Dangerous Misery (The Harcourte Vampyre Society Book 3)

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Dangerous Misery (The Harcourte Vampyre Society Book 3) Page 37

by Kelley, Morgan

  “Yes, Mistress, we’ll practically be invisible.”

  Well, that was a weight off her shoulders.

  Jolie took each of her mates’ arms, allowing them to escort her to the door. With each step closer, she could feel the tension in Jacques.

  It was too late now.

  He had to go in.

  Jasmine met them just inside, greeting them all with a hug and a smile. “Welcome to my home,” she said, moving backward, so they could enter all together.

  Jolie stepped into the hall, embracing her old friend again. There was no doubt that Jasmine also had the same gifts as her brother. She was definitely empathic. All the tension immediately drained away.

  “Well? Where’s this mysterious mate of yours?”

  Jasmine actually giggled like a school girl. “He’s in the living room. Follow me, and I’ll introduce you to William. I think you’ll all get along splendidly, since he shares a common career with your mate, Flynn.”

  He lifted an eyebrow. A wave of uneasiness tickled the hairs on the back of his neck and arms.

  Jolie smiled sweetly. “Once you go cop, you can’t go back.”

  Jacques snorted. “Yes, let’s feed his ego, shall we?”

  Inside the room, the atmosphere changed. Immediately, Flynn grabbed Jolie, pulling her protectively behind his frame.

  “You!” he said accusingly.

  Jacques jumped as Jasmine looked aghast.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, moving toward her own mate. She, too, placed herself in front of him.

  Before Flynn could explain, William spoke up, “Shhhh… love, it’s completely expected. I understand the detective’s response to seeing me.”

  Jacques moved into position also blocking Jolie’s body with his. While he didn't know what was going on, he trusted his mate’s judgment. The man was super protective of Jolie.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” asked Flynn, ready for any trap to be sprung.

  Jolie stepped around the men against their wishes. “Jacques, let me introduce you to Detective Montclair’s partner, William Bevier.”

  Immediately, Jacques eyes went very dark, and his fangs descended into his mouth. Instinctively, he began moving all of them toward the door. “Jasmine, I don’t know what’s going on, but I won’t allow Jolie to remain here if there’s danger.”

  “Wait! Jacques! I didn’t know that Flynn had met William. Please, can’t you give him a moment to explain?”

  Jolie touched his shoulder before reaching for her mates’ minds.

  ‘We can escape or over power him if we need to,’ reassured Jolie.

  ‘Fine, but if I smell danger, we’re out of here.’

  ‘I hate surprises like this,’ replied Flynn, reaching beneath his jacket to free his gun holster.

  “Should I ask how you got a permit to carry in our country?” William asked, trying to not make any sudden moves. Not only were they armed, but he was their focus. He was no one’s fool. Jasmine shared all the stories about her big brother. He was a killer.

  Jolie turned to check on the three vampyres behind her. Mathew looked terrified, and Clariel and Trina were trying to look fierce.

  “Maybe we should sit,” Jolie offered, trying to defuse the situation.

  Jasmine lead them further into the grand room. “I’m so sorry,” she offered, holding her mate’s hand.

  When they were all seated, Jolie nodded at William, waiting for him to explain.

  “First, let me say that I’m sorry that you had to meet me with my partner,” stated William Bevier. “I’ve been looking forward to meeting all three of you. Jasmine is excited that you’re here.”

  Flynn wrapped his arm around Jolie, holding her to his body. Without looking away, he gently dropped a kiss to the crown of her head.

  “You do know what your partner is, don’t you?” asked Jolie.

  “I didn’t until recently. I swear that I had no idea that vampyres existed, let alone that he hunted them.”

  Jasmine gasped at his statement all the while looking aghast at his words. “William, your partner is the vampyre hunter I’ve been telling you about?”

  William touched her cheek, his eyes filled with love and concern. “I believe he’s the killer, Jasmine, but until now, I didn’t want to bring this mess home to you.”

  “This is very bad!”

  “It gets worse. He’s gone as far as to approach Jolie to help him. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to risk you.”

  “Oh, William, you could’ve told me. I hate that you carried this all alone.”

  William kissed her, and then glanced over at them. “I’m scared shitless that he’s going to discover Jasmine and hurt her.” It was said with so much emotion that no one in the room could doubt his love for her.

  “This is very disturbing,” said Jasmine. “Jolie, did you suspect him?”

  “Oh, we don’t suspect. We’re one hundred percent sure he’s the killer. We’re working on a way to box him in.”

  “Just kill him,” she said. “I’ll do it.”

  The two cops in the room laughed at that.

  “You can’t just kill him,” Flynn added. “He’s a cop. Someone will look for him, and that’ll make it worse in the end.”

  William agreed. “Plus, you’re not going anywhere near him.”

  She laughed. “I’m ancient. I think I could take out some human,” she stated, and then glanced at the humans in the room. “No offense.”

  Flynn let it go. He had more pressing questions which needed answering. “Cop to cop, how obsessed is he with Jolie?”

  “VERY. I also believe that there’s a good chance that he followed you here. If so, he’s going to be focused on us now too. We’re all at risk.”

  Jasmine gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. “Oh no!”

  Jolie continued, “I know that he’s staking out my home, taking pictures of us, and calling me to go to old crime scenes.”

  “He’s certifiable. In fact, there’s an internal investigation going on right now. It seems that some of his cases have had misappropriated evidence.”

  Brogan spoke, “The society killing--where there were six bodies--it feels very off.”

  “Yes, you’ve noticed too?”

  “Yeah, it’s hard not to when you’re a homicide detective,” he said, watching Bevier closely. “There was no evidence found, according to the files, and that has to be utter bullshit, unless...”

  “There was evidence at the scene, but it was ‘lost’ from the evidence locker. He isn’t aware that I saw the log before it was altered. I immediately reported him to the internal investigators. They’re checking up on him, but he’s not aware.”

  “Oh, William,” whispered Jasmine. “I don’t like that you’re putting yourself in danger.”

  Both police detectives laughed.

  Flynn glanced down at Jolie as she lounged against him. “Trust me, I know the feeling. The little lady forgets I’m a cop too. I spend a great deal of time trying to convince her that I’m smarter than the average victim.”

  Jolie elbowed him. When he hissed in pain, she smiled sweetly. “Little lady?”

  Jasmine shuddered. “Are we safe?” She stared into William’s eyes.

  “We are, so don’t worry, Jasmine. I won’t let anyone hurt you. I promise.”

  She cuddled into his embrace. “Let’s change the subject. This is creepy. Let’s get acquainted.”

  Jacques needed to know, since he didn’t trust the man with his sister, quite yet. “May I ask how you met?”

  Jasmine blushed. “I was out one night shopping, and I fell onto William at the local bookstore.”

  “Let us be honest, love, it was entirely my fault. I saw a beautiful woman, so I tripped her. It was a cheap tactic, but it obviously worked in my favor.”

  Jasmine gave him a gentle kiss.

  “Before I knew it, she landed in my lap along with my coffee, and it was pure magic,” he said, touching her cheek the way a lo
ver would. “I asked her on a date, and three weeks later I realized she was different than most women--in more ways than one.”

  “I told him what I am, and the rest is history,” added Jasmine, moving further into his lap. “I swear to you that this is the first that I’ve ever heard of his partner and this mess.”

  “I kept him away from you, Jasmine, for your safety. Why pull you into this mess and risk you?” He glanced over at the other woman. “Montclair is a fanatic, and the minute he saw you on the street, Jolie, I knew you wouldn’t have peace. I wanted to warn you, but if he’s been watching your home, me going there without him looks…suspicious.”

  “What does he want with Jolie?” asked Jacques. He noticed his sister didn’t look happy that they were back on this topic.

  “He seems to be obsessed with her mind, and …,” He didn’t wish to offend the men, “other things.”

  Both knew what he was saying.

  “Unfortunately, Jolie has agreed to assist him,” added Jacques.

  “This could work to our advantage with me on the inside, and Jolie leading him. The first slipup he makes, we’ll have him, and the societies will be safe.”

  “My concern is how obsessed he is with her,” said Flynn. “I don’t like the idea that he’s picturing her naked.”

  “He isn’t well in the head, so I can understand your concern. Lately, my partner has been out of control. I think he’s losing his mind. I believe that you Americans call it cuckoo.”

  “Can you tell us what you know?” asked Jolie, leaning forward.

  “He’s married to Jenna, and she’s a religious zealot. Normally, he’s dedicated to her, but lately he’s… let’s just say I believe he’s seeing someone on the side.”

  “Many men have affairs, Detective,” said Jacques, as he stroked his mate’s shoulder. He couldn’t stomach the idea of touching another woman.

  “True, but the other day, I overheard him mumbling about the undead and good in bed.”

  Jasmine looked horrified.

  “Who is he seeing?” asked Jolie.

  “I don’t know. He leaves work in the afternoon and goes to her, and when he returns, he’s worse. There are the subtle tells; the woman’s perfume, lipstick on the collar, and his wife calling to see if he’s coming home for lunch.”

  “Yeah, that’s pretty damning evidence.”

  “Can you find out who the woman is?” asked Jacques. “It may lead us to the next planned attack, and we might be able to stop it.”

  “I can follow him,” he offered.

  Suddenly, her phone rang. Jolie stared down at the number. “It’s him.”

  Jasmine looked horrified.


  “Doctor Harcourte?”

  “Yes,” she replied, trying to keep the anger at bay.

  “I’ve been trying to reach you for days now.”

  It wasn’t lost on Jolie that he was angry. “I’ve been very busy, Detective, and this is my vacation.”

  “Oh,” he muttered, calming down. “I have a new crime scene and was wondering if you’d be able to meet with me tomorrow?”

  “I can do that. Is there any way you can give me until noon? I have plans in the morning with my fiancé.”


  Jolie could hear his excited breathing on the other line, and it turned her stomach. It reminded her of Goethe. “Thank you.”

  “No, thank you, Doctor Harcourte. I’ll swing by and pick you up tomorrow.”

  “No, Detective, give me the address. I won’t be home. It’s easier for me to meet you.”

  He rattled off the address, but Jolie didn’t need to write it down. She and her mates had just been there the other night to rescue Mathew.

  “All right then. I’ll see you at the crime scene tomorrow at noon,” she said with the overwhelming desire to get off the phone.

  “Thank you, Doctor.”

  “Au revoir.” After hanging up, she shuddered. “Tomorrow won’t be pleasant at all.”

  “You’ll be fine, Jolie. I’ll be with you,” said Jacques, “and Flynn will be our backup.”

  The detective grinned. “Dibs on shooting him.”

  Jolie kissed both mates.

  “Really, now can we discuss happier things?” Jasmine asked.

  Jolie laughed. “Yes, we should. Why don’t you tell us about this wedding?”

  “We’re going to be getting married in the early spring, and I’d like you to be my attendant.”

  Jolie grinned. “Absolutely! I’d love to be in your wedding, Jasmine!”

  Now, for the next part.

  “Will you walk me down the aisle, Jacques?”

  He looked surprised.

  “Will you, Jacques? I want you to give me away to William at our wedding.”

  He was incredibly touched that he would be allowed to be with his sister on such an important day. “I don’t see why not, since I’ve tried to give you away for years,” he said, standing to hug her. “Why isn’t our father doing it?”

  There was a booming voice from the doorway. “Because I don’t approve of the ritual of marrying in a church. It isn’t necessary. Plus, it’s very…human.”

  Everyone jumped, including Mathew, who was just beginning to relax beside the other vampyres.

  “Hello, Father,” said Jasmine, moving toward her parents. “Welcome to my home, and thank you for coming.” She crossed to them and hugged the vampyres who raised her. Jasmine’s role was obvious--she had the difficult job of family peacemaker.

  “Hello, Jasmine. I wasn’t aware that you were having company, or we wouldn’t have come.”

  Jolie felt Jacques tense. Immediately, she stood, offering the couple as much respect as she could muster. After all, they were her mate’s parents.

  “Morganna, you look stunning this evening,” she said, placing a kiss on either side of the woman’s cheeks. She didn’t miss how the woman tensed at her touch.

  Ah, the ever lingering darkness was there, and she was glad.

  They could kiss her ass.

  “Thank you, Jolie. I’m pleased to see that you’re well.” Morganna’s words held little emotion and even less warmth, if that was possible.

  “Yes, we came to congratulate the couple,” she said, moving toward Jacques’s father. “How are you, Mordechai?” she asked, greeting him the same way as she had his mate, hoping to ease some of the tension in the room.

  “Fine,” he replied grumpily, as his eyes never left his son’s face.

  “Ah, I see your mood hasn’t changed toward us,” she said, returning to her mates.

  The man simply moved into the room, ignoring her comment. Jolie could see both Jasmine and Jacques in their mother--her quiet elegance and compassion. Sometimes, it was a good thing that the males of her species couldn’t procreate.

  This was one of those moments.

  Mordechai sat on the divan with his mate, observing the human his daughter was planning on marrying. “I don’t understand the point of marrying, and in a church none-the-less,” he growled. “You’ll be mated, so why bother?”

  William deserved credit. He didn’t even flinch from Mordechai’s glare. “It’s simple, and I believe we’ve discussed this. I’m human, and we get married in a church,” he answered nonchalantly. “I, too, have parents, Mordechai, and they’ll want to watch me marry the love of my life. I’m giving up my mortality, so this is really very little of a request on my behalf.”

  “I wish to marry, Father. It’s our choice,” said Jasmine, returning to her mate before sitting in his lap.

  “Well, I’ll have no part in it then,” barked Mordechai, sitting back next to an obviously exasperated Morganna.

  “That’s shocking,” stated Jacques. “You don’t get your way, so you have a temper tantrum. Yeah, I’m surprised. So very little has changed in the last six centuries.”

  The comment earned deafening silence from his father, and a panicked look from his mother. The family knew what would be com

  “You disagree with the way I’ve raised you, Jacques?” asked his father angrily.

  “Daily,” replied Jacques, void of any emotion. “I still try to deprogram myself at every opportunity. I’m just about free from your tyranny. It’s amazing what six hundred years and three thousand miles will do for your self-esteem.”

  Even Flynn flinched. He knew there was bad blood between them, but this was really ugly.

  Oh, and uncomfortable.

  “You always were an ungrateful whelp,” Mordechai roared. “You owe me your respect, Jacques,” he said, standing. “I raised you as my own!” The look he gave his mate spoke volumes. He still hadn’t forgiven her for going to a human to have children.

  Jacques moved to face the angry vampyre. “This isn’t the time or place, Father. I won’t have this discussion in front of my family, but I will say this, I don’t owe you much, and I certainly don’t owe you for my life.”

  Jolie squeezed Flynn’s hand. This was about to go bad. She could feel it.

  “In fact, I owe more to the donor who impregnated my mother than I ever will to you.”

  There was an audible gasp.

  Jacques was infuriated that this man could make him this angry.

  “Why you ungrateful son of a bitch,” he said, pointing at his mate. As he moved forward to reach his son, Morganna did the worst thing possible. She grabbed Mordechai’s arm to stop him from assaulting Jacques.

  He instinctively swung out to shake her off his arm.

  She crumpled to the floor.

  Flynn was up, Jolie right beside him.

  Jacques felt the room go red with anger as he moved at Mordechai with the intent of finally teaching him a lesson. This would be the last time that he would raise his hand to anyone, especially a woman.

  Two steps toward his father, and he felt so much energy slamming into his body. It pushed him back and into the wall.

  The room swam with blurred faces as he slid roughly to the floor. There was a sharp pain as he stared down at his torso.

  Well, hell. Now there was a great deal of blood.

  Flynn moved forward, his gun out, and he, too, was swatted away like a pesky fly.

  When he hit the floor, it stole his breath.

  Jolie gasped when she saw the fireplace poker impaling her one mate. It grotesquely poked from Jacques’s body, a reminder of what attacking someone as old as his father would bring.


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