Walkers (Book 1): The Beginning

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Walkers (Book 1): The Beginning Page 4

by Davis-Lindsey, Zelda

"Well," I thought as I watched his fine backside disappear into the dark, and went back to the RV tell Lacy to batten down the hatches, we were leaving in half an hour. We left with lights out and tail lights covered. Using the night goggles we drove another four hours that night. Criss crossing the interstate when we found the road blocked by pileups. Exhausted and cranky we finally found a ball field on the outskirts of a small town and parked behind the tall bleachers.

  I was afraid I would be too tense to go to sleep but exhaustion finally won out and I fell asleep to the sound of owls in the distance and a cool breeze from the north. I dreamed of Montana that night, making me more determined than ever to return.


  The smell of coffee dragged me out of bed. I pulled on my jeans and tee shirt and stumbled into the kitchen. It was full. I stopped in my tracks and felt my eyebrows rise. Lacy turned at the counter and handed me a mug of coffee...cream and sugar please. I took a sip, sighed, then eyed the group.

  "What's up?" I asked and sat at the table. We were evidently having pancakes this morning as a platter was heaped high in the middle of the table and syrup of different flavors were lined up nearby. I smiled at Mandy who had syrup on her nose, and the biggest smile radiated from her face. She did love to eat. Bubba even got in on the fun as he had his own plate of cakes and was busy chowing down.

  "We were goin to ask if there was any way we could take a few days off. We're all a little wiped out, it's been a crazy few days and our butts are draggin." Howard said as he washed his plate.

  "Mine too, so I planned to take a couple of days to rest up when we get to Moab Utah. That’s where the Arches National Park is. I've been there; it's beautiful and quiet and has shade trees. I thought it would be a wonderful place to chill out a few days. The weather will still be hot but drier." Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

  Mason wiped his mouth and said "I think we can wait a bit longer. We have some fuel but will have to stop soon. I looked at the map and saw a truck stop a few miles down the road in Utah. I think it might be a good place to get fuel.

  "Ok, by me, let’s plan to leave in half an hour?" Lacy put a plate in front of me and I put two pancakes on it. While I ate everyone went out to get their outfits ready to go. It was a beautiful, clear day and you could see for miles. In the distance was "Ship rock Formation". A rock formation over 1500 feet high and sacred to the Navajo Indians. The sky about it was the prettiest blue in sharp contrast to the multi colored sands of the high dessert. It was still early but the temps were in the mid 80's at least. I was getting antsy to head north.

  We headed west leaving New Mexico behind. Clipping the northeast corner of Arizona we soon arrived in Utah. The breathtaking canyons and majestic mountains we had just gotten used to seeing turned into narrow, chaotic canyons and steep, confining barrier reefs. Then we once again traversed land that was broad, open and windswept. We continued north and was almost to Blanding when we encountered a hitchhiker. This was new for us, so we were wary. Mason was driving the truck because of the heat, and radioed back that he was going to check things out while we waited on the hot highway. I wondered when we decided to let Mason lead the way. No one had seemed upset by it and I wasn't really either, but it did make me wonder. I'm not one to relinquish control like that but then I reasoned, if I was kept in the loop then I really didn't have a problem with it. I made a note to myself that I would have a discussion with the rest of the group to see what their feelings were.

  Mason radioed back that he was picking up the man and we should meet at the truck stop about 22 miles ahead. Since the stranger was riding with Mason, I figured it was ok, but I wanted to meet the guy before we spent night with him. We pulled into the truck stop and drove over and parked next to a fuel truck. I looked around for Howard and motioned him over while Mason talked to the hitch hiker. "Is there any easy way to get the fuel from this truck as opposed to trying to get it from the pumps or syphoning it from cars?"

  He walked over to the truck, and then climbed inside. After fiddling around in the cab for a few minutes, he started the big rig up and climbed back down. Walking to the back of the tank, he looked around then motioned me over.

  "We can hook up a hose to this valve, open a valve on top and gravity will force the fuel out of the tank. Just pull up next to me and I'll fill er up. I'll get the bolt cutters out to cut the padlock on the hose while you're doin that.". He said and walked back to the wrecker. He talked to Duke on the way that began to jockey the big bus into position behind me.

  It didn't take long to fill the rigs and the empty gas cans in the back of the bus. I'd let Bubba out of the wrecker to find a tree and noticed Mason walking the stranger back to me. The guy wasn't much to look at. Tall, skinny, dirty and sunburned as badly as I've ever seen anyone. He carried a back pack, which had a red folding fishing chair attached to it and a guitar and carried a hunting rifle.

  "This is Randy," Mason said. "He's looking to hook up with someone that can take him to Seattle cause he heard there was a refugee center there. I told him I've never heard of it."

  "I heard it on the radio, before I left Denver. Everyone was headed there." I looked at Mason and he just shrugged.

  "Not everyone, Randy. There was a rumor in Florida that a refugee center was in Denver and since then I've read half a dozen flyers saying there were more. There aren't any refugee centers. They've all been overrun. We are alone out here and have to fend for ourselves."

  He looked from me to Mason and back again. "Can I go with you then?" he whined. I cringed.

  "Why are you walking?" I asked curiously.

  "I can't drive. I know how," he said quickly, looking at his feet. "It's just that I got into a fight with a walker and broke my glasses and can't see to drive. I tried once but I ran into a bridge railing and almost fell into the river. I can't swim either."

  "Of course not" I said quickly and got a look from Mason.

  "What?" I asked him.

  Shaking his head he turned to Randy. "In our group everyone has a say. While we go exploring, they can discuss it and we'll know when we get back."

  To me he said "We're going shopping, would you ask Duke to bring his heat detector with him? I want to clear the truck stop before we go in."

  Nodding my head I talked to Duke and moved the RV into a shade. One of just two such places in the whole country as far as I could see. Going inside, I saw Lacy looking out the window and asked, "Who's the new guy".

  "He isn't new till we talk about it. I have a feelin about him but I'm not sure what the deal is yet."

  "Did you use your mojo?" she said as she popped the top on the soda.

  "Not yet, I'm hoping Mason will. From the way he looks outside, I don't want to dig around in his head."

  "Yea, I get that. You'd think he could have found a puddle somewhere to clean up. I could smell him from the inside of the RV."

  Shots could be heard from inside the truck stop. We jumped out of the RV started to run toward them when Howard stopped us.

  "Give em a minute before you run in blind."

  Soon Duke, Mason and Randy emerged from the truck stop. Randy and Mason carried a couple of bags and I could hear Randy's excited voice. When he looked up he was wearing a new pair of reading glasses.

  "There were walkers inside. Got Randy here some glasses and new clothes. Would you mind if he showered in the RV? He ain't getting back in my truck till he smells better." To Randy he said, "Sorry about that buddy but you are foul."

  Randy grinned and nodded. "It would be mighty nice of you ma'am. My mama didn't raise me this way and I hate to offend anyone but I just ain't good on my own."

  "As long you never call me ma'am again". I nodded my head and he headed to the Rv. Lacy jumped out to avoid him and I looked at Mason. He got the point and followed him in to show him how the shower worked. I had no idea where he was going to sleep till I noticed Howard strolling out of the truck stop with a tent and bedroll. I smiled big at that and grinning Howard shook hi
s head and climbed into the wrecker. He started feeding something to Bubba and I knew then he had found some treats.

  We were sitting at the table talking quietly about Randy when the shower shut off. Lacy had fixed a fruit platter and we were working on it when Randy came out of the bathroom. I knew my mouth fell open at the transformation. He looked to be around 18 years old, tall with sandy hair that needed cutting. His new clothes were a size too big but were still a big improvement over his dirty ones.

  "Just throw the old clothes away in the dumpster. We have no way to wash them and I would guess they would be impossible to get clean anyway."

  Lacy happened to glance in his direction when he walked past the table and her mouth fell open. "Wow" she muttered. "Is that the same guy? Wow." We all smiled at her.

  "Have ya'll noticed we have been climbing in elevation? At Moab, it is just over 4,000 feet so it should be cooler but I won't promise anything. We're going to stay at the Arches National Park for a couple of days before going to Montana."

  "How much longer before we reach Montana?" asked Sarah. "I'm ready to settle down."

  "Let's see, probably about two more days on the road, I hope."

  Just then Randy knocked on the door and Lacy nearly knocked Duke down getting to the door. Duke yelled "Come in" and grinned real big when Lacy scowled at him. Randy came in and stood looking at his feet. I looked down to see what the fascination was and saw new Nike's on very large feet.

  "Here you can have my seat." Lacy gushed. "I'll just get you a soda. Help yourself to the fruit. Oh dear, I bet you're really hungry. How about I fry you some Spam?" Lacy was jumping back and forth from the fridge to the table and people were scrambling to get out of her way. Even Bubba was just managing to keep from being stepped on so he finally went to the back and lay down on the bed, watching the proceedings with big brown eyes.

  Lacy noticed that Randy had cleaned up pretty well. I knew I was in for an interesting time of it now. You could tell he wasn't used to all the attention and was turning redder by the minute. Without a word we all went outside. "The way I figured it, another hour will get us to Moab and the Arches so when Randy is settled we can leave."

  "Mason can you drive the fuel truck"? He turned and studied the truck, then smiled at me. "I like the way you think. How full is it?" He asked Howard as I wandered over to Sarah.

  "You two holding up ok?

  "Yep, just tired like everyone else". Mandy was playing toss a ball with Bubba who was happily retrieving it. "I'll just be glad to have a kitchen and bathroom and nice soft bed."

  "Amen to that." Just then Randy and Lacy joined the group.

  "Mason is gonna drive the fuel truck, so Lacy you okay to drive his truck?"

  "Sure, can Randy ride with me?" I looked at Randy, smile nicely and said "You know she's my sister, right?" He blushed as Lacey moaned "J.D."

  "Yes, ma'am and I promise to behave myself."

  "Good, I shoot first, ask questions later."

  "Yes em" he mumbled.

  Everyone went to their outfits and we proceeded north. As we neared Moab the right side of the road consisted of housing developments that sported green grass which was startling against the dessert backdrop. On the left side was the was high, jagged, rusty colored cliffs jutting toward the sky. The closer to town we got the more civilization opened up on both sides of the road and we began to see walkers on the side streets. Rock formations reaching to the sky, every color of the rainbow, weathered and jagged took your breath away.

  Mason pulled the huge fuel truck ahead of us and sped up a bit. Soon I noticed walkers being propelled out on either side of him and knew he was clearing the road. I hated doing it that way, it was just plain gross but I also knew we had no choice. Another half hour and we arrived at the park site. We parked and started to unload chairs, and unwind the awning on the RV, and set up umbrellas for the bus. We milled about, stretching and moaning. I sound of Mason’s radio vibrated the ground as Lacy pulled into the lot next to us.

  As I approached the truck, the music abruptly stopped. The doors were swung open and two long legged teenagers stepped to the ground. "I know, no noise, won't happen again, I promise" Lacy whined. Oh, no I thought it's contagious. We walked back to the group and I thought of where this would go...and I didn't want to go there.

  "Ok, some rules," I said. "No one wonders off alone. Or enters a building or vehicle alone. At least two people together and carry walkies and weapons. Also, drink a lot of water and keep the noise level down. I want the showers and restrooms cleared right away and kept locked with the padlocks Duke will hand out. That way they stayed cleared. Anyone want to add anything"? When no one said anything, I motioned to Sarah and we began to prepare lunch after I got the two pull outs on the RV figured out.

  I sat at the table and pulled out the roadmap to figure the next leg of the trip.

  "Can't that wait?" asked Sarah as she fiddled at the stove. "You got two days to mess with that stuff, just relax, enjoy this wonderful view and worry about that sister of yours".

  I smiled at that and put the map away. Accepting a bottle of raspberry flavored tea, I sat on the couch stretched out my legs and let out a sigh. I was about to fall asleep when a horrifying scream broke the silence and the bottle hit the floor.


  I flew out the RV door missing the bottom step. Since I had grabbed my cross bow as I exited, I landed on my stomach and my bow went sliding across the gravel. Unfortunately, so did I. Ignoring the pain, which wasn't easy, I grabbed the damned bow again, and took off in the direction everyone else was running, gravel flying from under my feet. The screaming continued, which if you thought about it long enough, was a good thing.

  We were all running in the direction of the restrooms. The screaming was coming from the women's restrooms and nearly all of us hit the door at the same time.

  "Oh, for heaven sake" I muttered, my heart about to beat out of my chest. Mason made it in first and immediately a loud shot rang out, reverberating off the concrete walls of the restroom and inside my head. We all filtered inside, glanced down at the walker, then up, up, up at Lacy who was standing on the top of the stalls, with her hands holding onto the pipes that ran across the ceiling into the men’s section. The walker lay inside the first stall where apparently Lacy had chosen to "go", what’s left of its head in the toilet.

  "Get me down, please" she said shakily, tears sliding down her cheeks. Randy pushed his way inside the second stall and stood on the toilet, reaching up to take her hands and eventually she was down and crying on Randy's shoulder. Howard and Mason disposed of the walker, got out one of Dukes padlocks and locked the door, placing the key on top of the drinking fountain near the door. Might seem odd to put it in plain sight like that but walkers don't use keys, if it don't open they go away.

  "Lacy has to start paying attention, JD. She just goes willy nilly into space and doesn't think. She has to start thinking", Duke said. I nodded at him because I thought the same thing. She's a teenager and doesn't think and it almost got her killed...again.

  "I'll talk to her, again, Duke because I just don't know what else to do. I can't force her to use good judgment when she isn't familiar with it.

  "Well, till then you better let Sarah tend to those scrapes. Man, looks like they should hurt." and shaking his head, he wandered off to clear the men’s room so he could padlock that door to.

  As soon as he said the words I hurt, yep, knees pulled like they would split wide open, and my back, geesh! I refused to hobble but standing upright hurt. The palms of my hands were scraped and bleeding and my elbows too. Great!

  I hobbled into the RV, as any self-respecting walker-fighter from Montana would do. I had no shame, and when Sarah poured peroxide on my many wounds, I cried because that's what you're supposed to do when someone pours acid; I mean peroxide, on open, deep wound type scrapes. Right?

  After I had relearned to breathe, and wiped the tears away, I got a nice new cool bottle of raspberry tea
and a pillow for my head on the nice soft couch. This is where I waited for Lacy. The pain pill was making me nice and mellow, which is why she waited so long to come inside. I guess she thought I wouldn't yell and she was right.

  Just thinking was painful, I was too happy to think at the moment but it needed to be dealt with. "Sis," she said quietly as she snuck inside, "I'm really, really, really, sorry." Heard that one before. "I know we are supposed to clear the rooms first but I really had to go bad and well, anyway, no one got hurt." I peeked out from under the cool cloth on my face.

  "Well, you did and I'm really sorry but it turned our almost ok. Please, don't be mad at me".

  I struggled to sit up, cause I thought what I had to say would sound better if I were upright, but the little moaning noises I was making ruined the effect so I just sighed instead. A noise from the doorway made me look and a sad looking Randy was poised to come inside so I forcefully, sort of, said "NO!" and he backed out and shut the door.

  "You could’ve been killed or worse, bitten". I put up my hand to shush her before she could whine "We've been in this situation several times now and you still haven't learned. I realize you're only 16 and I should probably give you some leeway, but these are hard times..." Damn, lost my train of thought. Think, think, and think. Good drugs, what? Oh yea. "You have seen these things in action, nearly been eaten alive by them on more occasions that I want to think about and still you just do what you want. If you can't think of yourself then it's about time you thought of others. One of these days we won't get there in time, and Lacy, I'm not going to be too keen on having to put a bullet in your brain and bury you. Shape up. That's all there is to say. Do you understand? The whole group is affected by what you do or don't do. You have to understand what your actions do to others."

  By the time I had finished she was in tears and the drugs affects were wearing off. I just lay there waiting to see if anything I managed to say got past the hormones. I had done everything I could for her. She had to wake up and take responsibility even at her age. She just had to.


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