Saving Forever

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Saving Forever Page 2

by Cary Hart



  “Come here.” He motions for me to step out.

  After drying me off, he wraps me up and carries me back to the bed. Laying me down, he climbs in after me, pulling me close.

  Wrapping me up in his arms, he holds me close, my back to his front, but that’s not enough for me. I need to see him. Make sure this is real. Turning in his arms, I snuggle close, wrapping my arms around his and intertwine our legs.

  “Well, hello there.” He looks down, amused. “Comfortable?”

  “Mmmhmmm.” I nuzzle his neck, practically purring my satisfaction.

  During the night we talk about anything and everything, except for the one thing we should know…each other’s names.

  “What’s your name?” I take the chance, hoping I can get it out of him.

  “No names.”

  Raising my head up, I say, “Seriously?”

  “Not tonight.” He gives me a soft, sweet kiss. “Tonight we live.”

  Pulling my head back, I look this mystery man in the eyes, wondering who he is and why he wandered onto my beach and into my bed. I decide to let it go for tonight. “Tonight we live,” I agree, succumbing to sleep.

  When I wake up, I feel a chill. Pulling the covers back over me, I roll over to wrap myself up in my mystery man’s arms, only to find the bed empty. Sitting up quickly, I look around the room.

  “Where is he?” I ponder. Then hear clanging in the kitchen and smell coffee brewing.

  Sliding out of bed, I throw on some panties and an oversized sweatshirt. Covering my nose and mouth, I access the damaging. Making a sour face, I pad to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Flipping on the light I look in the mirror, wiping the sleep from my face. That’s when I see it. The note.


  I wish I could be that guy who stayed, but the truth is, I’m too busy to live life. Last night can’t happen again.

  I’m sorry. Please forgive me.


  Confused, I rush out to the kitchen. “Changed your mind?”

  “About what?” Lillian looks back at me, sipping her coffee.

  Looking around I ask, “Did you see anyone leave?”

  “Hmmm?” she says absentmindedly, tapping out an email on her phone.


  He’s gone.

  “He’s gone.” I say aloud, splashing water on my face one more time.

  Grabbing the wrapper, I shove it back in the box, grabbing the stick to slide it in and hide all evidence. As I slide in it I glance back down.

  “What in the world?” I see two blue lines laughing back at me.


  Chapter 2


  “Don’t blow this.” Lillian looks over to me. “I had to pull in a huge favor from Ferris to get you this job.”

  “Lil,” I plead with her.

  “Lillian…my name is Lillian Richards.”

  Turning in my seat, I look at her. Really look at her and wonder how we are even related.

  My mom, Roselyn, was a single mom. Artistic and full of life, much like I am. Mom fell hard for Lilly’s dad, running away with him, and living life on the road with nothing but a bag and a few canvases.

  A year and a couple tours later, my mom ended up pregnant. Excited, she went to tell him of her news, but he had a surprise of his own — his band had signed a record deal.

  After a night of celebrating, my mom woke up ready to tackle the world, but what she hadn’t planned on was waking up alone, with a check attached to a note that said to never contact him again.

  My mom raised Lilly alone until she was five and met my dad, David Daniels, an accountant in the San Diego Bay area. Quickly falling in love with my mom and Lillian, he proposed a few months later.

  Lillian loved my dad, she was his world, but when I was born 10 years later, she started to withdraw. I’m not sure if I was the reason why she is the way she is or if my coming along made her realize that she looks different from the rest of us.

  “Lillian, I didn’t want this job. You felt the need for me to have this job.”

  “Really? Is that how you see it?” she asks, irritated. “Because how I see it…you slept with a random stranger, failed to use protection and ended up pregnant like Mom.”

  Here we go again.

  Not wanting to relive the conversation from when she found out I was pregnant, I give in and move on.

  “I told you I would take care of this. I took the job for the rest of the summer and we will go from there.”

  “Do what Ferris tells you to do and maybe you will find this job lasting more than just a summer…” She pulls into the lot for the temporary office and parks by the door. “Here we are. I have a meeting in an hour and am unavailable to pick you up afterwards.”

  “It’s fine. I have a friend picking me up.”

  “Oh, Lord. Well, have them park down the road. You don’t want Ferris to see the type of people you hang around with.”

  “My type of people?”

  “Just go. You’re going to be late.”

  “I’m going.”

  “Not fast enough.” She looks me up and down. “And you may want to expand your wardrobe to include a more…businesslike attire.”

  Looking down, I try to see what she sees. Nothing is wrong with what I’m wearing. It’s a cute, black wrap dress. Maybe a little too much cleavage, but it’s the only thing that wasn’t a tank top and maxi skirt.

  “Bye, Lillian.”


  Opening the door, I step in and look around. The office is fairly big for a temporary setup. According to Lilly, Ferris spent a couple million on this 1,800-square-foot building, so he can work in the environment he is accustomed to.

  Walking around, my eye catches a name plate, Daisy Daniels. As I sit down, I notice a note on my desk.

  Miss Daniels,

  Welcome. Mr. Hampton and I are out of state for a series of meetings. Please feel free to make yourself at home.

  Colin Palmer, Tanner Construction, will be in and out of the office. You were hired to fill in when I am busy. Please see to it that he has what he needs.

  If you turn on your computer you will find a word document with your email, websites and passcodes.

  I have forwarded you a series of emails that will need your attention. Please see that you take care of those immediately.

  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me.


  Allison Courtney, Personal Assistant — Ferris Hampton

  “You can do this…how hard can it be?” I power up the computer to see what my first task will be.

  “Giving yourself a pep talk?” A sexy-as-hell, dark-haired, blue-eyed stranger comes out of the dark office across the hall.

  “Oh shit! You scared the hell out me!” I exclaim, accidently knocking the papers off my desk.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to. I had a headache, so I had the lights off while I was on the phone.” He strides over to help pick up the papers.

  “It’s OK, I got it.”

  “Daisy, is it?”

  Nodding, “Yes, and you must be Mr. Palmer?”

  “Please, call me Colin.” He bends down, helping me gather the mess on the floor.

  Our fingers touch, I pull mine back. You would think as attractive as he is, I would have felt something, but I felt nada. Not even a tiny little spark.

  Colin stands up, pulling me with him. “So, they hired Allison a minion. Interesting.”

  “Why is it so interesting?”

  “We never had a need for an extra person before.”

  “My sister told me that he was in need of extra hands to help around the office and to help you finish up here.”

  “That’s right, you are Lillian Richards’ kid sister.” He looks me over slowly, licking his lips.

  “Yes, I’m her younger sister and what is it to you?”

  “It’s nothing to me. Just
find it funny that we are just a couple months out from finishing the job and he thinks I need assistance now?” He turns and starts for his door. “Sounds to me like your sister called in a favor to Ferris and this is nothing more than a pity hire."

  “Pity hire?” I’m confused. She did call in a favor, but only because they needed someone.

  He nods. “Yep. I mean seriously? Look at you. You aren’t cut out for this world, sweetheart. This job is a little more difficult than laying out, working on your so-called natural glow.” He turns and walks back into his office, shutting the door behind him.

  “You don’t know me! I can do this!” I holler after him, hoping he hears me.

  What is it with these people?

  Determined, I go through the emails, check off everything that was on my list and organize a new one for tomorrow.

  I will prove them all wrong.

  Six hours later, I type out a text to Brian, the bartender down the road, to see if he can give me a ride home, but apparently he got stuck working the next shift. Texting a few others, I get the same response, working, out of town, at a party…the excuses are endless. The point is, I need someone and as always, no one is there.

  “You going home?” Colin comes out of his office, keys and phone in hand.

  “Yeah, I’m just trying to find a ride.” Pulling up the Uber app on my phone as we speak.

  “Get your stuff. I’ll take you home.”

  “It’s OK. Really.” Passing. I don’t want him to get the wrong idea.

  “Come on. I don’t bite.” He heads for the door.

  “Umm…Colin, I really need this job.” I’m hesitant to go. All I need is for him to come on to me and I get fired.

  “Daisy, you’re fine as hell, but I’m into redheads.” He winks. “Now grab your things and let’s go. We have a busy day tomorrow.”

  Grabbing my bag and phone, I follow him out. “Thanks, my car will be out of the shop next week.”

  “Next week? How do you plan on getting to work?” Colin walks over to the passenger side of his car and opens the door for me.

  “I’m sure Lillian will drive me.” I hop in and he shuts the door.

  He goes around to the driver’s side and climbs in. “No offense, but your sister is a bitch. Why don’t I just pick you up in the morning? I head in around seven to grab coffee and check emails before I go out to the site.”

  I chuckle. Lilly is a handful. “No offense taken. That would be great. The less I have to hear her bitch, the better.” I look out the window recalling the past week. Non-stop lecturing and disappointment. She wants me to take care of this situation and I will, but I’m beginning to think what she has in mind and what I do are totally two different things. “Colin…thanks. I really needed a break today.”

  “Believe it or not, I know the feeling.” He reaches to turn up the radio, making conversation impossible. The interference is welcomed.

  Maybe this job won’t be so bad after all. So far, so good.

  Chapter 3


  A week in and everything is great. I feel good, I’m killing it at work and Colin has actually been a huge help. I guess you can even call us friends. Over the weekend, he had a dinner meeting with a potential client and needed me to tag along and take mental notes to translate on paper later.

  Since I agreed to go with him, he told me I could come in late on Monday, which was perfect since I had my first doctor’s appointment at 8 a.m. I told him that I just wanted to chill and catch a few waves. He seemed to buy it. Plus, he said Ferris wouldn’t be back until Tuesday so we didn’t have to explain the situation.

  While eating a quick bite, I decide to text Nonie to see if she is playing nice with Pops.

  Me: Hey!

  Non: Is for horses.

  Me: Hardy Har! How’s the trip?

  Non: Oh it’s perfect. We found this wonderful little beach. Clothes are optional… now your Pops is suffering from red balls.

  Me: OMG

  Non: OMG is right. They are all red and shriveled up. It’s not a pretty sight, but rubbing aloe vera on it has been pretty fun. ;)

  Me: NONIE! Stop!

  Non: You are starting to sound uptight like your sister. When I told you to take life by the balls, I meant it literally. Go grab some balls.

  Me: Gotta go. I’m almost late for my doctor’s appointment.

  Shit! Shit! Shit!

  Non: Appointment? Are you sick?

  Me: No, it’s just a checkup.

  Which isn’t a lie.

  Non: Well, OK. Take care and if you need me just call. We will fly back in a heartbeat.

  Me: I know. Love you. XOXO

  Non: Back at you kiddo.

  That was close.

  Luckily, Colin let me borrow his car and opted for the hotel car service instead. He didn’t go into details, but I guess taking me home after work put a damper on his dating life. He said he didn’t date, but if I thought of it any other way, I would be disgusted.

  You’re no better.

  Grabbing his keys I head toward the door. “Crap!” I head back in to snatch my bag of snacks I forgot on the table.


  Sitting in the doctor’s office, I look around. There are two sections. One for women who are not pregnant, coming in for their annual, some other issue or the forbidden STD and then there is the other…one for the knocked up.

  Every woman in here has someone with them. Either their spouse, fiancé, boyfriend, girlfriend, friend or mother. I have no one. I have never felt more alone.

  “Daisy…Daisy Daniels.” The nurse peeks her head around the corner searching the crowd for me.

  “That’s me.” I wave and head toward the door.

  “Well, hello there. I’m Jamie.” She points to her nametag. “I’m sure we will be getting to know each extremely well over the next nine months.”

  “Hi!” I’m nervous.

  “Did you give a sample while waiting?”


  “Urine sample?”

  “No. I didn’t. Was I supposed to? Crap! I’m going to suck at this. I can’t even give a urine sample.” Anxiety fills my head with doubt.

  “Slow down.” She rubs my back, comforting me. “I was hoping you didn’t give a sample. We are going to do your first ultrasound today and if your bladder is full we may be able to get a shot from the outside. If not we will have to go in vaginally.”

  “Oh.” I say, not knowing how to respond. I have no clue what she is talking about.

  “Here you go.” She guides me in. “I just need to take down a few notes and then in a few minutes, Dr. Griffith will be in to see you.”

  After a few jokes and a million questions later, she orders me to undress from the waist down, get on the table and wait for the doctor to come in.

  Doing as I was told, I sit, waiting restlessly, the paper that lines the table wrinkling under me.

  Knock! Knock!

  The door opens and the doctor comes in.

  Hello there!

  Doc walks in and he is a sight to be seen — more than six feet tall, dark and extremely handsome. More like a cover model than a doctor.

  “Well, hello there...” He pauses to look down at his charts. “…Miss Daniels. I’m Dr. Griffith. How are you feeling?”

  “I feel good actually, but I have been feeling pretty tired.”

  “That’s normal. You will adjust.” He opens the sheet revealing my stomach, but leaving me covered below. “According to the chart it looks like you are about eight six weeks, but to make sure we are going to see what we can find out.”

  “It is eight weeks.”

  “That sure huh?”

  “Umm, yes. I haven’t been with anyone else.”

  “That’s good to know. I’m sure the father will appreciate that.”

  “He doesn’t know,” I confess.

  Reaching for the jelly, he stops and turns around. “You haven’t told the father you are pregnant? Are you waiting to c

  “Not exactly.” I’m embarrassed. How do you tell someone Hey, I had unprotected sex and I don’t know the guy’s I’m pregnant.

  “Miss Daniels…”

  “Can you call me Daisy?”

  “Sure...Daisy, I know being pregnant is scary and you’re probably frightened to tell the father, but trust me, it’s not as bad as you think,” he tries to reassure me.

  He takes a seat beside me, applies the warm jelly to my abdomen and begins moving the wand around.

  I’m not sure what makes me blurt it out, but I do. “I don’t know who the father is.”


  “It’s not what you think. I’m not some tramp that goes and sleeps around. I have only been with one other person and we were in a relationship for two years.” I continue talking faster than my brain can function. “He wasn’t a bad guy, we connected, and it wasn’t like he was just trying to use me. We agreed no names until morning.” I begin to cry. “I just didn’t count on him getting spooked before I woke up.”

  Covering my eyes with my arm I begin to cry harder, letting the situation finally sink in. I’m all alone and I don’t have anyone to turn to.

  “Daisy, shhhh.” He takes my hand in both of his and tries to soothe me. “I believe you, but you need to calm down. You’ve been dealt a shitty hand, but as your doctor I know things can be worse. From what I can tell, you are a healthy, twenty-one-year-old young woman, growing another human being inside her. You can do this, but you need to be strong. Pregnancy isn’t easy and if you have a friend, mom or sibling to help you out that would be beneficial to you. As confident as I am that you can do this alone…you shouldn’t have to.”

  Freeing my hand to wipe my eyes. I process what he is saying. I can do this.

  “Thank you. I don’t know what came over me.”

  “Darlin’, that is just the hormones talking…it gets worse.”


  “Yep, now let’s see what your little jelly bean is doing in there.” He turns back around, moving the wand around my belly, while watching the screen.

  Chapter 4


  Leaving the doctor’s office in a better mood than when I went in, I decide to surprise Colin and grab us a couple iced lattes…decaf for myself.


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