Delphi Complete Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (Delphi Poets Series Book 13)

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Delphi Complete Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (Delphi Poets Series Book 13) Page 50

by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

  This Miles Standish beheld, as he entered, and heard them debating 115

  What were an answer befitting the hostile message and menace,

  Talking of this and of that, contriving, suggesting, objecting;

  One voice only for peace, and that the voice of the Elder,

  Judging it wise and well that some at least were converted,

  Rather than any were slain, for this was but Christian behavior! 120

  Then out spake Miles Standish, the stalwart Captain of Plymouth,

  Muttering deep in his throat, for his voice was husky with anger,

  “What! do you mean to make war with milk and the water of roses?

  Is it to shoot red squirrels you have your howitzer planted

  There on the roof of the church, or is it to shoot red devils? 125

  Truly the only tongue that is understood by a savage

  Must be the tongue of fire that speaks from the mouth of the cannon!”

  Thereupon answered and said the excellent Elder of Plymouth,

  Somewhat amazed and alarmed at this irreverent language;

  “Not so thought St. Paul, nor yet the other Apostles; 130

  Not from the cannon’s mouth were the tongues of fire they spake with!”

  But unheeded fell this mild rebuke on the Captain,

  Who had advanced to the table, and thus continued discoursing:

  “Leave this matter to me, for to me by right it pertaineth.

  War is a terrible trade; but in the cause that is righteous, 135

  Sweet is the smell of powder; and thus I answer the challenge!”

  Then from the rattlesnake’s skin, with a sudden, contemptuous gesture,

  Jerking the Indian arrows, he filled it with powder and bullets

  Full to the very jaws, and handed it back to the savage,

  Saying, in thundering tones: “Here, take it! this is your answer!” 140

  Silently out of the room then glided the glistening savage,

  Bearing the serpent’s skin, and seeming himself like a serpent,

  Winding his sinuous way in the dark to the depths of the forest.

  The Sailing of the Mayflower

  JUST in the gray of the dawn, as the mists uprose from the meadows,

  There was a stir and a sound in the slumbering village of Plymouth;

  Clanging and clicking of arms, and the order imperative, “Forward!”

  Given in tone suppressed, a tramp of feet, and then silence.

  Figures ten, in the mist, marched slowly out of the village. 5

  Standish the stalwart it was, with eight of his valorous army,

  Led by their Indian guide, by Hobomok, friend of the white men,

  Northward marching to quell the sudden revolt of the savage.

  Giants they seemed in the mist, or the mighty men of King David;

  Giants in heart they were, who believed in God and the Bible, — 10

  Ay, who believed in the smiting of Midianites and Philistines.

  Over them gleamed far off the crimson banners of morning;

  Under them loud on the sands, the serried billows, advancing,

  Fired along the line, and in regular order retreated.

  Many a mile had they marched, when at length the village of Plymouth 15

  Woke from its sleep, and arose, intent on its manifold labors.

  Sweet was the air and soft; and slowly the smoke from the chimneys

  Rose over roofs of thatch, and pointed steadily eastward;

  Men came forth from the doors, and paused and talked of the weather,

  Said that the wind had changed, and was blowing fair for the Mayflower; 20

  Talked of their Captain’s departure, and all the dangers that menaced,

  He being gone, the town, and what should be done in his absence.

  Merrily sang the birds, and the tender voices of women

  Consecrated with hymns the common cares of the household.

  Out of the sea rose the sun, and the billows rejoiced at his coming; 25

  Beautiful were his feet on the purple tops of the mountains;

  Beautiful on the sails of the Mayflower riding at anchor,

  Battered and blackened and worn by all the storms of the winter.

  Loosely against her masts was hanging and flapping her canvas,

  Rent by so many gales, and patched by the hands of the sailors. 30

  Suddenly from her side, as the sun rose over the ocean,

  Darted a puff of smoke, and floated seaward; anon rang

  Loud over field and forest the cannon’s roar, and the echoes

  Heard and repeated the sound, the signal-gun of departure!

  Ah! but with louder echoes replied the hearts of the people! 35

  Meekly, in voices subdued, the chapter was read from the Bible,

  Meekly the prayer was begun, but ended in fervent entreaty!

  Then from their houses in haste came forth the Pilgrims of Plymouth,

  Men and women and children, all hurrying down to the sea-shore,

  Eager, with tearful eyes, to say farewell to the Mayflower, 40

  Homeward bound o’er the sea, and leaving them here in the desert.

  Foremost among them was Alden. All night he had lain without slumber,

  Turning and tossing about in the heat and unrest of his fever.

  He had beheld Miles Standish, who came back late from the council,

  Stalking into the room, and heard him mutter and murmur; 45

  Sometimes it seemed a prayer, and sometimes it sounded like swearing.

  Once he had come to the bed, and stood there a moment in silence;

  Then he had turned away, and said: “I will not awake him;

  Let him sleep on, it is best; for what is the use of more talking!”

  Then he extinguished the light, and threw himself down on his pallet, 50

  Dressed as he was, and ready to start at the break of the morning, —

  Covered himself with the cloak he had worn in his campaigns in Flanders, —

  Slept as a soldier sleeps in his bivouac, ready for action.

  But with the dawn he arose; in the twilight Alden beheld him

  Put on his corselet of steel, and all the rest of his armor, 55

  Buckle about his waist his trusty blade of Damascus,

  Take from the corner his musket, and so stride out of the chamber.

  Often the heart of the youth had burned and yearned to embrace him,

  Often his lips had essayed to speak, imploring for pardon;

  All the old friendship came back, with its tender and grateful emotions; 60

  But his pride overmastered the nobler nature within him, —

  Pride, and the sense of his wrong, and the burning fire of the insult.

  So he beheld his friend departing in anger, but spake not,

  Saw him go forth to danger, perhaps to death, and he spake not!

  Then he arose from his bed, and heard what the people were saying, 65

  Joined in the talk at the door, with Stephen and Richard and Gilbert,

  Joined in the morning prayer, and in the reading of Scripture,

  And, with the others, in haste went hurrying down to the sea-shore,

  Down to the Plymouth Rock, that had been to their feet as a doorstep

  Into a world unknown, — the corner-stone of a nation! 70

  There with his boat was the Master, already a little impatient

  Lest he should lose the tide, or the wind might shift to the eastward,

  Square-built, hearty, and strong, with an odor of ocean about him,

  Speaking with this one and that, and cramming letters and parcels

  Into his pockets capacious, and messages mingled together 75

  Into his narrow brain, till at last he was wholly bewildered.

  Nearer the boat stood Alden, with one foot placed on the gunwale,

  One still firm on the rock, and talking at times with the sailors,

bsp; Seated erect on the thwarts, all ready and eager for starting.

  He too was eager to go, and thus put an end to his anguish, 80

  Thinking to fly from despair, that swifter than keel is or canvas,

  Thinking to drown in the sea the ghost that would rise and pursue him.

  But as he gazed on the crowd, he beheld the form of Priscilla

  Standing dejected among them, unconscious of all that was passing.

  Fixed were her eyes upon his, as if she divined his intention, 85

  Fixed with a look so sad, so reproachful, imploring, and patient,

  That with a sudden revulsion his heart recoiled from its purpose,

  As from the verge of a crag, where one step more is destruction.

  Strange is the heart of man, with its quick, mysterious instincts!

  Strange is the life of man, and fatal or fated are moments, 90

  Whereupon turn, as on hinges, the gates of the wall adamantine!

  “Here I remain!” he exclaimed, as he looked at the heavens above him,

  Thanking the Lord whose breath had scattered the mist and the madness,

  Wherein, blind and lost, to death he was staggering headlong.

  “Yonder snow-white cloud, that floats in the ether above me, 95

  Seems like a hand that is pointing and beckoning over the ocean.

  There is another hand, that is not so spectral and ghost-like,

  Holding me, drawing me back, and clasping mine for protection.

  Float, O hand of cloud, and vanish away in the ether!

  Roll thyself up like a fist, to threaten and daunt me; I heed not 100

  Either your warning or menace, or any omen of evil!

  There is no land so sacred, no air so pure and so wholesome,

  As is the air she breathes, and the soil that is pressed by her footsteps.

  Here for her sake will I stay, and like an invisible presence

  Hover around her forever, protecting, supporting her weakness; 105

  Yes! as my foot was the first that stepped on this rock at the landing,

  So, with the blessing of God, shall it be the last at the leaving!”

  Meanwhile the Master alert, but with dignified air and important,

  Scanning with watchful eye the tide and the wind and the weather,

  Walked about on the sands, and the people crowded around him 110

  Saying a few last words, and enforcing his careful remembrance.

  Then, taking each by the hand, as if he were grasping a tiller,

  Into the boat he sprang, and in haste shoved off to his vessel,

  Glad in his heart to get rid of all this worry and flurry,

  Glad to be gone from a land of sand and sickness and sorrow, 115

  Short allowance of victual, and plenty of nothing but Gospel!

  Lost in the sound of the oars was the last farewell of the Pilgrims.

  O strong hearts and true! not one went back in the Mayflower!

  No, not one looked back, who had set his hand to this ploughing!

  Soon were heard on board the shouts and songs of the sailors 120

  Heaving the windlass round, and hoisting the ponderous anchor.

  Then the yards were braced, and all sails set to the west-wind,

  Blowing steady and strong; and the Mayflower sailed from the harbor,

  Rounded the point of the Gurnet, and leaving far to the southward

  Island and cape of sand, and the Field of the First Encounter, 125

  Took the wind on her quarter, and stood for the open Atlantic,

  Borne on the send of the sea, and the swelling hearts of the Pilgrims.

  Long in silence they watched the receding sail of the vessel,

  Much endeared to them all, as something living and human;

  Then, as if filled with the spirit, and wrapt in a vision prophetic, 130

  Baring his hoary head, the excellent Elder of Plymouth

  Said, “Let us pray!” and they prayed, and thanked the Lord and took courage.

  Mournfully sobbed the waves at the base of the rock, and above them

  Bowed and whispered the wheat on the hill of death, and their kindred

  Seemed to awake in their graves, and to join in the prayer that they uttered. 135

  Sun-illumined and white, on the eastern verge of the ocean

  Gleamed the departing sail, like a marble slab in a graveyard;

  Buried beneath it lay forever all hope of escaping.

  Lo! as they turned to depart, they saw the form of an Indian,

  Watching them from the hill; but while they spake with each other, 140

  Pointing with outstretched hands, and saying, “Look!” he had vanished.

  So they returned to their homes; but Alden lingered a little,

  Musing alone on the shore, and watching the wash of the billows

  Round the base of the rock, and the sparkle and flash of the sunshine,

  Like the spirit of God, moving visibly over the waters. 145


  THUS for a while he stood, and mused by the shore of the ocean,

  Thinking of many things, and most of all of Priscilla;

  And as if thought had the power to draw to itself, like the loadstone,

  Whatsoever it touches, by subtile laws of its nature,

  Lo! as he turned to depart, Priscilla was standing beside him. 5

  “Are you so much offended, you will not speak to me?” said she.

  “Am I so much to blame, that yesterday, when you were pleading

  Warmly the cause of another, my heart, impulsive and wayward,

  Pleaded your own, and spake out, forgetful perhaps of decorum?

  Certainly you can forgive me for speaking so frankly, for saying 10

  What I ought not to have said, yet now I can never unsay it;

  For there are moments in life, when the heart is so full of emotion,

  That if by chance it be shaken, or into its depths like a pebble

  Drops some careless word, it overflows, and its secret,

  Spilt on the ground like water, can never be gathered together. 15

  Yesterday I was shocked, when I heard you speak of Miles Standish,

  Praising his virtues, transforming his very defects into virtues,

  Praising his courage and strength, and even his fighting in Flanders,

  As if by fighting alone you could win the heart of a woman,

  Quite overlooking yourself and the rest, in exalting your hero. 20

  Therefore I spake as I did, by an irresistible impulse.

  You will forgive me, I hope, for the sake of the friendship between us,

  Which is too true and too sacred to be so easily broken!”

  Thereupon answered John Alden, the scholar, the friend of Miles Standish:

  “I was not angry with you, with myself alone I was angry, 25

  Seeing how badly I managed the matter I had in my keeping.”

  “No!” interrupted the maiden, with answer prompt and decisive;

  “No; you were angry with me, for speaking so frankly and freely.

  It was wrong, I acknowledge; for it is the fate of a woman

  Long to be patient and silent, to wait like a ghost that is speechless, 30

  Till some questioning voice dissolves the spell of its silence.

  Hence is the inner life of so many suffering women

  Sunless and silent and deep, like subterranean rivers

  Running through caverns of darkness, unheard, unseen, and unfruitful,

  Chafing their channels of stone, with endless and profitless murmurs.” 35

  Thereupon answered John Alden, the young man, the lover of women:

  “Heaven forbid it, Priscilla; and truly they seem to me always

  More like the beautiful rivers that watered the garden of Eden,

  More like the river Euphrates, through deserts of Havilah flowing,

  Filling the land with delight, and memories sweet of
the garden!” 40

  “Ah, by these words, I can see,” again interrupted the maiden,

  “How very little you prize me, or care for what I am saying.

  When from the depths of my heart, in pain and with secret misgiving,

  Frankly I speak to you, asking for sympathy only and kindness,

  Straightway you take up my words, that are plain and direct and in earnest, 45

  Turn them away from their meaning, and answer with flattering phrases.

  This is not right, is not just, is not true to the best that is in you;

  For I know and esteem you, and feel that your nature is noble,

  Lifting mine up to a higher, a more ethereal level.

  Therefore I value your friendship, and feel it perhaps the more keenly 50

  If you say aught that implies I am only as one among many,

  If you make use of those common and complimentary phrases

  Most men think so fine, in dealing and speaking with women,

  But which women reject as insipid, if not as insulting.”

  Mute and amazed was Alden; and listened and looked at Priscilla, 55

  Thinking he never had seen her more fair, more divine in her beauty.

  He who but yesterday pleaded so glibly the cause of another,

  Stood there embarrassed and silent, and seeking in vain for an answer.

  So the maiden went on, and little divined or imagined

  What was at work in his heart, that made him so awkward and speechless. 60

  “Let us, then, be what we are, and speak what we think, and in all things

  Keep ourselves loyal to truth, and the sacred professions of friendship.

  It is no secret I tell you, nor am I ashamed to declare it:

  I have liked to be with you, to see you, to speak with you always.

  So I was hurt at your words, and a little affronted to hear you 65

  Urge me to marry your friend, though he were the Captain Miles Standish.

  For I must tell you the truth: much more to me is your friendship

  Than all the love he could give, were he twice the hero you think him.”

  Then she extended her hand, and Alden, who eagerly grasped it,

  Felt all the wounds in his heart, that were aching and bleeding so sorely, 70

  Healed by the touch of that hand, and he said, with a voice full of feeling:


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