Damaged (Bound & Tied Book 1)

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Damaged (Bound & Tied Book 1) Page 7

by Lucy Rinaldi

  Elijah eyes Blake with malice; he looks from me to Blake and back again. “Is this why you left me?” He points a finger at Blake.

  “I left you because you beat the hell out me. No matter what I do you find a reason to beat me, and sometimes almost to death. I left you because you’re getting married to someone else. You made me the other woman. I won’t be the other woman”

  His jaw clenches in anger and it makes my stomach turn. “Is this who you were fucking behind my back!” What the fuck? He just ignored everything I just said. Oh my god, he thinks I cheated on him with Blake? How could even he think I would sleep with someone so soon after what he did to me? Jesus, I’m scared of my own fucking shadow because of him! Why on this earth would I sleep with someone else knowing he’d batter me to death for it should he find out? Although, as men go I don’t mind the thought of being beneath Dr. Blake Benedict. God, what the hell am I thinking?! But he’s got some damn nerve after what he’s been doing! I know it’s so wrong of me, but I can’t help looking at Blake and the fact he’s not wearing a T-shirt. His chest is beautifully silken, and God, he’s full of muscle, his arms look so strong, like they could protect a girl from harm, that and he has hands to match! God, I’m such a whore! I can’t help noticing how much bigger than Elijah, Blake is. Dammit, he’s hot!

  “Don’t be so stupid, Elijah, he’s a doctor” Sam snapped.


  “Yes big brother, a doctor, Alex’s brother. I called him to come check on the damage you’ve done to Sadie. Now, I’m telling you for the last time, she is never coming back to you, you’ve lost her for good! Go back to your secret whore and leave my best friend alone to live her life the way she should have been for the past two years! Now get out of my house before I call Scott to come and get you, and don’t think I won’t tell him what you’ve been doing to her” Oh my god, does she ever take a breath? But she’s right, Scott would come here and I’d have to show him my back, and all hell would break loose. “Please go!” the voice in my head implores him, I couldn’t deal with anyone else knowing, or a showdown between Scott and Elijah. Brothers they may be but they have very different views on just how to treat women.

  “Your fucking him?” He asks more menacingly, while ignoring Sam.

  “No, I’m not fucking your ex girlfriend” Oh god! “Blake, please don’t make him angrier” I’m begging him from inside my head. “If I were she’d know what it was like to be treated the right way. If I were she’d know what it’s like to be with a real man, if I were it would be fuck all to do with you! Now, do as your sister says and leave before I fucking kill you!” Erm, he’s fucking hot!

  “Get out of my house... NOW!”

  “Mercedes, is that what you want?” Is this what I want? Do I never want to see him again? I don’t even know I’m confused, but I nod and look at the ground, bringing my thumb to my lips and biting the pad gently as to avoid his gaze. “As you wish” He grabs his jacket and leaves, slamming the door behind him.

  Sam lets out a huge breath like sigh and starts to shake. Alex grabs her and pulls her into him and just holds her. “It’s okay. It’s okay, he’s gone now” His voice soothes her then it dawns on me, I’m finally free “Don’t bet on it, sweetheart” The voice in my head shouts at me. I know she’s right. I look at Blake, whose eyes are on me; he winks and shoots me a smile making my stomach flip. I smile back at him shyly, he looks like a man who can take care of himself, and he is most defiantly not scared of Elijah, the thoughts comforting...

  ~ ~ ~

  Chapter Seven.

  I heard nothing from Elijah over the next few weeks. I half expected a phone call or text almost every day, but none ever came, which isn’t like him he’s up to something I know he is. I’ve been in hospital and had the small surgery to clear my blood of infection. My wounds have been stitched inside and out, and bandaged up to keep them clean. My back feels much better, and I can move without it hurting. Blake change my bandages each night before I go to bed, and each morning before I go to work. Even though Alex has moved in with Sam it seems that Blake never goes home either. I find myself relaxing more in Blake’s presence as the days go on; he’s becoming a good friend as is Alex. I like how he makes my best friend happy he treats her like a princess, as he should, as I wish Elijah had me. I’m finding myself more and more attracted to Blake, sexually and emotionally. I seem to be thinking a lot about how I’d like him to punish me, and if he could satisfy me in that respect. I never want to feel punishment the way Elijah would give it to me, but maybe Blake would be different. Then again, there’s no way a man like him would ever look twice at someone like me, especially when I look the way I do. No, some thing’s are only meant to be dreams, and dream about him I do all the time. I dream about him touching my face, and holding me in his strong arms. God, if only! We laugh a lot, he’s always making jokes. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so at ease with a man in my life before. I think it’s because he’s a good friend, and he seems to like me in that respect also.

  I stood in the kitchen making a cup of tea one night, and he walked in and winked at me. “You know you really shouldn’t drink tea before bed” He said as he grabbed a bottle of cold water from the fridge. All he ever does is workout! Fitness freak!

  “And why is that?” I asked without turning to look at him.

  “Makes you talk in your sleep”

  “Is that so?” I couldn’t help but laugh, I’d never heard such a strange thing in my life. I turned to look at him. He always looks so damn hot in his sweats. I think it has something to do with the fact he’s always topless! Not that I mind, he’s something so beautiful to look at.

  “Trust me, I’m a doctor” He winked at me while taking a draft of his water. I bit my bottom lip and giggled.

  I turned away from him again and out of nowhere he came up behind me and tickled me like a child! “Stop it you weirdo!” I grabbed his hands and pulled him away from me. I turned to look at him with a smile on my face. God, he was pressed almost against me! He placed his hands either side of me on the kitchen counter, while leaning into me. I could feel my heart beating forcefully in my chest. I looked up at him while biting my bottom lip. He looked at me and tucked a stray piece of my hair behind my ear. God, the feeling of his fingertip against my skin sent my libido crazy! I’d never felt like that in my life before! My eyes closed on me when he traced my jaw line with his thumb. But I suddenly felt the sick, sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I felt like I was going to vomit! I pushed him away from me and ran from the room. I sat on my bed for hours just wondering why he would do that, why would he touch me like that? I came to the conclusion that he was just being friendly. I just have to remember not all men want to hurt me.

  He distanced himself a little from me after that. He still talked to me like he always had, told me jokes and made me laugh. He still changed my bandages while chatting happily about his day. But it seemed like things had changed between us a little. It kind of bummed me out, I guess because I was really starting to like him.

  “He likes you, you know” Sam said, as we got wine and glasses out of the kitchen to drink with the pizza Alex and Blake so kindly brought home with them. Blake seems to have moved into the spare room, I kind of wonder if he has issues with being alone? But I’m secretly happy that he has, I like him being around I feel safe with him here. I’m starting to need him, and that’s what I hate about myself, the way I start to need a man right before I fall for him. The sad fact is, how do I ever separate need from love? Because I just don’t know where love starts and need ends.

  “Yes, I know he’s turned into a good friend” The thought of having new friends makes me smile, because I don’t really have many anymore.

  “Uh-oh, you like him, like him,” Her lips curl up into a massive smile.

  “Eh, no I don’t, stop reading into things that aren’t there, Sam. I don’t like him like that, and even if I did he’s seen far too much of my mangled body to ever want to touch me
in any way other than to change these bandages” I put the glasses back on the kitchen counter and look at the floor, I suddenly feel like crying. It took me days to get over what happened in the kitchen between us, even though nothing really happened. My mind has done nothing but hate on me since, and I don’t need my best friend putting ideas in my head about Blake and myself.

  “Oh, Sadie, don’t think like that. He likes you I can tell. He can see past all this” She points to my back, and tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear. “He sees what’s in here” She points to my head. “And here” Then my heart. “You’re beautiful, Sadie, inside and out please don’t ever think you’re not” She kisses my cheek. She’s such a good friend to me, I don’t know what I’d do without her.

  We settled in to watch TV and eat pizza. Even though all I did was pick at my slice. Sam and Alex did nothing but kiss through the whole film, it was actually quite annoying. “God, will you two get a room!” I sound harsh, even to my own ears, but I’m really not in the mood to watch them getting each other off, even though normally I’d love to watch two people fucking, I’m kind of dirty that way.

  “We have one thanks” How did she even say that without taking her lips from his?

  “Good then go use it, you’re making me feel sick”

  She looks at me and starts laughing. “Only you could be so blunt. Gah, fine. Come on, baby” She grabs Alex’s hand and pulls him up from his seat. “Night Sadie. Night Blake” She kisses me on the cheek. Blake says Goodnight to them both while laughing at their audacity and blatancy.

  “Night babe, sleep well or at least keep the noise to a minimum?” I smirk at her.

  “Cheeky cow!” We both laugh out loud. “You two have fun, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do” She shouts from her bedroom door.

  “Doesn’t leave a fat lot!” I shout back as my smile gets even wider.

  “Sadie...!” She winks at me and closes her door.

  Oh great, I’m left alone with Dr. Blake sitting next to me. Shit, this is awkward because Sam’s right, I do like him, I like him a lot and over the past few days I’ve felt weird around him. Especially after the what happened in the kitchen. Because I don’t know if I like him like that or because I’m grateful he’s helping me get my life and body back, or could it be the fact he’s fucking Hot with a capital H! “We should get those dressings changed so you can get ready for bed”

  Oh! Erm, shit, am I blushing? Because my face feels like it’s on fire. Why the fuck is he smiling at me? “Eh, yeah, sure” We always change my dressings in my bathroom, it’s the same routine every night, eat dinner, watch TV, change dressings, sort stuff out for work, go to bed...

  I stand facing the mirror in the bathroom, I guess I secretly like looking at him while he tends to me. His sculpted face is beautiful, and those eyes so blue you could swim in them, they make his face come alive! His hair, dark brown and a little longer than it should be, and his muscles the way I can see every line through his tight shirts. His thighs, God, his thighs and his ass, Oh My God, what an ass! Sculpted to perfection through his tight jeans. I suspect he wears tight clothing on purpose, so women can admire him. Christ, what am I thinking? Shit, um I don’t like him no, no I don’t. Gah, but I do. “Are you mental? Who is ever going to want you now? You think the good doctor here finds you attractive? You’re repulsive, and all he sees when he looks at you is your scars. Don’t kid yourself, darling, it’s never going to happen!” The voice in my head is right as always. My smile fades and I feel depressed again.

  I watch him carefully as he finishes up. “You can get dressed now, Sadie” He always has a smile for me, although I know it’s only a smile to put me at ease and it does every time. He stands and leaves so I can dress myself, but here I am wishing he’d come back and kiss me. I also know wishes don’t come true for girls like me.

  ~ ~ ~

  The next day, work went so slowly. I’m beginning to hate my job because Blake doesn’t work Saturday’s and if I wasn’t here slaving away, I could be home spending time with him. God, I’m pathetic he doesn’t even like me in that way. But I do like looking at him while I sit at the dining table on my laptop. Most evenings he sits on the couch with paperwork, wearing nothing but his sweats or jeans, because he’s always topless. My god, he’s something so fucking beautiful for my eyes to feast upon! I like looking at pictures of him that I’ve saved from a search engine. Sam pointed me in the right direction when I mentioned he looked familiar. We have a multibillionaire living with us! One of the richest men in the world, but he’s not once mentioned who he really is to me or Sam. Sam told me that Alex told her that Blake is a private person and the fact neither of us have once mentioned who he is and the fact the world knows him, the fact we haven’t gone crazy like some silly fangirls has shown him there are people out there that like him for more than just his money. I personally don’t give a damn about money, I have enough of my own. “That looks fabulous on you, Mrs. Avery” I smile sweetly at the forty something lady whose just walked out of the changing room in a Corset of navy blue satin, looking at herself in the mirror and running her hands down the bodice.

  “It does, doesn’t it?” She smiles at me. “I'll take it”

  “Wonderful. I’ll ring it up. Would that be all for you today?”

  “Yes, thank you, Sadie. You’re a very sweet girl” Mrs. Avery comes into the store I work in at least twice a week to buy something. I think she’s lonely, but her wardrobe must be stacked to the brim. She’s the most polite woman I’ve ever met and she seems to really like me, which makes a change because not many women do.

  ~ ~ ~

  The day pressed on like every other these days. Nothing much happens anymore. My mind wanders when my back will heal. According to Blake I have just three scars that will be visibly noticeable to people, the one across the back of my right thigh, another across the middle of my back, and one across my left hip which goes right up to my right shoulder. This is the one that’s going to cause me trouble. He mentioned plastic surgery and how it would help make the scar less predominant, but that would be a long, slow and painful process, and even with this surgery I’d never be free from the scar. Gone are the days of the bikini and swimsuit, I can wear nothing that shows off my back anymore. “Amy, I’m leaving now. Are you okay to close up?” It’s not really a question as I’ve already put my jacket on and grabbed my purse and I’m heading for the door.

  “Eh, yeah, sure, Sadie. Have a good weekend”

  “I’ll try to. Bye Hun” I didn’t even wait for her reply I’m out of that damn building for the rest of the weekend and I fully intend on locking myself away for the duration of it! “Dammit!” Fishing through my bag on the busy sidewalk is really annoying as people knock into me. I drop my bag as one man pushes passed me. “Yeah, thanks creep, not like I was standing here or anything! Jeez” I grabbed my phone not looking at who the caller is and answered it as I picked my bag and myself up off the pavement. “Mercedes Moretti” I snap as I answer my phone.

  “Hello Mercedes”


  “The very same” Oh. My. God, I’m lost for words, I can’t speak, I’m frozen to the spot! Jesus, I haven’t thought about him in weeks and he’s calling me. Why? He’s a married man for Christ sakes! Or at least I think he is.

  “Erm... What... I mean... Eh”

  “I know you didn’t expect me to call you again, but I need to see you, Sadie” He sounds like his old self like the man I fell for all those months ago. I don’t know what to say to him, I can’t see him not after everything. “Please, Sadie” It’s almost a beg. I guess one drink wouldn’t hurt, would it?

  “I erm. I guess. Okay. But somewhere public and for thirty minutes no more”

  “Okay,” I know he’s smiling on the other end of the line and it kind of makes me smile a little. “How about we meet at Denny’s, say 6pm?” I can hear the hope in his voice and already I can feel my heart melting. God, I’m so dumb how could I even think about meetin
g up with him after everything he’s done to me?!

  “Okay, Elijah, I’ll see you there. Bye for now. Drive safe”

  “You too, baby,” I didn’t answer I just hung up and threw my cell back into my bag. I ran rather than walked to my car. I need to get home, I have to shower and change before Sam gets back from work. I can’t let her know where I’m going she’d have a shit fit and quite rightly so. I know in my head that I shouldn’t go, I know this, but why do I feel like I owe the chance to explain himself? God, my feelings are confusing right now, because for the past week I’ve been wondering what it would be like if Blake called me baby. Not that he ever will but a girl can dream, right?

  In the quickest time on record, I’m showered to the best of my ability, trying not to get the dressings wet. Blake says they still have to be on for another few days. Jesus, I can’t wait for them to come off so I can feel a bit more like myself again. I rummage through what clothes I have here and find my new black skinny jeans. I love them, they hug my curves in all the right places. I grab my black camisole and black long sleeved jacket which I won’t take off at all regardless of the heat outside. I slide my ballet flats on and brush my hair, pulling it into a ponytail. I don’t bother with makeup, I hardly wear it these days and it takes more time than I’ve got. I checked myself in the mirror one last time. Ugh, is this as good as it gets now? I’ve resorted to dressing like a fifteen year old! I don’t have time to change now it’s 5.30pm. I grab my purse from my bed, spray a little perfume and I’m off out the door as fast as I can. I call the elevator which seems to be taking forever to get here.

  For fuck sakes hurry up!

  I realize I’m tapping my foot, my impatient habit. The elevator reaches my level and the door slides open. I look up and take a step forward right into Blake. Shit! “Whoa!” He laughs as he grabs my shoulders to stop me falling. “Where are you going in such a hurry?” I shrug. “I thought I’d change your dressings now then take you to dinner?” Oh my! That smile, dammit! What the fuck do I do? I can’t tell him I’m going to meet Elijah, he’d tell me how stupid I am, and his offer is so tempting. “You slut!” The voice in my head shouts. I smirk to myself, two men, one night, which to choose, again the voice in my head pipes up. “The woman beater/torturing cheat, or the hot HOT! Doctor?” I notice him eying me, amused at the smile on my face.


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