Saving Forever

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Saving Forever Page 5

by Cary Hart

  Ferris shuts me down, looks at me with pity then continues, owning the conversation.

  “Daisy, not a problem, I wanted to make sure Ms. Russo feels at home at Hampton Enterprises and rescheduled my meeting for later this afternoon.” He says my name forgoing all formalities we discussed early.

  What is he doing?

  Ferris walks over to Natalie, shaking her hand longer than necessary. I’m not sure why I’m still standing there, but I am. Watching him shake her hand, touching her lower back, guiding her into his office.

  I’m not sure what I’m feeling, but it feels as if the green-eyed monster is rearing its ugly head.

  Just as I’m about to turn around, I see Ferris standing at the door looking at me. I look back at him, confused.

  “Daisy, hold all calls.” He smirks as he shuts the door.

  “What was that?”

  “What was what?” Ben, our lead project manager, comes around the corner.

  “Oh, nothing.”

  “Hey, you have a little something on your lip.” He brushes his own lip trying to show me where it’s at.

  “Are you joking?” I rush over to the hallway mirror.

  Seriously? I reach up to wipe off the small speck of blueberry. UGH!

  Chapter 9


  Today was hell! If I have to fetch Ferris another coffee or listen to him call Natalie beautiful one more time, I may barf.

  Well, he didn’t call her beautiful except that one time, that I heard, and I may have only had to get him ice and milk for his coffee once, but it felt like more.

  Shaking it off. I head toward the spare office where Ferris had my wardrobe delivered. Instantly, I’m overwhelmed. Clothes everywhere. Purses, shoes, jewelry, everything to make an outfit complete is in this room.

  Looking through the racks, I settle on a tight little black dress that dips down in the front to show off a little cleavage, with matching Louis Vuitton shoes. I top it off with two-carat diamond stud earrings and a matching tennis bracelet.

  Twirling around, I feel beautiful. Someone worthy to be on the arm of Ferris Hampton, the world’s top golf and luxury resort developer.

  “I thought I said meet me out front?”

  Stopping mid-twirl, I turn, placing my hand on my hip. “Do you always have to take the fun out of everything?” I spread my arms out. “If you shipped me all this and expected me not to go girlie in here…you’re crazier than I thought.”

  “I gave specific instructions.”

  “Ferris, chill. We have ten minutes. Allow me to go girlie.”

  “Fine… see you out front.”

  After pinning my long locks up into a side chignon to show off the earrings, I dab on a little nude lip gloss and smoky up the eyes. Feeling complete, I head out to meet Ferris.

  The closer I get to him, the more nervous I get.

  Business first, then baby talk later.

  Ferris has his back toward me, talking on the phone. “No, it’s no trouble at all. We will see you soon.” He hangs up the phone and turns around.

  “Holy shit!”

  Disappointment hits me head-on.

  “I’m sorry, I thought you would like it.”


  “I’ll go change. Would you prefer to pick something out?”


  “Please, hurry, I don’t want to make us late.”

  “Daisy! You look perfect.”

  A small smile curves my lips. “I do?”

  “Yes, you do.” He smiles back.

  I walk over to him and he holds out his hand for me to take it. “I believe our car is waiting.”

  “Let me just grab my phone.” I walk over to my desk, eyeing a bite of blueberry lemon scone left. The right thing to do would be toss it away, but I can’t. I want that last piece. Not able to resist temptation, I pop the bite into my mouth. Chewing quickly as I hurry back over to Ferris, who is watching my every move.

  “Daisy…” he growls.

  “I’m sorry Ferris, I was starved and those are so damn—”

  One minute I’m talking, the next Ferris has me pinned against the wall. My breathing hitches.

  “What if I wanted that bite?”

  “Well, then you should have said something.” I zero in on his mouth. Then back to his eyes.

  “Would you have given me the bite?” He licks his lips, already knowing the answer. I’ve eaten every single scone that has been brought into this building.

  “No, I wouldn’t have.”

  “Then I’ll have to take it.” He smashes our lips together. Licking, biting, tasting the inside of my mouth. Taking what he wants.

  I’m so lost in the moment I can’t think. I kiss back, grabbing, rocking.

  Lifting my leg up, he grabs it. Not needing directions, I lift my other and jump up, arms wrapping around his neck.

  “Please,” I beg for more.

  This is what I crave, what I need. Him.


  Hearing the car service out front causes Ferris to freeze. Slowly he puts me down and fixes my dress. Both of us breathing hard and not nearly finished we stand there, looking at each other.

  “Ferris, I –”

  “The car is waiting.” He looks past me in the mirror, adjusting his tie. “We will not be late.”

  Turning, I take a quick glance and see I almost look the same, the only difference, desire radiates off me.

  “Ready?” He grabs my hand.

  “Yes! Let’s do this.” I let him pull me along behind him.

  He opens the door for me and as I start to get in, I find someone already in the car. “What are you doing here?”

  “The question is what are you doing here, little sis?” Lilly pins me down with her stare. I swear she hides laser beams behind her eyes.

  “Ferris and I have a business meeting to attend.” She looks around me to Ferris. “You ready? We can’t be late.”

  “Lillian, I thought you weren’t going to be able to make it tonight?”

  “I swapped some things around, changed flights so I could make it back to you.”

  “I told you that wasn’t necessary.”

  “I wanted to.” She bats her eyes.

  OMG! Lilly is flirting.

  “Ferris, it’s fine. You don’t want to be late to your meeting. I’ll just go change and head home,” I say.

  “Keep the clothes.”

  “Okay. Thanks.” I reply, trying my best to sound gracious. “Well, you kids have fun.” I wave like an idiot, not sure of what to do with myself.

  I run back inside and change clothes. Then I find the receipt on the counter so I can call the shopper to come pick up the items and return them. This wasn’t part of the deal. He has Lillian for that.



  Walking through the restaurant, I take note of all the couples. They look happy. I’ve never noticed this before.

  Pulling Lillian behind me, I squeeze her hand. Not to show affection, merely to guide her in the direction I wanted. I notice it doesn’t fit. We don’t fit.

  Arriving at our table, I pull out Lillian’s chair, standing until she is seated.

  “Looks like we are a little early.”

  “We are always early.” My eyes are still roaming the restaurant, truly seeing my surroundings for the first time.

  “So, can we address the elephant in the room?” Lillian reaches over and grabs my cell phone to check the time. “Why was Daisy dressed up and getting into the car?”

  “Let’s get this straight. First, don’t touch my phone. Second, she is my new personal assistant and she was filling in since you were unavailable.” I grab my phone back, stuffing it in my inner pocket.

  “Sir?” The waiter interrupts handing me a phone.

  “Ferris, I’m sorry to call you on short notice, but I tried to reach you on your cell. My wife and I won’t be able to make it tonight. She fell ill on our trip and I’m afraid we were unable t
o catch a flight in.”

  “Not a problem, Mr. Daniels. I’ll have my personal assistant call you back to reschedule.”

  Is it really not a problem? Why wouldn’t he just leave her? Why stay? She is an adult.

  “Sounds good. I look forward to hearing what you have to offer. In the meantime, give my girls hell.”

  “Pardon me?”

  “Lillian Richards and Daisy Daniels.”

  “Your girls?” I repeat, trying to sort out what he is saying.

  “My granddaughters. Keep them in line…listen, my apologies, but my wife needs me.” Click.

  His granddaughters. Mr. Daniels. The condo.

  “Fuck!” I curse, causing the diners at the tables near us to turn around.

  “Lillian, Mr. Daniels is your grandfather?”

  “Yes.” She looks irritated that I asked. “Edward and Claire Daniels are my dad’s parents. Well, my dad that raised me.”

  “Didn’t you fucking think that I needed to know this?”

  I’m getting more pissed with each second. This is the condo. The one Daisy lives in. The one she calls home. The one she has plans for in the future. Shit!

  Wait…why do you care?

  “Ferris, since when did you care how you get a piece of property? This is prime real estate and I have gotten everyone else to sell. The only holdup is my grandparents. What is the big deal?”

  “It’s not. Let’s go.” I stand up, pull out my wallet and throw a couple hundred dollar bills on the table.

  “Don’t you even want to have dinner?” She pouts.

  Reaching out for my hand, Lillian tries to pull me back down. Her touch stings, I feel sick. I just need out. I need air.

  Leaving her behind, I head outside. Everyone is looking, staring. The same couples I examined coming in do the same to me as I leave. What am I? Who am I?

  “Ferris! Wait up,” Lillian calls after me.

  Reaching the doors, I burst out. Everything is coming at me full force. I feel trapped.

  “Here let me.” Lillian loosens my tie and starts to unbutton my top button.

  Looking down, I see her, my beautiful angel, but she quickly disappears. “Don’t! Don’t touch me.” I smack her hands away.

  “The car is here, let’s go.” She grabs my hand and once again, I notice the chill. Not the warmth I felt that night.

  Getting in I tell the driver to take me back to the office. The ride seems longer than normal.

  “We’re here. Time to get out.”

  “Take her home,” I order.

  “I can stay.” She tries to help, but I refuse. She’s not the one I need right now.

  “I don’t want you to stay,” I spit out, shutting the door, signaling the driver to go.

  Walking into the trailer, I head straight for my office and to the decanter that holds the 50-year-old scotch. Pouring myself a couple fingers, I quickly down them and repeat the process.

  Walking down the hall, I hold the glass in one hand and unbutton the rest of my shirt with the other. Finding myself opening the door to the spare room, I walk in.

  “What the fuck…” I can’t believe what I’m seeing.

  The clothes are gone. The jewelry, shoes and accessories, all gone. Looking around at the now-empty space, I remember Daisy twirling, looking so damn beautiful. She thought I didn’t notice, but I did.

  That’s the problem. I always notice her. She makes me feel things I don’t want to feel. So, I hide. Like the fucking coward I am.

  Turning to leave, I go to shut off the light, but something on the shelf catches my eye. A note. I know what the note is going to say, but I open it to torture myself.


  Thank you for the making me feel like a princess in a world that forgets about fairytales, but I couldn’t keep these. I had them returned.


  “Damn it!” I turn out the light and storm to her desk to leave her a note of my own. How dare she fucking come here and turn my world upside down. She is going to destroy me.

  Turning down the hall, I see her desk, but my eyes fall to what sits on top. A blueberry lemon scone with another note.

  My Perfect Stranger,

  I found one last scone. It’s yours.

  I hope you got your contract signed.

  See you in the morning.


  What have I gotten myself in to?

  Chapter 10


  Another three weeks pass and I still haven’t had the opportunity to tell Ferris that he is going to be a daddy.

  In three weeks, I have dealt with my share of stress. My Nonie being sick while on vacation, refusing to come home. My mom worrying about my health and all the hours I’ve been putting in. Lilly, lecturing me on my life. Telling me I’m screwing up my child’s life before it’s even born.

  Ferris, acting moodier than I am, which says a lot since I’m the pregnant one.

  The only positive? Natalie. She has been my saving grace, keeping me sane during this crazy journey.

  Last Friday, after work, we went for drinks to talk and vent about this week’s frustrations. Nat, not being able to hold her liquor is still making me pay for getting her plastered. It’s not like I meant to. I happened to mention they had the best long island ice teas. I just failed to mention I wasn’t drinking them. So, every time the waitress came, and I got a refill she did too. Oopsie! I’m sure she isn’t too mad. That night Colin came to pick her up. She thinks I didn’t seem them making out in the hallway, but I did. I just have been so wrapped up in my own life that I forgot to give her hell about it.

  Colin, decided to treat us girls to a spa day yesterday and then again today to get our hair and makeup done before the Legend’s Ball.

  I shouldn’t be excited, but I am. Ferris asked me to go with him a couple days ago. Well, he didn’t really ask, more like told. Given the past three weeks, I’m not sure if this date is for business or pleasure.

  Now it’s the day of the event. I’m sitting in the makeup chair chatting it up with Natalie and her friend Lexi, whom I have grown to love over the past couple days. Lexi is not only sweet but sassy. Something she said only happened after she married Marco. Plus, she is the supplier to my blueberry lemon scone addiction. What’s not to love? Insta-friendship.

  “Girls, today has been amazing.” Lexi walks in looking gorgeous.

  “You look beautiful! Your makeup is flawless and the red lip is classic.” I peek around my makeup artist. “Scones?”

  “I brought some yesterday,” she replies.

  “They’re gone.” I duck back behind the mirror to finish getting ready and to avoid the judgement of the dozen scones I ate overnight.

  “You ate them all?” Lexi looks amused.

  “They’re her favorite,” Natalie pipes up, defending me and my scone addiction.

  “I can’t help it. They’re good. Better than good.” I peer around the mirror one more time. “It’s the combination of the blueberries and lemon…I can’t get enough. They are like crack or something. Not that I’ve had crack. But if I eat another bite of anything today, I probably won’t fit into my dress.”

  “Speaking of which…” Natalie looks around. “Where are they?”

  Just as she asks the question, three employees come in bearing three garment bags. After hanging them on the hooks in the individual changing rooms, which are the size of a small bedroom, they leave.

  “Ask and you shall receive.” I walk over to each bag and slowly unzip them.

  As Natalie and I help Lexi into her dress, she instantly transforms, like Julia Roberts from “Pretty Woman.” Beautiful, classy and elegant.

  “Who’s next?” Lexi claps, getting excited.

  “ME!” I bounce up and down.

  I’m ready to see the dress I kept back from the clothes Ferris had brought in for me. I couldn’t help it. As much as I know fairytales aren’t real, this dress made me believe.

  Slowly Lexi unzips my bag to reveal a long, gauzy, s
nowy-white gown with empire's breathtaking. As many times as I tried it on, every time felt like the first time. Like it was magical.

  “Guys it looks smaller than when I last tried it on. What if it doesn’t fit?” I worry my bottom lip.

  “It’ll fit,” Nat tries to be reassuring.

  “I don’t know…she did eat a dozen scones in less than two days,” Lexi jokes.

  Glaring at her, I slide my arms through the tiny capped sleeves, made entirely of lace, which barely cover my sun-kissed shoulders. They fasten the clasp and step back.

  Smoothing out my billowing skirt and adjusting the wide gold belt, I turn around to see myself in the mirror. I feel like a princess. I’m glowing; the fitted, scalloped, lace bodice barely contains my newly found cleavage. With my golden curls piled atop my head, a few escaping to frame my face, and understated makeup in smoky golds, I feel like a Greek goddess or beautiful angel.

  “You, my friend, are sexy as hell!” Lexi states. “Every man is going to be looking at those things.” She points to my ample cleavage.

  “I didn’t even know you had those things,” Natalie joins in.

  “It’s the dress.” I nod and stick my hand down the dress, pretending to adjust things. “Miracle Bra inserts.”

  “If that is the case, you should be their spokesperson because every woman there is going to be jealous of what you have and every man is going to be looking at you wishing they had you,” Nat says. "You could give those girls at New York fashion week a run for their money."

  Lexi nods in agreement.

  “Okay, Nat, your turn!” I squeak.

  “Guys, I can’t. I’m's just that...what if it’s ugly? What if it doesn’t fit?” Natalie starts to freak.

  “What if you don’t get your ass in there and try it on…?” Lexi interrupts, and I smirk in agreement.

  “Geesh, okay, okay," Natalie says.

  “Girl you are going to look beautiful in whatever lies within that bag…so, open it.” I say, standing still waiting for her, patiently, to open the bag and see the contents.

  Watching Natalie open the bag, we stand back, watching her expression change with each passing moment.

  “It’s a grown-up version of my prom dress,” Natalie whispers to herself, questioning how.


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