Alba, Duchess of Montoro, by the pool in Albury Park
Tom Burns: Madrid, 1943
Mabel Marañón: Madrid, 1943
The Windsors on their arrival in Madrid, 1940
Tom Burns with embassy staff
Madrid, May 1943: Tom Burns plays host to Leslie Howard and Spanish actress Conchita Montenegro
Mabel at Belmonte’s ranch
February 1945: The Burnses with embassy friends in a ‘safe’ restaurant on outskirts of Madrid.
At a bullfight in the Spring of 1945: Mabel and Tom with Belmonte, his daughter Yola, and the Spanish sculptor Sebastián Miranda
The Burns wedding, April 1944: Mabel with Sir Samuel Hoare
Hoare’s wife Lady Maud with Mabel’s father Dr Gergorio Marañón at the Burns wedding
Juan Belmonte, bullfighter and best man, signs the register
The newly married Burnses leaving the Church of Los Jeronimos
Cutting the wedding cake
The wedding cake made by Mrs Taylor, showing Spanish and British flags
The reception: cocktails by Chicote
May 1944: on honeymoon on the Costa del Sol
May 1944: Burns at Arthur Yencken’s funeral in Madrid
8th May, 1945, Madrid: British embassy staff celebrate VE day
The author with his father
Spanish Secret Police report alleging that Burns is the Head of British propaganda and chief spy in Spain. (Franco Archive)
Memo from MI5 Iberian officer Brooman-White to Kim Philby reporting on Tom Burns’s activities. (The National Archives)
MI6 memo signed by Kim Philby about a meeting between Spanish journalist Luis Calvo and German Press attaché in Madrid, Hans Lazar. (The National Archives)
Select Bibliography
National Archives, Kew, London
London Library
Garrick Club archive
Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores (Madrid)
Hemeroteca Municipal del Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Museo de Historia de Madrid
Fundación Sabino Arana
Fundación Francisco Franco
Archivo EFE
Georgetown University Library, Washington DC
John Burns Library, Boston, Mass.
National Archives, Washington DC
Fundación Marañón
Private collections
T. F. Burns papers
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Templewood papers, University Library, Cambridge
Conde de Fontanar papers
Sir Victor Mallet papers
Churchill Archives, Cambridge
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