You Needed Me III: A Love Story

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You Needed Me III: A Love Story Page 18

by Shvonne Latrice

  “Hey, I’m Kimberlyn, Matikah’s cousin. And this is my son, Tarenz.”

  “He’s so cute!” Annalise beamed.

  “Thank you,” Kimberlyn smiled.

  “Annalise, what did you have to tell me that you just couldn’t text? I could barely sleep last night because my brain was on overload.”

  “Well, I’m actually surprised you didn’t see it all over Facebook. But, Isabetta’s shop was burned to the ground. And she was about to get the insurance money, until they found gas cans and all kinds of things in her basement. They somehow figured out that the same gasoline she had in her home, was the same kind used to burn her spa down.”

  “Oh my gosh? Are you serious?” I bucked my eyes as Annalise nodded with a smile. “So wait, is she in some kind of trouble or what?”

  “Is she? Girl yes! She’s being charged with arson! They believe she was trying to get insurance money for her shop. I knew she was up to something, taking all of these week long vacations as of late.”

  “Wow, but at least she won’t be in jail for long,” I giggled. I couldn’t wait to tell Lendsey that karma had taken care of that bitch, so he didn’t need to.

  “This is Dania’s sister?” Kimberlyn furrowed her brows, and I nodded my head ‘yes’.

  “She may not be in jail for long, but that’s only if they don’t charge her with her sister’s murder.” Annalise looked around discreetly before leaning in. “Turns out they think some kind of sibling rivalry was going on, because they found the gun used to kill Dania in her closet. The gun matched the shell casings found on Dania’s bedroom floor. They tried to find out who the gun was registered to, but it came up unknown or something. And even worse, her only alibi is that she was home alone at the time of the murder, so no witness can back that up.”

  When she said that, I pondered for a minute. No, no way Lendsey set her up for that arson shit. But maybe he did because I was sure Isabetta didn’t kill her sister, so how did the gun end up there? Lendsey must’ve planted it there at the same time he planted the gas cans and shit.

  “Wow your boss was crazy.” Kimberlyn bit her burger.

  “I know. So Annalise, what are you gonna do for work? If the place is gone, and Isabetta gets found guilty, you won’t have a job. And even if she makes it off, you would still have to wait until it’s rebuilt.”

  “Yeah I know. I had an interview yesterday to work at this other place. They only needed someone to do eyebrows, and since I need the money I took it. I’m hoping to get something else so I can go back to body waxes.”

  “I hear you. If I opened a place would you come work for me?”

  “Girl of course! I would love to work for you!” she grinned widely.

  “Cool, I will let you know.”

  We continued eating and chatting for a while, until I got a text from Lendsey asking where I was. We said our goodbyes and then I left to his condo. I really wanted to talk to him, and see if my hypothesis was true. If so, he was a real fucking criminal, and sadly that turned me on.

  Entering the condo, I saw him sitting on his couch shirtless, watching TV. He was sipping on something that was in a white Styrofoam cup, probably a milkshake. He loved milkshakes. He waved me over so that I could sit by him, and when I did, I grabbed his milkshake so that I could take a sip.

  “Damn, shorty, I didn’t offer that to you.”

  “I know, but the baby wanted it,” I chuckled.

  “That’s your favorite fucking excuse now.” He pecked my lips with his cold ones. “Where were you?” He took the shake back.

  “I went to lunch with my cousin and that girl Annalise. She told me Isabetta’s shop burned down.” I looked up into his handsome face.

  “Damn, for real?” he questioned nonchalantly, proving it was him. Then again, Lendsey was just a type B personality guy. It took a lot for him to be surprised or up in arms.

  “Don’t play dumb, Len. I know you did that shit to her, and I want to say that you’re a genius.”

  “Wasn’t all me. Rhys helped me break in, TQ helped me plant the shit in her crib, and Britain helped me burn the place down.”

  “Only person missing was Saya.”

  “Nah, she scoped her place out for me and told me when she was gone from her home so the shit could be planted.”

  “You Quintons really work together.” I smiled.

  “We do. That’s how shit is supposed to be. We ain’t supposed to be harming each other like my father was trying to do,” he sighed.

  “Do you miss him?”

  “Sometimes, but I think it was for the best. They say the only way to get out is to die or end up in prison. I think my dad had the option to bow out gracefully, but he was a control freak so he never would have.”

  “Yes, but he shot himself in the foot. He took things too far and ended up losing his wife, kids, his cotton picking mind, and his life.”

  “Ain’t that the truth.”

  I touched his face, stroking his beard a little before our lips crushed into one another. It got heavier and hungrier as he leaned me back and got on top of me, setting his shake aside. Pushing my skirt up, he grabbed onto the waistline of my panties before pulling them down. Getting up off of me, he stepped out of his socks, sweatpants, and boxers as I removed my skirt and top completely. Once we were both naked, we got right back to kissing, touching, and groping one another.

  “Lendsey,” I whispered, already getting way too aroused just from his touch.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist, and gasped once I felt his thick head press into my opening. When he got all the way inside, my body relaxed, and allowed him to glide in and out of me seamlessly. I sucked on his shoulder, and rubbed up and down his tatted back as he grasped my ass cheeks in his big hands. My clit tingled, and soon after I exploded on his rod. Feeling him breathe and moan on my neck made me even wetter, and I knew he felt it because he squealed a little bit.

  “Matikah, I love you so much, shorty.” He pulled away from sucking my neck, and slipped his tongue into my mouth.

  “Mmm, uuuh, uuuh, Len, uuh!”

  We pressed our lips together as if we wanted to become one, while he continued to thrust into me at the perfect tempo. Feeling him pound my spot repeatedly was euphoric, and I couldn’t do anything but cry out and grip his muscular biceps. He pressed my legs into my stomach gently, bit down on his lip, and pummeled my center until we both screamed out in pleasure.

  “Why the fuck is your pussy so good?” he frowned, dropping down on me slowly and kissing me deeply.

  I just giggled lightly, before hugging his neck and kissing him back just as hard. I swear my nigga was the shit.


  One month later…

  Tonight Goldie and I were going to the movies because she wanted to see some little kid film about pets. I didn’t really care to see the shit, but since my shorty wanted to I wasn’t gonna complain. Life had been good for me since a couple of people had exited stage left, so there was really nothing for me to bitch about. Going to see a children’s film with my beautiful girlfriend was the least of my damn worries.

  Sliding my key into her front door, I twisted it open and saw Chenaye and that bitch, Hope, chilling on the couch holding glasses of wine. I was dead tired of Chenaye, and I felt like she was using my girl to live rent-free. I wasn’t having that shit, and tonight things were gonna change. Yeah this was Goldie’s spot, but I wasn’t about to be paying the bills up in this bitch just for these hoes to parlay and kick it. Chenaye didn’t even do so much as wash dishes or buy food. The most her ass would do is cook some tacos and they were never that good. Goldie may have been too nice to put her sister out on the damn streets, but that’s what Britain Quinton was for.

  “Evening ladies.” I neared them, prompting them both to set their glasses on the coffee table. “Look—”

  “Chenaye, remember you said you were going to the store? You better get that cereal before Goldie finishes getting dressed and comes out.” Hope stared into
Chenaye’s eyes. Chenaye looked as if she didn’t understand at first, but then something clicked, causing her to rise from the couch like a piece of bread in a toaster.

  “Right, did you need anything while I’m gone?”

  “No, but thank you.”

  Chenaye grabbed this little wallet thing from the La-Z-Boy, and then darted out. I sat down in the same chair her wallet was in, and rested my head back while Goldie got dressed. She needed to hurry up, because in a minute I was gonna go in there and watch her ass. She hated for me to do that these days, because she said she looked like Shamu naked. I begged to differ; she was beautiful to me, but that was nothing new.

  “Hurry up, shorty!” I barked as Hope kept her eyes fixated on my side profile.

  “Okay!” Goldie called back from her bedroom.

  Hope finished off her wine and stood up. She began walking over to me, and once she was right in front of me, she quickly straddled my lap.

  “Fuck is you doing!” I pushed her off, and didn’t care that her ass had bounced onto the laminate floors. “I should push yo’ fucking wig back, shorty. Do you know who you’re fucking with?” I towered over, removing my gun with the quickness.

  “Please, Britain don’t. Just help me,” she pleaded with her hands up in mock surrender.

  “Help you? The fuck is you talking about ma?”

  She looked over her shoulder, licking her lips as tears spilled out of her eyes. “Alison, Goldie’s mother and her husband Roger are forcing me to come on to you. They convinced Chenaye to get close to Goldie so that she could eventually bring me around to seduce you. And since Chenaye already had plans to get Rhys, she was cool with it. Once I slept with you on video, they would let me fly home to my mother in Maine. My mom thinks I’m on some church retreat because Roger is a pastor, and I thought that’s what it was too until I got here. Alison despises her daughter, and she wants me to use you to hurt her. If you could just fly me back to Maine, please,” she sobbed.

  “Wait, what? What the fuck are you talking about?” I grimaced, just as Goldie slowly emerged from her bedroom, looking astonished at the view before her.

  “Your mother is using me to seduce Britain to hurt you.” She looked to Goldie. “Please, help me get back up to Maine, that is all I want. Chenaye is in on it, and if she finds out I told I don’t know what will happen to me. They don’t let me use the phone, and they’re always watching me, so I can’t get in contact with my family.”

  “You’re being dramatic! Why would my mother do something like that? And what could Roger and my mom really do to you?”

  “They said they’d sacrifice me for the Lord, meaning they’d kill me. They said I needed to do this if I wanted to get home with a ‘good report’. My mom is very religious and it’s pivotal that I get home with your parent’s blessing. Please Goldie, I wouldn’t lie to you.”

  “How do I know?” Goldie folded her arms. I knew she was playing the role because I could see in her eyes how hurt she was by Hope’s revelation.

  “Let’s go to your mother’s home and find out,” I said, placing my gun back in my waist.


  “Let’s go find out, Goldie. If your mom would stoop this low to hurt you, it’s no telling what else she may do since this has failed. And if shorty right here is lying, well then I’m sure she knows what will happen to her.” I glared down into Hope’s eyes. I could see she was being truthful, but you never knew these days.

  Hope got up from the floor, and the three of us left out and went down to my car. Goldie directed me to her mother’s home in Mission Hills, which was big and beautiful. I didn’t know what the hell they did for a living, but I was sure their salaries couldn’t afford this shit. Goldie had already told me that her mom was losing the place, and now that I saw it I wasn’t surprised.

  “Get out,” Goldie hissed to Hope as we opened the doors of my car.

  We made our way up the porch steps, and I was sure to hold onto Hope’s arm. I didn’t want her to run, and even if she did, she wouldn’t get far because I had aim and speed.

  “Who is it?” A man called from behind the door.


  There was silence for a bit, and then he opened the door. Old man was smiling until he saw me holding Hope by her bicep. He was about to close the door, but I barged in, holding it open so Goldie and Hope could slip by as well. I closed it behind me, put the chain on, and then removed my gun before taking the safety off. Roger’s eyes widened at the sight of my 9mm locked and loaded.

  “Where is your wife?” I pointed it at his forehead.

  “Alison!” he yelled out.

  “What Roger? I told you I’m cook—” she paused when she saw Hope, Goldie, and I together in the living room. I wasn’t sure if she was more surprised by the fact that Hope was with us, or because I had a gun in her husband’s face. “What is going on? Goldie who is this girl?” She tried to play the fool.

  “Ma, stop. Hope already told me how you sent her through Chenaye’s fake ass to seduce Britain. You hate me that much, Ma?”

  “I don’t know what you’re—”

  “Cut the bullshit before I blow this nigga’s head off his shoulders!” I roared, causing she, Hope, and Roger to jump.

  “I did it because I love you Goldie. I wanted you to see that he was not what you thought he was. That was all,” she half smiled as she moved closer to Goldie.

  “Stop there, and don’t touch her,” I stated calmly, and she complied. “Tell her the truth. I know you don’t think we believe that, Alison.”

  “Just tell them!” Hope cried.

  “Shut the fuck up!” Roger hissed.

  “Aye I’m running this muthafucking show! Keep your mouth closed, or I promise I will shoot you. Speak before you’re spoken to one more time, and I will pull the hammer.” I stared down into his eyes, letting my dreads frame my face.

  “You shamed me when I came to you for help, Goldie. I am your mother, yet you treated me like a common beggar, just because you’re on the arm of some alleged Russian mafia member. I wanted to shame you the same way you shamed me at the restaurant. I hope I succeeded.” Hear mother pointed her nose in the air.

  “You didn’t succeed,” Goldie responded calmly. “The only thing you’ve succeeded in doing is making a fool of yourself, and for years. First you chased behind a broke ass nigga who didn’t love you enough to even try to keep a job for you and Chenaye. Then you ran off my father because of your insecurities and bullshit. And now, you are so miserable, that you can’t even fathom the thought of someone else having a good life. It’s funny because I can’t even be mad as I look at you. You’re pitiful. I would hate to be you, always angry and envious of the next person. You spent so much time in church, and I hope that you have prayed for yourself and asked God to forgive you for having such a hateful and jealous heart.”

  “Don’t talk to your mother that way, you stuck up bitch!” Roger yelled.


  I dropped him just like I said I would, and then turned the gun on his wife as she stared at me, horrified.

  “Please you guys, I am sorry! I get it now.”

  “Don’t say shit to me, I don’t know yo’ ass. Apologize to your daughter,” I frowned.

  She turned to Goldie and said, “Baby, I’m sorry. I promise I won’t do anything like this again. It was all Roger’s idea, honey!”

  Goldie just chuckled lightly, and then walked over to me.


  After sending one right through her head, I called clean up and had them pack up the bodies and wipe the place down just in case our prints or anything got anywhere. Once the scene was clean, we drove Hope to TQ’s port, and had Primo fly her back up to Maine. She didn’t want any of her clothing from Goldie’s parents’ house for some reason. I didn’t really care I just wanted the bitch gone. All we needed to do now was find Chenaye’s ass though.

  Goldie and I left the port, and went straight home instead of to the movies. She made
me some Russian food and dessert, because she said it was a new recipe she’d found. We ate, making small talk here and there, and then got into the shower before climbing into bed naked.

  “I’m sorry about your mom, shorty.”

  “It’s okay. It’s not like we hung out everyday or anything. I don’t even know if I will miss her, because she hadn’t been a mother to me since I was a teenager. I wonder if she ever loved me.”

  “I think your mom only loves her children when their father loves her. Once the dad has moved on, so does her love. It’s like she wants nothing to do with the baby if the man isn’t there anymore.”

  “Makes sense.”

  “But I love you, shorty, no matter what. You know that right?” I moved my dreads out of my face, before uncovering her body.

  “I do.”

  I kissed her longingly, and then trailed the kisses down her body until I was face to face with her center. I pecked her lower lips a few times, gently, enjoying the sweet sounds of her moans. Taking her clit into my mouth, I closed my eyes as I sucked on it with my lips. I held her legs apart as I licked and sucked like it was nobodies business. Her nectar was so good to me, and I wasn’t sure if it really was that tasty, or if I just loved her.

  “Britain, mmm, baby.” She held my dreads back as I buried my face deeper into her middle. “I-I’m gonna cum,” she whimpered and sat up on her elbows. She released, but I kept attacking her pussy until I pulled two more orgasms out of her.

  I pecked between her legs as she quivered, and trailed them up, taking some time on her belly. I saw her smiling down as I planted small kisses all over her round stomach. Once I was ready to fuck, I made my way inside of her, and began sucking on her lips as I thrust my full length into her. She ran her small hand down my abs as I invaded her body, and the feeling of her soft touch was every damn thing.

  “You feel so good, baby.”

  “You too.” She tucked her lips into her mouth for a few seconds, before they were being parted with my tongue.


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