Lush Life

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Lush Life Page 36

by David Hajdu

  “Let’s Have a Ball”

  Levitas, Willard

  Lewis, John

  “Life Is Lonely,” see “Lush Life”

  “Like a Ship in the Night”


  Lincoln Center; Jazz Orchestra

  Liszt, Franz

  Little Troc cocktail lounge (Los Angeles)

  Living Room (Paris)

  Logan, Arthur

  Logan, Chip

  Logan, Marian

  “Looking for a Male”

  Look magazine

  Lorca, Federico García

  Los Angeles Times

  Los Angeles Tribune

  “Lotus Blossom”

  “Love Has Passed Me By, Again”

  “Love Is Here to Stay”

  “Love Like This Can’t Last”


  “Love Me or Leave Me”

  Love of Don Perlimplín for Belisa in Their Garden, The (Lorca)

  “Lover Man”

  Luckey’s Rendezvous (New York)

  Ludwig, Bill

  “Lullaby in Rhythm”

  “Lush Life”

  Lyons, Jimmy

  Lyttelton, Humphrey

  McCarthy, Mary

  McCuen, Brad

  Macero, Teo


  Machiz, Herbert

  McNair, Barbara

  McPartland, Marian

  McPhail, Jimmy

  McRae, Carmen

  McVicker, Carl

  “Madam Zajj”

  Mad Hatters

  “Madness in Great Ones”

  “Main Stem”

  Malone, Buddy

  “Mambo Italiano”

  Manning, Willy

  Manos, Christopher

  Mara, Countess

  Marceau, Marcel

  March on Washington

  Mars Club (Paris)

  Marshall, Wendell

  Martin, Herbert

  Martin, Mary

  Mary Poppins (film)

  Masterpieces by Ellington (album)

  Matlovsky, Samuel

  Matz, Peter

  Maxwell, Jimmy

  May, Billy

  Mayan Theatre (Los Angeles)


  “Maybe I Should Change My Ways”

  Mayer, Charles “Buzz”

  Mays, Willie

  “Me Is the Trouble”

  Mercer, Johnny

  Mercer Records

  Merenda, Joe

  Merrill, James

  Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)

  Metropolitan Museum of Art

  Metropolitan Opera

  Miami Herald


  Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (Shakespeare)

  Miley, Bubber

  Miller, Glenn

  Miller, Mitch

  Mills, Irving

  Mine Boy (Abrahams)

  Mingus, Charles

  Minor, James “Honey Boy”

  Minton’s Playhouse (Harlem)

  Mitchell, Dwike

  Mitropoulos, Dmitri

  Modern Jazz Quartet

  Monici, Jimmy

  Monk, Thelonious

  Montana bar (Paris)

  Monterey Jazz Festival

  “Mood Indigo”

  “Mood to Be Wooed, The”

  Moon Is Blue, The (film)

  “Moonlight Cocktail”

  “Moonlight Fiesta”

  Moonlight Harbor Band

  “Moon River”

  Moore, Phil

  Moore, Tommie

  Mordecai, Joyce

  Morgen, Joe

  Morgenstern, Dan

  Morris, Gregory

  Moskendric family

  Mulligan, Gerry

  “Multicolored Blue”

  Murder at the Vanities (film)

  Murray, Rosalind

  Music for Moderns (concert)

  Musicians Protective Union

  Music Is My Mistress (Ellington)

  Myers, John Bernard

  Myers, LeRoy

  “My Little Brown Book”

  My People (Ellington)

  Nancy, Ray

  Nanton, Joe

  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

  National Broadcasting Company (NBC)

  National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

  Neal, Dorcas

  Neal, Frank

  Neal Salon

  New England Conservatory

  Newman, Paul

  Newport Jazz Festival

  Newport Jazz Festival Suite, The

  New School for Social Research


  New World A-Comin’ (Ellington)

  New York Herald Tribune

  New York Journal American

  New York Times

  New York University

  New York World-Telegram

  “Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square, A”

  Nixon’s Grand Theatre (Philadelphia)

  Norgran records

  North by Southwest Suite, The (Strayhorn)

  Northwestern University

  Narvo, Red

  Nugent, Pete

  Nutcracker Suite, The (Tchaikovsky)

  Oceanliner nightclub (New Jersey)

  O’Connor, Norman J.

  O’Hara, Frank

  “Oh, Lady Be Good”


  Oklahoma! (Rodgers and Hammerstein)

  Oliver, Sy

  Olympia jazz club (Paris)

  On the Riviera (Copasetics)

  “On the Sunny Side of the Street”


  “Oo, You Make Me Tingle”


  Oshei, Bernard

  “Overture to a Jam Session”

  Pagan, Gustavia Goldberg

  Paramount Pictures

  Paris Blue Notes

  Paris Blues (movie)

  Parker, Charlie

  Parks, Gordon

  Parrish, Mitchell

  Parsons, Louella

  “Passion Flower”

  Patterson, Bill

  Patterson, Thomas

  Peaceful Side (album)

  Peer Gynt Suite (Grieg)

  Pemberton, Bill

  Pennebaker Productions


  Pepper’s Warehouse (Winston-Salem)


  Perelman, David

  Perfume Suite (Ellington and Strayhorn)

  Perrin, Mimi

  Peters, Brock

  Peterson, Oscar

  Peterson, Ralph E.

  Pharr, Margieriete

  Pharr, Nye

  Phelan, Michael

  Picasso, Pablo

  “Pig Sty”

  Pittsburgh Courier

  Pittsburgh Crawfords baseball team

  Pittsburgh Musical Institute

  Pleasant, Marie

  Poitier, Sidney

  Popwell, Albert

  Porgy and Bess (film)

  Porter, Cole

  Portrait of Ella Fitzgerald (Ellington and Strayhorn)

  Powell, Bud

  “Prelude to a Kiss”

  Preminger, Hope

  Preminger, Otto

  Preston, Luther “Slim”

  “Pretty Girl”

  “Pretty Little One”

  Procope, Russell

  Purcell, Jack

  “Purple People”

  Pyle, Mame


  Pythian Temple (New York)

  Quaker City Jazz Festival

  Radio Recorders

  Redo, Alexandre

  Rage of Paris, The (film)

  “Rain Check”

  Ramirez, Ram

  Randalls Island Jazz Festival

  Randolph, Jimmie

  Rape of Lucretia, The (Britten)

  Ratigan, Jimmy

  Raucci, Frank

  Ravel, Maurice

nbsp; Rawls, Lou

  Ray, Charlie

  Ray, Nicholas

  RCA Records

  Reddon, Pauline

  “Red Roses for a Blue Lady”

  Reed, Barbara

  Reis, Helen


  Remick, Lee

  “Reminiscing in Tempo”

  Reprise Records

  Rhapsody in Blue (Gershwin)


  “Rhythm Man, The”

  Richard III (Shakespeare)

  Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai

  Ringside jazz club (Paris)

  Rite of Spring (Stravinsky)

  Ritz-Carlton Hotel (Boston)

  Rivel, Moune de

  Rivers, Larry

  Riverside Drive Five

  Riverside Records

  Riviera Terrace Room (New York)

  Roach, Max

  Road of the Phoebe Snow (ballet)

  Robbins, Fred

  Robbins, Jerome

  Robbins Music

  Robbins Nest (radio program)

  Roberts, Charles Luckeyth “Luckey”

  Roberts, Henry “Phace”

  Robinson, Bill “Bojangles”

  Robinson, Jackie

  Robinson, Rachel

  Rockets, The

  “Rocks in My Bed”

  Rodgers, Richard

  Rodney, Red

  Rogers, Timmie

  Rooney, Mickey

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  Roosevelt Theater (Pittsburgh)

  Rose-Colored Glasses (Strayhorn and Henderson)

  Ross, Annie

  Roulette Records

  Rowles, Jimmy

  Royal, Marshall

  Ruff, Willie

  Rugolo, Pete

  Rushing, Connie

  Rushing, Jimmy

  Salle Pleyel (Paris)

  Salvaterra, Bruno

  Salzman, Harry

  Sanders, John

  “Satin Doll”

  Saturday Laughter (Ellington and Strayhorn)

  Saturday Review

  Saugatuck Jazz Festival

  Savory Ballroom (Pittsburgh)

  “Savoy Strut”

  Scarface (film)

  Schallert, Ed

  Schoenberg, Loren

  Schweitzer, Albert

  Scott, Hazel

  Scrima, Michael (Mickey)

  Sebastian’s Cotton Club (Culver City, Calif.)

  Sebree, Charles

  “Sepia Panorama”

  Shakespeare, William

  Shamrock Lounge (Miami Beach)

  Shaw, Artie

  Shaw, Eddie

  Shaw, George Bernard

  Shaw, Sam


  Sheldon, Dean

  Sher, Jack

  Sherman Brothers

  Sherrill, Joya

  Shoemaker, Roy

  Short, Bobby

  “Show “Em You Got Class”

  Showman’s Cafe (Harlem)

  Shulman, Joe

  Silvestri, Silvestri

  Simmons, Art

  Sinatra, Frank


  Small’s Paradise (Harlem)

  Smith, Art

  Smith, Elwood

  Smith, Oliver

  Smith, Willie

  Smith, Wonderful

  Smithsonian Jazz Masterworks Orchestra

  “Smoky City”


  Snookie’s jazz club (New York)

  “Sob Sisters, The”


  “Something to Live For”

  “Song for Christmas, A”

  “Song of India”

  “Song of the Fool”

  “Sonnet in Search of a Moor”

  “Sonnet to Hank Cinq”


  “Sophisticated Lady”

  “So the Good Book Says”

  Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

  Spangler, Frank

  Spangler, Thelma

  “Sprite Music”

  Stanley Theatre (Pittsburgh)

  “Star-Crossed Lovers. The”

  “Star Dust”

  Starlight Lounge (Las Vegas)

  State Department, U.S.

  Staton, Fred

  Steinbeck, John

  Stevens, James “Steve”

  Stewart, James

  Stewart, Rex

  “Still in Love with You”

  Stitt, John

  Storyville nightclub (Boston)

  Strand Records

  Strand Theatre (New York)

  Strange, Harold

  “Strange Feeling”

  Stratford Music Festival

  Stravinsky, Igor

  Strayhorn, Billy: arrangements by, see specific works; and ASCAP ban; birth of; Bridgers and; and Broadway show; cancer of; childhood of; in civil rights movement; classicism of; Clooney and; and Cole’s recording of “Lush Life”; compositions by, see specific works; concert by; concert in tribute to; in Copasetics; death of; debut work for Ellington Orchestra; develops interest in jazz; drinking of; drugstore job of; duets with Ellington; education of; Ellington as role model for; and Ellington’s publicity; estate of; family background of; family ties of; and film scores; Fitzgerald and; gains reputation as arranger; Gershwin’s influence on; Goldberg and; Grove and; Henderson’s proposed collaboration with; at Hickory House; hired by Ellington; and Hodges’s recordings; in Hollywood; homosexuality of; Horne and; independent theater projects of; interview with Ellington and; introduced to Ellington; at jazz festivals; in Logans’ social circle; as lyricist; and Mahalia Jackson recording; memorial service for; on Middle East tour; and Mine Boy project; in mixed-race trio; moves to New York; mugging of; and musical revues; nature of collaboration with Ellington; in Neal Salon; negotiates new relationship with Ellington; nickname of; in Paris; philosophy of life of; plays piano with Ellington Orchestra; publication of works by; and Shakespeare project; shopping by; Sinatra and; singers influenced by; and small bands; solo album of; and Steinbeck project; as studio musician; Tchaikovsky and; and television special; Welles and; Wood in composing partnership with; during World War II

  Strayhorn, Georgia (aunt)

  Strayhorn, Georgia (sister), see Conaway, Georgia Strayhorn

  Strayhorn, Harry (brother)

  Strayhorn, James (father)

  Strayhorn, James, Jr. “Jimmy” (brother)

  Strayhorn, Jobe (grandfather)

  Strayhorn, John (brother)

  Strayhorn, Joseph (uncle)

  Strayhorn, Julia (aunt)

  Strayhorn, Larry (nephew)

  Strayhorn, Leslie (brother)

  Strayhorn, Lillian (sister), see Dicks, Lillian Strayhorn

  Strayhorn, Lillian Young (mother)

  Strayhorn, Lizzie (grandmother)

  Strayhorn, Sadie (sister)

  Strayhorn, Samuel (brother)

  Strayhorn, Theodore (brother)

  Strayhorn, William (uncle)

  Studio One (television program)

  Stump and Stumpy

  “Subtle Slough”

  Such Sweet Thunder (Ellington and Strayhorn)

  Sudan nightclub (Harlem)

  “Sugar Hill Penthouse”

  Suite for the Duo (Strayhorn)

  Suite Thursday (Ellington and Strayhorn)

  Sullivan, Ed

  “Sunday Morning”

  “Sun-Tanned Tenth of the Nation”

  “Sweet Sue”

  Sweet Thursday (Steinbeck)

  Syms, Sylvia

  “Take It Away”

  “Take the ‘A’ Train”


  “Tattooed Bride, The”

  Taturn, Art

  Taylor, Billy

  Taylor, Creed

  Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilych

  “Telecasters, The”

  Temperley, Joe

  Tempo Music, Inc.

  temps court, Le (Time Runs) (Welles)

p; Terry, Clark

  “That’s the Blues, Old Man”

  Theater Guild (New York)

  “There’ll Be Some Changes Made”

  Thomas, Dylan

  Thomas, Johnny

  Thornhill, Claude

  Threepenny Opera, The (Weill and Brecht)

  “Three Shows Nightly”

  Time magazine

  Tizol, Juan

  Todd, Michael

  Tone Parallel to Harlem, A (Ellington and Strayhorn)

  “Tonight I Shall Sleep (with a Smile on My Face)”


  “Total Jazz”

  Town Hall (New York)

  Townsend, Irving

  Tripp, C. A.

  “True Confessions”

  Turner, Joe

  Turner, Lana

  Turn of the Screw, The (Britten)

  Tuskegee Airmen

  “Tuxedo Junction”

  “Two Sleepy People”

  Two Zephyrs

  Tynan, John

  Tynes, Margaret

  “Ugly Ducklin’”

  Ulanov, Barry

  “Uncle Tom’s Cabin Is a Drive-in Now”

  United Artists

  United Nations

  “Upper Manhattan Medical Group”

  U.S. Steel Hour (television program)

  Vallee, Rudy


  van de Leur, Walter

  Van Gelder, Rudy


  Vaughan, Sarah

  Verve Records

  Victor Records

  “Violet Blue”

  Vocalion Records

  Voelker, John D.

  Wagner, Robert F., Jr.

  Walker, James “Catfish”

  “Walk It Off”

  Wallace, Royce

  Waller, Fats


  “Watch Your Cue”

  Watkins, Perry

  Wax Records

  “We Are the Reporters”

  Webb, Chick

  Webster, Ben

  Weill, Kurt

  Wein, George

  “Welcome Aboard Blues”

  Welles, Orson

  “Well, Well”

  Wess, Al

  West, Eddie

  Westbrooks, Beatrice Wright

  Westinghouse High School

  Weston, Randy

  Whaley, Tom

  “When I’m Feeling Kinda Blue”

  “When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder, I’ll Be There”

  “When the Sun Comes Out”

  Whistler, James McNeill

  Whiteman, Paul

  Whitlinger, Fred

  “Why Don’t You Do Right”

  Wilber, Bob

  Willard, Patricia

  Williams, Cootie

  Williams, Haywood

  Williams, Jess

  Williams, Joe

  Williams, Madeline Grove

  Williams, Mary Lou

  Williams, Tennessee

  Wilson, Earl

  Wilson, Gerald

  Wilson, John S.

  Wilson, Teddy

  Wolfe, Janet

  “Women, Women, Women”

  Wood, Ray

  Woode, Jimmy

  Woodman, Britt

  Woodward, Joanne

  Woodyard, Sam

  World War II

  “Wounded Love”

  “Wrong Side of the Railroad Tracks, The”

  Yagella, Bob


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