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You Needed Me III: A Love Story

Page 12

by Shvonne Latrice

  “Don’t even think about it.”

  “Think about what?”

  “Trying to rekindle whatever you had with Rhys.”

  “Who said I wanted to do that? I’m just living life right now, I’m not worried about a man, especially after my last break up.”

  “Oh with my ex that I didn’t know you were fucking the whole time?”

  “I said I was sorry, Goldie, and I thought you didn’t care.”

  “I don’t care as far as him. I care because you’re supposed to be my fucking sister, Chenaye. I don’t get why out of all the men in Boston, you chose him.”

  “Because I hated you then, you know that, Goldie. And plus, he claimed he’d always liked me and I believed him.”

  She did have a point as far as her not liking me back then. There wasn’t a time where we got along; this would be the first. And even now I felt like this was only temporary because she had an ulterior motive. So why was I allowing her to sleep in my guest bedroom and come out with me? Who knows. I think it was because for the first time in my life I was really happy, so it was hard for shit to bother me. My career was going great, I had a man who loved me, a baby coming, great friends, a great internship, and a beautiful condo. It would be hard to disturb me at this point, so Chenaye would have to try harder.

  “Well, just don’t try anything with Rhys. He’s not the cheating type, so you’ll be wasting your time.”

  “I don’t think so. He was more than willing to hang out with me when he was with that other bitch, Sabrina.”

  “It’s Summer.”

  “Whatever. He always came over and chilled with me when he was with her. So what’s different now?”

  “The difference is that he has a happy home.” I hated to admit it, but his demeanor was different. Rhys was usually quiet and in deep thought, but nowadays he was smiling and upbeat. Britain said he was happy for his brother, and even though I tried to disagree, Stevie Wonder could see the difference.

  “Well, we will just have to see won’t we?”

  “Chenaye, if you’re gonna be causing problems, I’m not gonna let you come out with me anymore. I’m not trying to deal with your shit. And if she whoops your ass, don’t look for me to stand up for you.”

  Indiya got up to go to the bathroom, so Chenaye waited until she was out of earshot to speak up.

  “Hey, Rhys!” she called out over the music.

  “Sup,” he nodded nonchalantly, before turning away to talk to Lendsey and TQ.

  “Happy Birthday!” she called to him again.

  “It’s not my birthday, it’s my girlfriend’s birthday.”

  “Oh yeah, my bad. So what are you guys gonna do after the party? Dinner? Or probably not because stuff will be closed.” She looked and sounded so stupid right now.

  “Chenaye cut the bullshit and enjoy the fucking party. You being in my grill is the reason I lost my last girl, but if you try some shit with this I will cut your fucking tongue out, shorty. I don’t give a fuck whose sister you are. Be happy I’m allowing your ass to chill up here without sending a slug through your dome.”

  Everyone was frozen in place after processing his death threat to her. I hoped they weren’t expecting me to take up for her ass, because we were not those kinds of sisters. I mean I didn’t want her to die or anything, but I wasn’t about to be taking up for her, especially when she was wrong and thirsty.

  Indiya came back a few moments later, and slid into his lap before they engaged in a passionate kiss. I planted one on Britain, and then looked to a pouting Chenaye with a smile.

  “Told you,” I whispered, and she just shook her head in response.

  I hoped she took Rhys’ advice, because I was sure that if she kept treading on such thin ice, her ass would crack it and drown.


  Ever since I left Rhys’ condo that day I’d been feeling down. I hated to think about him with Indiya, and what made it even worse was that I knew he was done for sure. The look in his eyes when he was telling me how much he had tried for us, showed me that he was tired. And deep down I knew that I would never be able to fully trust him no matter what he said or did. I just couldn’t do it. There was no point in me subjecting him to a life like that, when he had the chance to be with someone who trusted him. So, by saying that I was gonna let him go. I would always have him around because of Bryleigh, and that part made me happy. I loved Rhys, we were like best friends, so to know he would be in my life one way or the other was somewhat relaxing to think about.

  The only thing that made me completely sick at this point was my relationship with Hakim. Some days I wanted to be with him because he was everything Rhys wasn’t. He didn’t stay out late working, women weren’t falling over themselves every time we went somewhere, and he had never been unfaithful to me, at least not that I know of. Hakim was handsome, had a good job, and he wasn’t out of his damn mind. Rhys only had two of those. But as much as I hated to admit it, Hakim was boring.

  I didn’t like saying it aloud because of how much I complained about Rhys being so unpredictable all the time. I was sure everyone who knew me would think I was bipolar. But not only was Hakim a drag sometimes, I also didn’t like all the name calling in the bedroom. I didn’t mind talking dirty, but being called bitches and hoes was not my thing. And the last time we had sex, he was so rough that I had a tear when I went to the gynecologist. They tried to pull out a rape kit and everything because they thought I’d been assaulted. On paper, Hakim was the perfect man, but in the flesh he wasn’t what I wanted.

  I shook my head as I stabbed a few pieces of my salad. I was back at that new place, Melon, because their food was so damn good. As I reached for my lemonade, I spotted the owner Romeo conversing with someone. I had completely forgotten about his sexy ass. I immediately began looking around for my waitress, because I wanted to get the check and leave before he saw me. As I was doing so, I realized he was already making his fine ass way over.

  “Summer right?” he grinned and I nodded.

  “May I?”

  “It’s your restaurant, you shouldn’t have to ask.”

  “It is, but this is currently your table. I’m a polite person so excuse me.” He licked his lips, making my lower ones salivate. “So I didn’t hear from you.”

  “Yes, I was busy. And I have a boyfriend, Romeo, so I can’t exactly entertain whatever you’re trying to do. I’m not even interested.”

  “Really? Then why do you look at me like that?” He finally sat down.

  “Like what?” I smiled because he was smiling. He had deep dimples like Rhys.

  “Like you wanna come over here and suck my dick,” he replied, catching me off guard. I could’ve sworn he was straight laced, but I guess I was wrong.

  “Trust me, boo, the last thing I wanna put in my mouth is your dick okay? Why would I wanna give you head when I don’t even know you?” I had yet to even give it to Hakim.

  “I wanna give you head and I don’t know you.”

  “That’s nasty. Head is a very intimate thing, so the fact that you go around eating all these bitches’ boxes is disgusting. I expected better from you.”

  “I don’t go around eating all kinds of bitches out, but I wanna eat you out.”

  “But you don’t know me.”

  “But I can imagine how sexy you look, moaning and shit while sitting on my face. I’m a very visual person as you may have noticed,” he smirked, making me smirk. This nigga was getting me hot.

  “Yes I have noticed that Mr…”

  “Smith, but just call me Romeo aight?”

  “I see the way you really talk is coming out. Do you change your voice back polite when you go around talking to the other patrons?” I ate some more salad.

  “Of course. I thought all black people did that.”

  “We do I guess,” I chuckled.

  “So where are you going after this, shorty?”

  “I just got off work, and I was supposed to go home to meet my boyfriend, but
I don’t feel like doing that, so I don’t really know.”

  “Problems in paradise?”

  “No, not at all,” I lied. “I just don’t feel like going home at the moment. My daughter is with her father, and she keeps me entertained. So since she’s not there…” I shrugged.

  “Your man doesn’t keep you entertained?”

  “He… does.” I nodded and we both burst into laughter.

  “Yo, you’re lying like hell right now. Why can’t he keep you entertained? As beautiful as you are I can think of many ways to do such a thing.”

  “I don’t think it’s right to discuss my relationship with another man, do you?” I’d already made that mistake with Hakim.

  “There is an unwritten code saying not to discuss your relationship problems with the opposite sex, so I guess you’re right. But take my number down.”

  “Romeo I already have—”

  “No, give me your number. I promise I won’t bug you, I will just check up on you sometimes, as a friend.”

  “If I was your girl, would you want me giving my number to a man who came right out and said he wanted to give me head?”

  “Hell yeah! I’d be like you better get that head, woman!” he joked, and we both chortled a little loudly. “Nah I feel you, ma, but the difference is that I can see in your eyes how unhappy you are. If you were mine, that wouldn’t be the case.”

  “How cliché.”

  “It is, very, but it’s the truth. And if you were unhappy, which you wouldn’t be, then I would have to let you go so that someone else can give you that.”

  “Really?” I cocked my head and rolled my eyes.

  “Really. Sometimes you’re not the one who can make that person happy. You may love them, but that doesn’t mean you’re the one,” he explained, and Rhys entered my mind.

  “That makes sense.”

  “So can I have your number? And maybe I can take you out sometime.”

  “I’d like that.” I nodded.

  Hakim Murray

  A couple days later…

  Summer had been acting real standoffish lately, and the shit was starting to irk me. I wasn’t sure if she was back fucking with her ex or what, but I wasn’t having that shit. I’d done a lot for her ass, and she wasn’t about to play me like that. I’d endured too much to be with her, and it seemed like she didn’t appreciate it. I got my ass whooped, embarrassed, and I almost lost my career for good, all in the name in love, yet she still felt the need to be shady with me. Summer was making me an angry person, and I didn’t like it one bit.

  From the first time I laid eyes on her smooth, brown skin, perfect body, and long, beautiful dreads, I knew I had to have her. I didn’t care that she was with someone; I was determined. It took a lot, but I was finally able to call her mine, which was all the more reason why I wasn’t about to lose out on her. I deserved her, and I would have her.

  I called in sick today because I wanted to do some deep digging. I wanted to follow Summer around, and see exactly what she was up to, cheaters’ style. I swear if I saw her meeting up with her daughter’s father, I would no longer be able to control my actions. I couldn’t stand that nigga, so for her to be back with him would be the ultimate blow. As mad as I would be, I wouldn’t even care about him fucking me up again.

  It was finally around 4:38pm, so I watched as she walked out of work with her bag. She was clearly off early today, and I was about to find out why. Not to mention she was dressed as if she was going out, not wearing something she would usually wear to work. I waited as she threw her belongings into her G-Wagon purchased by Rhys, and sucked my teeth. I tried to get her to give it back, but all she did was curse me out and tell me to get over it.

  That was another thing we needed to get in check, that mouth. I don’t see how Rhys kept his hands to himself with her. Strangely, I have never felt the urge to hit my woman in past relationships, but Summer had awakened that trait I guess.

  She pulled out of the parking lot, and I followed behind her closely until we ended up at the Beacon Hotel. What the fuck, I thought.

  I gave her a little time after she got out of the car, before I did the same. We both entered the hotel, and I watched as she made her way to Mooo, an expensive ass steakhouse inside of the hotel. As I moved in closer to watch her better, I almost passed out when I saw her embrace some big, tall ass light skinned nigga in a suit. I could tell the shit was expensive all the way from where I was. His watch blinded me as he walked around to pull her chair out. This bitch.

  “Are you lost, sir?” one of the hotel employees quizzed.

  “No. Thanks.”

  I stood there like an idiot, and watched her laugh and talk with him. She had never laughed that much with me, and I’d never seen her so damn happy. She was enjoying herself so much, that I was sure that if I walked up she would need some time to remember me. My heart literally ached seeing the love of my life enjoy the company of another man. Not only that, I could tell that he was nothing like me. I stayed in the same spot for hours, watching them eat, talk, and drink wine, and when I saw the check come, I decided to go to her condo and wait for her. It was about to be some fucking problems when she walked through that door.

  An hour later…

  I was sitting on Summer’s couch when I heard Bryleigh’s voice in the hallway. I quickly downed the drink in my hand, and waited for her to open the door. She walked in with Bryleigh, but when she saw me her smile faded. Damn, like that?

  “Hi, Hakim,” Bryleigh smiled and then rushed to her bedroom. I ignored her little ass.

  “Umm, I didn’t know you were coming over this evening. Did we make plans? If so I’m sorry. I asked to leave early for a dentist appointment, that’s why I’m here now.”

  “How was your steak?” I asked, making her pause before putting her coat into the closet. “Yeah, I saw yo’ ass out to dinner with some white collar nigga.”

  “Hakim look, I can explain alright.”

  “Yeah explain, please. I would love to hear why my woman was out with another man. And don’t say you’re not fucking him, because I saw him touch your hand and shit. Oh and my favorite part was when he pulled his chair around to your side so he could sit next to you.”

  “Well first of all I’m not fucking him okay? Secondly, yes I went out with him and I enjoyed myself. Hakim, I think we’ve both sensed that this didn’t turn out the way that we’d planned. I think we rushed into this thing, thinking that it was what we both wanted, but it’s not.”

  “I’m sorry what? I’m fine. I’m happy and as far as I knew, so were you!”

  “Well I’m not, Hakim.” She fidgeted.

  “I got my ass whooped for you, and I almost ended my career for you, and you think that you can just be done with me like that?” I snapped my fingers as I neared her. “Nah, baby girl, you got the game fucked up if you think you can just move on after all I’ve lost over you. You might as well call yo’ little friend right now and tell him thanks, but no thanks.”

  “I’m not doing that. I like him and I wanna keep hanging out with him. You need to go. I don’t like the way you’re acting right now.” She opened her front door.


  I slapped her ass to the floor with as much strength that I could muster up.

  “You fucking, bitch!”

  “Mommy!” Bryleigh screamed.

  “You get the fuck back!” I turned to Bryleigh, who was hugging that same fucking doll she always held onto.

  “Don’t talk to her like that! Sweetie, go to your room, Mommy is okay.”

  “I’m gonna call daddy! Where is my daddy?” Bryleigh sobbed, angering me even more because she was crying for her father.

  “Baby, go to your room okay?” Summer walked to her daughter and kissed her forehead. Bryleigh glared at me as if she could whoop my ass, before doing as she was told. She looked just like Rhys sometimes. “Get out, Hakim.”

  “I ain’t going nowhere.”

  “Get out before I call Rhys.”
She raised a brow, because she knew I didn’t want that damn fade again. I mean I could fight, but that nigga was psycho. I know I talked shit earlier, but now that some flashbacks from last time were hitting me, I didn’t want that shit right now.

  “You know what, Summer, fuck you! You ain’t nothing but a damaged ass bitch anyway! I’m happy to let the next nigga deal with yo’ baggage, you bitch!” I barked before snatching the bottle of Hennessy I brought and bounced.

  Fuck her. I was over trying to make her stupid ass love me. If she wanted to be alone and broken forever, then by all means. No one was gonna love her damaged ass but me, and she would realize that one day.


  “If it isn’t the infamous TQ. You didn’t invite me here to kill a nigga did you?” Pharaoh walked into the warehouse buttoning his suit jacket.

  “Nah man, of course not. Have a seat.” I stood up to shake his hand, before gesturing for him to sit down across from me.

  “Is that a Dolce and Gabbana suit?” he furrowed his brows, before nodding in approval.

  “Yeah, man, it’s old though,” I replied as we chuckled. “But umm, I wanted to talk to you because there are gonna be some changes within QCF.”

  “Changes? Already?”

  “Yeah, my father won’t be in charge anymore, and I wanted to give you a heads up so that you wouldn’t be blindsided by anything.”

  “Wait Stony is getting out of the game?”

  “Yeah, he is,” I smiled.

  “Damn, he didn’t say shit about leaving when he talked to me. I would think that he would tell me something like that you know?”

  “He probably would have if he knew.” Pharaoh stared at me wearing a confused expression. “Stony will no longer be a part of QCF. This will be by force, not by choice.”

  “TQ, man, even speaking that shit is dangerous.” He looked around the dark warehouse for a few moments before turning his attention back to me.


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