Walkers (Book 1): The Beginning

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Walkers (Book 1): The Beginning Page 6

by Davis-Lindsey, Zelda

  We slowly drifted quietly off to our beds. Mason checked on Mandy, gave her some more aspirin for the fever and pain then climbed into the fuel truck to bed. I left Lacy and Randy to spoon in the starlight, whatever, and climbed into bed just knowing I would be too wound up to sleep. Next thing I knew it was morning.

  Mandy's fever was down the next day and we headed west.

  Soon we turned south into the mountains leaving the paved road for gravel, weaving around the mountains for several miles before coming to the main gate made with logs. The sign read "Lion's Lodge".

  We drove over the cattle guard and about another mile winding around a large hill until finally there is was in front of us just as I had described it. I noticed right away that the wind generator was still. There were no vehicles in the large parking area out front and the front door was standing wide open. Chickens free ranged but there were no other signs of livestock.

  Several bodies littered the yard and some windows were broken out but I still sat there sporting the biggest of grins. Everyone just sat in their outfits, staring. I was so relieved I almost cried. I could've sat there for the rest of the day, if three walkers hadn't walked around the corner of the lodge.

  "Oh for pete's sake, don't these people have a home?"

  I sighed, got up, took down my bow, cocked it, took a deep breath and stepped out to clean house.


  I nailed the first the first one in the mouth, then Mason shot the second and third one. We stood in the yard and waited since sound attracts em and if any were in the house they should be walking out about...yep, WHOA! Big boy. Bang! I slowly crept up the steps, bow ready, out the broken window another stepped, TWANG! Arrow through the eye, bang! Bullet though the ear. We were on a roll. Where the hell did they all come from?

  By the time the smoke cleared, I was out of arrows and Mason was reloading his rifle and we both were sweat soaked. I was reminded of a song...Walkers to the left of me, walkers to the right; here I am, stuck in the middle with you. Yep, I was pumped up. Must of been the spam.

  I counted eleven but I wouldn't relax until every inch of the place had been searched. We did the old cop routine though the downstairs and then up the stairs. No closet went unsearched, no restroom or pantry wasn't examined. Around furniture, under beds, behind shower curtains all received a thorough look see. Mason and Randy secured the basement. Then the outbuildings got a good going over and only one walker was found locked in the tack room of the barn. I have no idea how he got in there. By the time we hauled the bodies into a pile and set them on fire, it was nearing afternoon.

  We padlocked every outbuilding so we knew it was secure. Randy and Lacy then chased chickens till they were back in the pen then secured it so they'd stay there. I gave them each a black marker and told them to mark every egg they found. While they stood and looked at each other I explained that come morning and they went looking for eggs for breakfast, then the ones that didn't have a mark would be a fresh egg. They walked away mumbling to themselves. Later, I heard it was like an Easter Egg Hunt, only they got to scribble on the eggs.

  Sarah was heating up a large canned ham in the RV She had instant potatoes, corn and sliced tomatoes she had found growing in the garden. For dessert, she'd made a peach cobbler. She said it was a welcome home dinner. We did her meal justice then went to work securing the lodge. The door needed reinforcing and the window boarded over until it could be replaced.

  Inside there was an office to the right of the great room that had a small room off of it with a small bathroom. We decided that would be the perfect place to set up the computer equipment. Monitors would display views from the cameras mounted on each corner of the lodge, one on the main entrance and one on the wind generator.

  Duke had a dozen cameras that did everything but dishes and a toy helicopter that was remote controlled with a camera mounted on its belly. Duke liked his toys.

  To the left of the great room was a library with head mounts of every animal known to Montana. I don't know how anyone could relax with all those eyes staring at em, but for some reason Howard decided he wanted that room. It shared a bathroom with the room connected to it which also looked like an office.

  I chose a bedroom upstairs which was connected to the one Lacy choose with a bathroom. I know what that girl can do to a bathroom so I wasn't too happy. Mason found one he liked on the opposite side of the building, sharing his bath with Randy. That still left two bedrooms upstairs and several in the basement.

  The kitchen was huge. Sarah and I stood in front of the walk in freezer and stared at it.

  "I don't think I want to open that door. Can you imagine what it would smell like if everything inside is rotten? she said quietly.

  "I think we should wait till the electricy is fixed, let everything inside freeze up and then open the door. It wouldn't smell as bad, would it?"

  "I don't know," she said, looking from me back to the freezer, "and I don't want to find out either. Let's leave it alone for now, but then we have to worry about the fridge." We dutifully turned and looked at the fridge, like it might have directions taped to the front, 'In case of long term disconnection...' but it just sat there in all it's stainless steel finery. We looked at each other again then turned and ooo'd and ahhhh'd over the six burner stove with double ovens, huge island and granite countertops.

  We nearly came unglued when we opened the pantry and discovered the many gallon cans of every fruit and vegetable known to man. The room was bigger than my first apartment back in Missouri. There were cases of biscuit starter, gravies and dessert mixes. We were amazed at the amount of food. We found a closet that was full of every cleaner that had ever been made, not to mention rodent killers and a first aid station, yep, that made sense.

  We had been poised to write down all the things we would need to get through the winter, but so far we hadn't written down much except for the fridge and freezer. We did write down black spray paint (for the windows) because we only had one case left. Mason and Randy came in and announced they had found one cow and corralled it then handed me their lists. It was a short one to.

  "I'm amazed this place is so well stocked. It must have been restocked just before the virus. We need to get some feed for the cow till we set up a place where it'll be safe. Duke is working on the wind generator and thought he might be able to get it working"

  That was good news, since it's one of the many reasons I'd chosen the lodge. I suggested a meeting of the minds after supper and everyone went back to work.

  Sarah and Lacy were breaking down a twin bed to put in Sarah and Duke's area near the computer room for Mandy. She had been resting on the couch in the great room so everyone that walked by, would talk to her a minute or ask if she needed anything. Bubba was curled up by her side and sleeping. She looked better today. The swelling in her foot had gone down and the fever was gone

  When I had the RV empty I moved it next to the chicken coop. Soon I noticed the bus and wrecker parked next to it. I looked until I found the fuel truck and found it parked near the side of the building. Frowning I started out the side door when I was blinded by the porch light coming on. I jumped like I had been shot.

  My heart hammered in my chest as I struggled to breathe again. Then it blinked and went out...the light not my heart. I looked towards the wind generator but it was still.

  Mason had found himself a gas generator. A big honking, monster of a generator that he had filled with fuel. I watched as he fiddled with it again and this time it stayed running. He wiped his hands on a rag, looked up at me and smiled that heart stopping smile of his as he walked over.

  "We should be able to run this for a week but I'm not sure what all its running except the porch light. Might want take a look around and check the rest of the lodge for lights and things that don't need to be on." I nodded at him and started to turn, when he grabbed me and kissed the hell out of me...again. Then he tapped me on the ass, turned and walked away.

  I'd think about that lat
er, and went inside to check for lights. It took me awhile...I found a curling iron on, two TV’s, a million lamps and one washing machine. The little green light on the fridge came on and I shuddered at the thought of what was in it, unplugged the microwave and every clock in the place. The game room had several casino games that came on and scared the crap out of me so they got unplugged also.

  I hadn't seen Duke in a while so went looking, and found him in the basement, in a small room that held the 'stuff' for the wind generator. He was mumbling to himself, and cussing so I left him to it. Can't rush genius, and if he got that thing running he would be a genius. I tiptoed out and went back upstairs.

  The door had been fixed and the window boarded over. I checked the other doors and found Howard nailing boards over the last sliding glass door. We now had one door to worry about and it had its own padlock. We would be secure tonight. I was glad, my bones hurt I was so tired and I know everyone else was worn to the nubbin also.

  Duke dragged in and found us sitting in the dining room. We had taken all the small tables and made a long dining table. There was a bowl or mixed fruit, a platter of fresh sliced tomatoes and a pan of biscuits. We just stared at the food, too tired to make a move.

  "I heard we were having a meeting" Duke said around a mouth full of tomatoes...not a pretty sight.

  "We need to figure out what we need to get through the winter. We have some time yet, but if we need another wind generator we need to get it now. When the lodge was up and running they supplemented their electricity with the wind generator, and now we have to use it for all our needs. So do we need another one or not?"

  "Another one wouldn't hurt, that is a big freezer. We also need to figure out some kind of fence to put around the place to keep the walkers out. I was thinking, if we go to town, get what we need in 53 foot trailers, we can use the trailers, end to end, on their side as fences. That way we could let the cow free range and Mason can drive the truck. Then we could also use the trailers for storage."

  "Good idea, I like it. A wind generator will take up a couple of trailers, and we can pick up a new fridge to." I looked at Sarah, and she grinned real big. She wasn't too keen on cleaning out the fridge either. "There's a black board behind the welcome desk, if you think of something just write it down there."

  "It seems like we have things pretty well ship shape in here. Are there objections to sleeping here tonight? I know we got pretty comfortable in our rigs but the queen size bed up there has my name written all over it, so I am trying it out tonight."

  Everyone looked at Mason then Howard. They just shrugged their shoulders. "If we're staying here then we need to hit the sack soon. I don't want any lights on tonight, Duke still doesn't have the cameras up and won't till he gets the electricity goin."

  "I'm almost there. Tricky things those wind generators but I think I know what the problem is. Tomorrow I should have it goin"

  I said my goodnights and walked slowly out of the dining room into the great room. Standing in front of the fireplace, I wondered if I had chosen well, and if the choice I had made would keep us safe. Then I wandered up the stairs down the short hall and into my new bedroom. Someone had laid out my pj's and I smiled as I picked them up and went into the bathroom.

  I dragged my tired butt over to the queen size bed with the huge comforter, pulled back the covers and slid under the sheets.

  Oh my God, I thought...then for some reason I cried myself to sleep.

  The crow of a rooster intruded in my sleep. I lay there confused at the sound, then rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling fan slowly turning above me. Ceiling fan turning? What the hell? Oh, yea, I remember now, and stretched slowly while trying to ignore my bladder. I squinted at my watch, sat up in bed and blinked at the time, blinked again and peered closer at the dial. It was after 10 am.

  What the hell? I flipped back the covers, walked to the window and lost my breath. The snowcapped mountains in the distance brought tears to my eyes. When the virus hit, I was in Florida keeping Lacy company while our parents were in Italy trying to revive their marriage. I didn't think I would ever get back to Montana, and with so many friends.

  I heard banging coming from the front of the building so someone was up. I hurried and dressed, pulling on new jeans and a chambray shirt and black Nikes. I hurried downstairs and found Howard finishing up on the bracket for Duke's camera.

  "Mornin" he said around a mouth full of screws. "The door is fixed and the window is as good as it's gonna be. There's breakfast on that is killer. We let ya sleep in, you needed it."

  "Oh, and you don't"

  "Never could sleep in. My eyes open all by themselves. Bubba has trouble sleepin too but I think it's cause he sleeps all day."

  "I'll be in as soon as I finish this last bracket up. They got the best coffee in the world stocked here and I sure would like another cup."

  The turned back and noticed Duke's room had tables lined up against the wall with monitors and computers and things. I also noticed two sets of legs sticking out among the wires one with an a ace bandage and realize one set belonged to Mandy. That made me feel a whole lot better.

  I followed wonderful smells into the dining room and the buffet table near the door. Sarah had been busy. Coffee and mugs were standing ready and I helped myself. I nodded at Lacy and Randy who sat near the window talking softly, and wandered into the kitchen and a pleasant surprise. Someone had gone out and collected eggs, a lot of eggs and none with marks on em.

  "Great idea about the eggs," she said as she cleaned out a cabinet. "There's scrambled eggs on the buffet table along with toast. Help yourself, I ate hours ago, I couldn't sleep just thinking about this wonderful kitchen. Go. Go" she shooed me out the door. I went straight to the scramble eggs and was tempted to eat them from the bowl but I got a plate like a normal person.

  I was enjoying a full stomach and hot coffee when Duke came in with Mandy limping alongside him. She was helping him a lot. I was suspicious she was also learning a lot about computers cause that's the way Duke was. Mandy gave me the thumbs up and a smile then went to sit with her dad. The clicking of nails on the hardwood floors signal Bubba with Howard close behind.

  "Those brackets are ready when you are Duke."

  "Thanks, Howard, I'll get to them in a minute. Me and Mandy wanted some more of that orange juice, ain't that right Mandy girl?" Mandy gave the thumbs up again and we all smiled. She had an orange mustache.

  Everyone soon filtered out to do whatever. I was left standing there wondering what to do. When did I become idle? I wondered upstairs and did some housekeeping and then wandered back to the kitchen. Mandy was there sucking down some more orange juice at the little kitchen table. We had some girl talk which amounted to me talking and her shaking or nodding her head.

  I just was getting ready to ask where Sarah was when she looked behind me and got a look of absolute terror on her face. I managed to duck, whirled around, grab a wooden spoon and backed up at the same time Mandy started screaming. The walker came at me because I was closer.

  I yelled "You have got to be kidding me", as I fended off its arms then backed up to the table and threw the spoon at it and grabbed a chair. Mandy continued to scream. "Keep screaming Mandy girl" and pulled back when it grabbed my shirt. "What's with you guys, ain't there little animals around you can terrorize?." I ducked again. "You're really pissing me off" then it pulled the chair from my grasp.

  "Where the HELL is everyone?" I yelled and grabbed Mandy and side stepped behind the table as it reached for me. "When I say so Mandy, run like hell." I didn't see if she heard me or not, I just kept dodging the zombie until it decided to climb onto the table. I grabbed a skillet off the counter, and BONG! Right up side of the head. It had been soaking evidently because wet stuff went everywhere. Then I hit it again and I yelled "Run Mandy", and she took off. The walker made like it was going to follow her until I bonged it upside the head again, then it came around the table at me. I kept backing around the table until
it was against the wall and then pushed the table as hard as I could. "Now, I got ya, shit head" and kept pushing. Where was everyone? "How’s it feel, puss face? I was almost vibrating I was so wound up. "I've had with you all" pushing the table harder until it all of a sudden just slipped and the walker fell. The table had cut it in half and the top half was crawling across the table after me. Yikes! yuck, gross. I backed up slowly and was looked for something to kill it with when its head blew up. I was deaf! A gun had gone off near my head and I was deaf. I turned to run and ran into Mason.

  He grabbed me as I yelled, "What took you so long?" and my legs just went out from under me. So much for adrenaline.

  Mason pulled me up then supported me into the great room where he sat me gently on the couch. That’s when the shaking started. He just pulled me up against him and held me till I settled down. I let him as I nuzzled his neck. He smelled like fresh air, pine needles and Mason. The bangs coming from the kitchen was the removal of the walkers pieces, ok, don't think about that...Then I heard a small voice crying "Mama, mama, mama." Mandy? Mason helped me over Dukes room and we saw Sarah cradling Mandy on her bed as she cried. "Mama, mama". Sarah smiled at me though the tears as she rocked the small child. "Shhh, baby, mama's here" she whispered "Mamas here". I started crying then so Mason led me back to my couch. "Where was everyone?" I asked. "What took you so long?"

  "It was only a couple of minutes, JD. We came running at the first scream". He gently caressed my back as he rocked me. "It just seemed longer when you're scared. We're trying to figure out where it came from. We cleared the whole building yesterday but it had to be hiding somewhere. We'll figure it out, ok, just relax for now."

  "No problem, I can't do much more than breathe right now anyway. If Mandy hadn't warned me I'd by dead. I'm gonna stay right here till this whole place has been secured again. I can't handle another dance with the devil so go, conquer...I'm done." and with that I put my feet up on the table, leaned back and left them to it. Mason stood and looked down at me then turned and walked that fine ass of his into the next room. Sigh.


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